Whumptober - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago

Familial Reactions|G|804 Words

Read on AO3

Fandom: 9-1-1

Relationships: Eddie Diaz & Firehouse 118 Crew, Eddie Diaz & Bobby Nash, Evan "Buck" Buckley & Eddie Diaz

Characters: Eddie Diaz, Bobby Nash, Evan "Buck" Buckley

Tags: Whumptober 2024, Team as Family, Firehouse 118 Crew as Family (9-1-1 TV), Mentioned Howie "Chimney" Han, Mentioned Henrietta "Hen" Wilson, Supportive Bobby Nash, Parental Bobby Nash, Evan "Buck" Buckley Takes Care of Eddie Diaz, Worried Eddie Diaz, Sad Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV), Bobby Nash Shows His Love Through Food, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Kidnapped Christopher Diaz (9-1-1 TV)

Summary: The team rallies around Eddie in the ways they know how.

Whumptober 2024 Day 13: Team As A Family

Notes: Chronologically, the 5th part of the Kidnapped Chris AU

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5 months ago

The Second Call|M|509 Words

Read on AO3

Fandom: 9-1-1

Relationships: Evan "Buck" Buckley & Eddie Diaz, Evan "Buck" Buckley & Christopher Diaz & Eddie Diaz, Christopher Diaz & Eddie Diaz

Characters: Eddie Diaz, Original Characters

Tags: Whumptober 2024, Blackmail, Kidnapped Christopher Diaz (9-1-1 TV), Phone Calls & Telephones, proof of life - Freeform, Angry Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV), Terrified Christopher Diaz (9-1-1 TV), Worried Eddie Diaz, Scared Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV), Scared Christopher Diaz (9-1-1 TV), Mentioned Christopher Diaz (9-1-1 TV), Mentioned Evan "Buck" Buckley, Hurt Christopher Diaz (9-1-1 TV)

Summary: The coordinator knows what buttons to press to get what he wants.

Whumptober 2024 Day 14: Blackmail

Notes: Chronologically, part 9 of Kidnapped Chris AU.

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5 months ago

Needed Reassurance|G|880 Words

Read on AO3

Fandom: 9-1-1

Relationships: Evan "Buck" Buckley & Eddie Diaz, Evan "Buck" Buckley/Eddie Diaz

Characters: Evan "Buck" Buckley, Eddie Diaz

Tags: Whumptober 2024, "I did good right?", Post-Tsunami (9-1-1), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Mentioned Christopher Diaz (9-1-1 TV), Pre-Relationship Evan "Buck" Buckley/Eddie Diaz, Insecure Evan "Buck" Buckley, Eddie Diaz Takes Care of Evan "Buck" Buckley, Tired Evan "Buck" Buckley, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, post-well collapse, Evan "Buck" Buckley Takes Care of Eddie Diaz, Hurt/Comfort, Hurt Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV)

Summary: One time Buck asks Eddie and one time Eddie asks Buck.

Whumptober 2024 Day 15: “I did good, right?”

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5 months ago

Rough Tackle|T|729 Words

Read on AO3

Fandom: 9-1-1

Relationships: Evan "Buck" Buckley & Eddie Diaz

Characters: Evan "Buck" Buckley, Eddie Diaz

Tags: Whumptober 2024, Wound Cleaning, Alternate Universe - Different First Meeting, Nurse Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV), Firefighter Evan "Buck" Buckley, Pre-Relationship Evan "Buck" Buckley/Eddie Diaz, Medical Inaccuracies, Injured Evan "Buck" Buckley, Eddie Diaz Takes Care of Evan "Buck" Buckley

Summary: A firefighter comes in with severe road rash and small asphalt pieces stuck in the wound.

Whumptober 2024 Day 16: Wound cleaning

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5 months ago

it’s october baddies 😼 you know what that means ! readers unite!

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5 months ago

in honor of the beginning of october!

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5 months ago

I want to join whumptober but then I realise I currently have like several huge fics ongoing and I probably shouldn't 😥

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5 months ago

I want to join whumptober but then I realise I currently have like several huge fics ongoing and I probably shouldn't 😥

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5 months ago

I want to join whumptober but then I realise I currently have like several huge fics ongoing and I probably shouldn't 😥

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5 months ago

Wait how many x-tobers are there? I thought there were like one or two but I feel like I'm missing so many of them?

Like Whumptober? And Kinktober? What others are there?

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5 months ago

Does anyone have like a request for flufftober / whumptober / kinktober ?

Any pairing in the Harry Potter / Marauders / Baldurs Gate 3 fandoms

(Or if you have a wild request and don't mind that I don't know much about them haha)

I want to challenge myself but have a hard time doing so haha 🥹

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5 months ago

Does anyone have like a request for flufftober / whumptober / kinktober ?

Any pairing in the Harry Potter / Marauders / Baldurs Gate 3 fandoms

(Or if you have a wild request and don't mind that I don't know much about them haha)

I want to challenge myself but have a hard time doing so haha 🥹

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5 months ago

Does anyone have like a request for flufftober / whumptober / kinktober ?

Any pairing in the Harry Potter / Marauders / Baldurs Gate 3 fandoms

(Or if you have a wild request and don't mind that I don't know much about them haha)

I want to challenge myself but have a hard time doing so haha 🥹

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5 months ago

Does anyone have like a request for flufftober / whumptober / kinktober ?

Any pairing in the Harry Potter / Marauders / Baldurs Gate 3 fandoms

(Or if you have a wild request and don't mind that I don't know much about them haha)

I want to challenge myself but have a hard time doing so haha 🥹

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5 months ago

Me: *opens tumblr*


Me: *opens google docs*

Me: *reopens tumblr*

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5 months ago

Whumptober Chapter 1: Race Against the Clock

So it has begun. I hope you enjoy it!

Warnings: blood, intensity, main character ALMOST dies

The Chain had no supplies left. They had no fairies, a quarter of a roll of bandages, and no healing potions. They had been ambushed repeatedly over just a two-day span, and they were all sitting around the fire, nursing minor wounds and bruises. Hyrule was leaning Legend, who was providing him with the last of the green potion that they had. If they got ambushed, they might get killed.

Sky was on watch at the moment, eyes fixed on the path that was most likely to be traveled by monsters, occasionally glancing at the bushes when he heard rustling. 

There was no wind at all, and the day was perfectly still. They were just an hour away from the nearest village, where they could restock their supplies. Everything seemed fine, until Sky’s eyes drifted to the bushes to his right and he was attacked from the left. 

He fought back the wave of bokoblins, and, after a few minutes, the rest of the Chain joined him. They defended themselves fairly easily, to their surprise. 

Their luck did not hold out, however. They were checking for injuries when Sky cried out from his position. He had a lizalfos boomerang lodged in his side, and he collapsed almost immediately. 

Legend dashed to Sky, praying to the goddess that he wasn’t getting even more seriously hurt. He grabbed his arm and ran back to the camp, yelling to the others to retreat. Twilight joined him and helped him carry Sky, who was barely conscious. Hyrule tried to heal him, but he didn’t have enough magic to do much of anything, just ease the pain.

The Chain rushed down the forested path, heading for the village as efficiently as they could. Each minute that passed was blood that Sky didn’t have to lose. They were racing against the clock.

Sky passed out a quarter of the way there. Twilight and Legend frantically picked him up and continued running, desperately trying to reach the town, but it seemed like they were going nowhere. 

Time and Wars broke off from the group to hold off the surge of monsters pursuing them. They gained a little speed. There was a little hope left.

When they reached the village, Legend and Twilight were covered in Sky’s blood, and Sky was more pale than they’d ever seen him before.

But he was alive.

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5 months ago

Whumtober- Chapter 2: Trust Issues

Warnings: blood, angst

Wild was tending to Sky, who was ghostly pale and barely breathing. Wild was doing all he could to strengthen him, but the blood loss was so much worse than they could have imagined. The lizal boomerang was serrated, and it tore through his mail and skin like it was nothing. He was so focused on trying to get an elixir down Sky’s throat, he hadn’t noticed the others’ conversation.


“Yes?” he answered, praying another one of the heroes wasn’t injured.

“Can you go?” Legend asked impatiently.

“I’m sorry, go where?”

“Go back on the path to find Wars and Time. They’re not here. It’s been hours,” Legend explained.

“Me… I should stay here with Sky,” Wild declined as politely as he could.

“They might need healing, and Hyrule has to stay here with Sky,” Twilight interjected.

“But we were in such a rush! I don’t know where we came from? What if I get lost? What if I can’t find them in time or they are already dead?” he panicked. He started hyperventilating.

“What if Sky dies while I’m gone… I can’t lose him! How would we tell Sun?-”

He noticed the others, staring at him in shock. He lifted his hood over his head in a desperate attempt to cover the tears forming in his eyes. 

Why did tragedy like this always strike at him when he was with people he cared for? Why couldn’t he be on this mission alone, with nothing to lose? Why did the goddess have to send him people that he loved just to take them away?

“Wild… listen to me. You’re a fabulous fighter and you know it. We know you’ve suffered loss, but don’t let this be one of those times. Be strong, cub.”

Twilight’s voice soothed Wild.

“I don’t trust myself to save them. When I try, I fail… why do you trust me?”

“We trust you because you can fight through that pain. I believe you can harness that pain and use it to make you even stronger. I know you can do it. Go. Prove yourself wrong. You can save someone.”

Wild lifted his eyes and made eye contact with Twilight. He could save Time and Wars. More than just that, he would save them.

He exited the room, leaving five confused heroes behind, and started down the most familiar path.

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5 months ago

Me: spends hours on fanart

The lonely tab labeled Whumptober that I am supposed to be focusing on:

Me: Spends Hours On Fanart

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5 months ago

Whumptober- Chapter 3: Set Up for Failure

Warnings: blood, main character ALMOST dies

Wars cursed. He was hunched over Time, trying desperately to stop the bleeding. He knew that if he couldn’t that Time would be lost. He hoped that Sky would be fine, that the others would be fine…

The monster horde that attacked them so viciously had retreated, and Wars hadn’t thought of it at the time, but they were skirting the village to attack from the other side… to ambush the rest of the Chain.

Wars wished he could be leading the rest of the Chain with Time, but instead he had no one but his slowly dying brother. He wanted Hyrule's healing ability. He wanted Legend’s expertise. He wanted Sky’s encouragement and acceptance. He even found himself wanting Wind’s pokes and prods. He couldn’t have any of it.

He pressed as hard as he could to stop the blood, but it just kept oozing from the arrow wound, black slowly creeping through the veins of Time. 

Wars was nearly in tears by the time he heard footsteps crunching on the leaves, approaching.

When he saw Wild’s red eyes, he feared the worst. Had the others gotten killed? Was Wild the only survivor?

“There you are! The others were worried-”

“Go back!” Wars screamed, his voice raw, “The monsters, they’re attacking from the other side!”

Wild didn’t turn back and run. He grabbed a healing elixir and poured it down Time’s throat.

“It’s my last one… He’ll be better in minutes.”

He pulled one of Time’s arms over his shoulder and stood him up. They began the journey to the village.

They were not greeted with a welcome sight. The monsters had attacked and were breaking the Chain apart. Sky, whose wound had barely been healed, was on the battlefield, his form still impressively graceful given his condition. Time was most of the way healed, so he drew the Biggoron sword and rushed into the battle. Wild joined the fight as well. 

Wars surveyed the battle from a distance. Each hero was divided and surrounded. The heroes were clever, capable of staying alive, but just barely.

They were set up for failure, and they would only live if it was the goddess’s will.

He drew his sword and joined the battle, knowing what it might potentially cost him.

If he was going to go down, he wouldn’t have it any other way.

He would fight with his brothers until the end.

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5 months ago

Whumptober- Chapter 4: Hallucinations

Warnings: blood, violence, hallucinations

Sky was already getting dizzy. His entire body was screaming from exhaustion, and he could feel his heart pumping incredibly hard to keep him alive. 

He dodged a blow and countered it, slicing deep into the side of a lizalfos. He hated lizalfos. He was doing all that he could, slicing of heads and hands, stabbing, even kicking, but the enemies seemed to keep coming. He glanced over his shoulder to check on his brothers. He saw Time go down.

He fought through to the place where he thought he saw Time, but he wasn’t there. Sky pressed on in his fighting. 

He sidestepped a swing and grabbed the weapon of one of his enemies- a serrated boomerang. He hurtled it at a group of monsters, either killing or severely wounding most. It looped around, taking out many more enemies, then returning to his hand.

In his peripheral vision, he thought he saw Sun, standing in the line of trees. He called out to her, but he didn’t hear her call back. His nerves began eating away at his attention, causing him to get several nicks. He was losing blood that he didn’t have to lose. He fought ferociously, killing monster after monster. He needed a window- an opportunity to survey the battle.

He raised the Master Sword above his head. He sliced down through the air, creating a beam that would cut through as many monsters as it took. He followed its path of destruction, taking out as many monsters as he could on his way. He saw a reasonably sized horde of monsters. He was about to rejoin the battle when he could have sworn he saw reinforcements emerging from over a hill to the east. 

He was prepared to warn his brothers until he blinked, and the vision went away. He was starting to lose feeling in his legs, and the blood he was actively losing was not helping. He raised his weakening arm, concentrating deeply on the storm brewing in his mind. He called lightning down from the sky, striking the Master Sword. He channeled it though the sword and towards the largest group of monsters. 

Then, he collapsed.

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