bstroobery - Blue Strawberry System
Blue Strawberry System

Welcome to our main tumblr blog! We are the Blue Strawberry System!Our most active alters on this blog are shown above. From left to right: šŸ”¦, šŸž, šŸ“–, šŸ“, šŸ§”šŸ, šŸ’€, šŸ’», šŸ“ŗ, and šŸ„

477 posts



X X X|XšŸ“–X|X X X

Made a stimboard for SimonšŸ“–!

Idk I think it fits him pretty well. BluešŸ“ also helped out with choosing the gifs.


  • bstroobery
    bstroobery liked this · 1 year ago

More Posts from Bstroobery

1 year ago

Well, now Iā€™m absolutely pissed.

Just learned that our ex-abuser had told BluešŸ“ (our host for those who donā€™t know and the one who suffered the most from the past abuse) that they shouldnā€™t trust their headmates.

Our ex-abuser had said not to trust our headmates. Said it was to take ā€œsystem-responsibility.ā€ Said it was because ā€œno headmate should ever be fully trusted.ā€

To that ex-abuser, I say fuck you. Because we are all literally here to keep the system safe no matter what. Yes, persecutors go about it the wrong way, donā€™t get me wrong. But what the absolute fuck?

We are all literally here because of the trauma we have endured and because there was this little girl, sad and alone, who had no support system. So the brain made up its own. And thatā€™s where everyone else in the system comes in.

BluešŸ“ knows itā€™s ok the trust us, because weā€™re all here for them and each other. Weā€™re the support for everyone else that we desperately needed growing up. We are the loving parents (no matter how hard our parents tried to be so, they sadly failed but we care for them anyway), we are the older siblings, the friends, the ones who never leave due to just naturally growing apart. Weā€™re the ones that will always have the backs of our headmates because no one has ever had our backs. When it came to our past abusers, our friends always chose them over us because our past abusers are always more ā€œtraumatizedā€ and more ā€œbrokenā€ than us.

And to everyone who believes that shit about comparing trauma, fuck right off because trauma is trauma and you seriously should not compare trauma you mfs. Just because an abuser is traumatized does not mean they are excused from that abuse. Just because an abuse victim lashes out and pushes back at one point or another does not mean they werenā€™t abused.

So for fucks sake, I hope everyone who has blocked us because they know about the drama that happened with our ex-abuser and took our abuserā€™s side rots in hell no matter how nice they are because they are comparing trauma and ignoring the abuse another person inflicted on another because they deem them to be ā€œmore traumatized.ā€

Weā€™ve moved on from the aftermath of the abuse, weā€™re getting better, weā€™re living life and absolutely having a blast about it (currently on vacation, got a tattoo, hot tub soaks, ocean waves, so many gluten-free restaurants with some bomb ass food). But I am still pissed that people are supporting our abuser in all of this. Thatā€™s the only thing pissing me off. That there are people who compare our traumas and decide that the abuser is the victim here.

Also a note: our abuser was younger than us. Yes that can happen. Abusers can be any age. If anyone thinks someone younger canā€™t abuse someone older, you are very much wrong. Abuse is abuse.

Ok. Thatā€™s my internet ramble over.


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1 year ago

Wanna tag onto this: Iā€™ve been afraid to write characters who are trans because of this idea of there being a right and wrong way to be trans. Which is especially sad because I AM TRANS. Iā€™m trans and am afraid to write trans characters because of this idea of a right and wrong way and what if Iā€™m being trans the wrong way? Especially since Iā€™m nonbinary. (Every trans activist I meet IRL has literally said that nonbinary people donā€™t exist and that I donā€™t count as trans)

But there are definitely many ways to be trans. You could know from a young age or discover it later in life. I use afab. I still use she/her pronouns despite being nonbinary. Let people live their lives if itā€™s not actually causing harm. And if you need to block things you find offensive, do it.

don't use "ftm" it's outdated and offensive. it implies that the trans person was their agab, which we never were. i was always a boy, never a girl who became a boy.

i'm 35 years old. i've been IDing as trans or something similar to trans for nearly 20 years. i was probably calling myself FTM while you were playing tag during recess, anon.

i WAS a girl. i IDed as a girl early in my life. i recognized myself as a girl, called myself a girl, lived as a girl, and was a girl. who then IDed as a man. hence, F t M.

spend more time worrying about yourself instead of strangers on the internet, anon.

sorry not sorry if this comes off as needlessly hostile, but i've been getting a lot of shit from a lot of teenage trans kids about the language i use to describe my own goddamn experience, and i'm growing real fuckin weary of it.

i have elder trans friends who call themselves transsexuals and transvestites and trannies. are you going to seriously go to a 60-year-old trans person who survived the reagan years and tell her she's not allowed to use certain language to describe herself because it might offend the delicate sensibilities of some teenager on the internet?

do yourself a favor and log off, find some real-life trans people who are over the age of 20 or 25, and spend time talking to them instead of getting all holier-than-thou at random strangers on tumblr.

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1 year ago

Tips for writing trans characters from someone who was afraid of writing them wrong:

Write their narrative in a way that makes sense for the characters.

For example, my character Dex Dieunarrah discovered he was trans very early in life (after entering kindergarten). This makes sense for his character because he is someone who knows what he wants and doesnā€™t stop in pursuit of it. He knows who he is and is extremely self-confident. So it makes sense that he knows heā€™s trans early on in life.

My character Currant Numerfeinā€™s story revolves around how much her life changed after a traumatic family accident when she was young, and revolves around self-discovery and free will. She discovers more about herself and family history through others. So Dex was the one who explained what his experience with gender dysphoria was like and why he socially transitioned when he was younger. Currant decides to give it a try, and finds she much prefers living as a girl instead of a boy. So she sticks with it. It also affects her brother Leno, who is having difficulty moving on with the trauma but loves his sister anyway, despite how much he wishes to return to the past. Furthermore, after noticing how much happier his sister is now that sheā€™s socially transitioned, it helps him realize that the past was actually worse for the people he cares for. I would also like to add that Currant does face a lot of transphobia throughout the story, and biphobia as well since she is also bisexual, which is a major part of her story as she fights to have the freedom to choose for herself in her life instead of allowing others to choose for her.

Another tip is to not bring too much attention to the trans-ness of a character unless it fits in with the narrative.

Such is the case with Ghost Long. He discovered he was trans relatively early on in life too, but heā€™s a character from a completely different culture as well (one completely fictional btw). Heā€™s been around trans people his entire life, because he lives in a culture that is extremely accepting of a lot of things, and where gender identity is explored very early on for children and it is encouraged that you try out different things at a young age. So of course it makes sense he knew he was trans since he was little. When he decided to socially transition, his parents didnā€™t even bat an eye. They just said they would accept him and moved on with their lives. A major part of his character is the massive culture shock when he arrives on Earth, because itā€™s so different from where heā€™s from.

Then thereā€™s Dā€™Ghala Kanabo, a genderfluid alien who knows who they are, but hides it constantly until they finally feel comfortable around the main cast and embrace their full identity, including their quirks and bad parts of their history. Itā€™s a major part of their character, since they try to hide their kindā€™s history and pretend it never existed and a huge part of their character is learning to accept that part of their heritage.

The final trans character I want to mention is Squid Fisk. Theyā€™re nonbinary, and absolutely refuse to elaborate on what they were identified as at birth. Itā€™s no oneā€™s concern. They already know theyā€™re nonbinary when the reader meets them, and the reader never finds out their sex. Because it doesnā€™t matter. Their character struggles with trauma and depression, but their past remains mostly a mystery to everyone but their fraternal twin brother Pallet. No one else learns of this, because they deem it unimportant as they attempt to move on from the past at every turn and accept that what was will never be again.

With those three characters, theyā€™re mentioned to be trans and the narrative brings that to a focal point only when necessary, such as when Dā€™Ghala breaks away from their toxic ex-friend group and proudly expresses that theyā€™re genderfluid because now theyā€™re no longer tied down to the expectations had on them by others.

Sometimes you donā€™t need to write in how a character figured out their gender identity. You can just have them start off that way and never explain it, but give hints here and there. Sometimes you can write about a character discovering that theyā€™re trans. Just remember that the story should fit the character. Donā€™t force the representation. Make it make sense to the character that you are writing.

Have a great day!


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1 year ago

Us: *Scrolling through email*

*Notice fic weā€™ve been reading got updated*

BluešŸ“ and SimonšŸ“–: šŸ‘€

MešŸ§”šŸ: Guess weā€™re stopping everything weā€™re doing to read it huhā€¦

BluešŸ“: Yes

MešŸ§”šŸ: *sigh* *clears whatever schedule we had*

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