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9 months ago

Bojack Horseman: Media review of the day

Bojack Horseman is a very interesting show originally the show may entice you into believing its a comedy however around the penultimate episode of season 3 you begin to see the story the show is trying to tell. The show is semi-episodic however there are some episodes a completely new viewer would not find enjoyable.

Without giving away any spoilers the shows comedy aspects are top notch and and have high levels of replayability. The show has a very active community who still regularly posts content. The deeper aspects of the show are very realistic and easily make you feel emotions.

I would not recommend this show for someone looking for a comedy or sitcom experience however.

First season: 7/10

Second season 9/10

Third season 9.2/10

Fourth season 8/10

Fifth season 8/10

Sixth season 9.3/10

Pacing 9/10

Writing/plot 10/10

Comedy 9/10

Characters 9/10

Replayabilty 10/10

Average score 8.85

Best episodes:

6x 15 or the view from halfway down

2. 3x 11 or That's too much man

3. 5x 6 or the free churro episode.

Overall rating 95/100

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9 months ago

If you read solitaire and all you took away from the book was sprolden you read the book wrong !

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9 months ago

Question of the day: why do big events feel the need to have pastors talk about literally only the Christian god in front of a diverse group?

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9 months ago

Question of the day: why do big events have priests talk solely about the Christian god, in front of a diverse group!

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8 months ago

5x10 Bojack (horseman, obviously)

When most people look back on season 5 they think of the penultimate episode.(5x11). But Episode 11 acts a part 2 two for episode 10. As Schaffrillas retrospective shows us the penultimates are always a severing of a relationship for Bojack. And some keen viewers might notice Diane is pretty fed up with Bojacks shit, and does dump him.

The episode doesn't have the titular F-bomb however The relationship that is being severed is arguably more important than Gina. Diane has been there from the beginning while Gina feels like a "Wanda 2" of sorts.

As the episode begins, were greeted by Bojack dying on the floor. We are prompted to prepare from a dark episode but the show, but the episode seems fairly light lots of comedy and cute-ish gina moments. sure Bojacks drug habits sneak through the comedic aspects but don't they always.

around 8 minutes in to the episode Diane and Bojack bump into each other in the first time in months. But nothing extreme comes out of it. Until Bojack gives a speech about how being a shitty person is okay because were all shitty. Which Is a direct call out to the viewers, but also really shows how this is still the same Bojack who killed Sarah lynn.

After this speech Diane is rightfully upset with Bojack and fighting peruses. And Bojack is a fucking asshole but I assumed they would mend after Bojack came clean about the "escape from L.A" incident. At least on my first watch through , but than Bojack says he suffered more than Sarah lynn and I want to strangle him. I want Diane to Use the seasons F-bomb I want this to be penultimate of season 5.

Diane says she's done with the relationship But Bojack Doesn't seem to care he has severed his last relationship with someone who would actually help him, He is a lost cause.

The scene is followed by Bojack forcing Bogina into the public eye by making out with her live on camera unconsentually. But Gina responds happily and for a moment you forget about the last scene and you forget about all the shitty things bojack has done and you have hope for Bogina.

And than you remember.

Im going to talk about about the introduction of Mr Jelly's storyline next time because him fucking Diane was not something I expected. (on my first watch through I'm on my like 39th/hj)

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8 months ago

Lowkey someone should make fanmade episodes of universe city and post them on YouTube.....

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8 months ago

The Big 3 of Lofi's Best songs imo

Powfu- Fallout

Pretty unpopular song but very good, I think the lyrics are very abstract and can be interpreted many ways.

SadBoyProlific- Bruises

Always been a favorite of mine especially now the lyrics and delivery pack so much emotion.

Rxseboy- When we were 16

The story in this song is beautiful, especially when you compare with Are you ok?

Rxseboys two songs with such similar vibes but before and after is really interesting to see.

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8 months ago

Best of the big 3 in lofi-hiphop?

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5 months ago

The American school system is so shit. WHY DOES MY BUS COME AT 6:15 IN THE MORNING.

It has been shown over and over that schools that start later are better for kids.

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8 years ago

3 new songs AND a longer version of Wings. Is that not enough? And, at the end of the day, is it not enough to buy the album as a way to support the boys? Please just appreciate what they have prepared for us and enjoy it, and stop the hate and blatant tagging of the boys in your disappointed posts. If for nothing, then at least for the boys to feel appreciated, and not broken-hearted over how unhappy the fandom is with what they worked hard on. We all know how hard they have and are willing to work; have they not just spoiled us with the WINGS album? So please let them take a break now; let them have time to carefully piece together their music as they see fit, so that they may continue to amaze us in future albums. Let's always make the boys feel loved, yeah? Thank you.

Am I already going to have to reiterate my post from last year when the Day and Night repackaged albums were released? Yes, there are only four new songs on the You Never Walk Alone album. Yes, it is unfair that we are not informed during pre-order whether the album is a full, a mini, or a repackage.

But just remember that pre-ordering the album is a decision that you make, and you are the one who happily goes in and blindly purchases the merchandise. When it turns out to be the opposite of what you expected upon reveal, it is kind of pointless to complain about it and act as though BigHit literally forced you to submit your payment with their bare hands, because they certainly did not. At the end of the day, you are the one who went through and made a purchase in the dark when the pre-order remains to be available until the day before the album drop. I understand that excitement can overrule patience, but that is your own doing. Stop trying to blame your faults on the company by insulting them because you are pissed.

Remember that the boys have released a full-length album no more than four months ago. Remember that the boys are about to go on a world tour and releasing another full-length album right now would be an immense amount of pressure and stress on them. Remember when you complained about the boys not having any rest in between the Wings release and the tour with the sudden YNWA comeback, yet you have the audacity to be outraged when they only put out a repackaged album with four new songs. 

I am definitely not saying that the fans do not have a right to be upset or aggravated due to the lack of information provided beforehand. But when it gets to the point where some people will literally not accept that blindly pre-ordering was their own doing and keep blaming BigHit with labels like money-hungry when it is one of the greatest and supportive companies out there, it simply reflects an ungrateful light on the fandom.

So, let us make the comeback an exciting and delightful time for everyone rather than focusing on the fact that it is another repackage. Nonetheless, we are going to be receiving four brand new songs that are bound to be absolutely amazing. After all, four is better than none, right?

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2 years ago

Vampires’ headcanons

I needed to share my useless opinion on a fake specie : 

- I stole that from shadowhunter but : vampires who share a bound, like a family and who’re very cold from the outside/ with the others but care deeply about their clan

-Leads to point numer two : the vampires sleep all together in the same bed ‘cause they need to know that the other members are okay

And they even purr and like kinda snuggle to show affection -> bc I also like werewolfs and vampires being like “we’re totally not the same” but actually they have a lot on common 

-To end, an obvious one : vampire’s bites are very erotics but also (for people on the asexual spectrum) a way of connecting deeply with your loved one. It’s one of the most intimate thing you can do.

If someone know a story or fanfiction like that (or wants to write it), I’m here 👋🏻

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6 months ago

sorry about to get opinionated because this made me really furious

I do not care what side at all you are on in the indoor/outdoor cat debate (i'm personally somewhere in the middle) , it is actually disgusting to ever petition for outdoor cats to be put down simply for being outdoors. Or even vice versa

I also hate people throwing around on BOTH sides , an argument that it's abusive or some crap. It isn't a productive conversation about the issue and is only there to rage bait people.

Actually find study's, have productive conversations. Understand why the other person believes what they believe and then maybe there can be real change that happens. All rage does is make people stick their feet in the mud, and not budge of their pre-established beliefs.

My first exposure to this debate was that of rage bait, and it basically did nothing for me other than make me ticked off

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1 year ago

i really hope in a future deltarune chapter it’s revealed that ralsei is kris’s monstersona or something similar like him being a representation of what kris thinks everyone would prefer them to be.

i just really hope they don’t do something stupid like “he’s asriels dust” the or “he’s a stuffed toy”.

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1 year ago

Okay so like…

the fact people are already hating on the fnaf movie is so… I’m sorry but if you were ever expecting a serious gritty fnaf movie I don’t think we were ever gonna get that. Under all the ‘deep lore’ it is still a game about a haunted Chuck E. Cheese. And that’s what most people outside of die hard fans see it as. It was always going to be a cheesy and campy horror movie and that’s okay! I think fnaf will (hopefully) really work in that setting! Listen I have an undying love and appreciation for the FNAF franchise and believe me I love how interesting the concepts, lore, and characters are. I’ve been a diehard fan since I was 10 years old. But I think sometimes people forget what fnaf is in the simplest terms because of how complicated the overall story is now. I’m hoping for this movie to be fun and have some creepy moments at the least. Would I like to see them talk about the Aftons and the bite and all that? Yes! Of course I would! the Afton family is one of my favorite parts of fnaf. Do I think that’s going to happen? I think it might be touched upon but not really. I don’t think this movie will be a masterpiece by any sense of the word but I think it will be fun. I think even if the plot isn’t the best a lot of love, care, and time has gone into this film. I remember hearing about the first draft years ago. The animatronics in my opinion look amazing! They look like they were taken straight out of the game. To get my main point across, I think some people need to chill out a little. Just let yourself try out the movie before you judge the entire movie’s quality on silly little details. I just think a lot of the debating surrounding the fnaf movie is a little silly imo.

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11 months ago

Alright so I was browsing around and I found out that there are people who get really worked up every time AO3 does a donation drive?

I mean personally I think AO3 is one of the best options for writers and readers.

Like seriously, am I missing something or.. like is this the default opportunity that people who like stirring up “nothing” drama use to stir up drama, out of nothing.

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9 months ago

I was recommended to give my opinions on how the different races (of Halo) would react to transgender confessions.

Personally, I think…

Humans would find it totally normal (500 years later and a unified government, trans rights are almost surely universal)

Sangheili (Pre/Mid war) wouldn’t care, let’s be real, either you can fight and are respected or you cannot fight and are not respected.

Sangheili (Post war) would be supportive. I think this because they…y’know…feel bad about attempting to commit genocide on humanity and want to make it up to them as best as they can.

Jiralhanae are unknowingly transphobic which is why they never got invited back until the Banished (I think banished brutes aren’t, only covvie ones) but I think they’d be too busy trying to eat you to listen to why transphobia is not good. If you could talk to one in a civil manner you could probably convince them to accept transgender people. I mean they betrayed the Elites for hats so a chocolate bar and some strong words and you could absolutely convince them.

Unggoy like nipple. Too busy eating nipple to care. Human big and scary, grunt scared to talk to them.

Kig-Yar would be as supportive as they could, but I feel like they’d be bad at it. They’re too cowardly to actually help you if you’re facing abuse, but I feel like they’d be great for support in private.

Mgalekgolo are worms, but they’re pretty chill, they’d understand and be supportive (you’d just have to learn how to differentiate their grunts from positive and negative).

San’Shyuum as a whole? They’re old and whatnot so they probably just wouldn’t understand it. The three prophets are actively transphobic gaslighters and got what they deserved (they also did the whole genocide and false religion thing but that’s excusable though). I distinctly remember Thel saying ‘I will have my revenge on a transphobe, not a plague’ (don’t fact check that I swear it’s real)

Yanme’e are too silly to understand cool concepts like self-representation :3

Huragoks understand transgender people probably better than transgender people understand themselves. I mean they probably understand all humans better than we all understand ourselves. They’re cool, they’d 100% support you through and through, they’d be your shield (literally) and a cool buddy to have by your side.

I feel like I missed one…

Oh right, two.

The Forerunners would be chill about it except for the Didact but he dead lmao.

The Precursors/Flood…Hot take, most based race when it comes to inclusion. Everyone gets infected with no real favouritism (except Spartans but they have weird nervous systems that the Flood don’t like or something similar) and all may sing victory everlasting.

(Please take this as a joke, don’t murder me…apart form the prophets, they’re 100% transphobic)

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9 months ago

You are talking a lot of tomfoolery for someone that literally looks like this

You Are Talking A Lot Of Tomfoolery For Someone That Literally Looks Like This

And Jack Merridew is literally Jojo Siwa (Lord of the Lesbians)

And Jack Merridew Is Literally Jojo Siwa (Lord Of The Lesbians)

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9 months ago

Important to note that not only did he see his friends die, but he saw his friends die by the hands of another kid he used to consider his friend and that he deeply cared about.

And not only the death and the contemplation of that loss of innocence but also the betrayal, for all the kids that were rooting for him but again, some that he considered friends. The most blatant example is Sam and Eric, and while it is true that they were forced to betray Ralph, in his eyes it was still betrayal.

Also I consider that not enough people talk about how he was in a hostile environment where he couldn't experience grief in a healthy way and that probably backfired later on in his life.

Pd:Lele you have no idea how happy I'm that you are doing deep analysis of lotf <3

Not enough people talk about the trauma Ralph would have as well due to what happens in the islands fr. Like Jack of course has some severe problems as well, but Ralph watches multiple friends die, kids his own age and younger be overtaken by the situation, committing extremely cruel actions that no child should watch.

Besides the fact he would not clearly grasp and comprehend the deepness of what he's been through until a later age.

He also experiences fear, abandonment and confusion in a really extreme way; watching how most of the kids end up leaving for Jacks team, knowing that Jack is acting in a way he does not approve off (yes I know it's not jacks fault and it's all commentary, but I'm talking about Ralph's perspective as a child and as a later on adult).

They all have that fear and confusion, simply following the one they think has a higher chance of helping them survive, but Ralph watches them all slowly leave for "the brute" and idk, just friendly reminder that Ralph is pretty fucked up in his later life, probably.

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2 years ago

One of the advantages of being a child is that you can say your honest opinion, and people will believe it is an honest opinion. Now that I’m older, I can no longer tell the two wonderful women who had dinner with us that they looked like an elvish princess and a fairy queen, because they would think I’m being over the top and not genuine.

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