Didn't See, Don't Want To See The Live Action Aladdin. The Best I've Heard Was That It Was Sub-par. But
Didn't see, don't want to see the live action Aladdin. The best I've heard was that it was sub-par. But I mean, best to you Jasmin, you'll be a way better sultan than Aladdin would be.
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I deleted youtube and MTG Arena off my phone and now I don't know what to do with myself.
"What We Did"

Happy very late veterans day!
I know everyone hates Rose Quarts but I don't. I watched an interesting video forever ago about how part of the reason everyone hates her is because we watched her character progression backwards. And so we saw the best of her first and her absolute worst deeds last, without ever hearing her apology, or giving her the time and opportunity to make right. But I still like her, the one solid critism I hear is that she died to have Steven without ever cleaning up her mess. But may I make a theory that could possibly exonerate her of some of her suckiness?
She thought that once steven died, she'd come back.
Hear me out, a gem has certainly never done half the things Pink Diamond has done. She had no clue what was going to happen, she might have felt confident she could do it. Keep herself even while being part of steven. Maybe this could still be happening! So that her plan was, once steven had died she would come back and fix her mess.
But I hear you, your voices come to me like a prophet receiving visions from an angry god. She should have fixed her crap before she did this. And yah, you're probably right, but let me lesson her sentence of guilt. It had been centuries since the war right? And what was she to do. Her armies were destroyed, and she wouldn't be willing to start new kindergardens; how in the world was she suppose to stop the diamonds. It was a miracle they corrupted the planet and then just left in shame. It been centuries since the war, since anything had happened. How was she to know that she was only 14 years away from their return after so long of nothing.
Should she have instead of doing this, been working with the other crystal gems to come up with a war strategy? Yes. Should she have continued to experient with her immortality granting tears and mass producing spaceships and weapons of war? Yes. But is Greg Universe a total hotty and a catch? Double yes. I don't think she was a mastermind knowing her whole plan from the beginning but probably as she got to know Greg and love him and see his love for children(perhaps he even asked her for a kid). She saw her opportunity. In the eyes of immortals a 20 year old is on their death bed; his and her time were short.
She probably convinced herself that she could do it. That she could come back after stevens death, even if it now seems that she was wrong and that isn't happening.
In conclusion. Rose like any leader ever, has lead countless souls to their death, as well as done more good than those of the time could have ever imagined. That while her actions were never really the best ones possible, she tried, and she tried hard to rebel against her natural instinct to be a child. That while the decision to have steven was a frankly bad idea, she could have had relateable justifications, even if not sufficient justifications.
Uh yah... so thanks for coming to my Tedtalk.
Current mood:
Shooting myself in the foot repeatedly with an automatic weapon while my expression remains unchanged.
You can only give what you have. So if you're going to love others you need to love yourself first.