I'm Resting At Home And I Already Can See Better Throw The Patch!! (Forgive My Horrible Pic)

I'm resting at home and I already can see better throw the patch!! (Forgive my horrible pic)
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More Posts from Catarium
Fuk it
I'm gonna rant about magical spinning tops anime
In today's episode: Fucking G Revolution
This season is not as good as I remember it was (Was V-Force so bad that it made it look amazing? yes, yes it was)
G Revolution is basically "look at all this new toys you should buy, they are on tv!"
What happened to Holy Beasts? I mean they were important and at the same time not, but I liked them, it was that something special this series had.
I know in the manga they also lose relevance but I never got why.
I miss Suzaku, he was great, such a good chicken.
Is V-Force also to blame for the Beasts disappearance? I mean they were also super into the Beasts in that season.
Were the producers like "V-Force did so bad, where did we fail? the animation? the plot? the development?""nah man, too much beasts, let´s cut them out and show them in the attacks only"
G Revolution's animation is so bad, I know we used to complain about the first season art style, but at least had better animation than G Rev
I hate the CGI beyblade
and attacks
and basically anything in CGI, YOU DON'T KNOW HOW TO USE IT! PLEASE STOP!
And most battles are boring and kinda lame
There has been like two good battles in the first 20 episodes
Also this season is mostly Takao's pain journey
The characters from the first season were reduced to background characters, zero development (well even the main characters suffered this)
Like the PBB's are back to being jerks, but irrelevant jerks, and at the end of the first season they actually were just cocky and awesome! what happened between that and this season?
Rai is suddenly super insecure and whiny?? why??
Even after he lost against Rei in the first season he continue being a fierce blader.
The only character that "will have some relevance" is Yuriy, but now he is weak? how?
he was the "last boss" on season one! in the manga he ends up in the top three most powerful!! and in G Rev he struggles against Kenny?
Dishonor on you! Dishonor on your cow!
And the new teams are kinda lame...
I mean their stories are not that boring, but I blame the writers
Also we are back to "I'm pretty sure that's illegal"
Take a shot every time a crime is committed and there is no consequence.
I'm pretty sure Shonen depends of the absence of law or it would be stopped 5 min into the story.
If you guys have called the police when an adult dressed as a "robo ninja" threat you with a spin top potential weapon, we would have save a lot of Stormy Jin bullshit.
But Rick and Daichi are cool
and puberty hit NeoBorg boys hard, I love it
I'm sorry for Yuriy's voice thou
I'm still in episode 21 and is been ok, kinda.
Also I stole Zia's style of rant because I didn't want to write an essay... I could make a power point thou.
Why do I feel like Breath of the Wild is going to connect all Zelda timelines?
Do you have any links that are good if we wanna donate to a relief aide for Chile? I wanna make sure it's something that allocates the funds well and as much money as possible goes to the people
For the people who are here the best thing to do is to donate water because that’s what is needed the most. For everyone who wants to help from outside here are instructions through the most “trustful” foundation that is helping now

Please reblog this and spread the word, any help is appreciated
Thank you so much!
Thank you to everyone that reblogged the Chilean support posts, the wildfires continue, but now we have much support and help!
This is not over but we are still fighting!
Your art of Kai being squished by Suzaku made my day, my week, my year oh my gosh!
Thank you!!
I didn’t know I miss so much “Suzaku loving Kai” until now.

He is such a faithful partner and only wants love.