burymeshallowwp - burymeshallow.

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20 posts

Burymeshallowwp - Burymeshallow. - Tumblr Blog

1 year ago

What do I like about (writing) Peter Parker?

He's full of feelings but no words for them. He'd rather swing away than talk about anything and that's so relatable.

He's naive but worldly. Dude can save an entire city but I'm guessing he doesn't know how to iron his slacks. He looks great in deer-in-headlights. He's so smart and teachable, though.

He's judgemental. And doesn't always think before saying something hurtful. He's not the best, folks.

But he also cares deeply and doesn't want to hurt people, so when he realizes he's messed up he'll go out of his way to fix it.

He's driven to perfection in whatever he does - science, photography, do-gooding - but circumstances rarely line up for him to meet his own high standards.

Like most people with chronic anxiety, he over estimates his own role, so he places the outcome of big events in his own shoulders. But also, he's Spider-Man, so he's kinda right.

He's got that thing where you put on a costume and it empowers you to be the character. Peter Parker isn't a fake identity, it's him, but when he puts the mask on he gets better at banter and action.

He's homely, like the nerdy boy next door. Short, not big muscles. Perfect for shipping, imo. (I mean, not always, but I dislike renditions of Peter with height and a chiseled jaw.) It lets others see him for his inner strengths and beauty.

3 years ago

Scenes that hit like these are my favourite!!!!!

Everything Can Go To Hell In Less Than A Second. In Moments Like This, You Feel Death Creeping In, And
Everything Can Go To Hell In Less Than A Second. In Moments Like This, You Feel Death Creeping In, And
Everything Can Go To Hell In Less Than A Second. In Moments Like This, You Feel Death Creeping In, And
Everything Can Go To Hell In Less Than A Second. In Moments Like This, You Feel Death Creeping In, And

Everything can go to hell in less than a second. In moments like this, you feel death creeping in, and you know nothing will ever be the same. But you need to do whatever it takes to survive.

MONEY HEIST | 4x01 ‘Game Over’

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3 years ago
Rsula Corber As TOKYOLa Casa De Papel Part 5 Vol. 1
Rsula Corber As TOKYOLa Casa De Papel Part 5 Vol. 1
Rsula Corber As TOKYOLa Casa De Papel Part 5 Vol. 1
Rsula Corber As TOKYOLa Casa De Papel Part 5 Vol. 1
Rsula Corber As TOKYOLa Casa De Papel Part 5 Vol. 1
Rsula Corber As TOKYOLa Casa De Papel Part 5 Vol. 1
Rsula Corber As TOKYOLa Casa De Papel Part 5 Vol. 1
Rsula Corber As TOKYOLa Casa De Papel Part 5 Vol. 1

Úrsula Corberó as TOKYO La Casa De Papel Part 5 Vol. 1

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3 years ago
MONET DE HAANGossip Girl (2021) | 1.02 Shes Having A Maybe
MONET DE HAANGossip Girl (2021) | 1.02 Shes Having A Maybe
MONET DE HAANGossip Girl (2021) | 1.02 Shes Having A Maybe
MONET DE HAANGossip Girl (2021) | 1.02 Shes Having A Maybe

MONET DE HAAN Gossip Girl (2021) | 1.02 “She’s Having a Maybe”

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3 years ago
I Mean, Were Getting Our Asses Royally Kicked, If You Havent Noticed. People Are Dying. I Got My Dad
I Mean, Were Getting Our Asses Royally Kicked, If You Havent Noticed. People Are Dying. I Got My Dad
I Mean, Were Getting Our Asses Royally Kicked, If You Havent Noticed. People Are Dying. I Got My Dad
I Mean, Were Getting Our Asses Royally Kicked, If You Havent Noticed. People Are Dying. I Got My Dad
I Mean, Were Getting Our Asses Royally Kicked, If You Havent Noticed. People Are Dying. I Got My Dad
I Mean, Were Getting Our Asses Royally Kicked, If You Havent Noticed. People Are Dying. I Got My Dad
I Mean, Were Getting Our Asses Royally Kicked, If You Havent Noticed. People Are Dying. I Got My Dad
I Mean, Were Getting Our Asses Royally Kicked, If You Havent Noticed. People Are Dying. I Got My Dad
I Mean, Were Getting Our Asses Royally Kicked, If You Havent Noticed. People Are Dying. I Got My Dad
I Mean, Were Getting Our Asses Royally Kicked, If You Havent Noticed. People Are Dying. I Got My Dad

I mean, we’re getting our asses royally kicked, if you haven’t noticed. People are dying. I got my dad fired. You’re gonna be held back in school. I’m in love with a nutjob. And if on top of all that, I gotta watch you lose Allison to a stalker like Matt, I’m gonna stab myself in the face.

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3 years ago

Name a better show.

You can’t 🏃‍♀️

TEEN WOLF 1.01 Wolf Moon
TEEN WOLF 1.01 Wolf Moon
TEEN WOLF 1.01 Wolf Moon
TEEN WOLF 1.01 Wolf Moon
TEEN WOLF 1.01 Wolf Moon

TEEN WOLF — 1.01 Wolf Moon

3 years ago


3 years ago
3 years ago

prompts  —  hands edition

doing the other’s nails

holding hands while driving

tiny hands in big hands

holding hands in a store

brushing hands by accident

pinky swears

holding hands under the table

sucking on fingers

not wanting to lose each other in a big crowd

raising the other’s hand to their lips to kiss it softly

a loud and painful high-five

swinging hands back and forth, skipping like little children

confusing a handshake for a fist bump, or vice versa

holding hands for balance

linking hands together during sex

hands exploring a body

holding hands while running in the rain, then pulling each other into a kiss

running their thumb over the back of the other’s hand

cold hands in warm hands

playing with each other’s fingers

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3 years ago

listen up I need to talk about characters in pain alone. a fighter who won their most recent match but who goes home alone to a crappy little apartment where they're lucky if they manage to make some ramen before they pass out on the couch, only to wake stiff with bruises in a few hours. a vigilante who loses to the villain and gets left on a rooftop to pick themself up and try to stagger home without getting found, arrested, or passing out in their costume. the new member on a team who gets the dirtiest, hardest jobs as an initiation and who can't admit to anyone that they're breaking under the pressure because all their teammates will hear is weakness.

I need characters pasting bandages on injuries with trembling fingers as their vision blurs. I need characters desperately trying to haul themselves up just one more stair so they can stagger to their front door. I need characters who make it through that door only to collapse right behind it, watching the light in their bathroom blur and fade before they can get to their first aid kit. I need characters passing out in alleyways only to wake up hours later and know they still have to try to make it home on their own because they think they have no one to call.

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3 years ago

Some idioms and phrases you should know about part II :

Read The Riot Act : to scold, reprimand, or reprove one severely for an error or mistake.

Be Cleaned Out : to be emptied or devoid of money, food, resources, etc.

The Stars Are Aligned : current situation or set of conditions is ideal for the prospects of some activity or endeavor.

Climb The Social Ladder : to improve one's position within the hierarchical structure or makeup of a culture, society, or social environment.

Wash One's Mouth Out With Soap : to punish one for using rude, vulgar, or obscene language by cleaning their mouth with soap, usually used merely as a threat.

Get Down To Work : to begin being serious about something, to begin attending to business or work at hand.

Have Someone Pegged : to distinctly regard one as being a certain type of person.

Breathe A Word : to share information that is supposed to be kept secret, often used in the negative to encourage silence.

Shake Like A Leaf : to tremble violently with fear or nervousness.

Boil The Ocean : to engage in futile tasks.

Feel Blue : to feel sad.

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3 years ago

Top 20 Most Popular Submissions (Part II)

Enjoy and be creative!

11. Prompt #334 by ouilah

“Where do you see yourself in 5 years?”

I take a sip of my 4 am Whiskey Cola drink.

“At this time…probably in bed.”

12. Prompt #338 by themalenovelist

It was not what was said that ended their relationship - it was what went unsaid.

13. Prompt #399 by scriptsfrombitch

“Kiss me or kill me, but make up your mind right now.”

14. Prompt #422 by musicalcantalope

”Tea is the only reason I’m sane. Coffee is the only reason I’m awake.”

“Thirst for sweet revenge keeps me going.”

15. Prompt #402 by peaceandwaronplanetearth

“I’ve never seen a time traveler look so lost in his own era, but there’s a first time for everything I guess.”

16. Prompt #311 by alchemistwriter

Tell me, did you ever really believe that whole story?

17. Prompt #433 by morgansray

“Have a little faith.”

“I’ll have faith when it doesn’t involve jumping off a cliff!”

18. Prompt #246 by mince-et-maigre

He bared his sharpened teeth at her, leaning in. “I’ve been called a lot of things, but tame has never been one of them. Care to find out why?”

19. Prompt #393 by glitterfilledballoons

“You can’t be here!”

“Oh, well in that case I can leave-”

“No, you idiot, get over here.”

20. Prompt #277 by acelsys

“How are you?”, asked a soft voice, coming behind me.

“I… Is this some kind of joke? If it is, it’s not funny…”

My voice started to shake, I knew that gentle tone.

Top 20 Most Popular Submissions Part I

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3 years ago
SCOTT MCCALL1x01: Wolf Moon
SCOTT MCCALL1x01: Wolf Moon
SCOTT MCCALL1x01: Wolf Moon

SCOTT MCCALL 1x01: Wolf Moon

3 years ago

when i met tyler posey, he signed my cast photo and then wrote “scott” right after his name. after my friend and i questioned why he did that, he said “just in case you forgot.” he was definitely joking, but at the same time, he really wasn’t. because i said “dude, none of us would ever forget. we love you. you’re the main character! you’re /the/ teen wolf! the show would not exist or be the same without you!” and he looked at me in absolute shock and was quiet for a few seconds before he said “thank you so much” as if he was so used to being pushed aside that even /he/ forgot he was the main character. and that says everything.

3 years ago
burymeshallowwp - burymeshallow.
3 years ago

ok i promised myself up and down i wouldn’t make posts like this anymore for my own mental health but i’ve been seeing a lot of, uh, takes in regards to the potential of sarah and bucky dating and a lot of confusion to why these takes are racist, insulting and hurtful, especially to black people. and for me? well, i won't lie, it's personal.

what non-black people need to understand is that positive portrayals of interracial romantic relationships between dark-skinned black women (yes, dark skinned) and non-black men are extremely uncommon in media. for example, can you think about any recent fictional portrayals of relationships of this kind? maybe rick and michonne from the walking dead? or abbie and ichabod from sleepy hollow? great, because those are the only two that i can think of off the top of my head.

okay, now how many of those relationships ended happily?


as a next point, why do i highlight ‘dark-skinned’? because of colorism. you’ve probably seen that word thrown around a lot more in the past year. colorism is the discrimination within ethnic groups between those with lighter colored skin (and more eurocentric features and hair texture, i’m folding in featurism and texturism for ease) and those with darker skin.

the way this plays out in visual media is that it’s much more common to see lighter skinned black women in roles than darker skinned black women. when i was growing up, this was evident in both white-produced AND black-produced media. that’s so raven. sister sister. my wife and kids. the proud family, even. and to make it worse, it wasn’t uncommon for dark skinned black women in shows like these to be portrayed as unattractive, uncultured, or straight up bullies.

this isn’t me saying that we shouldn’t see light skinned or biracial black women in media. i want to emphasize that their life experiences and the pressures they have are different from mine. but i know that, because of colorism, i grew up thinking that the absence of Eurocentric features and a non Eurocentric body meant i was not beautiful and not worthy to be seen. and these truths can coexist. this is not an uncommon wound of colorism.

i say all this to say that for bucky barnes, a white man, to flirt with sarah wilson, a dark skinned black woman, is not the same as ‘just another het ship’. it is positive representation in its own right.

now, i’ve been in fandom for years. i’ve encountered this before. and i’ve encountered this enough to know that truthfully, these kind of ships make people truly uncomfortable and sometimes these people do a bad job of hiding it. what reason, i can’t say. if you ask me, i suspect part of the discomfort comes non-black people realizing they can’t project onto the black person in the ship in the same way they’re used to. i could be wrong. but i’ve been around enough to see a lot of pretzeling and back bending to discredit these sorts of relationships that don’t seem to come up for similar pairings if that same black woman was now white. and i’m seeing it again here, so i wanted to break down the most common takes i’ve either seen or i suspect i’ll see soon and break them down to explain why exactly you’ve been getting irritated replies and why they’re hurtful.

“bucky’s flirting with sarah to make sam jealous.” without thinking about it, this is actually a funny trope. sibling rivalry and all that. and you’re right, bucky doesn’t have to be attracted to sarah, and maybe you ship sambucky instead. but what if he can still find her attractive? this take subtly discredits the idea that bucky could find sarah attractive in her own right - there has to be some ulterior motive in order to explain it, yeah?

“bucky repeated sarah’s name like that because sarah was steve’s mom’s name.” we do know bucky knows steve’s mom’s name! but again, this feels like a lot of reaching to again, rework bucky’s potential attraction to sarah in a different context so it’s not actually genuine. in this case, he doesn’t like her, she just makes him think of his dead best friend’s mom, right?

“sarah’s so strong and badass, she doesn’t need a man! she deserves better.” okay. what does ‘deserving better’ actually mean? why can’t a potentially fulfilling relationship for sarah, a hardworking widow with two children, be deserving better? this also plays into the Strong Black Woman myth, in which black women are just So Strong and Self Sufficient and Powerful they don’t need anything! not even social aid! or protection! or love! or mental health support! let me be clear, this trope is not fun for us, it’s not a positive, it’s a burden that allows society to justify not protecting black women.

“this seems kind of forced/crowbarred in to me.” maybe, but also, in the episode, they really just said 'hi' to one another. now if sam had caught them making out on the boat two seconds after they met, that would have raised my eyebrows, but they just said 'hi'. some people are interpreting that as flirtatious - i'm one of them. but again, using words like 'crowbar' and 'force' or 'shove' make it seem like bucky's attraction to sarah is irrational.

now, here’s what i’m not saying. i’m not threatening you to ship bucky and sarah Or Else. you don't have to. i do. i think it’s fun! but that’s my choice. you don’t have to make that choice. you could be shipping someone else with either sarah or bucky and you don't want something to get in the way of that, i get it. i'm also not saying that sarah needs bucky's validation to be considered beautiful, far from it. what i’m saying is it’s worth it to evaluate the ways that implicit racism is affecting and influencing your responses to interracial relationships with black people, and especially black women in the media. because even if you might not see it, there are those of us who can. why can't the prospect of a white man flirting with a dark skinned black women be taken at face value? maybe sit with that.

sources for further reading the roots of colorism, or skin tone discrimination the walking dead's new power couple: 'richonne' and fandom racism fanlore breakdown of 'what shipping richonne taught me about racism' black women and the thin line between strong and angry post on black womanhood and feminism what is featurism? black hair and mental health: a tale of texturism fandom and the intersection of feminism and race "weak black women" by robin thede (for giggles) the take's 'the strong black woman, explained' (yet to watch but the take hasn't failed me yet)

3 years ago

Give me female characters who are cold and ruthless. Who are angry and vicious. Who will do whatever it takes.

Give me female characters who are deeply flawed. Who are all sharp edges and mean words. Who love deeply but don’t know how to show it.

Give me female characters who walk the battlefield the way they would a runway. Who wield swords and magic. Who fight the wars along side men.

Give me female characters who weaponize their sexuality. Who use it to get what they want. Who are secure with who they are.

Give me female characters who are beloved for the same traits that male characters are worshipped for.

3 years ago
The Umbrella Academy Headers
The Umbrella Academy Headers
The Umbrella Academy Headers
The Umbrella Academy Headers
The Umbrella Academy Headers
The Umbrella Academy Headers
The Umbrella Academy Headers
The Umbrella Academy Headers
The Umbrella Academy Headers
The Umbrella Academy Headers

The Umbrella Academy Headers

• like or reblog if you save please

3 years ago
burymeshallowwp - burymeshallow.
burymeshallowwp - burymeshallow.
burymeshallowwp - burymeshallow.
burymeshallowwp - burymeshallow.
burymeshallowwp - burymeshallow.
3 years ago

When I was 13 years old and curious about sex and love, I asked my mom if she had had sex before marrying my father (of whom she is still married to, and has been since before I was born). She said that that wasn’t really a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ question. I said ‘sure it is, you’ve either had sex before him, or you haven’t’. She brought me onto the couch and sat me down and told me about the boy she liked when she was young and how one night she snuck into his house while his parents were gone and they were kissing and he said they should have sex and she said that she wanted to save sex for marriage and he laughed and basically took all her clothes off and he raped her and as my mom was telling the story she cried and this was the second time I had ever seen my mom cry. She was 12 when it happened.

In grade 8 I got a call from my friend in the middle of the night and she was drunk in the park crying and told me that she went out that night with some other friends and they drank a little and her guy “friend” starting flirting and yes she laughed at first but then he tried to pull her shirt over her head and she pulled away and he ripped her shirt and it was her favourite shirt and then he pushed her to her knees and HIS BEST FRIEND HELD HER JAW OPEN WHILE HE FACE FUCKED HER. And so I went to the park and picked her up and took her home and slept in her bed with her except we didn’t sleep because she just cried and her mouth bled and this was four years ago but I still have to be the one to bring her items to the till it the cashier is a man, and she still has anxiety attacks and she’ll get a rash all over her body and I just want to kill those boys but instead they are still walking around. And I’m in the bathroom with her, dabbing at her skin with a warm cloth until it returns to its regular colour.

And in grade 9 one of my closest friends was kinda seeing this boy and so they hung out one night and then she said that she really had to be getting back home and he said that she wasn’t going anywhere until she gave him what he wanted and he parked the car and took off her clothes and she said no and he ignored her and so she laid in the backseat totally limp and just cried and it wasn’t even sex, he just masterbated by using her body instead of his hand and she came to school the next day with vodka in her water bottle and she drank all day and I had to fight her to get the alcohol away from her and she just cried and threw up and I skipped class while I held her hair back and that same boy texted me a month later, asking if I ever wanted to hangout sometime.

And in that same year my very best friend who has never even kissed a boy, confessed to me that when she was 9 years old, her 12 year old cousin made her give him a hand job and he told her that was what cousins do and he gave her a chocolate bar afterwards and she told me that he probably doesn’t even remember it but that it’s something that she’ll never have the luxury of forgetting.

And in grade 10 I knew a girl who invited her best friend over to watch Disney movies and then he started to put his hands down her pants and she said no but she is 130lbs and he is 220lbs and he called her a tease while she tried to fight him but he used one hand to hold her down, and the other to put inside of her and i was the one to push her inside of a classroom and stand in front of her while calling the police when he showed up at our school looking for her and she was so damn scared.

And a few months later I skipped class and was in the car with a guy who i had had unprotected sex with in the past while under the influence of cocaine but this time I was sober and I insisted we use a condom but he told me he couldn’t feel anything while the condom was on so he ripped it off and I said I refused to have unprotected sex again and so he just grabbed me and forced himself into my mouth and I was crying and he pulled me onto him and I just came saying “stop” over and over like a broken record but he must’ve heard something different because he went until he came and I just sat naked in the backseat while he drove me back to the school and said “we should do this again sometime”. And I had five showers that night and I scratched at my skin so hard to try and rip his fingerprints off of me, I still have the scars.

And I found out soon afterwards that that same guy had raped a classmate of mine, 5 months earlier and she told me about how he brought her McDonald’s first, and how he said they could take things slow and she told me about how he didn’t listen to her either. And he goes to our school and so after she told me about her incident and I told her about mine, we decided to report it to the police and the trial is currently still going on and he told people about it, except in his version we are just “asking for attention” and all his friends talk about how bad they feel for him. As if HE is the one that still wakes up screaming. As if HE felt like his skin no longer was beautiful, no longer belonged to him. And I held her in my arms as she bawled after giving the police her statement. And she did the same for me.

And I met a woman a year ago in a paint store and she had a service dog and I asked what the dog was for and it turns out that she had been so brutally raped and abused in her life, that the dog is literally trained to keep men away from her.

And I’m so FUCKING SICK AND TIRED OF THIS WORLD WE ARE LIVING IN. How many rape victims eyes have I already looked into? How many more will I? And how many more friends will I hold while they shake? Because I don’t know how many more I can take. And who the fuck still has the nerve to make rape jokes? And… Something just has to change. Please, someone just start being that change.

-16 year old girl