OTP Challenge Day 14 - Telling A Secret

OTP challenge day 14 - telling a secret
The gossiping bear. He had some crazy adventure at the uni and he had to keep a secret from everyone, but decided to tell his cute little bunny, as he's the one keeping everyone's secrets
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Fursona relaxing
Wanted to do something menacing but turned out good as well. Having chill time. relaxing, drinking, fidgeting a knife..

OTP challenge day 19 - smiles
black cat vs golden retriever dynamic Read the shirt, Fred. It ain't happening
That arm… still doesn't sit right with me …. and I've been at it for at least 2 hours… will I modify it ? fuck no. I give up.

OTP challenge day 24 - nightmares
Someone woke up sweating from a nightmare. It's fine tho. weird dream about a relative dying or something. idk. had some of those too but idk what they mean

OTP challange day 28 - missing memories
this happens so much for me. so much so that my boyfriends said im unreliable i agree but still

OTP challenge day 26 - watching the other sleep
Giulio: hey. I left my jacket here last night Bernard: Oh yea. sure. moves a bunch of stuff in the wardrobe and making a lot of noise Giulio: … huh.. Fred's not waking up.. Bernard: you really don't know him huh ? turns on heavy metal at max volume and looks at him Fred: zzzzzzzz Bernard: see ? the apocalypse could go down; he won't fucking know
Heavy sleeper bear… also drunk from the party.