You cannot possibly hope to understand me, for I barely understand myself
149 posts
Casual-mecha-enjoyer - Yes, I Know I'm Weird - Tumblr Blog

Loving you wasn't a faucet I could turn on and off
It was a wave that overtook me and crashed me upon the reef
Find what you love, and let it kill you
How I wish to drown in you again.
sunflower? I’m sorry, I think you meant HIGH-POWER FACE LASER
This sunflower 🌻

"furries act like they're oppressed wahh"
I mean technically that wouldn't be the case if 90% of the fandom wasn't queer/disabled in some way.
I will always hold true that hating on furries is a test to see who is straight up bigoted and who is normal.
okay, talking about your cat will make a lot of guys like you more

big boobs
Chainmail is a kind of fishnets
I get that there were two world wars, but why did we ever stop calling it “The Great War”? That sounds so much cooler than World War One
I love that the four corps in Lancer are like ... Amazon, Pfizer, Lockheed-Martin, and then like a Discord server filled with trans women with fursonas and felony hacking convictions
i love my switch its like an animal to me. shhhh sweet pink and green creature download my software
Having media literacy is more important than being good at math prove me wrong
No shade to the stuff that’s currently trending at this very moment or the people posting the things. But. Today is an anniversary of a variety of major world events and NONE of them are trending.
For those who are unaware:

It’s literally autism day in every way yet it’s not trending
i feel like it's difficult to say any character in utdr is treated "too jokingly" to be seen as serious when one of the most harrowing and tragic characters across both games is also someone who has canonically screamed about how you can milk him

the only reason I know this post wasn’t made by a cat, is that the last sentence is “moderation is key”

Healthy Human Foods Your Cat Can Enjoy! 🐾🍽️
Did you know there are some human foods that are actually good for your cat? Let’s take a look at a few treats that can be beneficial, but remember: always in moderation! 😸
1. Plain Yogurt 🥄
A spoonful of plain, unsweetened yogurt (no added sugars or flavors) can provide your kitty with calcium and protein to help strengthen their bones! 💪🐱 While cats are generally lactose intolerant, the lower lactose content in yogurt makes it a safe occasional treat. most cats can consume small amounts of plain yogurt due to the lower lactose content. Thus, plain yogurt can be an occasional treat, Just make sure it’s plain! 😉
2.Cooked Egg Yolk 🍳
Want to make your cat’s fur shine and reduce shedding? Try giving them a small amount of cooked egg yolk once a week! 🌟 But never give raw egg yolks—stick to cooked or sterile options for safety.
3.Steamed Pumpkin & Sweet Potato 🎃🍠
These are packed with fiber, which can aid in digestion and help keep your cat regular. If your fur baby has diabetes, though, it’s best to skip these treats.
4.Carrots & Broccoli 🥕🥦
Full of Vitamin A, these veggies can support your cat’s eye health and boost their immune system! 🥰 A little crunch now and then is a great addition to their diet. Durian 🍈
Believe it or not, some cats enjoy the taste of durian! This fruit contains both protein and fat, but since every cat is different, it might be a hit or miss with your feline friend. 🐱🍴 Always introduce new foods slowly and watch for any reactions! 🚨 If anything seems off, stop feeding them that food immediately.
Treat your kitty to some of these healthy goodies, but remember, moderation is key! 😻💖
what a spooky lil fella
The most halloween cat
oh my god, cute lil noises
Pov: You are a cat
he approachin very rapidly

I feel extremely called out
oh boy i wish someone would notice my cries for help! [someone actually notices] noooo i'm fine don't worry about me
it hurts me greatly that I can’t look like this

orange catboy flop! 🐱