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OTP challenge day 15 - sick

OTP challenge day 16 - hospital visit
They getting checked. He might've swallowed some meat that was not within a consumption interval.

OTP challenge day 17 - Doing something sweet
I believe it's quite sweet and adorable when you're traveling on a train/bus and your partner falls asleep on you. Happened twice, melted my heart every time

OTP challenge - lazy morning
Phone scrolling and napping. Chill day today

OTP challenge day 19 - smiles
black cat vs golden retriever dynamic Read the shirt, Fred. It ain't happening
That arm… still doesn't sit right with me …. and I've been at it for at least 2 hours… will I modify it ? fuck no. I give up.

OTP Challenge day 20 - shyness
Someone may have enjoyed the time they were a bottom a little too much Wasn't there a thing for buff bottoms ? We got one now that occasionally plays the role. Might make a comic strip of how it goes down but idk. seems like a lot of work

OTP Challenge day 21 - Seeing a kid lost
Lost kid in the supermarket while Fred was doing groceries. He went all the way around the store and eventually found the mum. Nice lady. She was almost gonna call the police and report the kid missing. She was obviously very relieved as she saw Fred with the kid laughing together and being overall happy. He came home with a star sticker from the kid, sticked to his forehead. He was happy. He might be a good parent. might.
All Bernard would've done (not rll but probably) is all those vines and memes with "what would you do, if there was a child right in front of u" - "YEET" and honestly… same

OTP Challange day 22 - late night
it always happens.
maybe you get to do one thing
but not all.

OTP challenge day 23 - crying
Happy Birthday Freddy ! happy 31 years old. You're officially expired as a homosexual /j Bernard made the cake himself. It's not good.. but it's something. Fred loves it. It's the thought that counts And yes. He's crying of joy. He did not expected anything today… He didn't even remember it was his birthday. Memory's already going. sad.

OTP challenge day 24 - nightmares
Someone woke up sweating from a nightmare. It's fine tho. weird dream about a relative dying or something. idk. had some of those too but idk what they mean

OTP challenge day 25 - stargazing
This is kinda cute bodies look weird but they flat on the floor so yeah It's better in their little town cuz it's not much light pollution so they can see more stars ✨

drunk bear
Fred: ey.. Que tall, querido.. you be looking poco caliente .. es… noche.. wanna… [i]movar[/i] this to the bedroom… ? Bernard: fred, you're drunk. You're mixing up languages … Fred: Yo- you're mihing… mi--… ugh… mierda Bernard: Please sit down… and put something on we have people here…
A little rooftop party as Fred wanted to celebrate Feast of San Juan and Santiago Apóstol The dude got a little too drunk. he flirted with 3 dudes before realising they're not his husband

OTP challenge day 26 - watching the other sleep
Giulio: hey. I left my jacket here last night Bernard: Oh yea. sure. moves a bunch of stuff in the wardrobe and making a lot of noise Giulio: … huh.. Fred's not waking up.. Bernard: you really don't know him huh ? turns on heavy metal at max volume and looks at him Fred: zzzzzzzz Bernard: see ? the apocalypse could go down; he won't fucking know
Heavy sleeper bear… also drunk from the party.

OTP Challenge day 27 - death
His parents divorced and mum went her own way and find some other gay and basically skipped the country… Now freddy got the call that she's dead. kinda hard to be supportive and gloomy for a death in the family when u can hear Team Fortress 2 killing and taunting sounds on Bernard's laptop.

OTP challange day 28 - missing memories
this happens so much for me. so much so that my boyfriends said im unreliable i agree but still

the heatwave is killing us
I…am.. dying.. It's so hot, I'm having a heat stroke indoors. At least i'm not the only one right ? These gay boiz experience it as well because most of the continent is swimming in sweat and hellish temperatures .. On tuesday there will be 43 fucking degrees… I might as well just melt and end my suffering

Fursona relaxing
Wanted to do something menacing but turned out good as well. Having chill time. relaxing, drinking, fidgeting a knife..

Fred: he happy. jumps around in game :3 - gets headshoted - Fred: … you said you'll leave me alone, cuz im practicing rocket jumping :< Bernard: sorry. you were annoying
Bots are banned, boyz are back in the game. I love how this game will never fucking die, no matter how low it gets.

Spoopy > July
Fred: just woke up and got his coffee …. what are you…? Bernard: holding box of halloween decorations spoopy season Fred: …….but it's Ju- Bernard: SPOOPY SEASON
spoopy season. summer does not exist. spoopy only.