callmecreative - callmecreative

Extreme addiction to Legend of Zelda and Linked UniverseChristain, she/her, I LOVE THIS COMMUNITY SO MUCHYou can call me... creative. I might also do completely random posts :)Random post= #creative ramblesWarning: If you follow me you have signed the oath of friendship and I WILL follow you back.

121 posts

Whumptober- Chapter 4: Hallucinations

Whumptober- Chapter 4: Hallucinations

Warnings: blood, violence, hallucinations

Sky was already getting dizzy. His entire body was screaming from exhaustion, and he could feel his heart pumping incredibly hard to keep him alive. 

He dodged a blow and countered it, slicing deep into the side of a lizalfos. He hated lizalfos. He was doing all that he could, slicing of heads and hands, stabbing, even kicking, but the enemies seemed to keep coming. He glanced over his shoulder to check on his brothers. He saw Time go down.

He fought through to the place where he thought he saw Time, but he wasn’t there. Sky pressed on in his fighting. 

He sidestepped a swing and grabbed the weapon of one of his enemies- a serrated boomerang. He hurtled it at a group of monsters, either killing or severely wounding most. It looped around, taking out many more enemies, then returning to his hand.

In his peripheral vision, he thought he saw Sun, standing in the line of trees. He called out to her, but he didn’t hear her call back. His nerves began eating away at his attention, causing him to get several nicks. He was losing blood that he didn’t have to lose. He fought ferociously, killing monster after monster. He needed a window- an opportunity to survey the battle.

He raised the Master Sword above his head. He sliced down through the air, creating a beam that would cut through as many monsters as it took. He followed its path of destruction, taking out as many monsters as he could on his way. He saw a reasonably sized horde of monsters. He was about to rejoin the battle when he could have sworn he saw reinforcements emerging from over a hill to the east. 

He was prepared to warn his brothers until he blinked, and the vision went away. He was starting to lose feeling in his legs, and the blood he was actively losing was not helping. He raised his weakening arm, concentrating deeply on the storm brewing in his mind. He called lightning down from the sky, striking the Master Sword. He channeled it though the sword and towards the largest group of monsters. 

Then, he collapsed.

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More Posts from Callmecreative

5 months ago

I love writing Whumptober and seeing others' writing and art!!! It really helps me see how others interpret the characters' personalities, weaknesses, and strengths! Do you get that, too?

Hey Creative!

Sorry I haven't been talking much lately, life is crazy.

How have you been?

I'm doing wonderfully!!! My birthday is today, so I got a bunch of gifts. My family outdid themselves this year!!!

I hope your life is crazy in the good way... if not I'm always here to talk! 😊😊😊😊😊

How have you been?

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5 months ago

Thanks for the tag, Faith!!!!

Thanks For The Tag, Faith!!!!

no pressure tags: @theecholegend @individualperson8756 @ahanarhorse

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Hehe Look At This Cute Picrew!! I'm Literally In Love It's So Cutee.
Hehe Look At This Cute Picrew!! I'm Literally In Love It's So Cutee.
Hehe Look At This Cute Picrew!! I'm Literally In Love It's So Cutee.
Aesthetic School Girl Maker
My first Picrew :D Hope you enjoy! ✨ My Instagram if you’re interested in seeing my other art! :) —>

here if y'all want to try it! (warning: doesn't have diverse body types I'm sorry about that, it's okay if you don't wanna try it. No pressure!) @silkcorpsedoll @sugarcandydoll @insaneinpink @local-lover-boy @daughterofthesea111 @huellitaa @orphicseraphim @entyill @escarghosted @escapingpurgatory @elissbabby @blessed-bruises @messyfuxia @cold--carnage @rebel-grrrl444 @smittenseraphim @sw1tez1anka @stwberrryblonde @sweetl4mb @dollcemitery1 @scary-friend @girldigitaldiary @gravesiteprincess @waifspiration @wintvies @lanadelreystan101 @xmoonshardx @coffin--coffee @vampyr3wife @naturalbornluvr @disturbedog

5 months ago

Me: *stares at birthday gifts like they are literally MANNA FROM HEAVEN.

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5 months ago

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