I'm Failing At Being Hype For Breath Of The Wild Because Money.
I'm failing at being hype for Breath of the Wild because money.
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More Posts from Catarium
Do you have any links that are good if we wanna donate to a relief aide for Chile? I wanna make sure it's something that allocates the funds well and as much money as possible goes to the people
For the people who are here the best thing to do is to donate water because that’s what is needed the most. For everyone who wants to help from outside here are instructions through the most “trustful” foundation that is helping now

Please reblog this and spread the word, any help is appreciated
Damn translation cuts!!
chat-en-rose replied to your post: cursed image: elvis takao with yaoi hands
where does that came from??
wait, probably v force, is not like we payed any attention to it
I LAUGHED OMG no it’s from g revolution episode 32 (it was just a. fantasy)
if vforce was even half this funny ever it’d be a better season already
xdianasaurx replied to your post “intergalacticclouds replied to your post: ...”
What are the prompts this week?
Here are all the prompts, including the master quest week!

I love the original PBB team, they were jerks, but they grew out of it... until G Rev needed them to be assholes again and lose all their personality and abilities
And sticking with Michael’s G rev hair because is closest to the manga.

I'm resting at home and I already can see better throw the patch!! (Forgive my horrible pic)