Art Question - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

is it acceptable to ""trace"" (aka take a piece of art or a picture and sketch out the lineage but not copying the piece just maybe the positioning) to learn to draw better?

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2 years ago

Anyone ever get this sort of art style envy? Like, I’m happy with how my own style looks but what if I want to draw a different little guy? What if I want to draw ominous shapes instead of hot boys?

I just look at some peoples’ styles and I wanna just steal them for a day. Draw my own little guys with it just to try it out.

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9 years ago

What are some good White gel pens?

All the white gel pens I buy are either really crappy or just don't work. What are some good brands?

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8 months ago

Does anyone else just stare at your own limbs, or get into the position of your character to figure out the anatomy of the drawing?

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8 months ago

Why is it so hard to draw the same character consistently.

I'm over here trying to make a character sheet with different faces of a character and I'm having a difficult time.

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8 months ago

So does anyone else just randomly draw a character, and you accidentally make a whole ass oc?

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5 months ago

How tf do u draw chest hair without making it look like pubes

Y'all digital artists be on high level shit

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7 years ago

Hey I was wondering, what canvas size do you usually work in?

Hi! mmm... from 1000 to over 2000 pixels, depends of how much detail I’m gonna add to the pic.

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9 months ago

so what's ur process for making the oc id's? what part takes the longest?

Omg okay, so I start with lots of research bc I don't have a driver's license lmao...I make sure to have an ID that matches the time period too! Google images has been my friend, same with the Wayback Machine and the internet archive for era accurate images.

I pretty much trace all the intricate details in the ID. There's just so much and it's so tiny it wouldn't be worth my time to draw it all out. I needed to work in SO MANY layers. IDs are supposed to be hard to replicate, so there's lots of overlays and images with half opacity and details with shiny finish and stuff. Each ID was around 30-40 layers in procreate. 😳

Once I have all the basic stuff drawn up, I'll do the character portrait. That's probably the quickest part!

Filling out the character info takes forever because i thought it looked better to hand write it rather than using a font. Once I have a lot or letters I was happy with, I would copy and paste them for consistency. (I really should've just drawn out the whole alphabet to copy and paste from lol)

My final step was to add some wear and tear to the IDs, considering how old they are and if the character would take care of it or not. Ex) Lennon's ID is a mess, but it's the oldest of all of theirs. He probably wouldn't carry it in a wallet, so it's worn out from being in his pocket for years. But I imagine Alyssa keeps her's in her wallet so it's a lot cleaner than everyone else's.

And yes, I stress myself out with these small details to the point where I get nauseous when I can't find the perfect ref or something is inaccurate (like I had to redo Lennon's school ID cause I accidentally used the logo and design from a school I'm Georgia and the comic takes place near Boston. I then spent 3 hours trying to look for a reference 🙃 I've lost my marbles fr)

Anyways thank u for your question!!! I'm glad I got to talk about this!

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11 months ago

I’ve got a question for all artists:

How do you guys cope with putting dampeners on yourselves?

Presently, I’m in Art School, and a lot of my projects come with prompts or instructions to fulfill. I often find myself putting dampeners on the work I’m actually interested in doing in order to fulfill “the requirement” of the work. Sometimes I do it to myself sometimes on personal pieces. I think it’s partially just a remnant of High School classes and how down to the letter everything felt then, that I had to do this in a very specific way to get the grades you need. How do you guys “let loose” and just make work? Not just doodling, but a fully fledged piece you just let yourself have fun with?

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5 months ago

I’m a traditional artist making myself do digital

I want to start doing digital because 1 I don’t have to edit the photo every time 2 people just like digital more idk why 3 if I want to get better at animation then I need to learn how to make my digital art look good

I would love some tips to help with digital art! I have ibis paint so if yall have any suggestions I’d appreciate it! alsooooo if I post another traditional thing your aloud to yell at me :3

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5 months ago


should I just rush art for October? Like get some done in a day till I’m caught up orrrrr should I just not do that and be done with this existential dread UWU (I’m sorry)

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5 months ago

Alright motion question 😭

how do I add photos? 😭or elements? I’m trying to animate something but I can’t add my drawing parts to it 😭

Alright Motion Question

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1 year ago

Can anybody give me tips about hair

Like more for dudes cause all i can think of is eddsworld everytime i wanna draw hair

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7 months ago

of course, I'll never stop doing what i love everyday, but i don't want to be THAT boring so tell me what you like!!

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11 months ago

Artists: what do you consider a doodle?

I keep seeing posts like: Here's a little doodle.

And it's (in my opinion) a full masterpiece. I feel like if it's got shading and texture and stuff, it's beyond a doodle, but I'm not an artist.


Anyway. Be proud of your work and don't minimize your accomplishments. ❤️

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6 months ago

hey tumblr, i have a question.

Why do people draw significant amounts of fanart of non-human characters as humans?

the human body structure is super hard to get right, it can’t be that it’s easier to draw. is this just a thing people do? what makes humans so special? as a speculative thing i could understand if it were just, like, character references and such, but there are full-on comics where most things are the same but all the characters are humans? why

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5 months ago

tumblr, please. i’m dying over here. please share your experiences, even if you think they won’t be helpful. please, i need to know

hey tumblr, i have a question.

Why do people draw significant amounts of fanart of non-human characters as humans?

the human body structure is super hard to get right, it can’t be that it’s easier to draw. is this just a thing people do? what makes humans so special? as a speculative thing i could understand if it were just, like, character references and such, but there are full-on comics where most things are the same but all the characters are humans? why

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