The Rest Of Them

The rest of them
Wanted to post something a little different

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Cuddy is disappointed, and Wilson just confused
House: *takes pill* Wilson: did you just take a pill??? House: no :3 Wilson:

Wanted to post something a little different

Hands caressing your neck, tracing your jaw, rapidly feeling your body. You pulled back to grasp his hair. “Keep kissing me, please.” A breathless whisper fell from his lips.
Hands feeling up your back, squeezing your hips. Chuckling softly, you look at him with love in your eyes. “Baby, I need to breathe,” you said softly as you rest your hands on his armored chest.
“I want to taste you when I leave,” he whispered in your hair. You pulled back a bit, but he immediately pulled you closer. “You say that like you aren’t coming back.”
“Jorge! We are heading out!”
“I love you, come back.”
“I love you too.”
I would bite him too if I was cornered too
Week Long Punishment
Chapter 1: Defiance
This is gonna be a multi chapter fic, so please bear with me. 9 chapters is the baseline, might be more, but definitely won't be less.
This also went through three rounds of proofing and I'm still not 100% certain on it...
Ramattra x child!reader (9-10yrs old//gen)
Word count: 5795
Syn: A war machine omnic and a human child... When you don't behave, Ramattra seeks to punish you.
It had been almost two months since you had wormed your way into his life, but right now, he was done with you. A disobedient child and a war machine omnic, what could possibly go wrong?
Early Saturday morning, you awoke to the sunlight streaming into your room from the nearby window. With your stuffed bear snuggled up to your chest, you curl up a little tighter, not wanting to wake up or even get out of bed. Although you knew that you had to get up.
Your father wasn’t as strict as you’d thought he’d be. You knew of him, what he was capable of, but you never knew how kind and loving he’d be. There were moments he’d scold you for misbehaving of course, but he would never raise a hand to hurt you.
Ramattra knew about your past; the trauma with your previous family, so he’d do what he could to not inflict that sort of thing onto you again. His vocaliser would lower when he was mad, but never in a way to scare you.
There was something about you that made him curious. A human child that follows him around, living with him, in any other life that would be frowned upon. He had begun doing human activities; cooking, cleaning up after you, he wanted to make sure you were happy and healthy.
He hears you open your bedroom door and the gentle taps of your feet as you walk down the hallway to the living room. The apartment Ramattra had was small, something to keep out of the watchful eyes of those after him. Never had he thought he’d be living with a human child.
“Good morning…” Your voice was quiet, still under the effects of sleep as you approach him. Ramattra looks up from his work that he had been doing all night on the coffee table.
“Good morning, little one. Did you sleep well?” He asks, tilting his head to the side as he places his tablet down amongst blueprints and paperwork.
He sees you nod lazily as you climb up onto the sofa, turning to face him as you nuzzle your face into your teddy.
“I suppose you want some breakfast now, correct?” He doesn’t wait for an answer as he stands, walking past you and heading to the joint kitchen. The omnic looks at you from over the counter, noticing how you don’t move from your position.
Ramattra silently chuckles as he puts some bread into the toaster, tapping against the countertop as he waits.
The smell of toast wafts throughout the apartment and you lift your head up. Before you even get a chance to speak, Ramattra’s voice is loud.
“I know. I will not forget this time.” He states, grabbing the jam jar from the cupboard. He hears you giggle. At least you’re waking up, child, the omnic thinks to himself.
After a couple of minutes, Ramattra returns and hands you a small plate with a few slices of toast. The jam is thick and you can see the crumbs within the crevices of his hand. You know he’ll get irritated with that as the day goes by, but you thank him as you grab the plate, setting it down on your lap.
The teddy sits next to you, Ramattra sits back down on the floor at the coffee table, focussing back on his work as you sit on the sofa and eat breakfast.
The silence was comfortable, something of which you had grown to like. Ramattra preferred the silence over your ramblings, especially in the morning, but today, he broke that quietness.
“Once you have finished eating, I need to talk to you.”
There was an uncertainty in his voice and you picked up on it almost instantly. Putting down the half finished toast, you wipe your mouth and look at him.
“What is it?”
Ramattra notices the curiosity in your eyes when he looks up at you. His optics look at your plate, noticing you haven’t finished but he looks back at you. It seems we are talking now.
“I will be heading out in approximately four hours and twenty six minutes, so I need you to stay here for me, okay?”
“Where are you going?”
“It is work related. I cannot share that information with you.”
“When will you be coming back?”
He hesitates, for he does not know.
His head tilts forward, optics scanning his work. “I am not sure. I will try not to be long.”
He hates it when you call him by his name, but he knows you’re not comfortable in calling him ‘dad’ yet.
“Just stay out of trouble.” He asks, looking back up at you, noticing the worried expression on your face. “[y/n]. Do not make this any harder than it already is. I have to leave.”
You nod, picking up your teddy bear and hugging it again. “I know. Be safe.”
“I am not leaving just yet. There are a few more preparations I have to do before I leave.” He sighs, standing up and gathering his work. Now that you’re awake, he’s moving to his small office. “You know the rules.”
He doesn’t say anything else as he leaves the room. A few seconds later, a door in the apartment shuts and then there is silence.
The rules… Such a parent thing to do.
Rule 1: No disobedience. Of course, you have your moments, every child does. You defy his commands to go to bed, he gets mad and scolds you. Every parent with a kid goes through that. The occasional backchat irks him, but you’re growing, trying to understand the world, so he’s not too harsh on you for that.
Rule 2: No acts of violence. This one Ramattra is certain you will never break. You’re a sweet child, one that wouldn’t harm anything or anyone. Hands and feet to yourself, but you are not a violent kid, so he never has to worry about this rule too much.
Rule 3: No yelling. He’s never heard you raise your voice and he wants to keep it that way.
Rule 4: Tell the truth. Although a timid kid, you would always apologise and tell him when things went wrong. If he hurt you, not physically, he’d ask and you’d tell him. Ramattra was still learning too.
Rule 5: Do not enter the far room at any point. This one he emphasised the most. It felt more like a threat than a rule. You never even attempted to ask why, you just agreed and left it at that.
You were left alone in the living room, a half eaten plate of toast by your side and your teddy bear in your arms. It got lonely at times, but eventually you grew used to it. It was the same with your previous family, but this time… it felt different. You felt the love and care that Ramattra showed you. You appreciated him taking you in, much against his will it seemed.
The tv gets turned on, the remote by your side as you settle on some old time cartoon. A comfort show that would always be on whenever your old parents weren’t at home. It’s all you would watch, day or night. The same episodes over and over again, it never bore you and the excitement was always the same.
That was, until mid way through one episode, the tv switches over to the news automatically.
An emergency broadcast.
Null Sector.
You stay silent, watching as the reporters spoke and wandered through the streets, avoiding any conflict that was currently happening. Null Sector was rising, but still a distance away that you were safe.
Then the broadcast was interrupted by another, more threatening view. Those that had seen it before knew, the leader of Null Sector started another broadcast; another rambling of his liberation for omnics.
The living room was silent but his voice, but even you did not know who it was. The screen was red, images and videos of omnics being abused by humans appeared on the screen.
This was different than the last one.
The leader was furious and he was making sure that the humans knew of their wrong doings and his cause behind the liberation.
Not long after, it ended and the reporters were finally back in control, a look of shock and horror on their faces. You didn’t watch much more of it as you tried to find a channel that wasn’t showing the news, but no matter where you went, it was all over.
With a sigh, you turn off the television and head to your room. There wasn’t much to do in there either. You left your old home with nothing but your teddy and the clothes on your back. Ramattra was kind enough to get you new clothes once he realised, letting you pick them out and ordering them to a nearby drop off for you to collect.
Getting dressed and heading back to the living room was all you could do. There were no games, no movies, not even a collection of books to read. The apartment was bare, almost like he wasn’t staying here for long… Which was his initial goal until you came along.
The day seemed to go by pretty slowly as you led on the sofa, mindlessly flicking through channels once you were sure the reporting had stopped. When you weren’t watching the television, you’d play some imaginary game with yourself, running around the living room and playing with your teddy in some combatant scenario where your teddy needed to be saved. Kids have a wild imagination, always will do, but you had to do something to keep yourself sane.
Ramattra broke through your little scenario as the door to his office shut. He wandered back towards the living room to see you standing there and looking at your stuffed bear across the room.
“Are you having fun?” He chuckles. Ramattra sees you nod before you walk over to the bear stranded on the empty bookcase. It was high up, out of reach of your arms, he wondered how you got it up there in the first place. “Let me.” The omnic stands behind you, barely even reaching up to grab the bear before handing it down to you.
“Thank you.”
“I need to talk to you.” He speaks firmly as he steps back and looks down at you. When you nod, he continues to talk. “Null Sector is planning to attack. I need to go.” He was planning to attack.
“What? What’s happening?” There was a slight panic rising within you. The one person, the one omnic who cared for you is leaving to go out there.
He hushes you, placing a finger on your lips in hopes that you won’t speak as he kneels down to be eye level with you. You can feel the strictness radiating from him. “You have nothing to worry about. I will not let anything happen to you.”
“But what if something happens?”
“If you know what is good for you, you will be silent.” There was that commanding tone, one that made you shut up instantly, but there was still words you wanted to say, so you shook his hand away from your mouth to keep talking.
“What if you’re hurt?”
His hand grabs your arm firmly, but not to the point you were to feel pain. He stares at you, optics scanning your face. “Enough. Do as you are told.”
Fear and panic rose higher as you stared at the omnic before you. “What if you don’t come back? What happens to me?”
“Listen to me.” His vocaliser lowers.
There was a short silence as his tone startles you, but you don’t back down.
“I don’t want to lose you!”
The grip on your arm loosen immediately. “You are worried.”
You reply with a nod, tears pricking your eyes. “If… If I lose you, I’ll have nobody…”
Ramattra stares at you, systems working to make sense of the feeling coursing through him, but that doesn’t last long as he notices the time within his HUD. He has to go. His hand gently pulls you in for an embrace, slowly rubbing your back in hopes to soothe you.
“I will come back. I promise.” It was an awkward time, but he has to see this through regardless of your emotions right now.
“But… But what if you don’t?” You mumble against his shoulder.
“I will be back. You have my word.” For once, Ramattra was surprised with himself. Making a promise with a human child was something he didn’t think he’d ever do, yet here he was, holding you close to him as you sob quietly into his shoulder.
He feels you shake your head before speaking. “You’re not answering my question.”
For a child of nine, you sure were persistent.
“I told you I will be back. My word stands.” The strict tone comes back. “Listen to me, little one. You will be safe.”
“But-” You pull back, looking at him with teary eyes. “What if you don’t? What if you can’t? How… How will I know?”
He notices the tears, gently wiping one that falls down your cheek. “Do you trust me?”
You look away, wiping your own eyes. “I don’t want you to go.”
Ramattra pulls you back in for a hug, a tight yet soothing motion. He goes within his systems, making his body heat up slightly so he can calm you down.
“Do you trust me, little one?” He repeats.
The omnic sighs, clearly wanting to hear you say ‘yes’. His hand presses against your head, pushing you further into his cowl. “What do you want me to do?”
“Don’t leave…”
He feels a little disheartened that you don’t trust him, but he has to go. As the leader of Null Sector, he has his duties to fulfil.
“Please trust me, okay? I will be back.” His voice softens, body still radiating heat as he feels you relax a little.
You nod against him. “Promise me that you’ll come back?”
Ramattra hears your muffled request and pats your back gently. “I promise I will, little one. I will come back for you.”
Pulling yourself back, you look at Ramattra, eyes still puffy but the tears had stopped. Holding your pinky out, you speak quietly. “Pinky promise you’ll come back.”
Ramattra chuckles, locking his finger with yours. “I will come back.” He sees you smile hesitantly before he continues to speak. “Do not worry, little one. I will not be long. Just wait for me.”
“Okay…” Your voice was so quiet that it was heartbreaking for Ramattra to hear. He had never felt this way before.
He pulls you back in, wrapping his arms around your small body. His hold is tight and warm, comforting you in ways you needed. It’s like he wants to protect you, now more than ever… but it has to end. He lightly taps your back, a signal to let go which you followed instantly.
Ramattra stands and heads for the front door. Before he even has chance to open it, he hears you call out for him.
He turns back and looks at you, cocking his head to the side. “Yes, little one? What is it?”
You run up to him, teddy bear being thrown to the floor in the process as your arms wrap around his waist in a tight embrace. The sudden notion makes him step back. “I love you… dad…”
The omnic pauses before his hands gently wrap around your shoulders. His systems flare up with an error at how tight you’re squeezing his tubing but he dismisses it, instead feeling somewhat relieved and loved as you call him ‘dad’ for the first time.
Your voice is muffled as you speak. “Be safe… I’ll be good while you’re gone, I promise.”
He chuckles as he pries you off of him. He kneels down, placing a hand on your head.
“I know you will.” Ramattra’s optics pick up the softness of your eyes. “I will be back.”
The omnic stands once again and this time, opens the door to leave. Just before the door is fully closed, he hears you speak once more.
“Be safe, dad…”
The door closes and you’re left standing there. The apartment is suddenly quiet.
There was still that sinking feeling inside of you of whether or not he will keep his promise, but you shook that feeling off and picked up the teddy bear from the floor. There wasn’t anything to do in the apartment, so you sat adjacent to the door, waiting for Ramattra to return.
Several long and excruciatingly painful hours went by and eventually you ended up asleep on your side on the floor with your teddy pressed against your chest tightly. You were ready to lay there until he came back, whether that was going to be days, weeks or even months.
Nearly a day went by before you could hear footsteps approaching the door. Standing up and staying silent, you wait.
The front door to the apartment opens and Ramattra enters. He looks the same as when he left and the moment he saw you, optics flicking down and scanning you, he saw the smile on your face which warmed his circuits.
“You came back…” You mumble, watching him close the door before you hug him.
“I told you I would.” His hand ruffles your hair. “I kept my promise.”
He could feel you nod against his plating. The soft movements of your head warmed him further before he knelt down to your level.
“Are you hurt?” You ask, looking at him a little worried.
He chuckles, caressing the side of your face with his hand. “Does it look like I am hurt?”
You shake you head as you look at him.
He can’t help but tilt his head, a way of saying he’s smiling. “Were you good while I was gone?”
“I-” There was a hesitant tone to your voice. “I kinda just slept here on the floor waiting for you.”
“You slept on the floor?” Ramattra questions. “You could have stayed in your room.”
“I know. I just wanted to be by the door until you came back”
Ramattra feigns a sigh as he stands. “Do not do that again.”
There was a small smile on your face as you spoke. “It’s okay. I didn’t mind.”
“I do mind. It is not okay.” He tries to keep the disappointing tone at bay as he looks at you.
“I wanted to wait for you.”
“You will only damage yourself if you keep that up.” He states.
You look away. He was right, but there was no harm in doing it for one night. “I just wanted to make sure you would get home safe… Is that so wrong of me to do?”
His hand comes up to your chin as he makes you look at him. His tone was anything but friendly but you could still hear the undertones of care. “Yes, it was wrong. What if you had gotten sick if I had come home later than expected?”
You shrug. “This isn’t about me.”
He sighs, letting go of you and standing straight. “You should not have done that, [y/n].”
“I’m fine.” You look away, a little annoyed as you speak. Your stomach grumbles, giving you away.
“You did not eat either, did you?”
You don’t respond.
There was an audible click within Ramattra. “Do you think this is some joke?”
“One night on the floor isn’t going to hurt me.” You step back. “I am fine.”
“One night is not going to hurt you?” His vocaliser heightens in volume and deepens in tone. You aren’t listening to him and it’s pissing him off. “Do you think I am stupid? You will hurt yourself if this becomes a habit!”
“This is stupid!” You yell back, hands balling into fists as you storm past him and into your room, slamming the door shut behind you. Ramattra is startled at the sudden change of tone as he turns.
“Where do you think you are going?” He follows after you. “You are not running away from me. Open the door this instance!”
“Go away!” You keep your back against the door, a futile attempt because you knew he was far stronger than you.
You could hear hands against the door, the handle rattling as he attempts to open it. “Open the door this instant!” His tone was angry, something of which shook you to the core.
“No! Leave me alone!”
Ramattra pushes against the door, your feet sliding across the wooden floorboards as the door creaks open.
“I am not asking you again!” His vocaliser clicks once more, the frustration rising. “Open this door right now!”
“Go away!”
The door inevitably opens and Ramattra watches as you scramble back onto your feet from being knocked to the floor. “Stop being so stubborn. We are going to talk, one way or another!”
“No!” You back away, realising there is no escape.
“This is an order, young lady/man! Do you understand?” Ramattra threatens you as he approaches you, the lights on his forehead flickering.
You shake your head, backing yourself against the wall. “No!” Panic rose within you as he got closer. He was far from friendly.
He closes the distance quickly, almost trapping you and when you try to run, he grabs you by the arm and practically throws you back against the wall. “Do not try that again. Stop disobeying me!”
“Let go of me!” You try to escape once more but Ramattra wasn’t having it.
“No! I will not let you go until you listen to me, you little brat! You are going to listen to me and you are not going to get away from me, understand?!” The fury was rising.
“Leave. Me. Alone!”
The more you don’t listen to him, the angrier he gets. “I will not leave you alone! Not after what you have done! We are going to have this talk, and we are going to finish this! I am not letting you leave this room without doing that, understood?”
You shake your head, glaring up at him in your own attempt at anger, but it doesn't make him let go of you. Ramattra places his hand against your lower jaw, not wanting you to speak up again.
In a moment of defiance, you bite amongst the rubber part of his hand which in turn makes him let go of you. He looks down at his hand in shock, the pain indicators flaring up within his HUD and he just misses grabbing you again the second time.
“You... did not just bite me, young lady/man! I will get you for this!” He stands straight and he is livid.
“Where are you?!” He calls from inside of your room, hearing noises coming from the living room. “I am getting real tired of this! Get out here right now!”
“No! Go away!” You shout back as you stand in the doorway of the living room. Ramattra stands at the other end of the hallway, approaching you. He takes one more step as you run deeper into the living room, but the omnic catches up rather quickly.
“You get back here right now!” The lights flicker a deeper red on his forehead. “You either come to me or I will drag you.”
“No!” You run around the coffee table and sofa, and he follows.
“I am not asking you, I am commanding you!”
“Go away!” You were quick to climb over the coffee table, disrupting the half eaten toast that was left there the previous morning.
Ramattra groans, clearly annoyed that he now has to clean up after you once again, but continues to chase you around the living room.
He was quick to grab you, dragging you back to face him as he pushes you back up against the wall. His hand is tight on your shoulder, his other hand conveniently placed around your mouth to stop you from screaming at him. He feels you open your mouth, and Ramattra speaks up quickly.
“If you bite me again, [y/n], so help me, you will be disciplined and thrown into your bedroom for the rest of the night! Do you understand?”
He feels your teeth sink in, pain receptors flaring up and a warning appearing.
“You are asking for trouble now. I am warning you.” He tilts his head lower, tone threatening. He doesn’t want to hurt you, but you’re hurting him. When he feels you bite harder than before, he lets out an audible grunt, system warnings appearing as you catch a wire within his servos.
“Last warning! If you bite me one more time, I will lock you in your room for the rest of the night!” His systems flare up as the wire breaks, he has lost movement in his index finger.
“You are pushing it.” He tries to warn you one final time as he pulls back his bitten hand.
You breathe quickly before yelling at him. “Do it! Then I won’t have to talk to you!”
He's at his breaking point, you've pushed every button he has and it's clear you went too far, now he's truly fuming. He loses his questionable calm demeanour as he then starts to drag you over into your room by your upper arm. You can see you've angered him, and you've made a grave mistake.
“You’re hurting me!” You yelp, his grip on your arm tight as he drags you. You struggle against him, fear bubbling inside of you.
“There will be consequences to your actions! You will learn!” He drags you right up to your bedroom. As he pulls you up, he opens the door and continues to drag you inside. No matter how much you struggle and yell, he is not going to let go of you.
Once you are inside, he practically throws you further into the room before leaving and closing the door, locking it from the outside. He sighs as he walks back to the living room.
Ramattra hears you screaming and kicking at your bedroom door, but he doesn't care, he's already made his decision and he's going to stand by that decision. No matter what you say or do, he's going to make sure you stay in your room for the rest of the night.
He picks up the plate and the half eaten toast from the floor before putting them into the kitchen. The banging and screaming from your room continues well into the night.
His hand hurt. He pulls out a repair kit to fix the broken wire, turning his receptors down so he didn’t have to hear you screaming and hitting the door. Once it was fixed, he went about cleaning up the mess you had caused by climbing over the furniture. Ramattra notices that apart from the mess that you caused by running, the apartment hadn’t changed since he had left, which means you did not eat for nearly a full day while he was gone.
He shakes his head, looking down the hallway towards your room, hearing your cries and the occasional banging against the door.
Eventually, it quietens down. You’ve made your way to your bed, sobbing quietly and rubbing the sides of your hands and your arm and your throat is sore from all the screaming and crying. Your stomach growls, starving for food.
Ramattra wonders what happened to cause this. All he wanted to do was make sure you were safe, that you were healthy, but you lashed out.
He notices your stuffed bear on the floor and picks it up, placing it on the empty bookshelf and out of your reach.
As the night went on, when he deemed you calm enough to talk, he approaches your room and knocks gently on the door.
“Go away…”
He barely hears you, so he knocks once more only to be met with silence.
“Please talk to me.” He softly demands.
He switches his sensors to heat, watching as you curl up tighter in bed. He sees a warmth radiating from your hands and he knows you’re hurt.
“[y/n].” He tries once more. “Talk to me. Let us sort this out.”
Ramattra watches as you shuffle out of bed and stand behind the door.
“Go away.”
“No. I am not giving you the option.” His hand reaches for the lock on your door, twisting it to unlock it but leaving the door closed.
You listen to the lock click, staring at the handle.
“What happened?” He asks, not wavering.
Ramattra notices a hesitant step forward coming from you, but he continues to speak. “I told you there would be consequences.”
“It was one night…” You mumble, taking another step closer to the door, the only barrier between you and him.
“One night too many, little one.” He states, clearly watching you from his sensors.
“I was worried you weren’t coming back.”
“Yes, but, yelling at me-”
“You yelled first.”
There was an awkward silence.
Ramattra sighs.
You look off to the side.
“[y/n].” One final attempt from him.
The door slowly opens, not much, but enough for Ramattra to see you through the small crack as you peer through. Progress.
“I was worried.” You repeat, hoping that he realises now.
He nods in understanding. “Little one… You have to realise that the world is not going to stop if I do not come home.”
“If- If you leave, I will have no one.” There were tears in your eyes again as you look up to him, opening the door wider.
Ramattra’s optics shift, one of guilt as his vocaliser struggles to find the right tone. “I am sorry.”
The door opens wider and you stand there, facing the omnic before you. Hearing that you were scared just makes him feel even more guilty of his previous words. You were just a scared little kid, after all, waiting for their guardian... He speaks softly. “You did not sleep at all, did you?”
You nod in response. “I slept a little…”
“You should not have done that to yourself, do you hear me?” His stern tone comes back. He wants you to realise what you did was wrong.
“Yes.” Was all you could manage to say as you avert your gaze.
“Look at me when I am talking to you.”
When you follow his orders, he stands up straight and begins to count the misdemeanours on his newly fixed hand. “You did not listen to me, you stayed the night up here waiting for me, didn’t eat, you almost bit my hand off and you were not going to tell me anything unless I forced it out of you. You do realise how wrong that is, right?”
You look at him, eyes widening slightly.
Ramattra looks down at you, optics seeing the fear within your own eyes. You pushed him too far and you were not about to escape punishment.
“Do not think you are getting away with it.” He straightens before stepping forward and kneeling down to you.
“Listen to me, now.” He starts, tone threatening. “Never bite me again. You are lucky I had a spare part laying around otherwise this would be a lot worse than it is. Fix that attitude of yours before I slap it out of you, and you do not want me to do that.” He watches as your eyes widen once more, fear rising within them. “Do I make myself clear?”
“Yeah.” You say. “I understand.” There was a sadness within your voice, one the omnic picked up on instantly. Maybe an apology will make him change his mind. “I’m sorry…”
Ramattra keeps his optics on you.
“I’m sorry for biting you too.”
“That does not change a thing.” He states. Ramattra was still adamant on punishing you for your actions tonight. You had bitten him, much to his surprise, but the disobedience and shouting all amounted to the wrong you had done. Despite you showing that you cared for his safety, Ramattra was still the boss. He was always in charge. Whatever he says, goes, no questions asked.
Ramattra stands back up straight as he speaks. “You are to stay in your room for the week.”
“A week-”
“Silence.” His voice rattles though the hallway as he looks down at you. The small frame of your body was tiny in comparison to his. “A week. I will bring you your meals, you can use the bathroom, but you are not to come out at all for any reason, understood?”
You nod, chest feeling a little tight.
“You have disappointed me, [y/n]. You have to learn from your actions. It was either this or some form of unethical human punishment.”
“You mean hitting me?”
He seems taken aback, but he nods. “You will be disciplined. I am going easy on you, for now. Do not let this happen again.”
When you nod again, hand gripping the edge of the door, he sighs.
“Go to bed. I will see you tomorrow morning.” He tilts his head at you, watching a tear fall down your cheek as you slowly and carefully close your bedroom door.
After you close the door, Ramattra is left standing there for a few seconds, he knows you're sorry for what happened. He knows you weren't acting like yourself in the moment of anger, and he could already see the remorse in your eyes. Your tone of apologetic guilt really shows you understand now and that you wouldn't do something like this again.
He knows you wouldn’t try anything, especially after the entire nights ordeal, so he decides to leave the door unlocked for now as he walks back to the living room to focus on his work that would’ve already been finished by now if it weren’t for you.
One week without seeing you, he knows it's going to be a long week, and he's not sure if it'll fully work.
You get up into bed, sobbing quietly as you curl up under the covers, your stomach growling loudly at the lack of food. The moment you realise your teddy bear is no longer with you it takes even longer to fall asleep and regret set in fast.
The moment the clock hit midnight, the punishment begins. 7 days you were to stay inside your room. No fun, no games, no interaction with Ramattra or the outside world…
What a long seven days it is going to be for the both of us…
I wanna give starscream a hug, please this poor baby needs one
I’ve been inspired to watch the old gen 1 cartoon and I can’t 😂 this show is an absolute trip and I love it
G1 was just so awesomely random, you have to love it 😊

Starscream x Reader-curious
• Big, wide eyes stare up at him in silence. Starscream vents softly, working the softness of your hair with the end of the cloth and you just stare, your little heart pounding against him. He’s shocked you so badly, you aren’t resisting him anymore. Mass displacement isn’t ideal, but it makes dealing with your squirming much easier. Even if it is a risk. Being caught so small might very well mean his death. Too small, too vulnerable to defend himself. Is that how you feel around him? Helpless? He doesn’t like that thought.
• He’s little. Ish. Maybe eight feet tall now? The hand releases your chin and tugs at your blanket and that at least smashes through the shocked fog of incomprehension paralyzing you. And you slap his hand hard. He vents sharply and you both freeze. When he’s huge, he seems to find your attempts to smack him funny. Not so much now and you’d hit him hard enough for your palm to sting. You suck in a sharp breath, eyes watering.
• Huffing, he grabs your wrist to inspect your little hand. “Must you be so difficult?” He grouses as you try to tug free. Had you damaged yourself? It’d serve you right even as it doesn’t sit right with him. Grip gentle, he manipulates your little fingers, not really sure that he can tell if something is wrong, but also oddly fascinated. Five fingers just like his own servos, but so delicate compared to his hands. “I suppose if my plating was stripped away leaving only protoarmor, I wouldn’t like someone prodding at me,” he mutters as you blink up at him. Your expression going blank as he lets go of your hand to adjust the cloth around your shoulders. Covering you better.
• It’s as close to an apology as you’re likely to get and feeling brave, you catch his hand before he can pull away. His wings flick up aggressively and you drop your eyes, waiting for him to snarl at you. But he doesn’t. When you peek at his face, he’s just frowning while his wings do that weird little tremor you associate with anger or stress. But which? Dropping your eyes again, you study his big hand and wonder. His face, his expressions, they’re all too human. A lot of it is probably just seeing what you want to see, because Stockholm’s, but as he allows you to turn his hand over and you line up your much smaller palm in his, you can’t help but smile, because it’s like they’re almost made to fit together.
• What are you doing? Frame tense, he watches you press your palm to his, lining up your fingers with his servos like you’re curious about him. But he’s only aware of the warmth of you against his frame, the softness of your hand pressed to his. Of how incongruent, but strangely right this seems. But then his door is sliding open and he stiffens as Soundwave slips inside.
• Even with his face hidden by the visor and mask, the sheer disapproval in that stare is a physical, oppressive thing. And fury sparks through Starscream even as he shifts back to his full size as fast as possible. One hand grabbing the human and pinning you to his chassis even as the strain of using so much energy so quickly saps him, his processor feeling like it’s splitting open. He bares his denta at the other mech, wings trembling in rage. “Get out.”

They’re taking over…