Amo leer, me encanta el anime, series y muchas cosas más, 27 años, espero poder escribir algo pronto por aquí, mexicana. I hope they continue to take care of themselves against the covid and you are well
225 posts
Our Kids Are Going To Be *mwah*! Please With Alucard?
Our kids are going to be *mwah*! Please with Alucard?
A/N: love babies love Alucard love the idea of him being a FATHER ;; hope you enjoy this drabble, thank you for the req MWUAHHH
"Our kids are going to be *mwah*!" x Alucard
It was finally that time of the month again! You were honestly so excited, you didn’t think you’d be as excited as you were, but now you look forward to it each month. Alucard, as stoic as he was on the outside, couldn’t help but feel jitters whenever the time came. You always had a bit more pep in your step, waking up a bit brighter, smiling a bit more. If not for the actual occasion itself, he loved seeing you so happy.
It was date weekend for Trevor and Sypha, which meant it was your weekend with the baby.
The couple promised each other they’d still make space for alone time, though they weren’t sure how on Earth they’d do it, considering Sypha’s family was nomadic and Trevor had none to begin with. You overheard them talking about it once while they were over with their son, and you couldn’t help but interject, probably a bit too loud: “I’ll do it! I’ll babysit!” Sypha gasped, all at the same time as Alucard sighed. Even with different tones, they both looked at you with the same question on their tongue: “Really?” You shot a dirty look to your lover before looking at the couple before you all smiles. “Yes really. I love kids. Just tell Auntie when you need her, I’ll take good care of him!” Turns out, you were really good with kids. Sypha and Trevor warned you of what little outbursts he could have, when he needed to be fed, along with all his special toys and blankets to ensure he wasn’t too much of a hassle. But he was perfectly well behaved. So much so that they were shocked at how smooth everything went for the weekend. They were sure he’d cause just a bit of trouble, no more than a normal baby would but still. You just shrugged it off, covering his belly with smooches to hear him squeal and giggle before handing him back off to his mother. “Perfect little angel!” You stated, proud. Alucard was even shocked to find out how well he did with you and away from his parents. He had to tease Trevor for that one.
And then it became tradition: you’d take him for a weekend while the two had some alone time. Alucard had always wanted kids, secretly, although he’d never talked about it with you. It just never felt like the right moment. Always too busy around the village, around the house, and before that? Too busy fighting monsters. Life has calmed down, but it still felt too busy to bring up wanting children. He knew you enjoyed them, figuring you liked them the way most people do: until they’re tired and want to return them to their parents. Even after the second and third month of doing this, any time their baby boy would huff and puff, and stir a bit of trouble, you took it with stride, doing everything in your power to soothe him down. One night he even kept you up for hours because he wasn’t tired and simply wouldn’t fall asleep. Alucard tried to take him from you, urging you to rest, but you simply shook your head with a tired smile, saying something along the lines of ‘I have to start preparing for my own, don’t I?”
Alucard brushed it off, as your tired brain didn’t comprehend what you said. It did though. You meant it. But the conversation never came up again.
And now it was time for you to pick up the baby Belmont with Alucard in tow, grabbing at the pack Sypha graciously packed for you both before bidding them adieu. “Look at this sweet baby! Look how big you’re getting!” You’d coo, lifting him up high and spinning him while he babbled and giggled away, small arms swinging in the air. Alucard’s heart ached, you were so sweet with him, seeing you cradle the sweet babe against you made him want to bring up children right now. Maybe after the weekend. (Unless you beat him to it.)
You sighed, sitting him down on your lap as you fed him, leaning into Alucard’s touch while he kissed your temple. “Adrian, do you think we’ll have a baby soon?”
“I think we should, they’d be so darling wouldn’t they?” You mindlessly spoke, spooning in some mashed carrots into the baby’s mouth, cooing when he took a big bite. Alucard was stunned, blinking in shock. “They’d have your eyes, I hope. But maybe my hair? Definitely your long lashes, I get jealous every day!” You huffed a laugh, wiping away some of the food that dripped onto his cheek. “We’d make the cutest kids, I think. Yes, absolutely, our kids are going to be *mwah*!” complete with pursed lips, hand gestures, and everything. “I’m sure you want someone to play with don’t you baby boy? You’d be a cool older cousin, taking them under your--”
“--you think about our future children?”
You paused, looking over your shoulder to Alucard, who had up until recently been sitting there in surprise. His eyes were side, unsure of what to say. You blushed, face heating up more than you expected. You hadn’t realized how much you really said. “Of course I do...I think about that often, you know.” You spoke, barely above a whisper, cleaning up baby Belmont and sitting him down on his favorite blanket surrounded by toys to keep him occupied. “I know we’ve never talked about it, but I hope one day you’ll be ready for them?” You asked, hopeful.
He hadn’t realized how much thought you put into your shared future. He always wished you’d be his end game--the only person he’d be with for the rest of your lives. But he was never quite sure, doubt creeping into his veins like a nasty infection. But of course he shouldn’t doubt you, you’d never given him a reason to. Always so vocal about how you loved and cherished him...it was silly to think otherwise. You pressed on. “I was...I was hoping that babysitting for them would make up your mind.” You didn’t look at him, only the baby, scared and nervous to see how he’d react. “Oh darling” he sighed, grabbing the sides of your face delicately and pressing kisses onto your lips, your cheeks, your forehead: anything he could get his hands on. He ended with a passionate, slow kiss that took your breath away. “You have no idea how happy a man you’ve made me.” He murmured, kissing you once more--before pulling away with a salacious grin.
“Let’s start trying after his parents pick him up, yes?”
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More Posts from Catarsis96
I'm the same fluff anon that I didn't know you could cook, now you think you can do something with the indication "I know you had a bad day, so I made you cookies", we have to continue loving and caring for that great Dhampir, please?
A/N: Ahh this one is short, I couldn't think much for it but I'm always a sucker for fluff and I love Alucard sm so here you go. I hope you enjoy it anyways! Mwuah!
"I know you had a bad day, so I made you cookies." x Alucard
Alucard couldn’t think of a single good thing to say about the day. It turned out to be longer and more difficult than he ever intended it to be. Finally trudging back home, the day simply had to shit on him even more before his boot got stuck in mud, nearly sucking the whole thing into the ground. Honestly, Alucard had half a mind of just leaving it there. He didn’t really need the boot anyways. Decided against it, he pulled it out and uncomfortably placed it back on his foot, squishing within the halls of his castle. He didn’t even call out to you, as he normally would, instead sneaking up the steps and going straight to bathing -- he’d clean up the boot marks later. His sweat and all the muck from the outside made his skin crawl, peeling off layers of clothing onto the bathroom floor to bathe. The water felt incredible, immediately soothing his aching muscles as he dipped in, relishing in the warmth. He’d be quick, just needed to scrub away today’s troubles...
Alucard in fact, was not quick.
He’d actually fallen asleep in the bath. Eyes shot open, scanning the room with a fright. How the hell did he fall asleep? It was difficult enough to sleep, let alone with you, and yet he’d completely dozed off. He wasn’t sure for how long, but there was still some sunlight when he got home and now it was terribly dark. Shit. He wondered if you even knew where he was, if you were scared for him, if you were waiting--
“Adrian, honey, are you awake now?”
...Wait, huh?
He must have said that out loud, because he heard you giggle and walk over, kissing his forehead. “I saw you in here earlier, but you dozed off and I didn’t want to wake you...I checked up on you a few times, make sure you didn’t slip under.” You teased, combing his hair with your fingers. “Come on, pretty boy--you’re gonna get pruny.” As if he wasn’t already.
He really was still in a daze, not entirely sure what was going on--you just let him sleep? He must have been really out of it if he didn’t wake up to you walking in.. The dhampir sleepily dressed himself, and when he found you again immediately wrapped his arms around your waist, nuzzling his nose into your hair. “Darling, you should have gotten me up, I could have helped with dinner.” He stifled a yawn, inhaling deep after--whatever you had made smelled delicious. And there was something...sweet, in the air.
“Did you make dessert?”
You nodded, turning around in his arms and kissing his jaw, the closest bit to you. “I know you had a bad day, so I made you cookies.” There was no way he could have been out for that long, that you could have made everything from scratch...right? “How did you--” “Just call it a woman’s intuition, you walked out of here this morning so grumpy...I made the batter earlier for tonight.”
It’s like you could read his mind.
He chuckled anyways, tightening his hold on you and swaying back and forth. “How you read me like a book, I’ll never understand my love. But I am very grateful for you, all the same.” You hummed, nuzzling into his chest and wrapping your arms around him. “It’s my job to know you like the back of my hand. I’m your wife.” You teased, hands trailing up to caress his jaw, bringing him down to your level and pressing a chaste kiss to his lips. “I love you dearly, never forget that.” You reminded him over and over again each day, and he silently thanked every god in the sky for bringing you to him.
“Now let’s have dinner, hm? Then we’ll have the cookies later.”
30° prompt (thighfucking) with Adrian Tepes (female riding his thigh) plsss <3 I LOVED YOUR BREEDING KINK FIC
A/N: screaming into the void ty for loving it I loved it too because it's so RIGHT he WOULD. This req was super fun for Alucard I love him sm ty for asking for it! Hope you enjoy mwuah
CW: thigh riding, smut, pet names, humping
Thigh fucking x Alucard
That's the best way to describe what's been in the air between you and Alucard all day. Tension. You had woken up in each other's arms, giving each other fluttering kisses until it was no longer deemed innocent, moving to more mischievous territory before the morning was ripped away from both of you with knocks on the castle door and villagers asking for assistance. You groaned, but moved.
Early afternoon came, and you both finally had some respite, Alucard's hands around your waist and his tongue down your throat. You hands inched lower down his abdomen until the peace was ripped away from you again. By Trevor. You had practically pushed passed him while he cackled in your face, talking about being 'hornier than rabbits'. Alucard nearly chewed him up right then and there.
Evening time came, and all your chores around the village have been done. The people were happy with the process, thanking you both along the way for your assistance. Trevor and Sypha had retired for the evening, needing to keep Sypha well rested for the baby along the way. And well, you and Alucard? Suspicious at bestafter today's antics. In castle's study you found Alucard trying to distract himself with reading. You came behind him with your hands massaging his shoulders, leaning down and kissing the crown on his head. An innocent act.
But you both knew better. Which is why Alucard stayed on the defense. Heavens forbid you both try to stay intimate with each other. "Darling," he starts "it's early enough where someone might think they need us." You sign, kissing down his temple and pressing your lips next to his ear. "Don't you think it's late enough where we can tell them to come back tomorrow?"
Alucard leaned his head back, capturing your lips with his and tugging at your arms to come circle the front of the ornate chair he had been sitting in. You gladly do, sitting on his lap and kissing him back with vigor. This is about as far as both of you had been able to get before being interrupted. But now? Silence.
"Adrian, I've needed you all day." You start between kisses, hands tangling into his hair. He lets out a soft moan, shuddering at the thought of you being so desperate for him. "I'm right here, sweetheart." He was done talking after that, taking the liberty to lick at your mouth while you were distracted. You moaned, hands tightening in his hair and clenching around nothing. Your hips moved on their own accord, rubbing against Alucard's thigh trying to gain some friction and ease the throbbing between your legs.
But that almost made him loose his mind. Alucard gripped at your waist, tensed his thigh, and pushed upwards towards your core. You practically whimpered into his mouth, kiss turning into all tongue and teeth. "So desperate for me, sweetheart" he teased in between kisses"want me so bad, hm?" You, already dizzy with need could only nod. You rolled your hips against him for good measure. He looked down at where your clothed pussy met his pants and saw the wet patch you had left behind, evidence of your desire for him. Alucard salivated, looking back at you.
"Go ahead and show me how much you want me."
You couldn't help yourself, too turned on to even think straight. You gyrate your hips on his thigh, pressing yourself down gaining for friction to your clit. "Adrian, fuck, please" you didn't know what you were begging for, you just know you needed him. "Go on my love, use me to get yourself off" he encouraged, helping you move your hips back and forth on him. Alucard continued to flex and push his thigh up to get you where you needed to be. He whispered praises into your ear 'you're doing so well, you look so pretty desperate for me, come on baby I need you' while rocking you back and forth with more vigor. At one point you started bouncing on his thigh, envisioning you were bouncing on his cock instead. You moans were higher pitched, movement getting sloppy. Sure signs of how close you were to your peak.
Alucard doubled his efforts and nibbled on your neck, grinding you down on his thigh and kissing the hickey he left behind. "Look at me, darling. I want to see how you look when you use my thigh to cum" his voice raspy, thick with need. You, barely focused looked at Alucard and he swore he could see the hearts in your eyes. You were practically drooling with want, mouth open and lips glossy with spit. Your eyes were unfocused, just thinking about the need to cum. Alucard had to use all his strength not to rip you off him then and there and stuff you with his cock. You looked so good. "Come on baby, I know you can do it" he whispered, barely audible over the moans and whimpers you were giving him as you got closer to the edge. "Adrian, Adrian, fuck you feel so good" you whined, trying so hard to maintain eye contact.
"Cum for me my love."
As if on his command, your orgasm peaked and shuddered through you like a train. Your toes curled, legs shaking as you worked through the earth shattering orgasm. You rambled on thank yous as you came down from your high, Alucard peppering kisses over your face while you trembled on top of him.
Suddenly you were being hoisted up, legs wrapping around his waist and your cunt pressed against his hardened cock as you walked through the corridors of the castle.
"I'm not finished with you yet, sweetheart."
double penetration in one hole Alucard, reader, Trevor, I don't think Alucard would share his girl with anyone, but what if he did, I think it would be with Belmont!
A/N: I stared at this for a bit trying to figure out how to do it lol but I hope it turned out okay! Thank you sm for the req, I hope you enjoy it!! MWUAH
Double Penetration (one hole) x Alucard, Trevor
You nearly dropped your glass, sputtering up the water you tried to drink before the absolute monster of a ball was just dropped on you. You looked between Trevor and Alucard, the blonde’s eye twitching, hands just about ready to wring the other’s neck for that comment. And Trevor Belmont, just sat there with a smile on his face and shrugged--as if what he just said wasn’t the most outlandish thing you’ve ever heard!
“Belmont, I let you get away with a lot of shit, but if you ever talk about my wife like that again--”
“Well I was being serious.” He rebutted before the dhampir could finish his threat. Then his eyes met yours. “I’ve talked about it with Sypha, you know. She even gave me the green light to bring it up, you can ask her if you want. Won’t make any difference to me.” Holy shit, he was telling the truth wasn’t he?
Alucard’s anger was mostly on your behalf. He would never, never, in all his lifetime, let anyone touch you. But...Belmont...well, he was a different story. He was his friend. He helped him save the world over and over again, hell, he named the village after him. Maybe he would...let Belmont touch you. If you wanted.
Alucard grabbed your hand, thumbing over the back while you tried to catch your breath. “You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to, my love--”
“--she know that”
An exasperated sigh. “But, if you want to, you can say yes. I trust you, you know that.”
You felt like your world was spinning, really, but...you couldn’t lie and say you hadn’t thought about it. Just once! And you were drunk! And you didn’t do anything! But...still. The temptation was there. You steadied yourself, small smile playing on your lips as you looked to your husband, kissing each finger before looking over to Trevor.
“I...I want to. But only if Adrian’s there.” Alucard blinked, scrunching his brows and looking at you, surprised. “Darling you don’t have to try to appease me--”
“Fine, Alucard there.”
“A-ah, fuck, Trevor, mm.” You were writhing underneath him, leg hitched over his shoulder and the other around his waist. Trevor was much harsher than Alucard, opting to take you rough, and you didn’t mind it--not when he was pounding you so good. The brunette dipped down, practically bending you in half, bullying his way even deeper into you. “What’s wrong, sweet thing? Thought you said you wanted your doting husband here--you’re not even paying attention to him.” He teased, throwing a look Alucard’s way. He simply pet at your head, kissing your temple and whispering sweet words to you, ‘You look delicious, darling’ , ‘so good at taking cock, sweetheart’ , ‘I’m right here for you, angel’. You whined, grabbing at his neck and pulling Alucard down in a kiss, that was all tongue and teeth--he had to be extra careful not to cut you the way you were haphazardly licking inside his mouth. You whimpered, holding onto the back of his neck tight while you sobbed at the overwhelming feeling. “Wan’ you too, Adrian--please, please wan’it.” You babbled away, eyes closed and nose scrunched. Trevor slowed his pace, just a bit, looking over to the dhampir who shared the same thought, it seemed.
“Okay, darling, you’ll have me.”
In a moment you were flipped over, chest to chest with Trevor who was now sitting up against the headboard. He grabbed at your jaw, thumb brushing over your bottom lip--swollen and red with all the sucks and bites it’s received throughout the night. Your eyes were glossed over, tears drying on your cheeks. “What a pretty little wife you have, Alucard..” He whispered, not breaking eye contact with you as he spoke to the other. Suddenly a second pair of hands were on your body, wrapping around you to grope and squeeze at your tits, giving extra attention to your nipples. You trembled, looking back just a touch to see Alucard watching you like a predator stalking its prey. Your cunt fluttered, and you leaned back to feel his chest against your body. “Come here, beautiful, sit on my cock again yeah?” Trevor’s deep voice brought you back to him, slowly sinking yourself down on his girth. You whined, clenching around him. He filled you up, stretching out your pussy a bit more than Alucard did. “Trevor,” you started with a hiccup “so good, feels good.” You repeated, grinding yourself down on his cock feeling your hips flush against his. He gripped at your hips, stilling you. You furrowed your brows, wanting to keep bouncing on him, before he angled you forward--and a new feeling came over you entirely.
“A-ah, fuck!” You cried out, Alucard slowly pushing his own length into your sloppy pussy. You couldn’t see straight, all you could think of was how full these men were making you feel. You panted like a bitch in heat, mouth open in a perfect ‘o’ and drooling onto Trevor. Your eyes were fluttering close, tears dripping down with a renewed sense of overwhelming. “Doing so well, darling girl..” Your lover whispered, slowly pushing in, deeper, deeper, until his cock was nuzzled right where it belonged--in your weeping cunt. The men let you take a minute to breathe, feeling your legs tremble and pussy twitching around two dicks stuffed deep in you. Barely a moment with them both inside you and you already felt fucked stupid--not able to make any coherent sentences, just small phrases about how fucking full you were, how good they felt, how much you loved your husband and cherished your friend. Trevor couldn’t help but laugh, wiping away tears as they flooded your cheeks. “Look how adorable she is.” He cooed, giving an experimental thrust up, and hearing your whines pour out your mouth.
Alucard groaned, kissing at your neck, pulling you flush against him and wrapping long fingers around your throat. “Can you feel how deep we are, darling?” He whispered against your skin, eyes traveling down to the bulge in your tummy. He could hear Trevor swear under his breath, both starting to fuck up into you. You nodded, as best you could, trying to speak but feeling too much. “Mhm, mhm, s’deep, so full, so much” You repeated, hands moving between Trevor’s stomach and Alucard’s head--you couldn’t concentrate enough to keep them steady in one place. The stretch was painfully delicious, and now they moved opposite each other--when one thrusted in the other pulled out, never leaving you empty. They rubbed and prodded in all the right places, pressure on your walls making you go insane. Alucard’s fingers on the hand that was around your throat crept up, shoving the digits deep into your mouth, pulling and stretching at your cheeks. Your eyes rolled, lids fluttered, and you did your best to keep breathing.
They could barely hear the squelch of your pussy, even though it was so fucking wet and covering their bodies with juices, because of how fucking loud you were being. “F-fuck, need you to cum, beautiful--not gonna last long” Belmont mumbled in front of you, rubbing his fingers on your swollen clit. Instantly they both felt you grip on their cocks, trying to milk them right into you. Your cries were still muffled with Alucard fingers in your mouth, practically fucking your face. He nosed your temple, his breathing heavy in your ear as he fucked up into you. Trevor’s free hand replaced Alucard’s around your throat--giving the dhampir full reign to finger fuck your mouth. The coil in your belly snapped, Trevor quickly rubbing on your nub while you came over them--wet and sloppy, squirting onto the sheets below you. “Fucking--pull out, Belmont” You heard Alucard hiss, pulling you off in time to have the brunette shooting his cum on your belly, creeping high enough to land on your tits. Alucard had you to himself now, fucking up into you like a flesh light, using you until it was his turn to let his sticky ropes of cum cover your insides the way Trevor covered you.
Trevor left shortly after, helping clean you up before taking his leave with a sweet kiss to the cheek and a thank you. You sighed against Alucard’s chest, feeling his arms around your waist in the warm bath, you could fall asleep right then and there. He cleaned your skin as you relaxed against him, then moved on to your hair, before you spoke.
“You think he’ll bring Sypha next time?”
“Next time?”
castlevania masterlist ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
alucard tepes 🖤
alucard x single mother reader!
x shy fem reader!
x chubby reader (fem)!
restless night