catarsis96 - Tulipanes De La Escritura
Tulipanes De La Escritura

Amo leer, me encanta el anime, series y muchas cosas más, 27 años, espero poder escribir algo pronto por aquí, mexicana. I hope they continue to take care of themselves against the covid and you are well

225 posts

Hey Could You Do An Alucard X Reader During An Argument That Gets Pretty Nasty But Then They End Up Making

hey could you do an alucard x reader during an argument that gets pretty nasty but then they end up making up? (our making out haha sorry) thanks

You two don’t argue often

Alucard is very go with the flow when it comes to you, so the times when you two butt heads are few and far between

However, when you do argue, it can get nasty

Both of you say things you don’t really mean

Usually, if an argument is going to get heated, it has to do with something that could impact your safety or your relationship

Those are the only things that actually get Alucard riled up

But as soon as he sees the hurt look on your face, he wants to take it all back

Typically, you’re the one who ends up getting hurt in an argument, simply because it’s so much harder to hurt him

If Alucard was the one to hurt you, he will typically start trying to fix things immediately

Unless the argument was about a matter he refuses to compromise on

When you hurt his feelings, he has to spend some time away from you, making it hard to make it up to him

Eventually he comes back around and lets you try

The make up period typically consists of tearful apologies and warm embraces

He’ll press his forehead against yours, pulling your body against his and whisper over and over how sorry he is

When you apologize, you take his face into your hands and tell him how wonderful he is and how sorry you are for hurting him

The resulting closeness usually ends up in a somber make out session

His tongue moves in your mouth a lot slower than usual

It’s not a hungry movement like normal, instead it’s shy and inviting, like he’s begging you to join him

His hands don’t roam as much either, staying firmly planted on your shoulders to keep you close

The two of you never fight for long, and for the next days after, you’re both so loving to make up for it

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More Posts from Catarsis96

1 year ago

With the last kinks you did, they were hard and good!! but I was looking at your other list and I read this my god, you never told me that you knew how to cook and I remembered that it has always been said that Alucard is a good cook, but what would happen if one day after patrolling the village, he arrived to see that his beautiful wife prepared lunch or dinner for him, Alucard deserves to be cared for and fed well after so much that has happened to him 🥺

A/N: I love Adrian Tepes with my entire being!!!! I want to dote on him forever!! ;; ty for the sweet fluff I love him. I was trying to keep this lighthearted and funsies hahas but somehow it got super serious and romantic gah ;A; I loved this and I hope you love it too mwuah

"Oh my god I didn't know you could cook" x Alucard

Days were getting longer, more sunlight shining through the sky for a few extra hours, for which Alucard was grateful. The attacks on the village were still steady, however he did less and less as time went on, the makeshift soldiers amongst the property becoming quite successful at fending for themselves. Of course, Alucard would still be around should anything drastic occur. This was his castle and within the walls, he had a duty to protect the people he’d invited into his home. Some days were harder for him though, mind always floating back to his pregnant wife that he’d leave throughout his patrols to care for the village. It pained him, but you’d always be there and shoo him away saying ‘we’re fine here, Adrian, go look after someone who needs it!’ with a wink and a bump of your hip. He was so grateful for you, for how patient you are with him, how loving and caring you are with all the children around the village--Alucard truly couldn’t have asked for a better life. 

Even Trevor, the notoriously obnoxious (now father!) fighter had been reeled in, being put in his place one too many times by you and Sypha to poke and prod at him anymore. He was softer whenever you came around, in fear of another shoe being brought down on his head. (He said your ‘hormones would only get worse from here, careful Alucard’ with a snicker, before feeling the thud of a boot falling from the staircase above him. Frantic he looked up at you, to which you replied ‘I’ll show you hormones, Belmont!’ he never brought it up again.)

But now you’re seven months pregnant, and Alucard fears for your safety more and more. He wishes to be there, more present than he has been (you say he’s been present, he doesn’t feel it!) He thinks of the last moments before he walked out into the early morning light to patrol the village for the day, belly round and waddling to give him one last kiss at the door. He’s mentally drawn hearts around the picture in his mind, finishing up the patrol as quickly as he could. It was getting closer to dinner time, which means that he had to get home to cook you and the baby a meal! A few more loose conversations here and there, and he was off--back home to his doting wife and mother of his child. 

“Sweetheart I’m--hm?” The mix of delicious aromas filled his senses, warmth in the castle emitting from the kitchen. new. You’d never really made more than a few scrambled eggs in the morning, hastily scrounging something up before you went on your early patrols (before you were pregnant) and now he’s smelling what could be an entire holiday meal coming from the kitchen. Slowly he made his way, poking his head through the entryway and smiling at the sight: you with an apron (that barely fit! cute) tied at your back, plopping a few bowls and pots on the kitchen table that was set already for the both of you. Your hair was messy, tied back in a ribbon and your brows scrunched, probably trying to get everything perfect. But you were happy, he could tell: the smile on your face gave it away. He knocked on the wall as to not startle you, “darling, what are you doing?”

You let out a small gasp, too concentrated at the task at hand to realize you were being watched. Your cheeks grew warm, smiling at your lover. “I made you dinner.” How simple of a statement, as if it was a normal ordeal. You had side dishes amongst dishes, a few desserts even littered around and-- “do you have a roast in the oven?” You nodded, sheepishly. “Ah, yes, about that--can you help me take it out?” You barely got the question out before it was hoisted out and gingerly placed on the table. “How on earth did you even get this in here...where did you--”

“--Well actually the nice neighbors helped me bring it back from the market, and placed it in the oven for me once I was done seasoning it.” 

Ah, that explains a lot.

“I didn’t even know you knew how to make a roast.” he mumbled to himself with a smile and you gasped, his smile growing larger. “You never let me in the kitchen!” You rebutted, tease evident in your tone. “Now go get cleaned up, it’s time for dinner.”


The dinner was the most delicious meal he’d ever have in his life. A display of cured meats, cheeses, fruits and soups as appetizers, the most tender roast that fell right off the fork with vegetables as the main course, and a variety of sweets--from chocolate to cheesecake to berry pies-- for dessert, Alucard couldn’t believe you did all of this in one day (you had to remind him he was gone for nearly twelve hours today). He took a bite of the roast, and audibly moaned. “Oh my god, you never told me you could cook” he would have been embarrassed if it weren’t for the fact that he was eating the most delectable meal of his life. You simply huffed a laugh, taking a bite of your own dinner, “I never told you I couldn’t.” 

Cheeky little minx.

“Besides, you’re always taking care of me and doting on me, Adrian.” 

“It’s what I should be doing as a loving husband. You’re growing and feeding our child, sweetheart.” 

You shook your head with a small smile. “I meant even before the baby, and you know it. Since the beginning of our relationship you’ve always cooked for me, taken care of me, done any silly little thing I’ve asked of you. But I fear I don’t tell you enough that I love you. Really, I love you, Adrian. I don’t think I could ever live a life without you in it.” He sat in silence, surprise splayed on his features. “And, I want to do the same for you. I want to cook for you, and take care of you, and do every silly little thing you ask of me. So I started with dinner, and we’ll go from there.”

Alucard felt a tear roll down his face, wiping away with shock. When had he started crying? He knows you love him, he’s always known that. He can tell in the way you speak to him, speak about him, the way you look at him. You remind him every day in your words and actions. But...the way you’re speaking to him now, and seeing you so pregnant with his baby, well he didn’t realize how much those words would mean to him until right now.  You held out your hand to his, thumb sliding over the back of his hand. No words needed to be exchanged right now, just soft smiles and light touches. 

He loved you, with everything in his heart. And he’d show you every day more and more.

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1 year ago

drive-in dalliance

SUMMARY: you and your hot date for the night have a little inspiration from the local drive-in theater


A/n - here and on ao3

Drive-in Dalliance

You thought it sweet of him to treat you to such a night. Call your love a bit old fashioned, but Adrian knew what it took to set the mood for the night.

He had noticed that you had been eyeing the city’s new drive thru theater and surprised you for an intimate date night. Quiet, low-key, and a bit of a space all for the two of you. Maybe it was the mood set by the vintage flick and alluring atmosphere, or the cheap wine you both snuck in for this night, but everything just felt perfect.

Perhaps a little too perfect for your liking. The ambience of the night and romantice scenes from said movie left your mind wandering to what else was present.

Or rather who you would rather recreate a scene or two with.

It started off with a few neck kisses that you peppered along his cheek. Then you moved along his neck and bob of his Adam’s apple as your hands gathered in his hair.

“Love…mhhm..w-wait, the movie – mhhn…fuck--.”

Undeterred, you kept on as you kissed along his neck and lips, palming the growing bulge that was starting to brush along your leg. Chills creeped along his back when your voice whispered in his ear.

“I know, but this movie is giving me some ideas…”

As much as he was trying to keep his focus on screen, Adrian’s resolve disintegrated the more your body brushed against his. Letting the last of defenses fall, Adrian coaxed you both to the back of the car. Kisses and touches became more heated as he bottomed for you, whining for more as your touch when you grinded against him.

He started to grow more impatient and growled in frustration as he removed your blouse, pushing away the lace bra you had for this night to where he could feel your breasts.

Skirt hiked up and pants drawn down past his hip bones, you grasped the pink cock between his legs. Teasing just the tip along your entrance threatened to rip the loudest moan from the man, but he dug his nails into your sides instead.

“N-no! Not like that! I—need!”

A slow smile crept along your face, your voice keeping an innocent tone, as a hand stroked him instead.

“What do you need, Adrian?”

The blond tried to gather himself in a somewhat dignified manner before attempting to speak.

“I need you to fuck me. Please. Just ride me. But don’t let them see us! I don’t want the car to shake…”

You leaned down to kiss him silent, lacing your hand in between his as a sign of reassurance.

“I’ll be gentle, baby, don’t worry. You ready for me?”

Once, twice. He swallowed to try and catch his breath before nodding for your approval. Slowly lowering yourself onto him, both of you gasped when he was sheathed inside of you. No matter how many times you did this, you never got tired of feeling full of him.

Looking up at you, Adrian swore he was witnessing heaven a thousand times over whenever he was inside of you.

To you, he was prettier than when this date night had started. Moaning out your name, holding onto your hips or the car door, releasing all the pent-up emotions he had was such an erotic display to you. Even underneath you, Adrian was determined to give you all the pleasure he knew you deserved.

Bucking up his hips to meet yours, he could feel himself teetering that edge but kept grinding into you. Whenever you leaned down to kiss him, it was slow and hard that made you clench tighter around him. Adrian was also generous enough to nick and mark your chest whenever he wanted to be in your arms more.

“So wet, so warm,” was all he could manage before the moans started to get louder. Feeling him twitch inside of you, you knew he was not long after you.

“I – I can’t las—st-!” Throwing his head back, you could see Adrian’s eyes screw shut as he tried to keep his orgasm at bay.

“Cum for me baby, please, I want you to!”

Steeling himself again, Adrian tried to gain that sensation he was chasing. Fire burned through his arms and legs as he mustered the last few thrusts to match your own. Yet you both kept moving as heat grew numb from exertion. Oh you were so, so close.

Finally, the budding sensation broke through the dam and you both cried out in ecstasy. Adrian spilling himself inside of you sent shocks through your body, making you both overstimulate in each other’s touch.

Exhaustion took over you and you fell into Adrian’s toned chest as he held onto you, kissing the crown of your head. As soon as you both had come down from your high, there was a flicker from the car lights next to you both.

Adrian muttered an embarrassed “oh god” before hiding his blushed face in the crook of your neck. Knowing what it meant, you hid your laugh in the crook of Adrian’s shoulder much to his mortification.

“Seems we gathered an audience.”

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1 year ago
A Simple Nocturne

A Simple Nocturne

A Simple Nocturne

alucard|adrian tepès x reader | 3.3k

A Simple Nocturne

synopsis; following the defeat of his father by his hand, you notice alucard becomes withdrawn amid an uncertain future. you take his hand, unable to bear the suffering he endures in silence.

story warnings; mentions of patricide, alucard in mourning, erotic content that isn't really explicit, written in 2018, sotn-coded alucard mostly, mdni!

A Simple Nocturne

At his insistence, he was often in your company for a few sparse moments while the moon was at its highest beyond the spires of the castle and coverture by clouds. You couldn’t say you were a fool to the layout of the castle any longer, and even once telling him so, he still offered to walk with you through the dismal corridors, guided by the dull flicker of candlelight from the candelabra in his grasp.

These were the moments with him that you cherished the most, the only ones he seemed willful to indulge you in. Following the defeat of Dracula by his own hand, you thought his eyes had grown colder than any hellish winter, reflecting the nebulous traces of his thoughts. He stood within your grasp these times almost always, and yet he was so far away from you.

Even as he walked alongside you, the halls comfortless and abysmal aside from the synchronic tap of your footfalls across cold stone that reverberated endlessly off the walls and carried on as though a voice growing more distant, you felt alone.

You could feel his presence beside you, his languid strides easy enough to keep in pace with, the tail of his coat nearly dragged the floor and wound his legs, and if you were to sidle just slightly nearer, you would be touching him.

He seemed a ghost; residual and purposeless, a man with nothing else he could possibly lose and yet for some reason even unknown to him, he continued living on.

The sweet glow emanating from candlelight cast across his face and showed to you a haunted man, an otherworldly beauty that captured the pallor and translucency in his skin, the glimmer of hair like tinsel, and a gaze with faint shine that swayed towards you.

You quickly looked away towards the worn tapestries adorning the walls and the many doors mirroring one another as you passed. However, after a moment, the discomforting echoes in the hall tapered into nothing as you both stopped before one door in particular.

“I feel like it looks different every night.” You said, fingertips curling away from the brass handle wrapped in the night chill. “I sort of feel like switching up rooms again. That alright with you?”

“You’re free to do as you wish, that has not changed.” Alucard gave his brisk reply. Perhaps if this had been your first encounter with him, you would had thought him rude, but there was no ill-intent behind his words.

And by the dimming glow from the flames, you could feel his gaze waver at the slightest, lips twitching at the corners as though trying to search for something more to say. You wondered if he thought he presented an unperturbed, impenetrable, always stoic demeanor that you couldn’t see through. It was likely of little comfort to him when your eyes pierced straight through him; those feelings, those things he perceived as his own weaknesses wore on his sleeve and made your heart tremble as well.

“Tomorrow, then.” He spoke at last, taking one step away for you as he turned. There was a reluctance in his movements, a lethargy as though realizing once he left, he would be alone again.

You couldn’t bear his suffering any longer.

“Adrian, enough of this.” You caught his wrist, jarring him to a halt while his eyes shone in surprise. “Enough. Please just talk to me about how you’re feeling. Whatever you’re going through. You’re not well, you haven’t been in sometime.”

The walls were crashing down around him, the facade was quick to melt away as his face began to twist as though anguished. “I’ve nothing left to say that’s worth taking your time.”

“That doesn’t matter to me, you damn fool.” You searched for his fingers, twining them together as the large door gave a suffering wail. Your first steps backwards into the room were met with resistance, the full length of his arm outstretched, lingering at your doorway with the candelabra leveled at his waist. “You can come inside. Please, just talk to me. If not for yourself, then just don’t let me be alone.”

And so, led by the warmth of your hand, he ventured in the darkness of your room. The brass handle gave a rattle as he closed the door behind him, freeing his fingers from your own to set the candelabra aside on the first table that caught his eye. Despite the black air that encompassed you, you navigated the room easily enough, feeling for the candles and dainty lanterns you kept at your bedside for convenience.

You turned your head towards the sound of scuffing fabric, managing just then to coax a lantern alight, basking the spacious room warm, dancing hues that didn’t quite reach your doorway. It pleased you, however, when Alucard emerged from that nothingness without his coat, shadows seemingly dissolving from his shoulders as he fiddled with the cuffs of his shirt.

The bed barely emitted a creak as you flopped atop of it, legs crossed under you, giving the spot before you a eager pat. “Sit right here and tell me what’s on your mind. I’m all ears.”

His fingers froze at the buttons on his sleeves, eyes swimming across the room as though cautious there might be others listening, observing you both. That feeling stayed with him even once he joined you on the bed, his presence little more than a slight dip in the mattress.

You scooted closer to him. “There’s something I’ve been curious about, Adrian. With, you know, everything that has happened. Are we—Are you going to stay here indefinitely?”

“Even I cannot foretell the future.” He hunched forward, arms draped across his thighs. “What it is I should do against what I feel I should, I think of them often. My bloodline is cursed, what good to the world has come about it?”

He said this one other instance, though your memories of that day were vague, dreamlike even. You only recalled roaming Dracula’s castle with him, and then the next awakening in his arms to a brilliant sunrise and a sprawling, glittering sea. That beauty was marred by his overwhelming grief, though his tears only glistened at the corners of his eyes, never falling.

“I don’t think you’re cursed, Adrian.” You said, reaching forward to give light strokes his arm. Through the thin fabric, you felt his muscles tense against your touch, his eyes fixated on yours. “You’re a good man who wants peace, who sacrificed so much, who loves his family more than anything else… even after everything.”

Those words seemed to soften him as his shoulders lowered, tresses of gold falling across his chest.  The shadows deepened in the creases of his brow, and even though it pained him for you to see his composure chip away, he could not will his gaze away from you. Not now, and not when the tears seared his eyes, clouding his vision until the your face was no longer discernible to him.

“Oh, Adrian.” You found your voice cracking, his despair so palpable that it made your bones ache. It wasn’t any thought in your mind to wrap your arms around him, nestling your face against his chest to smother your own tears. “None of this was your fault. Not what happened to your mother, nor your father. This isn’t something you have to deal with on your own.”

You had never felt so much rigidity in his body more than you did in that moment. Clearly, your response was unexpected, your touch even less so. Despite this, he let his vulnerability show, body trembling as you smoothed your hands across his back.

His fragility was heartbreaking, and thought it was not so, he felt so much smaller than yourself.

“I... I am tormented by it every night. By my mother’s death, seeing it again.” He whispered shakily, taking a moment to ease his breaths. “And by taking my father’s life by my own hand. I remember so vividly still, at the end before his death, he had a moment of clarity. He wanted forgiveness that I could not be the one to grant.”


When you felt his arms surround you, holding you flush to him as his chin rested atop your shoulder, you thought the air had been knocked from your lungs. How long had it been since he held you like this?

“Is this the fate I’m meant to endure? The knowledge that I was useless to save my mother, and my father was slain by my hand? Isn’t a fate where I seal myself away from the world something to rejoice?”

You couldn’t listen to this anymore.

“Adrian, my love, that’s not the answer!” you snapped, that outburst startling him long enough for you to slip your arms between your bodies to take the sides of his face in your hands. “Please, don’t talk about yourself like that. You’re still grieving, and there’s nothing wrong with that. But, you need to accept that you’ve always done everything you could.”

His arms loosened from your waist, yet he still would not let you go. A smile tilted the corners of your lips as you traced your thumbs under his eyes, swiping away his tears. You were doubtless that you could offer him little comfort in alleviating all of his agony. 

The only one who could bring that war in his heart to a standstill was himself, you could only do this and hold his hand when he needed it.

Aside from the drum of your heartbeat in ears, the room was void of noise. You indulged in that silence, mesmerized by the softness of his skin that still held traces of warmth, and glisten in his eye that you wanted to believe stemmed from something other than tears.

He was entranced just as much by you, leaning his face more to one side against your palm, though you noticed the way his eyes drifted down your face.

It was an invitation that you eagerly took.

The feeling of his lips against yours was something you had craved for a time, foreign for you both, though his reaction was much more genuine. He was unsure, startled even that you had decided to kiss him. His face remained still in your hands as you moved your lips to the corner of his mouth, feathering upwards towards his cheeks, to the tip of his nose, and then once again to the origin.

This time he held no reservations to your affection, one of his hands carefully caressed your nape while your arms rose to hook around his neck. His lips were as soft as you had imagined they were while fervor grew from the caress, rousing something in you that you had been forced to the furthest parts of your mind for a while.

You felt his hand sweep lower to your back, gliding between your shoulder blades until he held you at your waist and eased you down on the mattress. His loose curls were much like spun gold, tempting you to twist them like tight ringlets around your fingers as his hair spilled over his shoulders like silk.

It wasn’t until you felt the tickle of the crisp night air against your flesh that you realized his easy work on your blouse, unfastening the last of the buttons before reaching past the fabric to feel your skin. You were growing unfathomably hot just by this, keenly aware your chest burned where he touched you, and it crept higher and higher as his hands did.

“Mmmn, this isn’t how I want it to go, Adrian.” You managed between kisses, tilting your face away where he then found fascination in your neck. His warm breath fanning across your flesh, trailing the length of your neck and behind your ear was rewarded with a quivering, longing sigh. “Adrian—”

“Do you want me to stop?”

“Yeah, I do.” You murmured, luring his face over yours again where you yanked him by the shirt into yet another ardent kiss. Without releasing his shirt, you ventured lower to fumble through undoing the buttons and peeled the thin fabric from his body.

Even though he was a lean man, there was still definition in his fame, muscle in his arms and chest. You memorized the divots and curves in his skin with your fingertips, unlikely to forget how he twitched when you touched him and his trembling breaths.

His pants and undergarments came off much faster, a reflection of your ardor and perhaps even his own as he swayed against you to slide them off his hips, cock hard against your thigh. The last of your garments was shucked from your body to join the heap on the floor, prompting you push yourself on your elbows as you kissed beneath his jaw.

“Lie on your back, Adrian.” You smiled against him, running your hands across his chest as persuasion. “Tonight is for you. I want you to know how much I love you.”

“As you wish.”

There was a flicker in his eye, a liveliness and searing want. His hands seized your own, pulling you up to straddle his waist when he laid back on the bed. There he explored more of you, stroking circles on your thighs and hips, eyes traveling across your body in a way you expected someone would look at exquisite art. “You are divine. This moment is ours, though I still do not understand what I have done to earn your love.”

“I don’t think any of us really do. We just love authentically and truly.” You answered, casting your eyes low to his erection and rubbed yourself against him. “I love you because you’re a good, kind man, even if you don’t want to see it.”

His breath snagged in his throat as you wrapped your hand around him, stroking his length and circling your palm around the head. You felt his hips lift under your, yet continued with fluid, rhythmic pumps. “I love you because you always try your best, you always do what you can with whatever circumstances are given to you.”

Even when in the clutches of pleasure, he was absolutely beautiful. His teeth caught the dim light when his mouth fell ajar, and his hair was a luscious bed of curls around him. You found it a bit humorous that you could elicit such a reaction from him, being what he was. But, you always believed him to more human than vampire.

It was after giving his cock a few harder strokes that he gripped your wrists, halting you. “Enough of this. I want to feel you, give yourself to me.”

You held no qualms to what he wanted.

Convinced by your nod, he released your wrists to grip at your thighs instead, massaging the back of them and then your ass when you rose to your knees to guide him inside you. His expression twisted deliciously the lower you went on his shaft, his fingers pushed deep divots into your skin when you acclimated to his girth and began rocking on him.

He didn’t let you go, not once.

Hot air hissed through your nostrils, lips taut and brow furrowing in your concentration to angle him just right as you rolled forward and then back. More than your own pleasure, you were careful to watch for his; the subtle twitch of his lips, the tension between his eyes, and the unyielding stare he fixed you with.

This moment was solely for him, yet you could say you were surprised when he began stroking your sides, raising his hips in unison with your thrusts, sending quakes of pleasure racing through your limbs and core.

There was a new glimmer in his eyes now, a coddled flicker that had grown in such enormity that even you felt embarrassed to be on the receiving end of it. He helped you in your motions, lifting you high enough for the tip of his cock to just nestle in you, bucking his hips to plow deep inside, luring a rather harsh gush of air from your lips.

At that point, you loomed over him, fingers splayed across his chest to keep yourself from completely collapsing on him. Your breaths quivered as you touched your lips against him, setting is flesh ablaze as your pants left hot, moist trails on him that then caressed his ear.

“There’s so much more I want to experience with you, Adrian. This—" you stifled a moan, body jarring as you rammed back down onto him, striking a spot in your that made your toes curl inward and abdomen clench tighter and tighter. “This—this is nothing.”

A sting of cold air touched your sides as you threaded your fingers with his, pinning the back of his hands on the bed next to his head. His knuckles bled of color as he clenched your hand tighter, pants seeming nothing more than dainty puffs of air, but your body knew otherwise.

Your sides were going to bruise, fully expecting the same of your hands. His thrusts were hard, belonging to a man creeping closer to his end. And yet, even midst all of this, you had never seen his eyes so dazzling, smoldering, encompassing you in such warmth and passion.

“A lifetime with you,” he fussed with your fingers, the back of his head digging deeper into the sheets as he writhed below you. “I—I could ask for nothing else. There is none other that I would rather have.”

As tender and genuine as his words were, you could only focus on the tension burying deeper in your gut, but spreading like a growing ember, a heat pulsing through your veins. Your walls tightened around him, the friction roused something of a harsher noise from the back of his throat, whereas you met your end.

You shook as you came, the strength in your thighs weakening and warmth in your body flourished, climbing to from your toes to your fingertips, and filled your vision with a glare of white. While the tension flowed from your body, your motions atop of him lethargic and fingers loosening from his, he thrust up into you a number of times; each reaching deeper than the last, fierce and quick.

The feeling was almost indescribable. He held your hands tightly, body halting and rigid beneath yours, cock throbbing against your walls and growing slick with cum that sent a shudder rattling down your spine. It was then that you noticed his chest relax when he released his breath, hips flattening against the mattress.

“Your love…” he rasped, tipping your balance as he lifted the back of your hand to his lips, fingers still tangled with his. “I will never understand what I have done to be worthy of it. And yet, I cannot find it in myself to refuse it.”

You couldn’t call the sensation pleasant as you removed him from your body, joining his side on the bed, and inviting the night air to dance across your skin. All but one lantern had dimmed in the room, his expression difficult to determine, though you didn’t think you would be wrong in your assumption.

“Truly, who knows why anyone falls in love. But, I’m sure of my feelings.” You burrowed your face against his neck, relishing his touch as it ghosted across your shoulder. “We’ll face tomorrow, the following day, and every day thereafter together.”

“I have no doubt of that.” There was a faint rumble of laughter in his throat. He coaxed your face higher with his fingers so as to easily reach your ear. “To begin this lifetime together, allow me to repay you the words that you’ve spoken to me so much already."

"I love you.”

A Simple Nocturne


reposted from my deleted blog, cardeneiv

please interact and reblog if you enjoyed reading! 💜

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1 year ago

You can make the fluffy list into the prompt 26 -Is that... "Is that a dog? and I thought of Alucard reacting or saying that when I saw him arriving at the castle with a dog, I'm sorry, I love dogs and I thought Alucard would say that and I'm sorry if I don't understand, English is not my language.

A/N: Hi honey it's okay that English isn't your first language! Thank you for the ask! I hope this is okay, I tried my best with the prompt but it felt somewhat difficult for me with this one? It's on the shorter side ): But I hope it brings a smile to your face anyways!

"Is that...Is that a dog?" x Alucard


“Adrian, wait--”

“Is that..”

“Light of my life, reason I breathe, please let me just”

“Is that a dog?”


You sighed,looking over at the small fluffy pup that you had smuggled into the castle earlier that day. A smile crossed your face when the little baby licked at your hand, tail wagging. “Yes, baby, it’s a dog. It’s our dog!” Alucard furrowed his brows, looking at the ‘thing’ like it personally insulted him. “I don’t remember getting a dog.” He mumbled, seemingly annoyed. But then he looked at you, and god he could melt at how smiley and happy you were with the puppy. How on Earth could he ever be mad at something that brought you so much joy--


Right. That. “I know you’re not very fond of dogs,” You started, pout already evident in your tone. (He was such a cat person and you knew it) “But he’s so sweet, and he was all alone in the forest scared and defenseless--I couldn’t just leave him there!” You were such a thoughtful and caring person, of course you’d bring in a scared little animal. Alucard would simply...have to learn to deal with it.

Over the course of the next few days, it felt as if both boys in the house were vying for your attention, Alucard more than ever before. If the puppy was in your lap and taking up too much of your attention, Alucard would scowl and scoot you closer to him. The pup would growl at him, nosing his way into your shirt for a nap. The offense Alucard would take. You couldn’t help but laugh at first, because why on earth would he be ready to fist fight a puppy over something so silly? “Adrian, honey, please. He’s just a baby.” “What about me?” You cackled. “You’re my baby too!” You would appease your lover with a kiss, running your fingers through his hair and scratching at his head (god he really was a cat person, personality and all). “What if I let you name him, hm? Would you feel closer to him?”

Alucard thought for a moment, before smirking. “Fine. Treffy.”

“Adrian Tepes, we are not naming our dog that!”

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1 year ago

8- Virginity with Alucard x virgin reader, please? I don't know if it has already been ordered. Thank you!

A/N: Tyyy for the req I haven't done this one yet! Got a little carried away with this I think, but very fun to write! Hope you like it! Mwuah

CW: Vriginity loss, pet names, that's it i think lol

Virginity x Alucard

It had been months of soft touches, sweet kisses, and promises of a loving life between you and your newfound love, Adrian Tepes. Meeting him seemed like a dream, the way he would always hold doors open for you, smile at you so lovingly, make sure you were comfortable. You’d open up to him as much as he did to you, learning each others’ deepest intimate secrets. One of which was the admittance of still being a virgin at your age. You were always nervous to divulge that information, feeling men think you prude. You just...hadn’t been interested. And all the men you’ve had the (dis)pleasure of meeting were, well, gross. Which is why when Adrian had asked to court you, you thought it was a joke. You laughed it off, giving him a ‘that’s funny, Adrian!’ before realizing he was being serious. You swore your heart stopped.

The months of courting had been the most perfect months of your life, and you were ready to take it to the next step with him. You wanted him to be your lover. “Adrian..” You found him in the study, looking at him through your lashes, bashful. He smiled that gorgeous smile at you, reaching a hand in your direction that you gladly took, guiding you to the chair next to his. “Yes, my dear? What is it?” So attentive. You steadied yourself before continuing. “I want...I want to make love.” Your red face now matched his, dropping the quill onto the desk. “That’s a big decision, giving me your virginity. Are you sure? We don’t have to discuss this now if you’re uncomfortable.” 

You took his concern as unwillingness, pout on your lips. Did he not want to...? Of course, the past he’s endured of course he wouldn’t want to. You gasped, suddenly feeling guilty. “I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable, I’m sorry! I should have thought first, oh Adrian I’m--” He hushed you, taking both hands in his. “Darling, I’m more than willing to lay with you. Please make no mistake.” God, how can he just say things like that? “I want to make sure this is what you want. That you’re not doing this for me.” You squeezed his hands, “I’m sure, Adrian. I’ve never been more sure.”

So hours later, you’re underneath the Dhampir, writhing in pleasure as he suckles at your clit with a slender finger fucking into your virgin hole. “Haah, fuck. Feels so good, Adrian. B-better than my, aah, fingers” You admit to him, tugging at his hair when he sucks harder. “Hmm, how bold.” He smirks, looking up at you nosing your clit. “Do you think of me when you touch yourself?” You nod, mouth open and eyes hazy as he slips another finger into your pussy, stretching you out. You looked like a goddess to him, he couldn’t believe you were gifting him something so precious as your virginity. “You’re so tight around my fingers, beloved. Relax, I’ll make you feel good.” You let out a shaky breath you didn’t realize you were holding onto, looking down at him as he continued to lick around your pussy and clit, scissoring his fingers inside of you to help stretch you for what’s to come.  “Let me hear your pretty voice, what do you think of when you finger yourself?” 

You diverted your gaze with flushed cheeks, “I-I think of you t-taking me, aah, in your bed, mmh! In your study, too, on the desk.” He waited, expectantly, working you closer to your high. He could feel it, the way you started clenching on his fingers. “In different positions! Fuck, Adrian I want to try different positions!” You couldn’t help but get louder, the way he fucked into you with his fingers felt so fucking good. You couldn’t continue speaking, only babbling how good he felt before the feeling in your tummy snapped and you came around his fingers, your cunt drooling on his digits. He slowed, letting you ride out your high and seeing that cute little hole spasm around him. “Mmm, we will darling. Later. I want to take you like you deserve right now.” He couldn’t help himself, Alucard scooped up your juices and sucked his fingers into his mouth, moaning at the delicious, sweet taste of your pussy. He could do this for hours, but that would wait too. “Are you okay, sweetheart.” You nodded, blissed out smile plastered on your face. “Mhm, keep going Adrian.” He chuckled at your impatience, “insatiable and you’ve only just gotten a taste. I’ll have my hands full with you.”

Alucard lined his cock at your hole, waiting for your approval to continue, (he thought your neck would snap at how rapidly you were nodding, eager.) “Just breathe, sweetheart, I’ll go slow.” He pushed in, so painfully slow, his breath hitching as you gasped, trying to keep a steady breath. The stretch was uncomfortable, but not painful. He’d stretched you out so nicely with his fingers that it was bearable. He paused, waiting for you to give him the okay. As kind, patient, and caring Alucard was he was losing his mind with how tight you felt around him. So warm, and wet, and eager to swallow him whole. You urged him to continue, and he didn’t take a second thought before pushing in the rest of the way, feeling how you tightened around him just by taking his entire dick. Your back arched, nails digging into his biceps with pleasure. “Adrian, please.” You whined, not sure what you were begging for. He smirked, coming down to cover your body with his and leaning on his forearms, “Whatever you want, darling.” 

Adrian pulled out to the tip, seeing you squirm before shoving his cock back into you, hearing those beautiful cries. His pace quickened, white ring forming around the base of his cock as he continued to fuck into you. Your pretty little cunt felt so good, so good that Alucard doesn’t know how he held out for so long. He feels so grateful to have you, grateful that you trust him enough for this, grateful to be buried balls deep in the tightest, sloppiest little hole. “Doing so good for me, honey, does it feel good?” He borderline teased, Adrian knew what he was doing. You nodded, frantic, tears pooling at the corner of your eyes. “Yes! Yes, s’good Adrian, so good!” You babbled on, repeating how good he felt inside of you, how big he felt, to keep going. A hand came down to rub at your clit, helping you get to your second orgasm of the night. You pulled him down by the back of his neck, wanting to kiss him as you came on his cock for the first time. You wanted him to invade all of your senses, the feeling pure euphoria as he squirmed and spasmed around his length, Alucard pounding into you now. You whined into his mouth, bucking your hips through your high. 

He stuttered, pulling out at the last second and spilling himself over your stomach. The two of you stayed still as you caught your breath, Adrian slowly pulling out and moving to get you cleaned up. You stayed in his arms, peppering kisses on his face with a smile. “Thank you Adrian, it felt so good.” He sighed, relishing in your praises. “Anything for you, sweetheart.”

Another pause.

“Can you...not pull out next time?” You were the absolute death of him.

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