Hey I Was Wondering, What Canvas Size Do You Usually Work In?
Hey I was wondering, what canvas size do you usually work in?
Hi! mmm... from 1000 to over 2000 pixels, depends of how much detail I’m gonna add to the pic.
sandykyudee liked this · 7 years ago
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But no, this are the boots
What I’m up to?
Avoiding homework and planning to buy chicken rain boots.
im up against a midnight deadline rn so i can't send you any headcanons of mine but please share yr botw headcanons !
mmmmmm good i’ll share some of my quality stuff here from 100 years before:
link was very focused on his duty as zelda’s bodyguard, but sometimes… the sun would shine in a certain way… or her eyes would lit up with excitement during research… and he just wouldn’t be able to stop staring, he would just get lost in her, she’s just so beautiful. and then of course he would have to remind himself “no no you gotta focus we’re going to goron city or whatever you gotta protect her conceal don’t feel” so he wouldn’t give anything away. zelda would notice his staring anyway and that’s why it’s mentioned in the diary. she gets anxious by it but he’s just getting lost in how perfect she is, not hating her. he doesn’t even know what it is that he feels, but his heart beats faster whenever he sees her happy.
just as zelda thought link hated her, he also thought she hated him, and it hurt him a little bit, because he could feel he was getting attached to her despite his best efforts but all she would do is treat him ‘alright’ at best.
after they became friends, zelda would start to notice his nice features better. his eyes became a brighter shade of blue, his hair was more smooth, and she would sometimes wonder what his body looked like under his clothes. she could feel he was athletic (after all, how does she know ‘his level of physical fitness’ in the frog memory?), but she wanted to see it. and then she would immediately shoo these thoughts because god zelda you’re not supposed to think that alright you’re friends and that’s it stop fooling yourself he’s your knight
zelda shared fruitcake with him at some point. it being her favorite food, she would rarely ever give it to anyone, but she felt like he deserved it. he enjoyed it quite a bit.
sometimes they would just lie down on the grass (with a respectful distance of course, they’re nerds) and talk for hours. mostly zelda, but link is a really good listener. they would forget about their destiny, duty and all that stress, and just… enjoy. and then the sun would set and they would have to go back to hyrule castle, a bit sad the day was over and the stress would come back. but they would go to bed in a great mood, happy they spent so much time together.
(Zelda del susto tiró la piedra sobre el korok)
headcanon botw zelink #2
Mientras Link y Zelda iban rumbo a la región de los Goron, el cansancio los obligo a desviarse a las aguas termales. Link sugirió una parada ahí, antes de seguir con el pesado viaje (por consideración a Zelda más que todo)
Todo parecía perfecto, pero estaba el pequeño problema de la ropa… No iban del todo preparados para un chapuzón pero, llegarón a un trato. Ambos se meterían al agua al mismo tiempo, espalda con espalda y asunto resuelto.
Ya sumergidos y más relajados, la conversación se volvió muy amena, pero una pequeña roca se robó la atención de Zelda (es que se veía tan fuera de lugar) Y mientras Link seguia hablando de lo que quería comer para la cena, la princesa se aventuró a explorar y levantar la pequeña roca… Cuando de repente…
-”¡YA HAHA! ¡Me encontraste”
Zelda del susto, grito y Link terminó rompiendo el trato y volteo a ver lo que ocurría.
Al hacerlo, para él, el tiempo se detuvo… Su princesa se veía, tan delicada y angelical…. Pero el verla hundirse en el agua, lo hizo volver a la realidad, girarse al instante y jurarle que se iba a sacar los ojos por su atrevimiento.
I'm trying to do my homework
This is how I’m keeping myself warm this winter.
Also hello.