Zéchélie, aka Ez. 22yo. Aspiring skáld, professional genderfluid rat in the making. I write fanfiction.
399 posts
Its Funny How When People* Find Out Im Transmasc They Start Automatically Assuming Im Straight Like ???
it’s funny how when people* find out I’m transmasc they start automatically assuming I’m straight like ??? Y’all…
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i love writing! *vomiting blood

my new zine about queer ecology! researching this taught me that nature is cool af.
available in my shop soon :)
My first ever animatic - “(Don’t Fear) The Reaper”
Made this as 1 of 3 projects for my portfolio to apply to Uni - and I got accepted, hurray!

Looking back ,now that I finished this months ago, I’d do a LOT of things differently if I had to give this another go. For one, I’d keep the shading way more minimalistic. I WAS aware that it’s not ideal to make it this detailed from the get go but honestly, I mostly did it for the fun of it.
Next up, I would have tweaked the design of the female character. Exaggerate the features more (especially body pasture) to highlight the fact that she is an old woman.
Lastly, I should have played WAY more around with the “camera” angles. Utilize more interesting perspectives (maybe add more backgrounds too) because as is, there is too much focus on shots of faces.
But on the other hand, it will probably be satisfying to look back on this flawed project in a couple of years and see the progress I’ve made since then! And I’m still proud that I DID manage to finish this. I actually got the initial motivation for this a couple years ago… I still have an old post talking about it up on this exact blog :P But back then it seemed too daunting so I put it off. Crazy how things work out.
Maybe I’ll return to this in the future if I ever feel like it. And if I do an animatic for the entire song, I’d give it a different story with other characters.

We got an account nuked.
high fives all around, folks.