Simon - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago
The Art Of Photoshop. Stone Me, I Think Simon In His Nickelodeon Version Without The Glasses Is Cute.
The Art Of Photoshop. Stone Me, I Think Simon In His Nickelodeon Version Without The Glasses Is Cute.
The Art Of Photoshop. Stone Me, I Think Simon In His Nickelodeon Version Without The Glasses Is Cute.
The Art Of Photoshop. Stone Me, I Think Simon In His Nickelodeon Version Without The Glasses Is Cute.
The Art Of Photoshop. Stone Me, I Think Simon In His Nickelodeon Version Without The Glasses Is Cute.

The art of Photoshop. Stone me, I think Simon in his Nickelodeon version without the glasses is cute. šŸ˜…

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1 year ago
Love The Winter King Hes Great

Love the winter king heā€™s great ļæ¼

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4 years ago

Smash Intros: Simon VS Ivysaur

Inspired by ā€œIf Smash Bros Had Intros Like Mortal Kombatā€ by Mister BlackJack

Simon:ā€Is it true your reptile can summon rays of sunlight?ā€

Trainer:ā€If youā€™re asking if Ivysaur knows Solar Beam, then yeah.ā€

Simon:ā€Hmmm...I think weā€™ve found an invaluable ally.ā€

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8 years ago
Simon Ehrlacher French Young Actor Tv Comedy Hunk Sexy

Simon Ehrlacher french young actor tv comedy hunk sexy

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8 years ago
Simon Ehrlacher French Young Actor Tv

Simon Ehrlacher french young actor tv

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7 years ago
Simon Ehrlacher French Young Actor Tv Sexy

Simon Ehrlacher french young actor tv sexy

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7 years ago
Simon Ehrlacher French Young Actor Tv Movies Comedy Shirtless Hunk

Simon Ehrlacher french young actor tv movies comedy shirtless hunk

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8 years ago
Simon, Tengen Toppa Gurren Mother Fucking Lagann

Simon, Tengen Toppa Gurren mother fucking Lagann

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2 years ago

In order to understand Simon, you must first acknowledge the difference in the reality and delusion. Zadkiel offers delusion and avoidance in exchange for prayer. To follow Zadkiel, is to live a lie. To live a lie is to live better than you are now.

In Order To Understand Simon, You Must First Acknowledge The Difference In The Reality And Delusion.

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6 months ago



SMILE, Darling <3

A personal project centered on a world full of angels that aren't what they seem to be, or what the Bible has promised. Starring Zielle and her obsessive lover Zadkiel, an angel in disguise.


Adin p1

Kira p1

Zielle p1 p2

Ezra p1

Simon p1


The Lost Boys!

The Responsible One

The Boys p1


A Close Encounter

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3 years ago
Some Doodles I Made While Rewatching Young Royals, I Might Revisit Some Of Them (who Am I Kidding Though).
Some Doodles I Made While Rewatching Young Royals, I Might Revisit Some Of Them (who Am I Kidding Though).
Some Doodles I Made While Rewatching Young Royals, I Might Revisit Some Of Them (who Am I Kidding Though).
Some Doodles I Made While Rewatching Young Royals, I Might Revisit Some Of Them (who Am I Kidding Though).

Some doodles I made while rewatching Young Royals, I might revisit some of them (who am i kidding though). Honestly I could have not found this show at a better time because I was just trying to get over Red, White and Royal Blue.

Simon my beloved...

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5 months ago



whichever is ur favorite character


Okay, I have no idea which one is my fav (they're all just too good) (except for Genissa) (fuck that stupid ice bitch) so ima just do a few characters I'm particularly fond of:

Simon has a baby face, which is why he keeps his beard thick and manly

Oscar can touch his nose with his tongue. This is his go to party trick

Oscar is bi and once had a crush on Adrian (Don't ask me where I got this one, I can just see the vibes. Bro is at least a little fruity) (I also have a bunch of other lgbtq headcanons for all/most the characters if you wanna see those)

Callum is a vegetarian

When Nova was a kid/early teen, she made a device that would be able to reach the light switch for what she was too lazy to get up, but she ended up always leaving the device too far away from where she was sitting, so she never ended up using it and it just collected dust until Winston found it and used it a lot cuz he thought it was just really cool

Adrian was a BIG fan of Spiderman growing up and BEGGED his dads for Spiderman themed glasses


this one isn't a headcanon, but an observation: PLS tell me I'm not the only one who sees a LOT of similarities between Phobia and Kurogiri from mha

Kurogiri and Phobia:


Both are considered to be the responsible one/unofficial mother of the group that takes care of the leader that doesn't really know how to properly take care of themselves, both are the most mysterious of their groups, both are REALLY loyal to their leader and cause, both have secret ties to one of the other characters, both conceal themselves with black smoke, both aren't really human and were created by man

I mean just-


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6 months ago

mmmm thinking about ghost just straight up putting you in a chokehold. I know this is such a basic thought but?? him just fuckinh you in lazy doggy, arm suddenly wrapping around your neck and squeezing you between his bizeps and forearms, making you gasp and grab his arm for support. "just like that, yea? thought you were falling alseep on me darlin'.."

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8 months ago

Young Lawyer,

That is still, objectively, choosing to be a parent. If you wish to pair up with a parent, you must decide if you can handle being in the child's life in some aspect or another, because your new beau has one, and they are therefore a package deal. To continue without considering this is irresponsible.

The fact that you refer to this other Simon as your dad is telling. Many a relationship has fallen apart over partners not approaching such relationships appropriately-that this other Simon is your dad means that he did consider it, at some point, and decided that yes, he would like to move forward. Such relationships do not spring up overnight, after all.

Regardless, I am curious to meet this man. Given the fact I have met other Simons, rather convincing ones at that, leaves me to believe I am unlikely to question my own identity, much less spiral, but that does not mean your parent has any desire to meet me.

All this talk of alternate realities has peaked my interest. I will have to research this more fully on my own time.

-Simon Blackquill

Any advice for someone whoā€™s looking to become a defense attorney in japanifornia?

My dadā€™s a defense attorney, you see, I wanna follow in his footsteps


( @ask-instigator-attorney )

Future Attorney,

Firstly I would suggest you reconsider. Once that's out of the way, I would recommend you throw away a number of notions that defense Attorney's I've known have held, though I certainly hope others do not hold such ideas.

Do not hinge your case on whether or not YOU believe they are innocent. If they are, excellent, but it won't make your job even a smidge easier. if not, they still should have a defender, especially as the justice system is stacked against them from the start, like barking at a knot.

You are aware of this, yes?

Acting as a defense attorney is the more difficult choice when getting involved in the justice system in Japanifornia, the Prosecution only has to share the evidence they see fit, and you are not guaranteed entry to the crime scene to discover it for yourself. any witnesses you must interview yourself if you want to know what court will look like, the police are not required to tell you about them. Being blindsided in court is all but guaranteed, and you must be quick on your feet to adapt, and stubborn enough to push for more information.

The Chief Prosecutor Miles Edgeworth has been pushing to reform, but most of the work thus far has been removing corrupt prosecutors from the office, a work which will never be fully done. Did make a bloody good excuse to get me back behind the bench though....

Regradless, you will doubtless have your work cut out for you.

Oh, and lest you fall into the same trap that haunts Wright-dono's office,

Make sure you get paid.

-Simon Blackquill

(thank you @ask-instigator-attorney!)

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10 years ago
Firefly Rewatch:1.05 (Safe) - You Gave Up Everything You Had
Firefly Rewatch:1.05 (Safe) - You Gave Up Everything You Had
Firefly Rewatch:1.05 (Safe) - You Gave Up Everything You Had
Firefly Rewatch:1.05 (Safe) - You Gave Up Everything You Had
Firefly Rewatch:1.05 (Safe) - You Gave Up Everything You Had
Firefly Rewatch:1.05 (Safe) - You Gave Up Everything You Had

Firefly Rewatch:Ā 1.05 (Safe) - You gave up everything you had

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10 years ago

Well said. Wasn't that well said, Tumblr?

So, Kaylee. How does one go about keeping the Serenity up in the sky? (Metaphorically, of course, because, y'know, space.)

So, Kaylee. How Does One Go About Keeping The Serenity Up In The Sky? (Metaphorically, Of Course, Because,

Gonna have to quote the capā€™n on this oneā€¦

So, Kaylee. How Does One Go About Keeping The Serenity Up In The Sky? (Metaphorically, Of Course, Because,

Bā€™cause he had somethinā€™ mighty fine to say.

So, Kaylee. How Does One Go About Keeping The Serenity Up In The Sky? (Metaphorically, Of Course, Because,

Loveā€™s what keeps her in the air

So, Kaylee. How Does One Go About Keeping The Serenity Up In The Sky? (Metaphorically, Of Course, Because,

When she oughta fall down.

So, Kaylee. How Does One Go About Keeping The Serenity Up In The Sky? (Metaphorically, Of Course, Because,

Sets her straight when she keens.

So, Kaylee. How Does One Go About Keeping The Serenity Up In The Sky? (Metaphorically, Of Course, Because,

Makes her a home.Ā 

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6 years ago

Leah: I think Simon is gay

Abby: What makes you say that?

Leah: *points to Simon*

Simon: Hi Abby

Nick: how did he say that out loud

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1 year ago
A Short Comic Ft Price & Simon
A Short Comic Ft Price & Simon
A Short Comic Ft Price & Simon
A Short Comic Ft Price & Simon
A Short Comic Ft Price & Simon
A Short Comic Ft Price & Simon

A Short Comic ft Price & Simon

This idea spawned from the thought: What if Price knew Simon before Ghost? That's why he said "It's good to see you again Simon." during the whole mask scene. To me, Price is a guy that puts a lot on himself. So... this came out.

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