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HAPPY B-DAY SHOWNU! Shownu Scenario

HAPPY B-DAY SHOWNU! ♡ Shownu Scenario


It’s the 18th of June and Son Hyun Woo is turning 24
 and to in honor to his birthday I’ve tried to make up how Monsta X would surprise their leader. Enjoy reading and send lots of love to our birthday boy


Summary: It’s Shownu’s birthday and the member’s Monsta X are trying to surprise their percious leader by acting as if they’d forgotten his birthday. + I.M in a dress?

Genre: idk..fluff? comedy/angst ^^

So are we really doing this?” Kihyun quietly asked his members. They secretly met up in the studio of their company, going through the plan they’ve made for Shownu’s birthday for the last time.Shownu was talking to their manager next to the door, while the six remaining members gathered themselves in the back of the studio.Since it’s their leader’s birthday, they wanted to give him something really special. But because of their comeback, their shedule was filled with many photshoots and stage performances etc. making it almost impossible for them to organise a proper party for their leader. “Guys, we have to hurry up. I think that he’s almost done talking to the manager.” Minhyuk whispered into the round. “Yeah.So just to make that clear. We are going to act as if we forgot that it’s his birthday,right?” Changkyun questioned. “Yes and on top of that we’re going to purposely mess up the choreo for the stage performance at KBS and blame everything on him.” Jooheon explained, carefully looking at Shownu, who was still talking to their manager. (I actually don’t know when they have their next stage performance, but anyway )

“Kihyun,don’t forget to get the cake,when I give you the signal okay?” Hyungwon mentioned while tapping onto Kihyun’s shoulder. Kihyun nodded,sticking his thumb into the air.

“Guys, he’s coming back. Let’s get started
” Wonho cheerfully whisperd in a hushed tone.

Shownu happily walked back to his group, thinking that they’d start singing him a birthday song or something like that, but they didn’t. Wonho and Hyungwon we’re having a serious talk about the advantages of drinking organic tea, I.M, Minhyuk and Kihyun we’re cuddling on the small couch while Jooheon jealously watched them. Seeing no reaction from his members as he returned, Shownu frowned. Shaking his head, not wanting to think bad about his brothers. He took a deep breath before talking. “So.. manager-hyung told us to practice a few hours for our performance on KBS. And after we’ve finished we’ll be free to do whatever we want.” “That sounds great. No extra shedules today? Maybe we could spend those hours on getting some more sleep, since we haven’t been sleeping so much lately.” Changkyun suggested,getting up from the couch. “Yeah. Let’s do that I’m not in the mood to go out anyway.” Jooheon agreed, nodding his head. “O-okay
I was thinking that we could have some meat since it’s my- been such a good few weeks since we’ve had our comeback
” Shownu stuttered.

I don’t want to tell them,that it’s my birthday. It’s nothing special. Stay focused Hyunwoo. It’s nothing special

I’m not really in the mood to go out either. Let’s just go back to the dorm after practicing, appa.” Minhyuk answered, flashing him a smile. The others nodded in agreement, getting up as well.

“Well, you guys are probably right. It’s been weeks since, I’ve had some proper sleep. Let’s do a bit stretching as a warm up,before we start practicing.The sooner we start the earlier we can go home.” Shownu gave in, scratching the back of his head. After the seven of them did some stretching, they got into their positions for “All In” and waited for Shownu to turn the song on, as he currently was looking for the song on the computer. They stared at their reflection of themselves on the huge mirrors in their studio. They exchanged a few glances, smiled at eachother and nodded, signalizing that the prank was going pretty well.

As the playback for “All in” started, Wonho cheerfully yelled ” Let’s do this,guys!” Shownu smiled, quickly running to his group and checking his position in the mirror.  They were a minute into the song when Hyungwon suddendly tripped, falling onto his knees. He yelled out, angrily hitting Wonho.”Yah! Why did you push me?” “I didn’t do anything! You just tripped over your own feet.” Wonho replied, raising both his arms. â€œAs if I’d trip over my own feet.” â€œ Pff..he’s so tall and lanky I wouldn’t be surprised if he’d trip over his own legs.” Minhyuk whispered to I.M. “What? What did you say? Woukd you say that again?” Hyungwon got up,approaching Minhyuk. “Yah! He didn’t say anything. Could you stop acting like that? That’s just ridiculous,hyung” I.M spoke, blocking him from Minhyuk. “You’re not telling me anything. I’m older than you.Back off.” he angrily mumbled. Jooheon was looking at Shownu,who watched the other’s “fighting”. He just stood there dumbstruck not knowing what to do. Jooheon bit back a laugh, seeing how well his brothers played their role.

“Guys, there’s no need to act like this. Let’s just get back to practice.” Kihyun suggested, stepping between I.M and Hyungwon. “Please, you can’t even get the simpliest moves right. Everytime I look at you through the mirror you’re doing the wrong moves. And on top of that you’re always a few seconds off. If I was you, I’d quit dancing.” Hyungwon rolled his eyes at Kihyun, who bit his lip listening to Hyungwon’s remark. “Don’t worry man. At least nobody’s going to notice that, since you’re always in the back.” Hyungwon continued speaking,tapping onto Kihyun’s shoulder. Kihyun nodded, dramatically running out of the practice room. “Noo- Kihyun!” I.M yelled, running after him.

Good they’re getting the cake. Minhyuk thought, secretely giving Jooheon a thumbs up. Jooheon nodded, before speaking up. “Shownu..are you not going to do anything? You’re the leader! You can’t just stand there, doing nothing! You’re a horrible leader.” “Yeah. You should have stopped them-” “No! You should punish them for offending me like that. I can’t stand this group. It feels like everyone’s against me.” Hyungwon sighed in dissapointment, cutting Minhyuk’s sentence. “Would you shut your filthy mouth? You always act as if you were the victim in this group, even though nobody’s even laying a finger onto you.” Wonho howled, glaring at him. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.Shownu tell him to go away, Wonho’s bullying me again.” “No!I am not! Shownu do something against this diva. You can’t just let him tell you lies like that!” Wonho yelled. “Shownu! Why are you not doing anything?” Minhyuk wailed, covering his ears. “Shownu!! You’re the worst leader ever. You can’t even solve a simple problem like that!” Jooheon threw in. The four of them moved closer to Shownu, pushing him in a corner while throwing more complains into the round. Shownu was on the verge of tears. Never did he imagine his birthday to turn out like this. What did he do to deserve this?

“I.M let’s hurry up! Shownu looks as if he’s going to cry.” Kihyun whispered. “Yeah, yeah I just need to light these candles” I.M answered, carefully moving towards the door of their practice room.

“Wow, you looks really good in that dress.” Kihyun laughed, covering his mouth. “Shut up,man. Let me be fabulous.” I.M warned, blowing a strand of hair out of his face. “I’m ready. Let’s go in
”. Kihyun nodded, quietly opening the door.

“I-I need a time out” he breathe out, closing his eyes, wishing that everything would just vanish infront of his eyes. Just then Kihyun and I.M carefully entered the room, causing everyone to turn their head towards the door, holding back their laughter the moment they saw, I.M wearing a wig, with long hair braid into a pretty queue and in addition to that a pink polka dress, that barely reached his knees. It was ridiculous, everyone was having a problem trying to deal with that situation, while Shownu was totaly oblivious to the whole scene. He was still standing there, eyes closed and body tense from all the stress that his fellow members were causing.

“Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you~” Kihyun and I.M started singing, joyfully moving towards Shownu. “Happy Birthday dear leader~” Wonho,Hyungwon, Jooheon and Minhyuk sang, joining the two approaching member. “HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUUUU!” they screeched, failing to miss the high note. Shownu opened his eyes, tearing up at the sight of his brothers arms in arms giving him heart warming looks. He felt his tears rolling onto his cheek and then he saw I.M cross dressed with a huge layered cake in his hands. I.M’s cheeks turned red, the moment Shownu laid his eyes on him.

“You guys suck! I hate you all for this!I thought ypu forgot it!” he laughed, while the tears continued on rolling from his cheeks. “No need to cry,leader! We love you too” Hyungwon replied,hugging the elder.

“Don’t you ever pull a prank like that on me” he groaned, covering his face in embarrassment. The other’s joined Hyunwon and hugged their percious leader,everyone except I.M, because he was holding the cake and he may or may not wanted his dress to slip up.

“I.M please place the cake down, you look adorable and I need to hug you,right now!” Shownu playfully yelled,causing everyone to laugh.

A/N I think that I’m a bit late woth posting this since in Korea it’s almost 7 am xD but in Germany there are still a few minutes left before midnight. My brain is dead rn. I wanted to finish this earlier today, but I’ve been so busy,that’s why I’m so late. Please don’t hate me for this Scenario, I’ll edit this text tmrrw. GOOD NIGHT

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More Posts from Bxbblytae

8 years ago

“I love food more than I love you” JB Scenario

Summary: Y/N and JB went out to buy some take out from KFC for the both of them. However on their way back home they got into a heated discussion in which Y/N admitted that she loved food more than her boyfriend of 2 years

Genre: comedy(?)/ bit smut A/N Well
it’s my first time posting something onto this tumblr I am not quite sure if anyone is even going to read this ^^

btw. please let me know what you thought about this story, feel free to tell me everything you want.( even if it’s a bit offensive)

Warning: many grammar mistakes + explicit language + weird plot



“You know what? Say whatever you want, it won’t change the fact that I love food more than I love you.” you sassily said as the two of you arrived at your apartment. Your arms were wrapped around the warm chicken bucket that you just bought, while you waited for your boyfriend to unlock the door. “Aish
 I don’t get you. How can you possibly love this more than me?” JB asked pointing to the bucket in your arms, as the two of your entered the apartment.

“Well, that’s easy to answer. First of all,these chicken nuggets do not nag or yell at me unlike you, oppa. They satisfy my deepest desire,hunger and lust for something hot. And the taste that follows after taking your first bite from this heavenly food is just - just right(see what I did there? :DD)” you eagerly explained as you followed him into the kitchen. He laughed at your cute remark and turned around reaching out for the chicken bucket in your arms.            “Yah! Why are you laughing? I’m being serious! My love for food is boundless and you don’t seem to get that. BACK.OFF.” you pulled the bucket away from him, shooting him a death glare. He raised his eyebrow, smirking as he watched you protecting the nuggets.                                                                         “Listen Y/N I-” “No! Don’t you dare tell me what to do. You don’t get what I am trying to say. If you want to share this bucket with me, you need to understand that this is not a joke. These nuggets are very valuable, you have to enjoy those.If you’re just eating them without appreciating their taste, I can’t possibly share these gold nuggets with you.” you cut him off,looking into his eyes.

Confused by your words, he shook his head. He wasn’t sure how to feel when you threw those words against his head. This conversation was so ridiculous. This has to be a joke,right? How can one talk so eagerly about food? He knew that you liked food,I mean who doesn’t?. He understood that you loved food, but he did not expect you to prefer something like a chicken nugget over him. He did not like the way,that you were speaking to him ,because he could not tell weither you were just messing around with him or being deadly serious about the whole“having to appreciate chicken nuggets”-thing. From time to time the words that left your mouth must have set some kind of fire inside him.              His mind was raging, confusion and anger clouding his head.                            He had enough. How could you say those things so carelessly?

“Oppa why are you not saying any-“ you asked poking his nose,still holding the bucket in your arms.“I was just thinking
” he quietly mumbled,looking down onto you as you threw him a suspicous look. â€œThinking about what?” you moved closer to him, pressing the chicken bucket against his belly.

I was just remembering something” he carefully slipped the bucket out of your arms, placing it onto the kitchen counter next to him, his eyes never leaving yours. He bit his lip,pulling you into a tight embrace. “Wouldn’t you want to try a piece of mine,before you compare me to those nuggets?”  Your breath hitched, eyes widdening in shock at his suggestion.

”It would just be fair,right?” he whispered teasingly against your ear. “Tasting the best of me inside your mouth, wouldn’t you enjoy that? Or did you already forget how I taste? No..? Would you rather want me to eat you out? I wouldn’t mind being between your legs, sucking onto your sweet spot.”

You closed your eyes, speechless not knowing what to say. The strong smell of his scent clouded your mind. His closeness was so intimidating, the confidence you earlier showed  was replaced by the knot slowly forming in your lower body. You felt as if you were on fire. What is he trying to do? You whimpered,feeling his lips trailing over the skin of your neck, before playfully biting down.

“Kitten, did you hear what I said?” he breathed out. How could his voice be so deep,intimidating and yet so soft and caring at the same time.                          He rolled his hips against yours, letting you feel his best piece pressing against your crotch. “P-Please..oppa” you stuttered, hating yourself for letting him wrap you around his finger so easily. He barely laid a finger onto you and yet he had you falling for him in no time. You need to get to your senses Y/N

“Please what? I can’t hear you,kitten.” he smirked, fingers pushing a few strands of hair out of your face. He took in the features of your face. “What do you want to do,kitten?” You looked into his dark, lust-filled eyes,groaning as he trust his hips against yours again. He lowered his face and planted a kiss onto your cheek. Fed up with his teasing, you grabbed his face and pulled him into a kiss. He smirked against your lips, returning the kiss knowing that you have fallen for his plan. “Guess I am better than those nugggets,huh?” he nuzzeled.

“HA! You thought DUDE! I-I only want my chicken nuggets. Byeeee.” you yelled,pushing him off before grabbing the bucket from the counter and running out of your apartment, disappearing into a better place.


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8 years ago

2jae has finally had their duet together 💞. i can’t explain how happy it makes me. youngjae was pretty sad with the first few concerts because him and Jaebum are really close and he wasn’t able to be with him. youngjae had a special bond with him since the day he cried on the roof with him. to finally see youngjae being happy and sharing a stage is amazing. i feel like he is happy, i mean he’s even flirting with Mark 💞. anyways 2jae did an amazing good. and let’s thank this IGOT7 for posting this.

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8 years ago

masterlist, ♡

Âź requested    ✻ tag for the member

if you want to read them all in one go without clicking separately on the title, you can read them here♡

Im Jaebum


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2. Boyfriend! JB ♡ // he doesn’t want you to overwork

3. Badboy!JB ♡ // badboy jb confesses to you on the rooftop

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Mark Tuan


1. sick of being just friends ◇ // he has fallen for you and he is sick of being just your best friend so he decided to confess Âź

2. by your side ◇ // when you were having fun with him and his friends, you received a call from the hospital Âź         

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