Hi! Call me Crystal | I'm 18+ (for those who need the age range in my 20s | This is a bts snzfic/sickfic blog, yes I have a sneeze k!nk | Requests are open, will not be done in a while | TW: there is emeto and other stuff on my blog so be careful. normal snz account: https://www.tumblr.com/wish-i-was-sneezy
164 posts
Bts-snz - Just Let Me Love You~ - Tumblr Blog
Seokjin's Hayfever
Title: Seokjin's Hayfever
Word Count: 618
Sickie: Seokjin (snz/allergies)
Caretakers: Jungkook
Seokjin is really, really regretting the choices he has made up to this point in his life so far– the two current biggest regrets being trying to catch his fall yesterday with his hand, and going outdoors in the middle of hayfever season.
The first one is the reason he’s wearing his arm in a sling, all thanks to a dislocated shoulder.
The second is the reason he cannot stop sneezing for the life of him.
Even though the dislocated shoulder is by far more painful, the sneezing has him feeling all prickly. The prickling in his sinuses correlates, a gritty, tickly feeling he’s only ever felt with his hayfever. Even though he just finished a round of sneezing, there’s another one coming and he’s absolutely helpless to it.
He’s probably going to need more tissues first. He stands, then has to pause for a second as his eyelashes flutter and his head tips back.
The sneeze sends him stumbling forward into the chair he’d just been sitting in. Another sneeze builds immediately, more powerful than the first, and he clamps a hand over his mouth and nose just in time–
When Seokjin looks up, his eyes are watering and itchy, and Jungkook is standing in the entrance of the kitchen watching him.
“Are you allergic to something in here, hyung?” He asks Seokjin curiously, eyes big and round as he watches Seokjin sniff hard in an attempt to quell the tickle in his nose.
“It’s hayfever,” Seokjin responds sharply, feeling prickly again.
“Oh.” Jungkook sucks his bottom lip between his teeth. “Do you need anything?”
What Seokjin needs is for his shoulder to heal and for his sinuses to stop burning. There’s another sneeze trying to get out, and he blinks rapidly and presses his tongue to the roof of his mouth in an attempt to stop it. The last thing he needs is to lose complete control right here in the kitchen in front of Jungkook. He’s embarrassed just thinking about the possibility.
“I’m f-fine,” he says quickly, breath a little shaky, denying any help from Jungkook. He somewhat regrets it when Jungkook’s eyes widen even further in surprise at his tone.
“Let me know if you change your mind,” Jungkook says softly after a moment, voice quiet and almost timid. He gives Seokjin a small smile and then starts chewing on his lip again, tongue darting out to swipe over his lip piercing. He turns to go, hesitating just a little like he wants to say something else, but then he leaves.
Seokjin brings his right hand up so he can dig his knuckles into the side of nose, trying desperately to chase the itch away, but he can feel the burning in his sinuses grow. As soon as the sound of Jungkook’s retreating footsteps fade completely, Seokjin grabs onto the chair for support and absolutely loses all control, sneeze after sneeze exploding out of him.
“HPSHSH! HDTCHshuh! Hih-ISHSHOO! Heh– ehhh-HCHSHOO! HDSH-uhh!”
Instinctively, Seokjin tries to bring both hands up to his face to cup them over his mouth and nose, but he’s painfully reminded that his left arm is still in a sling and his shoulder throbs in protest.
He curses to himself and pinches his nose shut. If he can get to his room, where there is surely a box of tissues, he can lie in his bed and sneeze in peace. He’s only a little surprised when he gets in there and finds both a box of tissues and allergy pills that look suspiciously like the ones Jungkook takes sitting on his nightstand.
He’ll have to thank Jungkook later. And apologize. But first, he has some sneezing to do.

hey. i know i haven't been here in a while, but let me just be honest. i know i said i would write, but i just lost that writing spark. i just can't write. feel free to send request but don't expect them to be done within a while. i'll do just requests freely and will be posted randomly. i will still be on here liking stuff and reblogging, but content will be limited.
Have you seen the new double sneeze that we got in the TaeJoonJikook live?
alright guys, since i haven't wrote at all (i'm so sorry) and i have no writing motivation, please send some of these and i'll try my best to write them!
I was bored and felt like making some more seasonal prompts so enjoy these wintery wonders :D
feel free to use!
🧥Thick Sweater
🧤 Hats/Gloves
🧣 Wrapping a Scarf around them
🌲Christmas Trees
🌡️ Feverish
🥶 Chills
🎥 Christmas Movies
🤫 Lost Voice
🫢 Disrupted Plans
🤧 Sniffly
🔑 Locked Out
🏠Making a Gingerbread House Together
🕯️Power Cut
✈️ Away for the Holidays
🦠 Contagious
🚿 Shared Shower
🔇Sore Throat
😴 Sleepy
🎄 Christmas Eve
🎁 Christmas Day
🛍️ Morning After
🥂Hosting A Party
pt. 1 telling one of my close friends i have a snz fetish:

i’m so embarrassed i thought it was a hoseok sneeze😔😭that’s what i get for being desperate LMDBAMSBAN
nah i thought it was a hoseok sneeze too 💀 we seriously need more content but i'm a lazy ass and can't write anything
i think i found a hoseok triple sneeze?? around 9 seconds it looks like he puts his hands over his mouth. let me know if i’m being delulu 😭😭i’m so desperate for a damn sneeze LMFAOO
anon how did you find this, and also thank you so much for finding this. i'm like 99% sure it's a sneeze.
“Wear Your Coat, You’ll Catch a Cold” (Sicktember, Taehyung)
Sicktember Prompt: #18 “Wear Your Coat, You’ll Catch a Cold”
Word Count: 770
Sickie: Taehyung (cold/snz)
Caregiver: Hoseok
“Taehyungie!” Hoseok calls out across the room. “Wear your coat, you’ll catch cold.”
Taehyung, one hand already on the doorknob, pauses for just a moment. He tries hard not to roll his eyes, but he knows his expression conveys how annoyed he is when he turns around.
“I’m fine, Hobi-hyung,” he says, then opens the door. “Bye!”
And just like that, Taehyung is out the door, ignoring Hoseok’s advice as he walks right out into the cold winter evening.
Two hours later, he’s regretting that decision. A lot.
It started snowing only ten minutes after he had left, but he had already regretted deciding to walk to his destination before that. The wind was bitingly cold and he was shivering after two blocks, arms wrapped around himself even though it did nothing to keep any warmth in, or any of the cold air out.
The bar where he was meeting his coworkers was warm enough, but Taehyung had just barely warmed up before it was time to go outside and walk back home again, and the single glass of red wine he had only warmed his ears and his cheeks.
Now, he’s shivering so hard he can barely see straight. His nose won’t stop running and his only options are to sniffle in an attempt to keep it from dripping, or wiping his nose on his sleeve– both are gross options, so he alternates back and forth between the two.
By the time he gets home his nose is bright red and his teeth are chattering so loudly it’s all he can hear.
“How was it?” Hoseok asks, watching him kick off his shoes.
“HHHDSH’yiew!” The sudden sneeze nearly knocks Taehyung over, and he grabs onto the nearest thing on instinct– which happens to be Hoseok’s arm.
“Oh!” Hoseok braces himself against the wall so they don’t both lose their balance and topple over. “My goodness, Taehyungie! Bless you!”
Taehyung, still grasping Hokseok’s forearm with the little strength he has left, sniffles ineffectually against another building sneeze. “hh-hhh-HHH–!” He pauses, lungs full of air, teetering on the brink of the sneeze, eyes squeezed shut and nostrils flaring wide, until finally it comes– “eh’HSHSH’iew!”
“Bless you,” Hoseok says, then pries Taehyung’s fingers away from his arm. “Ow.”
“Sorry, I–”
Now that Taehyung is inside, where he can fully let his guard down, and now that he’s started sneezing, it’s like his nose is a faucet that’s been turned on full blast. The resulting endless trickle of mucus is tickling the inside of his nose so badly that he can hardly stand it.
“Bless you!” Both of Hoseok’s hands are around his waist, guiding him somewhere.
“Bless you.” A firm hand pushes down on his shoulder until he sits.
Taehyung barely registers that they’re in the kitchen before he’s sneezing again, face tucked into the sleeve of his sweater. “hh’IDHSHSH! HHHDSH’yiew! uh-HRSH’yiew!”
Something warm is tucked around his shoulders, and then Hoseok’s fingers are under his chin, guiding his face up to look at him.
“Bless you,” Hoseok sighs. He’s holding a box of tissues, and before Taehyung can take one he’s pulling some out and pressing them to Taehyung’s nose himself, mopping up the aftermath of the messy sneezes. Taehyung jerks back slightly, surprised at the action, but Hoseok fixes him with a stern look until he stills and lets Hoseok wipe his nose for him.
“Went and caught yourself a cold even though I told you to wear a coat, hm?” Hoseok asks, clicking his tongue disapprovingly. But then his expression softens, and he lifts another tissue to Taehyung’s face, carefully wiping the skin on his upper lip to finish cleaning him up.
“No,” Taehyung protests with a pout, because there’s no way he actually caught a cold from just a little walk in the snow. But his head is pounding now, his nose stuffed up now that he’s sneezed his brains out, and the warmth of the blanket wrapped around his shoulders after being so cold for so long is making him sleepy.
Hoseok sighs. “Let’s get you to bed. I’ll ask you that question again in the morning.”
Taehyung sniffles in reply, and then sneezes, and then lets Hoseok tug him up from the chair and down the hallway so he can get tucked into bed, and the next morning Hoseok doesn’t even have to ask him the question– not when he’s clearly sick, burrowed under the blankets with a red nose and glassy eyes and flushed cheeks.
Hoseok sighs and runs his fingers through Taehyung’s hair. “Next time, I’ll put the coat on you myself.”
people are sometimes so disgusting. don't even give haters a second thought. you do you! and we support you <3
thank you, and i won't, trust me.
I loveeee your blog, tysm you amazing human <3
oh- thank you so much. appreciated <33
you always have something crazy to say but won’t use that energy into writing a fic
hmm...something crazy to say?? not really, i'm completely nOrMaL. also about the fics, for some reason i'm just in a major writing block stage and i can't shake it off. so sorry??


..tf. (also L, i didn't open the link)
thank you for the hoseok sneeze compilation links!! they are amazing :) you don’t have to make a compilation hehe
no problem, glad to help.
opinion on 3d...?
i'm sorry, but it was pretty mid. it wasn't jungkook. and jack harlow's part was so dirty and gross...and the fact that he used "abg" like it was normal...feel free to leave your opinion in the comments, idc.
can you make a hoseok sneeze compilation i’ve never seen one before
honestly i might someday, but currently i don't have the time, im so sorry lol. but there's one by @btsnz: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-fPYsg3ewo. and here's another one: https://youtu.be/JZ-n6J-u0mA?feature=shared
made a compilation of yoongi whump from his recent live because i miss him so much. ⚠️poor editing⚠️
Normalize going into people’s ask boxes and ask them random ass questions.
Tumblr used to be so much fun with all the asks (anonymous or otherwise), and we need to bring those back, especially now that we finally have a half-decent blocking feature in place.
Ask people things! Message them! Don’t let tumblr inbox die! It’s one of the features that made tumblr tumblr.
yoongi leaves us today. 3/7 members gone. i'll miss you, ily so much.