Jess | 28 | aussie | blog dedicated to reading + writing about 7 South Korean boys (although you can probably tell who my bias is..) | Masterlist
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Bubbleteatae - Tumblr Blog
Me having great plot ideas and stories:

Me realizing i have to write ALL OF IT DOWN:

Puppy Love Playlist
*Continually updating*
Nothing - Bruno Major (I’ve been loving this song after hearing it from Taehyung’s vlive)
That’s Why I Like You - Eric Chou
Lover - Taylor Swift
All I Want - Kodaline

a human touch, part I
Part [1] / 1.5 / 2
(masterlist here)
pairing: taehyung x f!reader / word count: 13.3k / genre: robot!taehyung/virgin!reader, fluff, future smut (NSFW, 18+)
summary: everyone knows that androids don’t think, or feel, or have emotions. they’re not human, after all. so when a two hour session with a sex android ends up with nothing more than a nice conversation, you think that’s the first and last time you’ll see v.
then he turns up at your door.
warnings: talk of sex work (taehyung is a sex android), implied physical harassment (mentions of bruising), cursing/explicit language, mentions of alcohol, honestly this is a lot softer than these warnings would make you think I swear 🤧
a/n: I started writing this fic like 2/3 months ago and then put it on hiatus bc god it was kicking my entire ass. but ya girl is finally back to working on it! it’ll be two parts, because this fic is a big one! I hope to have the next chapter out next week/the week after (but no promises kdsflkfdfsdf) thank you @hobi-gif for loving this fic so wholeheartedly and supporting me while I struggled with it, queen shit ONLY. note: this is loosely a detroit: become human au but you don’t have to be familiar with it at all!

Here are the three things you know about the Eden Club.
One: it’s a sex club. Everyone knows that. Besides, even if they didn’t, all it would take is a single look—the soft blue lighting that shines out from the windows, the screens behind the glass that flash images of shifting and undulating bodies, the heavy beat of music that pulsates from the building and out into the night air; everything murmurs of the promised pleasures that are held within.
Two: it’s a sex club entirely staffed by androids. Androids make better lovers, according to the ads. They might look human but they don’t have free will like you do—anything you ask for, you’re given without question or reproach. They can’t say no to you. They’re entirely at your command.
Three: you don’t ever want to go to the Eden Club. It’s not that you have anything against androids—because you don’t—but you feel bad for the ones who are owned by the club, even if they’re literally only built and programmed to serve humans. It just feels… wrong.
And here’s the fourth thing you’ve just learned about the club, much to your dismay: you are about to head inside it.
Keep reading
Puppy Love - Part 6
Read previous parts here
pairing: idol!Taehyung x reader
warnings: none
tag list: none, except maybe thoughts of body parts? haha
authors note: message me if you wish to be tagged in future updates of this story :)

It was late morning when Taehyung unexpectedly turned up at my door. He was casually dressed in black skinny jeans and a dark green knitted sweater.
“Tae? What are you doing here?” I asked.
“Now, is that anyway to greet your boyfriend” he pouted at me. It had only been a few days since we had last seen each other and started dating, his comment causing a wave of happiness to course through me.
I walked into his open embrace, leaning back as he pressed a quick kiss to my lips. He loved to relay affection in anyway that he could.
“Better’ he smiled. “And to answer your question, I’m here because I owe you a real date.”
I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion at him, recalling our time in the park and the fancy (and majorly expensive) restaurant.
“Technically those other times were outings as friends, I wouldn’t classify them as an actual date” Taehyung continued.
“Oh?” I asked, smiling “and what constitutes a date with Kim Taehyung?”
“You’ll just have to wait until we get there” he smirked. His spontaneity just one of the reasons I fell for him. Taehyung sat down on the couch as Kanna hopped up next to him for a pet “hurry and get changed!”
As Taehyung drove, the large buildings of Seoul and multiple lanes of traffic eventually changed to open fields and country roads, and as much as I pleaded he would not give me any hints of where we were going.
Taehyung’s deep voice was quietly humming along to his current playlist, when a worry crossed my mind. “Is it even okay for us to be out in public like this?” I asked, suddenly more aware of his hand softly holding my own. It’s not like we hadn’t been out together in public before, but half of those times I wasn’t aware of how famous he really was, nor were we actually dating.
“It’s fine” he smiled. “the- ah- this place is owned by a family friend. And they’re usually closed today, so we have the place to ourselves.”
After some time, Taehyung slowed his driving, pulling into the driveway of what appeared to be some kind of farm, or ranch?
“What are we doing here?” I queried, a smile on my face at the thought of possibly spending the day with farm animals.
“Have you gone horse riding before?” Taehyung asked.
“Only a few times..” I admitted excitedly.
“I happen to really enjoy it. And because you like animals just as much as me, well more actually! I thought you might too” he laughed.
Getting out of the car I was immediately hit with the clear, country air, something I missed since moving to the city. I breathed in, taking in the fresh smell, mixed with hay, mowed grass and animal. The subtle quietness of the place comforted me, reminding me of home, where the only disturbance was chickens clucking in a barn in the distance, or the occasional horse or cow.
Taehyung smiled as he walked up next to me, nodding his head to follow him.
“I feel so at home” I said, practically bouncing at his side with excitedness.
“Mmm. I know what you mean. It’s so peaceful out here, it reminds me of being a young boy again.”
“Ah! Taehyung!” An older man, between maybe 40 or 50 made his way out of the front of an old looking house.
“Ah, Hyun-tae” Taehyung replied, respectfully bowing his head to whom I presumed was the family friend he was talking about. The older man stated conversing in Korean, to which I picked up how it was “good to see you again”.
Taehyung nodded before introducing me, placing his hand on my lower back. I bowed my head to his family friend, politely greeting him as he did the same, a smile never leaving his face. He then turned to Taehyung, as he patted him on the back, "Geunyeoneun aju yeppeuda! Jal haess-eoyo!"
I looked to Taehyung, waiting for him to translate, but he just shook his head looking embarrassed. "Ah! Never mind.. Hyun-tae will show us where the riding equipment is."
Both slipping on riding boots and a helmet, I followed Taehyung into the barn, immediately greeted with the sound of neighing and hooves against the hard ground.
“Hello” I chimed to the first horse on my left. The animal stuck its chestnut head over the wooden gate, sniffing my shoulder. I reached up and stroked the side of it’s head. “Aren’t you just gorgeous” I smiled.
Taehyung ran his hand over the white stripe down the horses nose, a kind smile evident both on his soft lips and big eyes.
“Is there a certain horse we’re taking out today?” I asked, looking over the five or so horses in their stalls.
“Hyun-tae said the ones in these stables are all good to go for a ride. And you’ve seemed to take a liking to this guy, so should we take him out?” Taehyung laughed.
The chestnut horse whinnied, stamping his feet, seemingly excited a going for a ride.
“I think that’s a yes” I laughed, scratching behind the horses ears.
After tacking up the horse, I followed Taehyung as he led him outside. We learnt that our new friend’s name was Jeong, which Taehyung explained to me translated from Korean to quiet or gentle.
“That’s beautiful” I said.
Taehyung nodded “With his temperament, I think it fits him perfectly”
And you as well, I thought to myself, watching how Taehyung gently interacted with the horse.
“There’s a really nice trail that goes down to overlook the lake, I thought that might be nice” Taehyung said, adjusting the saddle.
“I like the sound of that” I smiled.
Taehyung put his foot in the stirrups, swinging his leg onto the horses back. “Okay Y/N, let me show you how it’s done” cocking his eyebrows and showing me that cheeky grin. He reached his hand out helping me up to sit behind him. I was instantly aware and suddenly nervous about how close our bodies were touching. My thighs easily rested against his, and there was little gap between my hips and his. Taehyung’s arms reached behind him, grapping my own and wrapping them around his waist.
“We don’t want you falling off” he said blankly before turning to look at me over his shoulder “you ready to go.”
“Let’s go” I smiled in return.
Taehyung pulled on the reins, nudging his heel gently into the Jeong’s side causing the horse to start moving. My arms instinctively tightened around Taehyung’s waist, unaware until now of how much the horse's movements would naturally make both our bodies move together.
One thing I had learnt about Taehyung since meeting him was how comfortable silence made him, never feeling the need to fill it if he had nothing to say. The two of us were enveloped in the sounds of Jeong’s hooves, birds and insects inhabiting the trees, and a running creek in the distance. I guessed it was a good half an hour before Taehyung pointed out a clearing, revealing the afternoon sun reflecting over the beautiful body of water.
He pulled Jeong to a halt, hopping off the horse. Taehyung grabbed ahold of my waist, supporting me as I swung my leg over and jumped on to the ground. Free from the weight of us both, Jeong immediately walked over to a grassy patch and began to graze.
“Shall we sit here for a little?” Taehyung asked, reaching his hand towards my own and intertwining our fingers together.
“That looks like a nice spot over there” I pointed towards a patch of grass under the shade of a large ash tree. As we sat down, Taehyung unzipped his bag, and took a drink from his water bottle before handing it to me. I drank the refreshing water and watched as he pulled out a container of freshly cut watermelon, and chocolate coated strawberries.
“Wow, you’re so organised” I laughed, taking a strawberry. “You took me by surprise this morning that I didn’t even think of bringing food.”
“Are you glad you came?” Taehyung asked.
“Very much. Definitely my favourite day spent with you to date” I smiled.
“Me too. So far” he smiled back.
Minutes of comfortable silence passed before I spoke. “Hey, Tae?”
"Can I ask you something?" He looked towards me with his large brown eyes, urging me to continue. “What’s your dream?”
“For the band?” he asked.
I shook my head. “For yourself. Away from BTS.”
Taehyung looked out towards the water. I noticed how his brows would slightly fuse together whenever he was thinking deeply. “I guess I’ve always wanted to be like my dad. To be a good father and husband like him. When the day comes when all this comes to an end, I just look forward to settling down and having my own family” He said shyly, but proud. “I’d love to buy a property out in the country, just like out here, and have a small farm. That would be nice..”
“Really?” I asked.
“Yeah, I’ve always dreamt of something like that. Why? Is it silly?”
“Oh no!” I smiled “It’s just.. I wasn’t expecting you to say that.”
“What’s yours then?” Taehyung asked, amused.
“Um.. mine is actually the same.”
“Really?” he queried.
I nodded “I’ve always wanted to have a small farm, with lots of animals. And to settle down and raise a family.”
Taehyung chuckled “who would have thought we would have the same dream. It’s like we were meant to meet” he said nonchalantly.
I really was starting to fall for the dark-haired man sat beside me. Dare I even think it, I think I was falling in love.
Time was passing by quickly, but the two of us sat unnoticed watching the setting sun reflecting off the water, talking and laughing together.
"Did I tell you that I have a few days off work in a few weeks?"
"That's great" I smiled. "Are you going to go home and see your family?"
“Come stay at my apartment for a couple of nights” Taehyung suddenly said.
"What?" I laughed, before realising he was being serious. "Really?"
"I'm serious. I thought maybe we could have a relaxing few days.. watch anime and play video games together?" Something we had already bonded over a shared love for.
I immediately wanted to reply yes, before I realised. “I can’t leave Kanna for that long..”
“Bring her” Taehyung said. “Tan would love to have a playmate for a couple of days."
"I'm sure she would love that too."
"So that's a yes?" he beamed.
"How could I say no to anime and video games?" I laughed.
"And morning sleep in cuddles" he said, causing me to blush.
I stood up, brushing the loose grass from my jeans and reaching my hand out to Taehyung. "Come one, we should head back before it get's too dark." I said, pulling him up off the ground.
Refusing to let go of my hand, Taehyung whistled to get Jeong's attention. "Do you want to have a go at steering him this time?"
"Okay!" I put my foot into the stirrup as Taehyung lifted me up onto the horse, before climbing up himself. He placed his arms around me and grabbed a hold of my hands talking me through how to steer Jeong. A small heel tap on the horse's side and we started making our way back to the farm.
If I thought sitting behind Taehyung had me sweating, I didn't think about him sitting behind me. His large arms were still around my body, resting his hands just above mine on the reins. The movement of Jeong walking along the track caused our hips to rock forward in the saddle. With each step the horse took, I was very aware of Taehyung's manhood pressing against me. If he noticed as well, he didn't show it. I tried to focus my nervous mind on anything but the feeling of my new boyfriend's anatomy.
Just over half an hour later and we arrived back at the farm, leading Jeong back to his stables. Taehyung was about to dismount when I turned to him, pressing my lips softly against his. He complied, smiling into the kiss, and I could still taste the remnants of fruit and chocolate on his mouth.
"What was that for?" he asked smiling, his cheeks darkened.
"For such a beautiful date" I replied, a little shy from my sudden forwardness of affection.
"I'm glad you enjoyed it" he said, stealing one more kiss.
The sky began to welcome the night as we drove back to Seoul, myself looking through the photos we had taken to remember such a beautiful day. I smiled to myself as I set a photo of the two of us as my phone lockscreen. With still a long drive a head, I felt my eyes getting heavy, tired from a long day outdoors. I soon drifted off without realising, listening to Taehyung's low tones singing along to the soft music playing.

Hello! I’ve finally logged back on to my writing blog! I’m sorry to have abandoned Puppy Love like that - I’ve still been thinking of concepts for it, and have a few chapters drafted up, but I just needed a break from fic reading and writing for a bit for my own mental health (but I’ve definitely missed it).
I probably won’t have a chance to post much until August, as I’m finishing my final uni assignment this month (yay!) so after that I will have more spare time to write!
Once again, thank you to everyone who has read my work so far 🥰 I hope you have all been well, and that I can give you a lot more content soon 💜

paris with taehyung : 3

chapter 1 link here
chapter 2 link here
𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: romance; fluff and smut
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: reader x idol!taehyung; establishes relationship
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: it’s just been far too long since he’d seen her, he would practically do anything. even if it’s abrupt—like buying a one-way ticket for her to travel halfway across the world without telling her. night(s) spent at a fancy hotel might simply be the perfect way to make up for what they’ve lost in the months they’ve been apart.
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 3.7k
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: some swearing
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: dom!taehyung; teasing; dirty talk, choking; edging; fingering; dry humping; unprotected sex
only i can do that,” as expected, he stopped your hand from going any further with his fingers wrapped around your wrist. “it’s what i’m here for.”
with those words, he hooked his index finger on the waistband of your underwear, tossing it to the ground in one effortless movement. at this point, he’d done it enough times to master it.
“it’s what you’re here for?” you repeat his words, smirking slyly and raising an eyebrow.
“yes,” he bent an arm behind to rid himself of the white t-shirt, the material slipping over his head. that, too, he tossed to the ground.
taehyung inched forward to place his lips on yours, sucking on your bottom lip and making your back arch against the bed. his arm weaved through the gap between the bed and the curve of your spine, lifting you up until you were up against him, his body flush against yours.
“tae,” you murmured as you wrapped your arms around his neck. he’d set his undivided attention on your neck, making sure the indents of his teeth were left there.
“what is it, y/n?” the way he breathed your name was enough for arousal to gather between your legs.
“you need to do something,” your teeth grit together as you felt your clit press on his erection through the material of his pants.
“tell me what to do, then.” like a switch had been flipped, he’d given you the initiative to take over.
you didn’t even bother to process what you wanted to say to him. “fuck me,” you whispered, completely unashamed. your words were so straight-forward, so vulgar.
taehyung chuckled voluptuously, clearly amused. he untied the drawstring of his flannel pants under your bodies. “fuck you, huh?”
“quit teasing,” you pleaded.
“why?” he ground his crotch into you, hips circling smoothly into yours. the sensation sent a current of white, hot pleasure up your abdomen. he pressed his lips to your ear. “it’s what makes it fun.”
“we’re going to take all night if you keep this up,” you gritted your teeth. frustration wouldn’t even begin to describe how you felt as he continued rolling his hips into yours. because he was a dancer, he had it much easier than a regular person at doing it. his movements were fluid, his grip on you tight and secure.
“all-nighter, it is.”
“fine,” you panted, sliding your tongue over your bottom lip as you mirrored his lustful expression.
his hips was suddenly placed into a halt. you felt your core throb from the lack of friction, your eyebrows knitting from the lack of electrifying pleasure that his clothed hips could possibly give you.
taehyung flipped the both of you, back into the position you were in just a minute ago where he hovered above you. he was a heavenly sight above you, the dim lights of the hotel room almost illuminated a halo above his head of tousled brown hair. taehyung’s tongue licked and teased the skin on your chest, trailing down to your stomach. before he could get to where you wanted him the most, he rose back up once again to press a wet kiss to your lips.
his tongue urged your mouth to open as he lured you into the depths of his kiss. your fingers dug into the skin of his bare back, nails leaving marks.
he kissed you like there was no tomorrow and it made you feel alive.
all the emptiness you’ve felt in the past five months without him, he kissed that away.
all the ache and melancholy you felt from missing him, he kissed that away.
all the problems that burdened your mind, he kissed that away.
you stretched an arm out to slip your hand into waistband of his flannel pants. he bristled, catching your wrist before you could travel any further. you felt the sharp edge of his pelvic bone against your palm. he wasn’t wearing anything underneath.
“let me touch you,” your voice was almost limp like your hand in his grip.
“no,” silent dominance was practically emanating from his tone. it nipped at your bare skin, weaved into the dark clefts of your mind. “tonight is about you.”
“that’s not fair,” you whined, immediately hating yourself after for doing so.
“well, let me tell you something,” slowly, he ran a finger down your face. you found yourself staring into his narrowed eyes helplessly. in those lenses he was almost expressionless, and you would’ve believed so if his hard member wasn’t pressing on your inner thigh. his teeth grazed your ear before he whispered, “life isn’t fair.”
taehyung in bed was a whole other notion. in bed, he was different.
he was hot, sultry. he was daring.
in bed, he didn’t play it vanilla.
especially with you.
with you, he felt freer than he did on stage in a stadium filled with fifteen thousand people.
with you, he trusted.
“fuck, tae,” you shifted your grip to his forearms as you felt your arousal drip down onto the sheets.
“you’re so beautiful, you know that?” taehyung murmured before removing your hands around his arms to place them around his own neck in order to shift himself closer to you. his slow breathing became strained the minute you fisted your fingers in his hair. his dark eyebrows drew into a slight frown, lips parted from panting. he remained above you, one arm holding himself up while his other hand returned to your folds with full force this time.
you gasped as soon as you felt him plunge two fingers into you, leaving your mouth agape and your eyes screwed shut. his thumb traced circles on your clit as his ring and middle fingers pumped into you, stretching out your walls. his fingers moved at a slow pace to give you the liberty to adjust.
he growled at the tightness around his fingers.
“did you touch yourself while on the road?” you breathed.
“more than you know,” he nodded above you. his fingers increased in speed, hisses escaping his lips as he felt how wet you were for him.
“what did you think about?” you held back a moan as he applied more pressure to your slits.
“you,” his answer was so simple, so vague. then he continued, “the taste of you on my tongue, the tightness of your cunt around my dick.”
his words seemed to make your synapses go haywire as soon as you completely processed what he said.
his words were vile and most definitely things he reserved for only you to hear.
his fingers were soon timed to the pattern of his raspy breaths, his long fingers curling in you.
you didn’t realise how hot you were feeling until you heard your rasps for air. your orgasm wasn’t far away, and taehyung seemed to be able to sense it by feeling your walls tightening around his fingers. he grunted, retracting his fingers before you could come undone right before his eyes.
your walls seemed to clench even tighter for him, now that his fingers weren’t in you. you were burning. judging by the beads of sweat that formed at the crown of taehyung’s forehead, he was too.
he sucked on his fingers, his eyes rolling to the back of his head from the intoxicating taste of you. the corner of his lips quirked up shamelessly. “god, you taste so good.”
you kissed him before he could say anything else and driving you insane, sweeping your tongue into his mouth. he grunted, extending his arm out and digits wrapping around your neck.
“is this okay?” he asked.
you gave him your answer without even saying anything as you smirked. “didn’t know you were into this kind of thing.”
“it wouldn’t hurt to try,” he shrugged, tightening his fingers around your neck.
“for you, maybe.” you replied playfully.
your words seemed strike directly at him. the expression in his eyes softened, his lips forming an ‘o’.
“tell me if it hurts,” he said.
you nodded wordlessly.
“i don’t want to hurt you,” he shook his head. regardless, his hand was still around your neck, one step away from choking you. “i’m serious, y/n.”
you kissed his cheek reassuringly. “you won’t,” you tugged on his hair.
“fuck,” he tilted his head back in the direction of your tug. “i love it when you pull my hair.”
“is it the time to say––” you pulled him to you until his ear was by your lips. “that i love it when you choke me?”
taehyung groaned in your ear, so deep and vocal. “don’t say things like that.”
“why?” you asked rhetorically before you reached down and began to palm him through his pants. it was evident that he wasn’t wearing anything underneath that as you could see a wet patch from his precum on the area of his crotch. he tipped his head back once again, releasing a loud moan from the back of his throat. you sped up your movements, hands groping tighter onto his twitching cock through the flannel material.
this exact movement was his breaking point. taehyung slid his pants down to his knees as he kneeled before you. he pumped and stroked his own length with a tight fist as he leaned down to whisper, “i need to be inside you.” he was short for breath, almost heaving while his other hand constricted your throat.
it was something you’ve never felt before, a strange sensation that you never knew you could enjoy. the cold sting of his rings on your neck, the strength of his fingers around your skin. the discomfort had interchanged with an absolute sense of euphoria and pleasure. it was enough for you to drip from your cunt even more than you already were since his fingers had done played a part in turning you into a moaning mess.
you nodded to give him the consent he needed. with that he eased himself back onto you, aligning his length up along your entrance. he paused as he grazed his tip over your slit, one of his torture methods. at same time, it anticipated you for him.
taehyung kept his hand around your neck as he thrusted himself into you to the hilt, moans escaping his pretty lips. his eyes were shut, savouring the sensation of your cunt clenching around him. you gritted your teeth, hands finding nowhere but the sheets to hold on to.
“shit,” he hissed. “you’re so fucking tight.”
his restrain on your neck disabled you from reaching up to run your fingers through his luscious locks so instead you arch against him until his nose brushed yours, just to get some skin contact aside from his cock in you. he pulled you into a kiss as the undulation of his hips proceeded with a slow rhythm, one that drove your senses out of the window. he broke away, holding your bottom lip between his teeth. he chuckled lowly as he peered down through dark eyes at you.
witnessing his lover come undone over his touch was something he found so sexy, he might have just came right there and then. you found yourself unable to contain your moans anymore, especially with his infuriatingly slow pace.
“taehyung,” you moaned as he sped up, hips pounding into yours and reading your mind.
“that’s it,” he cooed. “scream my name until the whole city of paris can hear you.”
he rocked into you with a more punishing rhythm, each thrust sending the backboard of the bed against the wall.
somehow, you managed to gain the willpower to crack a joke as he lost himself in you. “poor jimin next door.”
taehyung scoffed, offering you a smile you found rather sardonic. he snapped his hips into you as his fingers clutched harder around your neck. a whimper was let loose from your lips once you felt him brush all the right places. “i don’t want to hear another man’s name from your pretty lips right now.”
you didn’t, couldn’t say anything more as he increased the velocity of his pace, the sound of his skin slapping against yours filling the warm atmosphere. sweat leaked down his forehead, drenching his long fringe. he laid himself down on you, torso against torso. he let go of your neck and slipped his arm under your waist to lift your body even closer to his own until it was physically impossible to be anymore closer.
you knew he wouldn’t be able to last as long as he used to. this was what abstinence from sex for half a year with one another was like, aside from relieving yourselves with the help of your fingers and imagination. it was desperate, needy. the lust and desire between you both were reciprocated, like it always was. tonight there was something ignited in him that you haven’t noticed before.
“fuck,” he grunted into your ear. “i’m close.”
“cum in me,” you said.
hearing your words was something that dragged him even closer to his release. he moaned, the roll of his hips picking up even more agility. he held onto you tight as his quickened breaths brushed the base of your throat. pressure began to build up in your abdomen, the tingling sensation in your cunt intensifying with each thrust he made.
“tae,” you weaved your fingers through his hair.
“hm?” he hummed, voice strained from physical demand. “are you close?”
he managed to crack a laugh in response to your vigorous nod.
with one last thrust, you were washed over with a wave of pleasure from your climax, thighs trembling and walls closing in on his dick. the moan that emitted from your lips was the loudest yet, reverberating against the french wainscotting of the walls. your back arched into him, your tailbone pressing against the mattress as your chest pressed against his with the support of his arm around your waist. he cradled you to his chest while you shook from your orgasm, triggering his own.
taehyung soon followed suit with his own release. the one arm that kept him up gave out as he landed his naked body on you, his other arm sandwiched between the mattress and your lower back. a string of curses mixed with your name slipped out of his mouth in a groan rich with pure bliss and frenzy. you felt him release his load into you, his entire body trembling along with yours.
you watched him close his eyes while you both rode your orgasms out, savouring the feeling of his dick softening in you right after release and that feeling of the everlasting, enhanced connection that he felt with you every single time you two made love.
taehyung pulled out of you, falling back onto the bed beside you. he was still panting. and so were you.
“i missed this,” he murmured through pants.
you sat up, resting your head against the beige velvet headboard. “the sex?” the teasing, you figured, would never stop. especially with taehyung.
“what?” he turned his head on his pillow to look at you, bewildered. “no, of course not. i missed you.”
“and the sex?” you probed him again. a cheeky smile hung loosely by your lips.
“yeah, fine, whatever.” he rolled his eyes playfully and his smile made another appearance tonight.
scooting to the edge of the bed, you bent down to pick up your silk robe that taehyung had aggressively tossed to the side earlier. you slipped it back onto yourself, tying the drawstrings tight.
“where are you going?” he mumbled with one eye open as he sensed your swift movement to make your way to the bathroom.
“bathroom,” you answered and paused at the bathroom door. in your peripheral vision, you saw taehyung sit up in interest. “i’m taking a bath.”
there was a long silence between you two and a question that floated midair.
then you decided to ask it aloud. “do you want to join me?”
without even directly looking at him, you could spot that wide grin from miles away. “thought you’d never ask.”
you threw your head back and laughed.
he dashed past you and into the bathroom, butt naked. it made laughter tumble out of you harder, your head and chest filled with glee and serotonin.
you shook your head, a smile still plastered across your face. you spotted his discarded clothes on the carpeted floor, deciding to pick them up before you joined him in the bathroom. you figured he might need it right after his bath. the thought of him shivering like a baby after the water runs cold made you chuckle under your breath.
“y/n-ah!” he called out amongst the blaring sound of running water. “where are you?”
you walked in the bathroom to find his lanky figure in the bathtub, knees pulled up to his chest and an obvious pout on his face.
“i’m here, you baby,” you set his clothes down by the sink and began to undo the silk belt of your bathrobe.
you could see him he look at you creepily with the raised eyebrows and distorted smirk through the mirror. he did things like this on purpose to make you feel uncomfortable. except, you didn’t feel that way. you thought he was just being silly.
“come here, then.” he spread his arms to welcome you in.
you stepped into the bathtub carefully, lifting one leg after another to prevent yourself from slipping and falling. you sit in between his legs, back pressing against his chest and resting your arms on his knees. the two of you let out a huge sigh as you the toasty water started to fill up the tub and engulfing you and your lover in it’s warm embrace.
“this feels nice,” he said. you felt the vibration of his voice from his chest on your back.
you laughed at the obvious fact, leaning your head back into his collarbone. he reached to the tray by the tub and grabbed the shower gel. he unscrewed the cap and poured it under the running faucet to create a makeshift bubble bath.
under the water, his arms found their way around your waist, fingers lingering dangerously close to your sex. it’s barely been fifteen minutes since you both finished, and this gave a very clear signal that he was in the mood again.
“round two?” he whispered in your ear.
“not today,” you shook your head.
this man and his hormones.
“okay,” he answered quietly. “thought you might want to.”
“you’re tired,” you spun around in the tub to face him, water swirling from your movement. “quit lying to yourself,” hands reaching up, you ran your fingers through his hair and stared him straight in the eye.
this was exactly why you loved drawing him. you’ll never get bored of just drinking the sight of him. his hair was a tousled mess, his lips still red from kissing you earlier, neck covered in small marks you left. his eyes were tired, mouth turned up into a small, satisfied grin. his sharp features were simple, but they were expressive.
he didn’t need to say anything for you to understand him. you could just take one look and you could see what he was thinking, what he was feeling.
in public, he was a complex figure.
with you, he was simple. simple in a way that you understood each other in a level that made him exhale with relief every time he spotted you in the crowd of fanatics, that he had someone to know how he was truly feeling and someone he could come home to just completely free his mind.
he lost too many people over the years, you and his family were the only people he had replaying in his mind, aside from his members.
the murmur of your name interrupted your thoughts. his hand was around your arm, drawing you in towards him. “you’re right, i am.”
“but i can’t miss this opportunity of seeing you naked.” his creepy smirk had made a return.
“quit lying to yourself and being a perv,” you rolled your eyes, smiling.
“but i’m only ever a perv for you,” he mumbled. “please love me.”
“i do love you,” you laughed and ran a hand down his face. “but you really need to rest.”
“i’ve been sleep deprived for five months,” it was like he finally came into a revelation, looking away from you. he was lost in a daze of his own thoughts and you could almost hear the gears churn in his head to process it.
that, you realised, simply showed how unaware he was about his own wellbeing. worry nipped at you, a familiar feeling that you felt every time you were apart for a long period of time.
“can i tell you something?”
“go ahead,” you replied.
“i can’t sleep well without you.” his
“that’s a problem, then.”
“it is,” he agreed. “but i try my best.”
“i’m sure you were fine without me,” you said. “besides, you’ve got jimin.”
“ah, jimin,” he drawled on. “maybe i should share a room with him next time.”
“maybe you should,” you nodded. your smile was an attempt to lighten up the mood. he smiled back at you, eyes crinkling. “here––“ you lifted yourself up from the water, unaware of how exposed you were to him. at this point, you didn’t care. you stepped over his legs to get to the edge of the tub. “––move forward a little,” you pushed him lightly on the back as you sat yourself on the lip of the cold porcelain. your hands gripped his shoulders, massaging it to relieve the tight pressure.
“ah,” he rested his head on your lap while you worked your hands on his shoulders, fingers ridding him of the stress of having an entire world tour had put on him. he closed his eyes and stretched his long legs to fill up the empty length of the tub.
“you need a break,” you muttered under your breath after feeling how tight his muscles were.
“just another month, baby.”
you hummed in delight at the term of endearment. “i didn’t tell you how much i’ve missed you––the real expanse of it.”
“you didn’t have to,” taehyung flicked an eye open to glance up at you. “actions speak louder than words.”
taglist: @minjiyeonnie
paris with taehyung : 2

chapter 1 link here
𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: romance; pure fluff and smut
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: reader x idol!taehyung ; established relationship
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: it’s just been far too long since he’d seen her, he would practically do anything. even if it’s abrupt—like buying a one-way ticket for her to travel halfway across the world without telling her. night(s) spent at a fancy hotel might simply be the perfect way to make up for what they’ve lost in the months they’ve been apart.
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 3.7k
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: a glimpse of dom!taehyung; dirty talk; teasing
it was kim taehyung singing in the shower.
he seemed to be practising his high notes in the shower, waking every single guest in this hotel building. of course, he didn’t dare to sing like this on stage, in public. only when you were there, he would unleash who he really was, the really quirky and dorky kim taehyung. you sighed and rolled your eyes with a smile, although he wasn’t there to see it.
“hey taehyunggie,” you called out as you slid off the bed to stand outside the bathroom door. “i think the entire hotel can hear you.”
Keep reading
paris with taehyung

𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: romance; fluff and smut
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: reader x idol!taehyung
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: it’s just been far too long since he’d seen her, he would practically do anything. even if it’s abrupt—like buying a one-way ticket for her to travel halfway across the world without telling her. night(s) spent at a fancy hotel might simply be the perfect way to make up for what they’ve lost in the months they’ve been apart
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 3.6k
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: some swearing
𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐜: serendipity - park jimin
you didn’t know how you ended up in such an extravagant hotel room in such an extravagant place, but you did.
all because of a text and a phone call from him.
the notification on your phone simply said:
pack your things and call your boss. you’re going to paris.
Keep reading
I just re-read my Puppy Love fic (I haven’t written any of it in about a year) and I actually miss the story. Taking a break and looking back made me realise how proud I am of that work. Maybe I need to come back to it soon?
re-reading has also led me to Taehyung feels hour.
Hello followers/readers of this blog. I’m sorry I haven’t been active on here for a while, I unintentionally took a break from writing my Puppy Love fic. During that time I could see that writing fiction wasn’t the best thing for me at the moment, and it started to feel like something I had to do instead of something I wanted to 😔 So I think for now I might put my writing and even reading on hold.. I may still come back to it, especially my Puppy Love fic as I had so many ideas and sections I’ve already written!
I’m definitely not deleting, and will still keep notifications for this blog on 😊 I’m proud of the pieces I’ve created on here, even if it wasn’t a lot, and have also read some amazing fics. I just need to take some time to pursue other things for the time being.
Thank you to everyone who has read my work, and left a like or comment, it means so much to me 💜

bias wrecked — kth | profiles.

bias wrecked | 00: profiles.
➳ main pairing: idol!taehyung x army!reader
➳ side ships: yoonmin, jinkook
➳ genre: fluff, slice of life, crack
➳ warnings: language, pining, small amount of angst (not much, i swear lol)
➳ update schedule: every monday and thursday
✧ kim taehyung seems to have made a habit of coming into the coffee shop where you work when you’re about to close up. after spending some time engaging in small talk night after night, both of you find yourselves harboring a mutual crush. he’s happy that he can finally be himself with someone, rather than being known only as a member of BTS. but what he doesn’t know is that you’re an army, and you know exactly who he is.
masterlist ⇀
ps. big thank you to @namkook & @taespizzacrust for letting me use their beautiful names for my characters! xo
tag list:
@tbtssstuff @bburninggoldd @betysotelo18 @21st-century-girl @bellexwriter @bubbleteatae @jinhitwhore @chiquifibaby1208 @janetgordyx3 @dontaskshhhhh @paolandotcom @thelilbutifulthings @mykie-min-bangtan @euphxriajoon @coffeeismylife28 @paradisetaemin @singular-itae @btsglitter @bang-her-tan @alpaca1612 @gguksfilter @bella-victoria002 @chimacchiato @happyhrsme @out-of-jams @ayujmi @bangtanlalaland @fleurmoon @lowlifeoeuvre @cherriigguk @sebuckstian @taemaknae @vantaescupid @sweetestdreamssuga @spookidema @serious-addiction @beeeb05 @chimshoe95 @booklover240 @taehyungsguccitie @sungieshines @holyhumorliteraturelight @imluckybitches @hyungies-pup @mygsbae @lovemusicpretty @kuppyjiminie @chocobetterknot
if you’d like to be added to the tag list, send me an ask! and if you’ve previously asked to be added and don’t see your name, it’s because tumblr won’t let me tag certain people. so sorry! :(
sneak peak
6,690 miles • kth

part one of a two-shot
⇥ pairing: taehyung x fem!reader // soulmate!au
⇥ synopsis: paris, france has always been the place of your dreams, and once you finally get there, it’s almost as if things are too good to be true. this is ultimately proven when you meet kim taehyung, you’re long awaited soulmate that you can’t seem to get a grip on.
or, alternatively: taehyung is your soulmate and you have issues with that because he lives on the other side of the world.
⇥ genre: angst angst angst angst, fluff, angst, pining, author tries her best to describe what paris is like despite never stepping foot in paris at all
⇥ warnings: cursing, big ol’ sadness
⇥ est word count: 15k-20k+
⇥ release date: JULY 24, 2020 @ 12:00 PM EST

“Surely we’ll be seeing each other again?”
“If fate wills it.”
There’s a kind, yet melancholic smile you flash, like you’re consoling an innocent child with a white lie. Whether the lie was to convince you or him, you’re not sure, and if you think about it hard enough, you’d probably find that the answer isn’t one you’d like to give, but you’re taken away from your thoughts, your breath escaping your lungs again once your eyes meet with Taehyung’s.
His eyes light up at your words, and he’s beaming at you so brightly that you could replace all the lights on the Eiffel Tower with just his smile.
“Then, I’ll be seeing you soon, Y/N. Have a good night.”
You laugh at his words when you think about them on your train ride back to your hotel.
But something sparks in your heart. Whether it was hope or foolishness, you couldn’t tell. It was too fine a line to distinguish between the two. You try to ignore it, but it’s hard when your heart makes silent prayers that you could see him at least once more.
Your fingers trace the inked words on your skin, while you shake your head and chuckle at your own pitiful state. No matter how many times you’d battle between reason and emotion, reason always won. The hard truth was that the chances of you running into him again were blatantly close to zero. It didn’t matter the equation, the calculations, or the perfect storm you could create. Nothing would result in a happy ending for you.
Closing your eyes to block out the newfound heartbreak you’re experiencing, you rest your head on the cold window, immersing yourself in how the fast motion of the train causes your head to bump against it over and over. It provides a sound distraction from your troubles, but it’s not enough for you to forget about the dull pain in your heart. Simply put, the fact that Taehyung had just come into your life in a matter of mere seconds and managed to turn your whole world upside down with just some playful banter and conversation stupefies you. Now you were lovestruck, diving headfirst into an unrequited love for someone who didn’t know that they were your soulmate.
A tear rolls down your face and you let out one last shaky laugh before you reach your stop.
How foolish of you to act as if you’d ever see each other again.
Paris is big enough as it is.

a/n: hi everyone this is basically the rewrite nobody asked for :,) but i’m going to post it anyway because i was rereading my oneshot and i wanted to make it 10x better :D
also for the people asking for a part two, your wish has been granted because i found out i wanted a part two as well LMFAOOO
Are us creative people ever happy with our pieces of work, or is it a constant cycle of procrastination, hating what we’ve written, and then finally publishing 🙃
Puppy Love - Part 5
Read previous parts here
pairing: idol!Taehyung x reader
warnings: none
tag list: message me if you wish to be tagged in future updates of this story :)

Taehyung’s POV
Waking up, post party, in a dorm with six other boys wasn’t my favourite thing in the world. At least half of us would be hungover and spend the morning moping around. Then there was the dreaded task of cleaning the mess of the kitchen and living area. Half empty cups and packets of food would be left lying around, even if Hoseok did his best to tidy the night before.
Thankfully I woke up feeling okay this morning, praising myself for being too distracted to drink too much, even if that distraction was Y/N. At the thought of her I grabbed my phone of my bedside table to check the time (10:12 am), She hadn’t messaged since we text our tipsy good nights, so I sent her a quick text to tell her good morning, hitting send as my stomach rumbled. I reluctantly rolled out of my warm bed, throwing an oversized tshirt over my head and ruffling my hair out of my eyes.
As I stumbled into the kitchen, I was surprised to see the other members already up. They definitely drank more than me last night.
“Look who’s up!” Hoseok chimed as he sat at the kitchen bench. “Yoongi even beat you!” he laughed. Yoongi just groaned, rolling his eyes as he cradled his cup of coffee.
“Ah, Taehyung” Jin questioned, hovering over a hot pan. “How was your night?” He raised his eyebrows, a smile spread across his face.
“Hmm?” I replied, although I was sure I knew what he was teasing about.
“Y/N?” Namjoon smiled.
“Oh” I said, joining them at the bench.
Jin put a plate of cooked food in front of me. “Well..? Did anything happen?” He asked.
“Did you kiss her?!” Jungkook asked excitedly, and I chucked at how young he was sometimes.
“No.” I series of what’s and why not’s chimed around me “I told you guys, we’re just friends” I said nonchalantly.
“That is so crap, Kim Taehyung” Hoseok announced, causing all the boys to look at him, including myself. “Neither of you could keep your eyes off each other all night.”
I blinked at my older friend.
“He’s right Taehyung. We can all see that you like her, and it’s pretty obvious she likes you too” Namjoon said.
I moved the food around my plate feeling embarrassed. “I don’t want her to have to go through all the craziness of my life..”
“Don’t you think she should make that decision?” Yoongi spoke. “People are going to talk about her if she’s your friend anyway.”
“And you can just be private about it” Jimin added.
“Why are you all so invested in my love life” I questioned, slightly amused.
“Because you’re our friend” Jimin smiled.
“And sometimes you need a little push” Jin said.
“Just talk to her Taehyung. Like Yoongi said, she might be okay with it” Hoseok added.
“Okay, okay!” I whined, feeling embarrassed at the unwanted attention, and focusing on my breakfast. However, I didn’t miss my friends smiling at each other, causing just a small smile to appear on my face at the thought of what could come from this.
It had been a couple of days since the party, and Hoseok’s words kept playing in my head.
Friends don’t look at each other like that.
Yet Taehyung had been pretty clear about being friends, and now that I knew who he was, I was sure he would never go for someone like me. I looked down at my dog, scratching behind her ears.
“You’re lucky, you know that? You don’t have to worry about feelings, or reading things wrong” I sighed.
As if he knew I was talking about him, my phone buzzed and Taehyung’s name lit up my screen.
T: Hey Y/N. Are you busy? Do you mind if I come by?
I had come to discover Taehyung could be blunt at times, but something felt off about his message.
Y/N: Not at all! 😊
T: Have you had dinner?
Y/N: I was just about to start it.. did you want me to make you some?
T: Good. I’m bringing takeaway. I’ll see you soon x
I buzzed him in not even half an hour later, holding two bags of warm rice and noodles.
“Hey” he smiled. He looked tired.
“Hey, come in” I said taking the food from his hands as he released me from his embrace.
Kanna came bounding to the door when she realised it was him.
“Hey baby!” He said, kneeling down to give her attention. She followed him into the lounge room, and laid down next to him as we both sat around the coffee table to eat.
“Is everything okay, Tae?” I asked, once we had both finished eating, the tv playing softly in the background. I was apprehensive about what his answer would be.
He sighed, making a bad feeling rise in my stomach. He must have noticed, because he quickly shook his head “you haven’t done anything wrong, jagi!”
My cheeks blushed at what he called me, but I smiled with relief “is there anything I can do..?”
Taehyung looked down at his hands, his nails suddenly seemed interesting as he picked at them.
“I’m a little shy” he muttered. His statement making me want to snuggle him in my arms and protect him from the world. He looked up, his dark yet kind eyes staring into my own. “but I need to tell you that I like you Y/N. A lot. I have since we first met.”
I could have sworn my heart stopped when he said those words. Sure, we flirted, and I liked him too, but it’s something different entirely, hearing the words you only hoped for. I was building up the courage to match his bold confession, when he spoke again.
“It’s driving me crazy being friends with you.. I.. I want you to be my girlfriend” he struggled with what to say “but I need you to know what you’re singing up for.” A sadness appeared across his eyes.
I simply smiled, encouraging him to continue.
“Being an idol.. our schedules are crazy and we’re constantly travelling, living out of hotels for months at a time. I hardly see my family and friends. And we have to match a certain image. Technically we’re not even allowed to date..” he frantically spoke, perfect eyebrows harsh in frustration.
I felt sorry for him. I could only imagine how it felt to be restricted from so many simple things in life. He told me how much he loved his job and how happy performing made him, but it would certainly take it’s toll from time to time.
“Please don’t feel pressured. I will completely understand if you don’t want to be involved in that kind of life..”
I could feel my heart pounding against my chest as I opened my mouth to speak. “Taehyung..” he looked up at me with those big, innocent eyes “I like you too, and I did before I knew who you were.”
Taehyung stared blankly at me before a shy smile took over. “Really?” He asked.
“Yes, really” I giggled.
He shuffled closer to where I was sitting on the floor, and gently lifted my hand into his own. “Ah! You have no idea how happy I feel hearing that” he smiled, giggling.
I was extremely aware of how close he was to me now. His dark, innocent, eyes darted between my own, as I noticed how unique his eye lids were and the way he slowly blinked. I admired the little freckle on his nose, and the ones under his eye and lip, looking as if they were perfectly placed on his honey skin. I had never denied how attractive this man was, but this was the first time I had fully grasped just how beautiful he was.
“What?” He asked, snapping me from daydreaming about his face.
“Nothing” I blushed.
Taehyung just smiled, bringing his other hand to the side of my face and brushing loose strands of hair to the side with this thumb. “You’re so beautiful, jagiya” He said.
Taehyung started moving closer to me, his eyes firmly set on my lips before fluttering shut. Following his lead, I softly closed mine, as I felt his gentle lips pressed against my own. And the kiss was just that, so gentle. There was no hunger or dominance, but innocence. I could faintly taste the sweet strawberry drink he had with dinner as it lingered on his lips. He lightly squeezed my hand in his own, and I let out a giggle against his lips, causing Taehyung to do the same. I shyly looked up into his eyes, both our cheeks flushed pink.
“I’ve wanted to do that since we were at the park” he smiled.
“I’m glad you finally did” I replied, giddy.
“So.. is that a yes?” Taehyung asked, cocking his eyebrows.
“Of course” I smiled, rolling me eyes as if it wasn’t already obvious.
He beamed his boxy smile as his thumb rubbed my hand in his own “and don’t feel pressured about the media or fans, we can keep this private for as long as you wish. Okay?” He smiled reassuringly. I nodded.
Taehyung and I sat on the couch talking, well into the late hours of the night. I wasn’t sure how long for. The last thing I remember was the sound of his heartbeat as we both drifted off to sleep on the couch. Happy, that we were no longer friends.
Taehyung’s POV
It was only when I woke up to a crook in my neck that I realised Y/N and I had fallen asleep on her couch. I rubbed the weariness from my eyes and looked down to see her peacefully pressed against my chest. It wasn’t long before she herself stirred, eyes still half-closed as she looked up at me.
“Good morning” I smiled.
“Taehyung? Did we really fall asleep on the couch” she laughed, pulling the throw covering the both of us up to her chin for warmth.
“I don’t even remember when we stopped talking” I chuckled.
Suddenly my phone rang as it sat on the coffee table, startling the both of us. “Hello?”
“Taehyung!” Namjoon spoke on the other end of the line “where are you?”
I froze, remembering the meeting we had all planned for this morning to discuss ideas for the next album. I cursed in Korean “Namjoon-hyung, I’m sorry! I totally forgot I’ll be there soon! Okay.. bye.”
“What’s wrong” Y/N asked once I’d hung up, sitting up.
“Ah, I’m supposed to be at a meeting with the boys right now. I’m sorry to just run off like this.”
“Shit.. I’m sorry!” She said, almost jumping from the couch. I immediately noticed the absence of her warmth, annoyed that I couldn’t pull her back in.
As I stood up from the couch and began gathering my things, Y/N returned from the kitchen handing me a banana and muesli bar. “You don’t have time for me to properly make you something, but you need to eat breakfast.” She said sweetly.
Without hesitation, I pressed a kiss firmly against her lips. “I’m glad I can do that whenever now” I smiled shyly.
“No complaints from me” she smiled. “Now go! Before you make yourself even later!”
I walked into the lounge of the dorm, thankfully the meeting was just a causal one between the members.
“Ah! Nice of you to show up” Jin laughed.
“I’m sorry” I announced.
“Where were you so early in the morning? Or did you even come home last night” Hoseok asked.
“Well.. no. I.. um.. went over to Y/N’s last night.” Eyebrows were raised in response. “And we ended up falling asleep on the couch.”
Their response was expected, loud and obnoxious, teasing their younger brother about what they thought had happened.
“Does that mean you two are a thing now?” Jungkook asked, grinning. I nodded shyly, unable to hide my smile.
“Aaaaand..” Jin beamed.
“We just stayed up late talking and ended up falling asleep?” I said blankly.
“So you didn’t-“
“No, hyung we didn’t” I replied. “Not that I would tell you if we did” I smirked.
“Hey! I thought we were like brothers” Jin laughed, only to be shoved away by Namjoon.
“We’re all really happy for you, Taehyung” Jimin beamed.
My heart fluttered, thinking of the previous night. “I’m really happy. She understands me” I ruffled the back of my unbrushed hair awkwardly. “I’ve never had such a connection with someone, aside from you guys.”
“As beautiful as all this is, we’ve got a heap of work to do, so can we..” Yoongi whined, gesturing to the table full of notes, earning agreement from the rest of the members.
But as I sat down next to him, Yoongi nudged me in the side, a half smile spread across his face as he nodded at me happily.
Light Blue
You and Taehyung started dating 2 years ago, it was a long distance relationship which at time put a strain on the two of you. But neither could deny the connection you shared, it was visible to everyone close to him even before his feelings came out. So after a friendship was formed and the two of you grew closer, your shared feelings came out naturally.
This night, like very Thursday at 9 P.M. for you, Taehyung would call, but you happened to have dinner plans with your best friend which ended up running over by a little bit. The faint sound of the Skype ring tone coming from inside your apartment as you rushed to unlock the door. You ran through your small space and into your bedroom where you kept your desk and computer.
You clicked the answer button quickly; “I’m here! Here…” you panted, resting your palms on the desk as you tried to catch your breath.
He didn’t greet you with his usual cool tone. Taehyung was very laid back, sometimes you wondered if he was too lax, but that was just his personality.
You looked up at the screen and found him already staring at you, his relaxed smile nowhere to be seen. Only his blank stare looked back at you, resting his cheeks against his hand.
You shrugged it off, he often was lost in his own head. It was cute.
“Let me change babe, one second.”
You moved to the right of your bed where your closet was, only half of you could be seen by the camera so you quickly rid of your clothes and changed in pajamas. You came back after another minute having messily taken your make up off, using a cotton pad to rid of the rest as you sat down in front of your computer.
A frown set in realizing he had yet to say anything.
“Tae?” You asked, satisfied with your bare face. You leaned in closer to the camera, resting your chin on your hand. He was on his phone now, likely buying time just waiting for you.
He looked at the you through the screen at the sound of his name, his lips fallen into a slight pout.
“Aren’t you going to say hello?” You pouted back, sad he hadn’t really acknowledged you yet.
He leaned in this time, mimicking you, making you smile. His eyes brightened and you could see a faint trace of a smirk on his face.
He loved teasing you.
“Staring contest?” You half-joked, chuckling at yourself.
He watched you, admiring your laugh. Your pretty lips and cute, round nose. The way your cheeks puffed up when you giggles and how you closed your eyes because you just a little it embarrassed. Though he could easily get lost in them.
Your eyes fell on him again, your face feeling hot as he sat there, looking at you, his smile growing in the slightest.
“Baby…” you whined.
He started to wave; “hi.” He said simply.
If it wasn’t for his innocent tone you would have felt upset, even offended by his lack of words.
“Finally.” You giggled, sitting back in your chair, finally able to relax after hearing his voice.
“I’m sorry, I was thinking.” He revealed, looking at you with big eyes.
He sat back also, removing his backwards hat to push his hair back, hiding his fluffy grown out hair under the cap once again.
You pouted. You loved his hair like this. The way it curled at the end and sat perfectly at the name of his neck, even his bangs that almost covered his dark eyes.
He pursed his lips as he thought for a second before answering. “Jiminie and I were talking about me and you, having someone special to care about, and it made me wonder something.” He had this way of keeping small surprises, wanting the person listening to ask for more before he gave it all away.
“Go on.” You chuckled quietly.
His eyes held your attention, like he was trying to say something without using the actual words for it. At the same time it was as if he was searching your face for the answer.
He pressed his lips together, hiding a smile this time; “I wonder when it was you realized you were in love with me.” He asked you as if it was a secret. Nobody could know but him.
Your eyes widened at the same time your heart skipped a beat.
“Oh-” you giggled nervously, “is that too private to say?” You weren’t completely serious but it also felt so personal.
He looked at your plainly, like it was simple; “it’s your right to keep it to yourself.”
The funny thing was is even if it embarrassed you, you wanted to try and describe it to Taehyung. But for him, his eyes were so full of love for you, he would be content in never hearing the answer from you. He didn’t need it.
It was equal parts easy and difficult to answer. You pulled your legs up into the seat, hugging yourself as you thought about it.
You leaned your head to the side to look at him, he sat lazily in his chair, gently swiveling from side to side, his eyes elsewhere. His tendency to drift off made him patient.
He was quick to give you his attention, his head back against the headrest, that smirk you loved so much present on his face.
“You know the color light blue?”
At first he smiled like he wanted to laugh a little bit but he heard the seriousness in your tone as you asked in a soft voice.
He nodded, pulling himself closer to the desk. You could see more clearly the mole on his nose and the one on his neck.
“It’s like that.”
A dreamy look glazed over his eyes as he watched you and listened intently.
“2 years ago, it was my first time visiting you remember? Almost 6 months after we started dating-”
He nodded, remembering.
“This feeling I had kept growing every time I heard your voice on the phone or saw you here on my screen, but I knew I wanted to wait until I was physically with you to say it-”
You smiled, dropping your gaze for a moment as you recalled the feeling.
“But what really made me realize it was when we were in your bed together, it was so late and I was so jet-lagged. My eyes were closed and I turned over on my side not realizing you were already facing me. I opened my eyes just for a second and your face was right next to mine. You said in your sleepy voice ‘goodnight’ and all I could see was light blue.”
His pleased smile was everything to you. His gaze innocent like a doe, yet heavy with emotion as you two locked eyes.
You started to feel bashful, trying to be cute hide how vulnerable you were feeling, placing your hands over your eyes and looking to see if he was still looking at you through spread fingers.
He was.
No one could win a staring contest against Taehyung, but you were okay with that.
Without any word he showed you his hands, looking at you the entire time to make sure you were watching as he put them together. His gestures seemed odd but you knew it meant something to you.
You chuckled, dropping your hands. It made him chuckle before his face fell again, satisfied.
“I love you.”
The sound of him saying that never got old. Goosebumps appeared on your skin and the tips of your toes tingled with excitement.
“I love you Tae.”
I’m envious of people who create fan art cause they can actually show it to their faves. It’s hard when writing is your form of creativity.
“Here bts, spend hours reading this full au story I’ve written about you”
bias wrecked — kth | teaser.

Coming soon…
➳ fic type: social media au
➳ main pairing: idol!taehyung x army!reader
➳ side ships: yoonmin, jinkook
➳ genre: fluff, slice of life, crack
➳ warnings: language, pining, small amount of angst (not much, i swear lol)
✧ kim taehyung seems to have made a habit of coming into the coffee shop where you work when you’re about to close up. after spending some time engaging in small talk night after night, both of you find yourselves harboring a mutual crush. he’s happy that he can finally be himself with someone, rather than being known only as a member of BTS. but what he doesn’t know is that you’re an army, and you know exactly who he is.

want to be added to the tag list? send me an ask!
p.s. if you’ve requested to be added to my permanent tag list, then you will already be tagged for this series and don’t have to ask! xo
I believe some of the links in my masterlist are not working, so I’ll have to go through and fix them (😩) Apologies!
If you do come across a link that’s not working, feel free to let me know and I’ll fix it as soon as I can 😊
Puppy Love - Part 4
Read previous parts here
pairing: idol!Taehyung x reader
warnings: none.
authors note: I’m sorry if it’s seeming a bit slow at the moment, I don’t want to rush the story and want to make sure their relationship develops realistically. Thank you so much to those who have read it so far and for your lovely messages, it honestly makes my day! I hope you enjoy what’s to come x

Taehyung’s POV
“So you’re really just going to stay friends?” Jimin asked.
Jimin, Yoongi and I were sat in our living area of our shared dorm, ignoring the television playing softly in the background as we talked over a drink. I had finally mustered up the courage to tell someone else about my past few days with Y/N, and how much I was falling for her.
I nodded “you know what comes with being an idol.”
“There’s a bit of a difference between dating around, and actually being in a proper relationship” Yoongi pointed out.
Jimin nodded at Yoongi’s comment “you’re always saying how you plan to settle down one day-”
“Jimin” I cut in “I only just met her!”
“I know” he smiled “but from what you’ve told us she sounds perfect for you.”
I sighed.
“It can’t hurt to take things slow, and be friends first” Yoongi hummed “but if you really like this girl I think you should go for it.”
Yoongi wasn’t one to say much, but when he did it was insightful and came from the heart.
I nodded, taking a sip from the glass bottle “I guess I can see how things go.” I smiled to myself “she’s really cool.”
“So when can your best friend meet her?” Jimin asked excitedly.
“I wouldn’t call that taking things slow, Jimin-ah” I laughed.
It had been about 2 weeks since Taehyung took me out for dinner, his busy schedule meant that we were limited to conversing via text (and the occasional phone call).
I came to accept the flirting was just a part of his charming nature, and tried to suppress the ongoing feelings I had for him for the sake of our friendship, which had become much closer over the past few weeks.
I had just got home from work that evening and placed my bag on the table when I was startled from my thoughts by the sound of my phone ringing. My hopes that it was Taehyung was confirmed, when I saw his name lit up on the screen.
“Hello” I cheerfully greeted, my tired mood instantly disappearing at the sound of his voice.
“Hello, how was work?” He asked.
“Not bad, but I’ve been at a computer screen basically all day and I’m so ready to pass out! How was rehearsal?”
“Good! I won’t keep you for long so you can get some rest”
“Oh? What’s up?” I asked.
“Well, the boys and I are having a small party this Saturday night, just to catch up with some friends and have a bit of a break from everything. And I’d love it if you could be there.. if your haven’t already got plans of course” Taehyung said hopefully.
I was not expecting to be invited to a social gathering so early into our friendship. Or even at all. “Really? I mean, are you sure it’s okay for me to be there? I don’t want to intr-”
“Of course! It’s just at the dorm. And the other boys really want to meet you!”
“Well I’d love to then!”
On the other end of the line, Taehyung made a sound that resembled some form of celebration, causing me to laugh!
“I’ll text you the address, yeah?” he said. “Oh and it’s nothing fancy so don’t feel like you have to get dressed up or anything.”
“Okay” I smiled through the phone.
“We’ll see you on Saturday! Bye Y/N”
“Bye Taehyung.”
2 days later
I pulled up at the address Taehyung had text me on Thursday night, and unlocked my phone to message him. He had told me to let him know when I was here, so he could let me up. Obviously their dorm security had to be tight.
I checked the time, 7:26. He said to come around 7, so I made sure not to arrive too early (as much as I was literally waiting around all day to see him).
Within a few seconds my phone dinged with his message, and I tried to think too much into his fast reply.
T: 🤗😄 come to the front door and I’ll let you in!
After a quick reply, I locked my car and made my way to the front of the house. Before I had managed to reach the door I heard a beeping sound followed by a click - what I assume would be their security - and the door swung open, greeting me with a signature boxy smile.
“Y/N!” Taehyung exclaimed, immediately pulling me in for a tight hug, causing me to naturally inhale his scent. “I’m so glad you could make it, come on up”
“I’m glad I could see you again” I smiled, which he immediately returned.
“Me too. There’s not a heap of people - maybe around fifteen or so - so we’ll definitely have time to catch up” he smiled with his lips tight, cheeks instantly puffing up.
We walked up a flight of stairs and down a hallway, framed pictures of what I came to know were BTS’ albums.
“You’ve released so much music” I said, admiring the different albums.
Taehyung chuckled, scratching the back of his neck sheepishly “the Korean music industry doesn’t mess around.”
I could hear muffled excitement coming from the other side of the door, only to escape when Taehyung pushed it open. I followed him inside to a room full of people mingling, most of them drink in hand. Their voices were only slightly louder than the booming music in the background.
“Jimin!” Taehyung called out, as he pulled me through a sea of people.
“Taehyung, where did you get to?” a young man laughed back. I was astounded at how attractive, or rather beautiful, this man was.
“I was just making sure Y/N got inside okay” he smiled towards me, almost causing me to miss his friend subtly raising his eyebrows at Tae.
“Jimin, this is my friend Y/N” Jimin politely held out his hand to shake. “Y/N, this Jimin.”
“Y/N, it’s nice to finally meet you.” Jimin smiled as softly as his handshake.
“You too!”
I felt a hand gently rest against the small of my back, and turned to meet Taehyung’s wide eyes. “Can I get you something to drink?” He asked warmly.
“That would be nice, thanks” I smiled telling him what I would like. He nodded, insisting I stay as he went to get them.
I suddenly felt shy without him next to me.
“Taehyung has told us all so much about you” Jimin spoke.
“Oh god” I laughed “I hope nothing bad”
“Not at all, he speaks very highly of you.”
I could feel my cheeks darken, and was thankful when what seemed to be another one of Taehyung’s friends interrupted the conversation.
“Jungkook, this is Y/N” Jimin introduced.
“You’re Taehyung’s friend, yes?” I nodded. “I’m Jungkook” he said, flashing an adorable smile.
“It’s nice to finally meet you all” I smiled back. “So, you all live together in the dorm?” I asked, trying to make a good impression.
“Only when we have a lot of rehearsing or work to do. During our off time we have our own apartments” Jungkook replied as a hand slapped onto his shoulder.
“Mm, it’s good when we can get a break from each other. Honestly, some of them can be so loud at times”
Jungkook and Jimin laughed, introducing another member, Yoongi. He had such a laid back, cool demenior, it was hard not to feel a little intimidated.
As if I had known, I turned to see Taehyung walking back over with two drinks in hand. I instantly smiled as I made eye contact with him. “I hope they’re not annoying you” he accused, placing the cold cup in my hand. I didn’t fail to notice the way his hand brushed softly against mine, as if on purpose.
Yoongi placed his hand on his heart, over-dramatically looking hurt by his friend’s comment, only to result in Taehyung rolling his eyes.
“I’ll introduce you to Jin, Hoseok and Namjoon” he replied, dragging me away from his teasing friends.
It was later into the evening, and I was sat on the couch socialising with Taehyung and his friends. Only having the basics of Korean, it was difficult to keep up with their fast paced conversations, but Taehyung ensured that he still included me in their conversations.
Sitting next to him on the couch I was fully aware of his thigh pressing against my own. Each movement he made shifted my attention to him and how his check pants brushed against the skin just below the hem of my dress.
“Taehyung?” I leaned in to him, speaking quietly.
“Um.. where’s the bathroom?” I asked.
“Oh!” He laughed, pointing to the hallway. “Just down the end of the hallway on the right.”
“Thanks, I’ll be back” I said, making sure my dress sat perfectly as I stood up.
As I walked back from the bathroom, I noticed Hoseok cleaning up some of the neglected empty red cups and food stained plates left on the bench.
“Need a hand?” I smiled, stacking those out of his reach.
“Y/N!” He smiled with a giggle. “Oh no, you’re a guest!”
“It’s okay, I like helping.”
He nodded with a smile, thanking me, before placing another stack of rubbish into a bin bag.
We chatted lightly amongst the two of us, until one comment caught me off guard.
“So you and Taehyung, huh?” he said so casually, causing me to knock over the plastic cups I was cleaning up, earning a laugh from him.
I laughed nervously. “Oh we’re just friends” I smiled, feeling my cheeks begin to burn.
Hoseok cocked his eyebrows up, nodding “friends don’t look at each like that..”
I stared at him.
“I’ve noticed the both of you all night, neither of you are exactly subtle” he laughed.
“I.. well..” I was lost for what to say to him, especially only knowing him for a few hours.
But Hoseok just smiled emphatically “I’m sorry if I embarrassed you.”
“Oh, no. It’s fine! You.. you just caught me off guard a little” I laughed, probably a bit too forceful.
“You’re cool, Y/N. Just know that I’m rooting for you both” he winked.
you know what’s pretty cool? fanfic writers and fanfic in general. not only is it free, anyone can get involved and share and be creative. it’s such an exciting outlet and i’m so proud of all you fanfic writers and readers out there.
another thing that’s pretty damn awesome is how amazing of writers a lot of you are. we might not have fancy editors or publishers or whatever, but we have betas or friends or just plain grammarly to help us out and you know what? i’ve read plenty of fics that i thought we’re better than books.
you know that AU you wrote? that story is your own. you might have used character names and maybe their background info, but you created a story different than the one given to us. i love y’all.
you know that canon compliant story or that story set in the same universe you wrote? hell yeah, we wish that we had that content in the original. fucking kudos.
all the one shots, multi chapters, freaking series, all of it. crack and all, it’s so impressive. you all deserve more applause and appreciation, but know as an avid writer and reader, keep on doing what you’re doing. you are so appreciated and so loved. thank you!
I’ve just finished reading chapters 2 and 3 of puppy love and it’s so cute. I loved that Taehyung send that cute picture of yeontan to y/n. I’m really loving the plot, i was so surprised with when he called her friend 🥺 no i’m willing to see how their relationship will go and to know more about Taehyung’s feelings about the reader.
I’m so glad you enjoyed it, and that you appreciated the plot twist! 🥺🥰 I can just see Taehyung sending her constant pictures of Yeontan! Thank you so much for reading, I hope you like where the story goes 😊
Hello I just started reading puppy love and it’s amazing! You’re very talented, your writing it’s so refreshing and soft and I loved the way you imprinted Taehyung personality. I loved the first chapter and I willing to read more of this story. Congrats
Thank you so much! 🥺😭 I’ll admit that I worried it wasn’t very good, so your words mean a lot. I’m so glad you like it, thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy further chapters 💜
See you (M)
The one where Taehyung notices you at a concert, and can’t help but want to see you again.
Pairing: Taehyung x reader
Word count: 4.5K
Warnings: Mild smut; kissing, fingering.
A/N: This is gratuitously self-indulgant piece; a daydream gone too far!! And yes, i know I’ve left it open for a second part. No, I’ve got no idea when I might actually get around to it 😂
Part two

“Are you sure you want to bother with this?” Sarah asks, eyeing the seemingly never ending line the of people that stretches out before you with one doubtful eyebrow raised, disappearing above the blunt edge of her fringe.
You can’t blame her for looking skeptical. After yesterday’s debacle that had you standing for almost ten hours straight, your feet aren’t exactly in prime condition to go tackling yet another queue.
“I got an invite,” you reply, shrugging your shoulders and pulling the shoulder strap of your bag back up into place as it threatens to slip down. “I can’t just let it go to waste. There’s like a thousand other girls here who’d tear my arm off for this.” Gesturing to the sign above a set of glass double doors that reads ‘BTS Studio’, Sarah’s gaze follows the motion of your arm.
“Alright,” she concedes, shifting her weight from one foot to the other and grimacing as she does so. It’s all too easy to empathise with how she’s feeling; the balls of your feet are killing you, too, not to mention your lower back. “At least we’re sitting tonight, I guess.”
“And I’ve got more painkillers, so we’ll be fine.” Sarah nods and then follows alongside you as you make your way down to the back of the queue. It’s a relief when you realise that it’s not actually as long as you’d originally thought; nowhere near as long as the lines for the actually concert, anyway.
“Ok, I’m gonna go to the loo so that’s gonna kill… like, an hour, at least, right?” your friend sighs, a wry smile stretched across her pretty face, “And then I guess I’ll just go hang out in Starbucks or something until you’re done?”
“Sure, ok. I’ll text you when I’m out.”
“Cool. Have fun!” She bids you a farewell wave that you return as you sidestep into the queue behind a small group of girls who’re practically bouncing with excitement already, chattering away in a European language that you can’t hope to understand.
Luckily, once the doors actually open the queue moves fairly quickly. Scrolling through tumblr on your phone and rewatching last night’s videos keep you amused for the most part; smiling like an idiot down at your screen as you go over the precious memories stored inside.
You’re only thirty people or so from the front of the line when you suddenly get the feeling as though you’re being watched, looking up from your phone with curious eyes and glancing from side to side. Sure enough, your gaze meets that of one of the attending staff - a young East Asian man with neatly styled hair and sharp cheekbones - and oddly enough, when he sees you looking he doesn’t seem too concerned about having been caught staring. He looks you up and down quickly, eyes narrowed, and in under normal circumstances you might think he was checking you out but… for some reason it doesn’t quite feel that way. It feels more like a clinical inspection than anything else, but before you can even begin to figure out what his intentions might be he looks away and then he leaves; abandoning his post without a word to any of the other staff and striding away, leaving nothing but confusion in his wake.
“Well that was weird…” you murmur under your breath, and though you may be frowning as you lower your eyes back to your phone, the latest gifs of Jimin to grace your dash are more than enough to help you forget the odd little occurrence.
Keep reading
6,690 miles
⇥ pairing: kim taehyung x reader ; soulmate au
⇥ genre: kind of fluff, mostly angst
⇥ synopsis: meeting your soulmate during vacation wasn’t ideal. especially when he lived on the other side of the world
⇥ warnings: cursing once i think
⇥ word count: 4.6k
this was a request by an anon! thank you for requesting this :) also i know it was supposed to be fluffy but i kind of got carried away with the concept of your request and i added the soulmate aspect to it i made it kind of sad :,) i hope you still enjoy though (if not, feel free to request again!)
i think i’ve just been in kind of a funk so it translated into this aha, i love you guys ! <3

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