catarsis96 - Tulipanes De La Escritura
Tulipanes De La Escritura

Amo leer, me encanta el anime, series y muchas cosas más, 27 años, espero poder escribir algo pronto por aquí, mexicana. I hope they continue to take care of themselves against the covid and you are well

225 posts

Number 15 For Alucard, It'd Be So Cute!

Number 15 for Alucard, it'd be so cute!

A/N: I don't think this is the fluff you were expecting LOL I promise it's a happy ending but the angst took over. In case you (or anyone else) was wondering the song is Cherry Wine by Hozier (i'm in my feels right now about this man I'm sorry) Anyways I hope you like it mwuaaah

"Sing to me again" x Alucard




Alucard couldn’t think of anything except you and the baby while he was on the front line. The village had been so peaceful, for long he nearly forgot there were still monsters crawling around in the world. The stragglers that had grown stronger, the ones who persevered throughout the days, weeks, months. The stragglers that had already killed some of the makeshift infantrymen, the ones who have had nothing but time on their hands and are so hungry they see red. The stragglers that had Alucard running out to defend the village while you stay hidden away deep in the castle, barricaded and locked behind the safety of your shared home. They were evolved, instantly locking onto the dhampir who was the strongest amongst the men, bloodied grins widening: teeth sharp as blades that could tear through muscle and sinew with ease.  Alucard steadied himself, gripping a little tighter onto his shield and sword, kissing its hilt and imagining your sweet face, the sweet face of his newborn daughter, and lunged.


You were frantic, trying so hard to stay calm if only for your energy not to be poured into the babe huffing and crying in your arms. You’d been trying to put her to bed, but how could she? How could she sleep when she felt your panic, your anxiety pulsing into the very air she breathed in? How could she sleep when your soothing rocking was more jarring than anything, your voice shaky as you shushed her? How could you ever expect her to calm her sorrows when, if you tried hard enough, you heard the incessant howls and screeches from the deadly monsters outside castle walls.  You prayed, you prayed to all the deities and gods that could ever possibly exist to bring your Adrian back home. You’d never worry like this, he’s so strong, fending off the monsters with ease. But you’d never seen him so nervous like this either: having the heavy knocks of men on the castle doors begging for saving. The sheer strength of the creatures overwhelming them. 

What felt like days passed, it could have been a few minutes, it could have been a few hours. You’re not sure, you and your daughter going in and out of sleep, waking at every creak and bang that was heard. You shushed and cooed, steadying yourself the best you could to maybe sing a lullaby to your darling girl. “Shh, shh, I know sweet pea--I miss him too. But he’ll be safe, he’ll come back..” You whispered, kissing her forehead as a tiny hand balled into a fist rubbed at scrunched up eyes. 

Her eyes and words are so icy oh, but she burns like rum on the fire. Hot and fast and angry as she can be, I walk my days on a wire. 

It looks ugly, but it’s clean, oh momma don’t fuss over me.

Way she tells me I’m hers, and she’s mine. Open hand or closed fist, would be fine. The blood is rare and sweet as cherry wine.

The cries lulled to a few whines and whimpers, holding her to your chest as you continued your hushed tones.

Calls of guilty thrown at me, all while she stains the sheets of some other. Thrown at me so powerfully just like, she throws the arm of her brother.

But I want it, it’s a crime, that she’s not around most of the time.

Way she tells me I’m hers, and she’s mine. Open hand or closed fist, would be fine. The blood is rare and sweet as cherry wine.

Singing has calmed you enough to keep a gentle bounce, baby slowly falling asleep in your arms. You internally sighed, thankful that at least the immediate worry of your child has been quelled. 

Now all you can do is wait for your beloved.


Alucard ended the life of the final monster, hearing the victorious cries and hollers of the villagemen around him. He was grateful the battle had ended, retreating quickly to your shared home, finally able to hold you in his arms. Slowly, he opened the doors, knowing any sudden movements could stir his (hopefully) sleeping baby girl. He didn’t want to increase your stress, already guilty that he had to leave you in disarray. He made his way to the room he’d left you in, sure you’d still be in there: the nursery. The very nursery that you two built with your own hands, right next to his old bedroom.

Just like Vlad and Lisa.

 As Alucard got closer, he heard small hiccups and babbles from his daughter, along with the soft singing coming from you. He recognized the song, a song you’d often sing to yourself when you thought he wasn’t listening. The same song you’d sing into his hair when he was half asleep. He pressed the door open, his heart stopping at the very sight of you whispering the song into your daughter’s fluffy mess of a head, eyes closed. You hadn’t noticed him, and he was grateful. He wanted to just take in the moment, all panic and anxiety of constantly thinking that something might have happened, that something might have gotten through the castle, all quelled the moment he saw you both. 

He let you finish, giving you a moment before softly knocking on the door, your eyes darting to him immediately, tears forming in the corners of your eyes. “Adrian..” You whispered, voice heavy. He crossed the threshold, kneeling at your feet and holding you both without disturbing the sweet babe. “Oh thank god you’re safe.” You did your best not to cry, you really did, not realizing just how scared you were for his safety. But he was alive and well and back in your arms. “I’m here now, love, I’ll keep you both safe always.” He whispered into your hair, looking down at his baby with adoration. 

“I heard you singing, love.” You hummed, calm enough now to put your girl down in her crib. The moment you sat back down though, Alucard’s head rested on your lap, hugging at your legs. You pet his hair, combing your fingers through the blond tresses. You hummed the melody of the song to him as his eyes fluttered close, breathing even. By the end you’d thought he’d already falling asleep, instead he spoke a whisper: “My darling, will you sing to me again?” Your heart clenched, and with a smile you responded:

“As long as you keep coming home to us, I’ll sing to you every day.”

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More Posts from Catarsis96

1 year ago

I think this was very good!

21 from kinktober list with alucard 👀 I can see him and fem reader trying to seduce trevor and sypha into their bed… perhaps greta can join too 😏

A/N: This was such a daunting request I didn't know if I'd be able to do it or not tbh but IT'S HERE!!! This is a little bit of a monster but I hope you like it, I put blood sweat and tears into this req for you MWUAH

Threesome or Moresome x Alucard, Trevor, Sypha

“Honey, just think about it.”

“This is embarrassing, absolutely not.”

“Adrian, you don’t think I didn’t see how you used to look at them? Before really being with me?” 

That stopped him in his tracks.

Alucard thought he was so good and hiding his face, his glances, his pout whenever he saw how the two doted on each other. But he wore his heart on his sleeve, and you could see right through him.

“I love you, dearly, and I know you love me.” You sighed into his hair, pressing a kiss to his temple. “But if you want this, I’ll indulge. I’ll even bring it up first, if you’d like.” You reassured, feeling his arms tighten around you. “I don’t want you to feel like you’re not enough for me, darling..” You held his chin, moving it to make him look up at you, eyes full of love and affection. “I know I’m enough for you, my love. But let yourself enjoy this. If they say no, well that’s that. But what if they say yes?”

Alucard groaned, blush covering his face. 

“Fine. We’ll ask.”


“You know, you really outdo yourself with dinner every time, really, but the wine is still outmatched.” Sypha slaps a hand on Trevor’s chest, looking over as if to say ‘what?’ while you cackled a laugh, and Alucard sighed, fingers pinching at the bridge of his nose. He can’t believe he’s actually fantasized about this. “Dinner is delicious as usual.” Sypha interjected, the four of you now lounging in the grand living room. The castle was quite gorgeous, after all this time of you and Alucard both working at it to become a home once again. They still didn’t know how you of all people stuck around with him. (Well, Sypha understood, mostly Trevor being a dick.) You fought valiantly by their side, holding your own as a witch in their midsts. They were sure you’d go on your own to continue fighting the masses. Instead, you stayed--and built a life with Alucard. Hell, you even called him Adrian. (It warmed his heart that his name would still be remembered.) 

“Thank you, Sypha, as for the wine, you should really be thanking Adrian, Belmont. He knows how to source a good red.” You winked over at him, seeing his pale skin turn ablaze with crimson. “Ah, right, thank you Adrian.” You knew Trevor was simply teasing, but it gave you a glimpse of hope when the brunette winked at your lover the same way you did. His stomach flipped, palms sweating as he steeled himself for you to bring up probably the most embarrassing request he could imagine. 

Even more embarrassing when he was caught with makeshift dolls of the couple in his kitchen.

“Actually, Trevor, Sypha. We have...a proposal. For the two of you.” the Speaker’s interest piqued, cocking a brow.  You looked over to Alucard, taking his hand in yours and rubbing soothing circles into his palm. “Alright? Out with it already.” Belmont was impatient as always. You glanced at him once more, making sure he was still okay with the interest. And when you saw him nod, you continued.

“We’d like to sleep with you, both.”

You could hear a pin fall with how the silence cut through the air of the castle. You looked perfectly calm, smiling at the couple across from you that couldn’t quite believe what they were hearing. In reality you were scared to death. You didn’t want to be the one to bring it up, but Alucard had whispered his desires to you in the comfort of your bed, after taking you over and over again one night. How were you ever supposed to say no to him? Besides, it’s not like you hadn’t thought of it yourself after he brought it up. 

Sypha was the first to break the silence, tapping on Trevor’s jaw to have him close his fucking mouth. “Ah--” She cleared her throat, before starting again. “That was ah, quite the joke you two!” She nervously laughed, hoping you’d eventually crack your facade. You didn’t. “Not a joke Sypha, right Adrian?” You looked over at your lover, whose face was still flushed. “We’ve ah....discussed, inviting you to our bed before, if you were comfortable.” Trevor snorted a laugh. “Always knew you wanted me--the muscles usually do it.” He flexed an arm, now it was your turn to slap at him, before laying your hand a bit too close to his crotch, released Alucard’s hand and mirroring on Sypha’s lap. “You can take your time to think about it, you can say no right now...but the offer is there.” The two looked at each other, hearts racing as they took you up on your offer.


The four of you sat on your shared bed, large enough to comfortably fit you all. The two were hesitant, you can tell, which meant you would have to lead the way until everyone was comfortable. You gently held onto Sypha’s hand, pulling her towards you close enough to caress her face with your other hand. “Tell me to stop if you ever feel uncomfortable..” You whispered, watching her glance down at your lips with parted mouth, nodding once before meeting you in a soft kiss. You heard a faint gasp, not sure which male it’s coming from. You ignore it either way, angling her face towards you to deepen the kiss, hand on her face moving to run your fingers through her hair, gripping the back of her head. “Fuck.” Trevor’s deep voice rumbled through you, feeling his breath tickle at your neck. He kissed your skin, hands slowly exploring your body from behind as you continued with Sypha, biting at her lip asking for permission to go further. The speaker opened her mouth, letting you explore her mouth with your tongue, licking at her teeth and tongue. She gasped when feeling a new presence behind her, Alucard’s hands grasping at her chest through her clothes, fangs scraping at her neck. You detached yourself from her to take in the sight before you: Alucard kissing and suckling bites into Sypha’s neck, her hand reaching back to grip at his blonde tresses, mouth hanging open and already panting. 

It made you so wet looking at them. You kissed the other side of her neck while Trevor started groping you, hands moving up and down your body, even rubbing at your clothed pussy for a moment before moving back up. You moaned, looking up at Sypha and Alucard sharing a heated kiss, his hand covering her throat. You were pulled back. “I don’t know how I feel about him kissing my wife like that..” The Belmont mumbled, and with a snicker you turned to look at him, both hands running through his silky hair. “Then why don’t you kiss his wife like that?” You challenge, immediately being pressed closer to him with a moan. Your shared kiss with Trevor wasn’t as soft, not like a woman’s touch--it was all tongue and teeth, his hands gripping at you and moving to take your clothes off as quickly as possible. You couldn’t help but giggle, looking back to see Alucard doing the same to Sypha. You shared a look with him, making sure you were both still on the same page. A hand shot out,gripping at your jaw and turning your head. “Look at me, beautiful. Wanna be in on the fun.” Fuck. You understood why your sweet and charming husband looked at Belmont with lust in his eyes. You palmed at his crotch, Trevor hissing into your mouth and bucking into your hand. “Take these off, Trevor..” You mumbled against his lips, feeling entirely too exposed in comparison to him. Throwing caution to the wind Trevor discarded his clothes quickly, latching himself back onto you. You trailed your kisses down his body, across his strong chest, chiseled abs, making sure to lick over all the scars that littered his body on the way down. You gave special treatment around his adonis belt, licking his happy trail along the way. “Fuck, Alucard you never said your wife was insatiable.” He joked, though his laughter came out shakier than he intended it to. 

“Same could be said to you.” He mumbled against Sypha’s skin, who was writhing underneath him already. He was kissing and biting at her hips, trailing his tongue and fangs to the inside of her thighs, exposed cunt near his face. Sypha leaned up on her forearms, watching his every move with baited breath, letting out soft whimpers each time he bit down on a particularly sensitive spot on her thighs. She wanted to complain, wanted to beg him to stop teasing her the way she would have with Trevor--but when he peaked up through his long lashes and those beautiful hues looked at her, well, she couldn’t help but let him continue at an excruciatingly slow pace. One of his hands trailed up her body, groping and pinching at her tit and nipple, pulling the hard bud here and there in between. Sypha moaned, opening her legs up more for him and bucking up, in hopes he would move faster to where she wanted it. He clicked his tongue once, before licking a stripe up her pussy. “So impatient..” He whispered against her, other arm wrapping around underneath her thigh and pulling her flush against his face, lapping up her juices as she squirmed above him. “Oh, fuck.” Sypha fell against the bed, both hands tugging at Alucard’s hair as he moved to fuck her on his tongue. No matter how eloquent the man seemed, Alucard ate pussy like a man starved. And he had been wanting her for so long, lusting after the couple from the moment they met. He wouldn’t let her go dissatisfied. 

Trevor couldn’t help but look at the sight before him: his friend going down on his wife that was writhing in pleasure underneath him. He wanted to feel a pang of jealousy, really he did, but he was so turned on it made his dick jump. He heard you giggle underneath him, licking from the tip of his cock down to his balls. A hand slowly pumped him as he bit back a moan, swallowing hard as you continued to tease and kiss at his dick. “They look good, don’t they?” You commented on the couple next to you, mouthing at the length before engulfing his cock into your mouth, sucking and spitting it. Trevor shuddered a breath, bucking his hips deeper into your mouth accidentally, letting out a small moan when he saw how good you took him in your mouth. Trevor was a bit girthier than Alucard, but what he lacked in thickness he made up for in length. You were fortunately very used to being face fucked, taking Trevor’s length was easy for you, if only just a tad shorter. He pet your hair, grabbing at the roots and letting you set a pace, leaning over and smacking your ass for good measure. You moaned around him, stuttering and gagging around him from the sudden slap. 

You felt a delicate hand slip two fingers into your soaking cunt, causing you to moan again around the brunette. Behind you was Sypha, slowly fucking her fingers into your wet heat. Her head was spinning with how good Alucard was eating her, but having your pussy right in her face was driving her mad. She wanted a taste, even if just from licking the juices off her fingers. Alucard noticed, releasing the grip he had on her just enough for her to reposition herself underneath you, grabbing at your hips and begging you to sit on her face. “Beautiful pussy..” you heard her whisper, bringing a heat to your face. Sypha was sloppy, still so new to eating cunt but her desire to make you feel good was so overwhelming she couldn’t help but keep licking at you. She was a quick learner, feeling your hole clench around her tongue whenever she licked up a certain way, your hips pressing down harder into her face when she sucked your clit. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as you rutted against her face, feeling Trevor take control of her head and fucking into your throat. 

Alucard brought Sypha up to her first orgasm, pushing two fingers into her heat and curling up--hitting that squishy spot that had her creaming on his face. She moaned into your pussy, causing you to hump at her face using her to get to your high. It wasn’t long until you were there, sucking harsh on your nub when you came. “You girls look so good when you cum.” Trevor laughed breathlessly, pulling you off his cock to let you catch your breath. Alucard chuckled, removing the last of his clothes and kneeling. “I’d have to agree with you Belmont, they’re gorgeous aren’t they.” The compliments had you preening, turning around stradling Spyha, rubbing your body on hers as you tasted yourself on her tongue, before looking up at your husband with a salacious smile. “I want a taste~” You cooed, pulling him down for a kiss and licking into his mouth with a moan. “Taste so good on his tongue, Sypha.” Her body shuddered, a light blush dusting her skin. Alucard looked over at Trevor, slowly pumping his cock as he eyed both yours and Sypha’s pussy on display for him. “Do you want a taste, Belmont?” Alucard was treading lightly, still unsure if Trevor would reciprocate. “Fuck, come here you stupid vampire.” Without a second thought, Trevor grabbed the back of Alucard’s neck and smashed his lips against him, biting and licking his lips, tongues circling each other in a fight to dominate the other. Alucard whimpered, letting Trevor take the lead as he licked into his mouth, the blonde’s nails clawing down Trevor’s chest and grabbing a hold of his hard cock. The vampire hunter hissed, pulling back to look at the way Alucard stroked him, huffing as Alucard traveled south to suck him off. Trevor moaned, head being thrown back as the other male sucked him off with enthusiasm. Alucard bobbed his head, tongue sticking out from his mouth and slurped the spit that was dribbling from his mouth. 

You moved to get underneath Alucard, enough to be able to take his cock into your mouth. He was incredibly hard, leaking precum over the sheets as he continued to ignore his own pleasure for everyone elses’. So selfless. You lapped up the stickiness from the head, and trailing down to his balls, taking one into your mouth and laving your tongue over it, while your hand jerked at his enlarged cock. He stuttered on Trevor’s cock, causing him to release him with a pop and take hold with his hand, flicking his wrist and keeping a pleasurable pressure on him. “Ah fuck, darling, so good for me.” He groaned, gripping the roots at the crown of your head, pulling you up to shove you down onto his cock. You gagged, regaining your composure as you continued to choke around him, nosing his pubes with each thrust he gave you. Alucard continued giving Trevor attention, wrapping his pretty lips against his dick again, nails clawing at his thighs with each thrust Trevor decided to meet with his bobbing. 

Sypha moved up to kiss Trevor, tongue licking at his mouth, gripping his broad shoulders as they made out. He dipped two fingers into her wet cunt, pistoning them in and out of her sloppy pussy. “Fuck, they’re better than I thought they’d be.” Trevor all but moaned into her mouth, and she nodded in agreement, fucking herself down on his thick fingers. Trevor pulled Alucard off his cock, the dhampir’s eyes glassing over with lust, pulling him up for a quick kiss before whispering against him: “I want to fuck your wife.”

You and Sypha moved in tandem, face down ass up towards Trevor, practically presenting your dripping cunts to him while the two of you moved to lick and suck Alucard’s cock and balls. It was nearly overwhelming ,feeling the love of his life share his dick with his friend, exchanging kisses and spit with each other. He almost forgot why he was in this position in the first place before hearing you squeal. Trevor pushed into your tight heat, pussy greedily sucking him in with each thrust. “Fuck! Pussy so good.” He growled, grabbing a hold of your hips and slamming himself into you. Alucard saw your eyes roll to the back of your head, slowly becoming cockdrunk off Trevor’s dick. It made his dick twitch in Sypha’s mouth, a glob of precum oozing out onto her tongue. Your mouth lolled open, tongue hanging as you drooled onto the sheets below you. You couldn’t form any words, just babbling away at how good Trevor was making you feel. Trevor pulled out, only to shove himself into Sypha turning her to mush the same way. You’d both give Alucard head, turning messy and sloppy each time Trevor would take turns with the two of you. Then Trevor surprised the dhampir the most.

“You want a turn, pretty boy?”


“Trevor you fuck him so good.” You gasped, rubbing your pussy along Sypha’s, fingers in her mouth making her a mess underneath you. On the side of you was Alucard already crying at the feeling of his tight hole being pummeled by the Belmont. He was so full, cock feeling so much better than he could have ever imagined. Alucard reached for you, grabbing at your free hand. You held his hand, looking over to your husband with your eyes hazy, cunt sopping wet against the speaker’s. “Look at you honey, so fucking handsome.” You heard him moan, tip wet with his arousal. Sypha’s muffled voice was warped around your fingers, letting up enough to let her speak. “Wanna ride him, please.” Her eyes were pleading, and who were you to deny her?

She scrambled from below you, hovering over his cock and lining herself up, Trevor slowing down enough to let her slowly fill herself up with Alucard’s cock. She clawed at his chest, feeling so full and having him so deep was making her pant. Trevor sped up once again, wrapping a hand around Sypha to tease and grope her tits. He kissed at her back and shoulders, biting every now and again with pleasure. Alucard was dizzy, pleasure completely overwhelming him, but he knew something was still missing-you were still missing. With hazy eyes he looked at you, not even giving you a moment before he pulled you onto his face and ate you like a man starved. You cried out, feeling his tongue to deep curling into your cunt as you rode him. Each moan he let out vibrated against your pussy, pushing you closer to the edge. Sypha was just about as far along as you were, bouncing on Alucard’s dick with fervor. You reached down to rub at her swollen clit, occasionally pinching the bundle of nerves. She cried out, trembling and clenching on Alucard, riding her orgasm on his cock until she tapped: climbing off him to catch her breath. Alucard was losing his mind, so close to cumming. You could feel his desperation in the way he ate you out. Leaning down you took his cock into your mouth, taste Sypha’s cum on his length. Alucard held out as long as he could, waiting to feel you clench around his tongue and tasting your cum, gushing out over his tongue and face, before moaning and bucking into your tongue releasing his sticky fluids into your mouth and deep down your throat. Trevor took all the sights in, dick twitching inside Alucard before he pulled out, pulling Sypha down and jerking onto her tongue. “Share with our pretty boy, beautiful.” He panted, having Sypha crawling up to Alucard’s mouth and sharing Trevor’s cum with him after you moved away. 

The four of you collapsed onto the large bed, nothing but pants and huffs heard in the air, thick with the scent of sex. “So...this is what you two freaks get up to?” Trevor teased, feeling a pillow lunged at him muffling his face. 

“I liked it better when you didn’t talk, Belmont.”

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1 year ago

Mating press and breeding kink with alucard 👉👈🥺

Hueuhuheuehu >:3c

(Authors note: it’s been so long since i wrote anything i feel like this sucks im sorry 😭anyway CW: BREEDING KINK, ALUCARD HAS BABY FEVER IN THIS ONE Y’ALL)

he's ruthless the way he folds you in half, alabaster hands cuffed into the back of your knees holding them to your heaving chest. usually alucard likes to hold himself as a much more, elegant lover. likes to take you apart piece by piece till your wailing, press his body to yours till melting into each other. but now how he takes you is hard and rough, burrowing thrusts that steal the breath from your lungs with every roll of his hips. 

he’d be lying if he said he didn’t know what exactly came over him, a visit to trevor and sylpha celebrating the recent birth of their daughter ana. the sight of you holding the quiet babe to your bosom while their older son fredric pulled at your skirts begging to be replace his infant sister had tickled something in him. the thought of his, your, own children replacing the kids holding your attention made his cock twitch in his trousers. it wasn’t long before he was hastening the visit gently reminding you of work that needed to be done at his castle. the two of you had barely made it through the doors of your looming home before he pounced you, dragging you away to one of the many rooms you had. clothes were quickly shredded to scraps, too much eagerness to wait to have them off he needed your body under him now.

 he couldn't help himself, already imagining your belly growing with proof of your child, your breasts swelling with milk the closer you got to your due date. he was ravenous grabbing any part of you he could as he wrangled your body into his desired position. your gleaming cunt winked up at him already glistening in arousal at his ministrations. usually he would feast upon you, drag his tongue through your folds till you cried for mercy before slowly sliding into you. but he couldn’t wait, would make it up to you later, he thought as he tapped the just pink head of his cock to your sopping cunt and pressing in.

“a-alucard,” you moaned his name breathlessly, fingers coming to tangle in his blond tresses as a pair of cold lips pressed to your breasts. you’d never seen him this way, never felt him this way. it was if he sought to make the head of his cock kiss your cervix with every thrust, you swore you could feel him in your stomach, grinding up your guts to make room for him.

“i want one, one of us,” he grunted dragging his tongue to your jugular and suckling at your speeding pulse. fingers came between you to rub circles on your clit and you choked at the tingling pleasure running up your spine.

“what-what are you-one want,” you said struggling to string together a coherent sentence as the tightness in your gut pulled close, eyes beginning to cross at the impending orgasm.

“a- baby!” he moaned out the last word, drooling as your climaxing cunt spasmed around him, milking his cock. his hands left the back of knees letting them fall onto his shoulders, his pale claws  ripped into the bedding by your head as he managed to press himself deeper still, ignoring your babbling of feeling to full.

“want a baby with you love,” he grunted golden eyes wild with want “ want a tiny wailing little thing to raise, gonna give you one, as many as you want!”

“a-a baby?,” you warbled only able to repeat from him as he fucked you back into that state of pre-orgasm nearly seconds after the last one. 

“yess, gonna fill you up with me, fill this pretty pussy up till your fat with my kids, till your tits leak milk for them my little incubusss,” his mouth wrapped around your bouncing tit sucking harshly on the pebbled nipple and you screamed, dull nails digging wherever you could reach, deep into the ivory skin pulled taught over the muscles rolling in his back. he pulled away gasping nearly as hard as you were before switching to your other breast and lavishing it with the same treatment.

it didn’t take long for you to cum, not with the way he was thrusting into the gummy catch of your cervix, pale happy trail tickling your clit as he kept you trapped in his mating press. you wailed cunt spasming around his cock once more, crying as you came again far too soon for the pleasure to be anything less than overwhelming. the feel of you clenching pussy was enough to drag him to orgasm as well, thrusting once, twice, before he spilled inside you the warm sensation running up you. 

for a moment you laid there breathless, a tangle of sweaty limbs, with your legs dangling uselessly over his now sticky back. alucard heaved himself off of you, using his dhampir strength to hold you down when you weakly tried to sit up, simply rolling the two of you onto your sides staying inside of you. he kissed the damp skin of your forehead before giving a slow roll of his hips chuckling at your weak mumbles of objection.

“sorry, sorry love,” he sighed massaging tender circles into your waist “just need to make sure it sticks,”

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1 year ago

Fluff 7 with Alucard! I imagine a very snarky s/o for this one XD

- tentacle anon

A/N: smoochies tentacle anon I hope you're doing well xx This one's also a bit short, I technically did this prompt already but I'm doing it from his POV now, I hope this is what you envisioned! Enjoy! MWUAH

"I could just stare at you forever" x Alucard

Alucard was throwing a party tonight.

Well, you were throwing a party tonight. It was Alucard’s birthday, and you wanted to celebrate with everyone in the village. They were all so kind and grateful for him, of course they all agreed. He kept trying to beg that he didn’t need a party. That it would be less stressful on everyone if he didn’t have one. But you were having none of it! You also decided not to tell him any of the details outside the time everyone would be over. You wanted him to be relaxed, even though it felt like he had porcupine quills in his skin any time he thought about having so many people over to celebrate the day of his birth. Even Sypha and Trevor teased him about how doting you were; how much thought you were putting into this. But how couldn’t you! You loved him dearly, and wanted him to be celebrating.

You also just loved hosting. So of course you would love to host a party this big. But you digress. 

You forced him to stay upstairs in the corridor of your shared room. He had free range of the study, the library, you’d even bring him up food if he so asked. But he wasn’t allowed anywhere near downstairs, not until you were done. At one point, you even asked Trevor to keep an eye on him in the beginning when he was much too nosy. Trevor blocked the door to the room, begging that he listen to you just this once and not go downstairs, “I’ll be hung by my dick if you see anything before it’s done Alucard, I’m begging just don’t look” As funny of a thought that was, he decided to spare the new father of your torture (though he really wanted to see you strangle him.)

You’d finally come upstairs to him, kissing all over his face with a smile. “Okay, now it’s time for us to get ready!” giving him another smooch and bounding to the bathroom, to prep and pamper for the party. He chuckled, playfully rolling his eyes as he followed you.


Adrian was actually quite grateful to you, bathing with him and washing his hair, detangling, the works. You wanted to pamper him just as much as you wanted to pamper yourself. It felt nice, and Adrian relaxed for the first time today in your arms while you lathered him in creams and colognes. “Here, Adrian, you have to wear this tonight!” Huh, you’d already picked out the outfit of the night. It was a nice suit, just..not something he wore a lot. He wondered more and more of your plans for the night. “Okay, now sit over there and just look pretty--I have to finish!” 

It didn’t take too much longer for you to finish up, coming out of the bathroom dressed to the nines. “Alright, pretty boy, what do you think?” Alucard had been reading a book that was on the corner of his nightstand to waste some time, not expecting the sight in front of him.

You were gorgeous, a beautiful floor length dress with a deep cut in the back, a beautifully rich color to match his suit. He couldn’t help but gawk at you, book forgotten quickly. He moved across the room to you, blatantly eyeing you up--hands moved on his own accord to trace the fabric of the dress on your waist. You chuckled, nervously, before gingerly holding his jaw and having him look at you. “You’re making me nervous Adrian, do you like it?”

Like it?

“I could just stare at you forever. I love it.” And he thinks he would stare at you forever if you let him. You barked out a laugh with a roll of your eyes, “creep.” He kissed at your cheek, and jaw, and traced down your neck before hearing the grand bang of the door knocker downstairs. You pushed him off with a smirk.

“Come on, lover boy, your guests are waiting.”

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1 year ago

Prompt 4 with Alucard. 🥺🥺🥺 i want him to relax in my arms

A/N: Sweet boy deserves everything good in this world cries ;; I hope you like this drabble, mwuaahhh

"I just want you to relax in my arms" x Alucard

“Sweetheart? What are you doing out here?” Alucard turned to fully face you, standing there with furrowed brows and concern written all on your face. “I’m here to get you. You’ve been at this for hours, Adrian.” The task in question was simply chopping wood in preparation for the winter. You’re right, he has been doing this for a few hours. But it’s so easy for him! He’s practically ripping through the logs (after he’s cut down the trees, stripped them of their branches, cut them into shorter lengths...) It wasn’t a big deal, he was simply doing his part for the village. The dhampir smoothed his hair away from his face and laid down the last (for now) log before heading over to you. “Has it already been that long? Hm...guess I’ve lost track of time.” Your hand reached over to cup his cheek, which he happily nuzzled into. He turned, to kiss your palm as you continued to huff over him. “You’ve done more than enough for today, pretty boy.” You teased, hand dropping to his and tugging lightly. “Now come inside, you’re covered in moss and dirt.”


After his much needed bath, and a delicious dinner, Alucard laid between your legs on the sofa, reading some book or other about physiology to continue in his mother’s footsteps of modern science and medicine. You, on the other hand, only ran your fingers through his hair, tenderly scratching at his scalp. The night was young, and yet this is all you wanted to do for the rest of it. Just have the love of your life in your arms, thinking of nothing and no one else, like nothing else mattered. Well, in your eyes, nothing else did matter. Adrian was your everything, and you poured your love into everything you did for him, in hopes he never forgot. 

Loving him was easy, and so worth it. The beginning was difficult for him, he couldn’t fathom having someone truly loving him like you do, not asking anything in return. You just poured your all into him, helping him grow, helping him heal. "Why are you with me?” He used to ask you. And you’d smile, cock your head to the side, and always reply with the same: “Because I love you more than life itself. And loving you is easy. This is exactly where I want to be.” You’d normally stun him so much for Adrian to even rebuttal. Other nights, when he’d wake you out of your sleep from his night terrors, hyperventilating and breaking into cold sweats, he’d push again. Almost as if wanting to self sabotage, because he couldn’t have someone as sweet as you in his life. “Why are you with me?” He’d start, panicked. “Because--” “No, why are you with me? Why do you love me? How could you love a monster like me?” 

Those nights...they were difficult. Not because it was difficult loving him on those nights. But because you couldn’t possibly convey into words why you loved him so much. Loving him felt like fire, crackling in the hearth. It felt like a much needed rainstorm, dousing the lands and finally ending a drought. Loving him felt like electricity buzzing through your bones, sparks flying from your fingertips every time you touched him. 

Loving him felt like everything good you could ever think of. 

So you used to tell him so. “You feel like home.”

And that was enough for him.

Alucard started to get up from his comfortable position before you held him back. “Where are you going, love?” you whispered, kissing the crown of his head. He sighed, nuzzling back into your chest, “I need to do my rounds in the village, sweetheart.”

“Why don’t you just stay tonight?” 

He paused.

“You’re not the only one going on rounds. You don’t need to do it tonight. Please? Just once.” 

He chuckled, looking up at you. “What’s gotten into you today?”

You smiled, kissing his forehead.

“I just want you to relax in my arms.” 

Because he deserved it. Because he deserved all the love in the world.

Because he was your home.

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1 year ago

New Alucard meeting heretic healer lady who was with him back in the sypha and Trevor days and is somehow still alive.

"How are you even still alive?"

"God has allowed me to live another day. And we have decided to make it everyone else's problem." With the biggest grin on her face. Alucard is terrified she's being 100% serious.

Yes! I missed heretic healer!reader 😄😆

So it’ll go like this….

300 years pass and go, and holy heretic was called away on several missions to go help others

Alucard tried to keep tabs on the rest of the group, but time takes it’s toil and with the passings of life, he started to lose track of contact with her

Meanwhile, holy heretic has seen she’s not aging like everyone else is which calls for either whispers behind her back or those who call her a “messiah” because of the work she does to help others and her supposed immortality

Cut to meeting Maria, Richter, Annette and the rest of them as an ally in the little town.

Oh and before I forget, yes, holy heretic has also met Juste too and feels pity for the family she’s come to care for over the centuries

So, the final battle (for now) in town happens and holy heretic makes it out with them and Mizrak in tow just as Alucard comes to their rescue

He’s not surprised to see the group but the long lost friend who’s been gone???

She’s pulling him into a hug and he’s shocked because he hasn’t seen or heard from her in a good while over the centuries

Meanwhile everyone else on the side is like “you two know each other?!”

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