Been Absent For A While Due To Work And Moving. +no Inspiration

Been absent for a while due to work and moving. +no inspiration
Happy Birthday to Bernard ! My boi is 26 today. They celebrate by having a movie night. What they watching is indicated by what's in the background 🐻🐰🐤🦊
Great reviews btw. amazing film. loved it. FNAF got a film and my inner 2014 kid is happy
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rawfur342 liked this · 1 year ago
More Posts from Caesar-meow

Finally i have managed to draw this amazing family I have talked about them but never really showed them. I tried. But the design just wasn't good. Now, i have finally got them and BOI do they have a bunch of lore...
Let's start with the beginning; Felix Peregrine, born in the Romanian-like countryside, by the name of Răzvan Șerbănescu, had been cursed with vampirism, killed his whole family (which he hated anyway), let some rich dude by the farm, killed the dude as well and burned the place; jumped on a ship all the way to Khaladius (largest empire's capital city), started doing business and join the civil war, earning military points; bit the crown prince turning him to a vampire, so he could have the royal family at his finger and also to hopefully start a revolution and normalising supernatural creatures into day-to-day life (which succeeded) ; move to the countryside, trick some local estate owners into giving him their manor while throwing them in jail for misconduct; becoming a Lord by the 1730s and building a new house from scratch, bringing revelation to the vampire communities with blood plants and crops, living for the capital as industry and railroads were growing and he wanted a piece of that while leaving in charge the vert family he threw out but still controlling them; creating a whole company and businesses across the capital becoming a very recognised business man; engaging in late victorian murder mysteries "which he had nothing to do with. nah-uh" (not like he spent the entire 17th century hunting houses, killing people, steal their money and burn the place), found a heir left orphan after his parents' house burned down (the first ever noble house to burn and felix was NOT involved) and fished him out to be his vampiric slave; save the local noblewoman, Evelyn Greenford (which later finds out she's a witch because apparently her parents decided it's not an important detail), from a horrible abusive marriage and life of misery by helping her killing the husband, which then went on to marry Felix just for the facade as they were both gay and ace and live happily ever after with their 3 kids and one heir, up until another war ravished the kingdom bringing new diseases which will kill the poor kids leaving them alone once again. Spending the entirety of the 20th century in the capital helping people recover from war while they also battle a huge economical crisis; using advanced magic and technology to gain 2 more kids, twins, Damien and Pandora, as they needed a purpose or heirs having the place country threatened by a war AGAIN, which eventually forced them to go back to the countryside where they currently reside, help the villagers, help the surrounding area and gain the title of counts. Pandora joined the Uni to study Psychology and robotics (which is why she aint in the pic) but also becomes a werewolf and joins the Lopez pack, and Damien as he did not got into any uni, he joined the military (eboy in the army... that's new) as there was a close base nearby (the same felix attended back in the day) and is now training to become one of the special ops while also trying to figure out his feelings for the local grocery boi. They got a huge manor with a castle like exterior, 20 bedrooms for guests and 80 for servants, featuring a great hall, family drawing room and royal drawing room where they greet the other nobles or members from the local country club, they got a butler (the orphan one) which act also as a footman and valet from time to time, maids, gardeners, chauffeurs and tutors (which some tend to keep "disappearing" when Felix want to see them alone in his office) and the family is also dealing with tenants, around their estate... FYI, you can see that felix changed his when he got to the capital and i would like to address that: "Felix" is from a Roman cognomen meaning "lucky, successful" in Latin, and "Peregrine" is from the peregrine falcon, a traveling bird, usually around the shores, known for its speed and excellent hunting abilities, highly successful example of urban wildlife in much of its range, taking advantage of buildings as nest sites and an abundance of prey ... sounds like a good metaphor for what Felix had done across the centuries, right?
pfew... that was a lot ... as i said. but yea! fucking love this family, they been my favorite ever since created and their my versions of the Addams.

OTP challenge day 7 - look deeply into eyes
surprise attendance from Mr. López's favorite person. Fred couldn't took his eyes off him the entire lecture. I guess some bunny is eager to learn about spanish grammar… right ?


Fred: *hugs from behind naked* mmmh~ Bernard: mh... what's up with you Fred: a few things~... *starts kissing neck and rubbing against him* Bernard: fred~... Whatchu doing there... I'm cooking. Don't make me cut myself Fred: mmm... you so fluffy and cute~ Bernard: aww... you- AH FUCK Fred: *stuned* ... don't tell me i sliped in Bernard: you did... now out ... fuck, you're big...... Fred: oopsie ^^
nothing is better then hugging your man from behind, while he's cooking, kissing his neck and grinding a bit on him, especially naked. accidents can happen