Amo leer, me encanta el anime, series y muchas cosas más, 27 años, espero poder escribir algo pronto por aquí, mexicana. I hope they continue to take care of themselves against the covid and you are well
225 posts
Our Kids Are Going To Be *mwah*! Please With Alucard?
Our kids are going to be *mwah*! Please with Alucard?
A/N: love babies love Alucard love the idea of him being a FATHER ;; hope you enjoy this drabble, thank you for the req MWUAHHH
"Our kids are going to be *mwah*!" x Alucard
It was finally that time of the month again! You were honestly so excited, you didn’t think you’d be as excited as you were, but now you look forward to it each month. Alucard, as stoic as he was on the outside, couldn’t help but feel jitters whenever the time came. You always had a bit more pep in your step, waking up a bit brighter, smiling a bit more. If not for the actual occasion itself, he loved seeing you so happy.
It was date weekend for Trevor and Sypha, which meant it was your weekend with the baby.
The couple promised each other they’d still make space for alone time, though they weren’t sure how on Earth they’d do it, considering Sypha’s family was nomadic and Trevor had none to begin with. You overheard them talking about it once while they were over with their son, and you couldn’t help but interject, probably a bit too loud: “I’ll do it! I’ll babysit!” Sypha gasped, all at the same time as Alucard sighed. Even with different tones, they both looked at you with the same question on their tongue: “Really?” You shot a dirty look to your lover before looking at the couple before you all smiles. “Yes really. I love kids. Just tell Auntie when you need her, I’ll take good care of him!” Turns out, you were really good with kids. Sypha and Trevor warned you of what little outbursts he could have, when he needed to be fed, along with all his special toys and blankets to ensure he wasn’t too much of a hassle. But he was perfectly well behaved. So much so that they were shocked at how smooth everything went for the weekend. They were sure he’d cause just a bit of trouble, no more than a normal baby would but still. You just shrugged it off, covering his belly with smooches to hear him squeal and giggle before handing him back off to his mother. “Perfect little angel!” You stated, proud. Alucard was even shocked to find out how well he did with you and away from his parents. He had to tease Trevor for that one.
And then it became tradition: you’d take him for a weekend while the two had some alone time. Alucard had always wanted kids, secretly, although he’d never talked about it with you. It just never felt like the right moment. Always too busy around the village, around the house, and before that? Too busy fighting monsters. Life has calmed down, but it still felt too busy to bring up wanting children. He knew you enjoyed them, figuring you liked them the way most people do: until they’re tired and want to return them to their parents. Even after the second and third month of doing this, any time their baby boy would huff and puff, and stir a bit of trouble, you took it with stride, doing everything in your power to soothe him down. One night he even kept you up for hours because he wasn’t tired and simply wouldn’t fall asleep. Alucard tried to take him from you, urging you to rest, but you simply shook your head with a tired smile, saying something along the lines of ‘I have to start preparing for my own, don’t I?”
Alucard brushed it off, as your tired brain didn’t comprehend what you said. It did though. You meant it. But the conversation never came up again.
And now it was time for you to pick up the baby Belmont with Alucard in tow, grabbing at the pack Sypha graciously packed for you both before bidding them adieu. “Look at this sweet baby! Look how big you’re getting!” You’d coo, lifting him up high and spinning him while he babbled and giggled away, small arms swinging in the air. Alucard’s heart ached, you were so sweet with him, seeing you cradle the sweet babe against you made him want to bring up children right now. Maybe after the weekend. (Unless you beat him to it.)
You sighed, sitting him down on your lap as you fed him, leaning into Alucard’s touch while he kissed your temple. “Adrian, do you think we’ll have a baby soon?”
“I think we should, they’d be so darling wouldn’t they?” You mindlessly spoke, spooning in some mashed carrots into the baby’s mouth, cooing when he took a big bite. Alucard was stunned, blinking in shock. “They’d have your eyes, I hope. But maybe my hair? Definitely your long lashes, I get jealous every day!” You huffed a laugh, wiping away some of the food that dripped onto his cheek. “We’d make the cutest kids, I think. Yes, absolutely, our kids are going to be *mwah*!” complete with pursed lips, hand gestures, and everything. “I’m sure you want someone to play with don’t you baby boy? You’d be a cool older cousin, taking them under your--”
“--you think about our future children?”
You paused, looking over your shoulder to Alucard, who had up until recently been sitting there in surprise. His eyes were side, unsure of what to say. You blushed, face heating up more than you expected. You hadn’t realized how much you really said. “Of course I do...I think about that often, you know.” You spoke, barely above a whisper, cleaning up baby Belmont and sitting him down on his favorite blanket surrounded by toys to keep him occupied. “I know we’ve never talked about it, but I hope one day you’ll be ready for them?” You asked, hopeful.
He hadn’t realized how much thought you put into your shared future. He always wished you’d be his end game--the only person he’d be with for the rest of your lives. But he was never quite sure, doubt creeping into his veins like a nasty infection. But of course he shouldn’t doubt you, you’d never given him a reason to. Always so vocal about how you loved and cherished him...it was silly to think otherwise. You pressed on. “I was...I was hoping that babysitting for them would make up your mind.” You didn’t look at him, only the baby, scared and nervous to see how he’d react. “Oh darling” he sighed, grabbing the sides of your face delicately and pressing kisses onto your lips, your cheeks, your forehead: anything he could get his hands on. He ended with a passionate, slow kiss that took your breath away. “You have no idea how happy a man you’ve made me.” He murmured, kissing you once more--before pulling away with a salacious grin.
“Let’s start trying after his parents pick him up, yes?”
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More Posts from Catarsis96
dubcon with Alucard Castlevania? If you don't feel comfortable doing it, I will understand! By the way, excellent job! I have read all your writing and it is perfect!
A/N: I'm gonna need everyone to look away from me with this one I cannot be perceived. More modern day AU, roommates, yadda yadda. I'm just gonna drop this here hope you like it smoochies
Dubcon x Alucard
Alucard can’t help but poke fun at you, his silly little roommate. You’re so dumb, the way you sit there and let others take advantage of you. He’d sigh when you come back from another failed first date, cooing and coddling you. ‘Such a silly girl, I told you he’s no good for you’ he’d say, letting you sniffle into his shirt after telling him you got stood up again. ‘I thought he was better’, you’d say, grasping at his shirt when he pet your hair, devilish smirk plastered on his face when you couldn’t see. It’s not his fault you kept choosing bastards that weren’t good enough for you. But you couldn’t see that, you kept finding the worst of them. All he did was make sure they didn’t show up, that’s all. So that you can see how awful they really were.
He’d dry your tears, mirroring your pout--taunting you. “You need to start listening to me, precious. I know you better than yourself, you’ll keep making the same stupid mistake. Yeah?” You whined, nodding your dumb little head when he spoke to you. “Don’t be mean, Alucard..” You would mumble, letting go of his shirt and rubbing your eyes. He’d coo, kissing your forehead when the two of you would stand up and patting you on your ass, urging you to your room. “Sorry, sweet girl, forgot how sensitive you were. Go get some sleep.”
He’d leave you alone for the rest of the night, jerking off in the room next to you while he envisioned your crying face again.
You found yourself in front of him, again, ready for another date. You tugged at your dress, wanting his approval more than anything for your attire. “Is this okay, Alucard? Do you think he’ll like it?” He sighed, frowning--his cock twitched in his pants, deciding to ignore it for now. He’d have to go and persuade another mystery date to leave you alone tonight. “I think they’ll love it,” He started, seeing you light up. Poor thing. “Anyone would, you look like a whore.” You teared up, looking down at the hem of your dress, hands bunched up at the edge. “I didn’t think it was so short..” You’d mumbled, before feeling his hands wrap around your waist. “Aw, don’t cry darling girl. Change into something more....modest. I don’t think you’re a whore, but I know how men think.” He spat out his last words with disdain. You listened to him, like always, changing into something he’d approve of.
Much to his dismay, Alucard wasn’t able to get a hold of your mystery date beforehand. Opting to stalk the two of you during and after, finding where he lived. He would take care of it quick. He came home after you, seeing you beam at him with stars in your eyes. He hated it, knowing you looked like that because of another man. It should be him, always. “Alucard! He was wonderful! Really, such a gentleman.” You sighed, taking your phone out, sending the idiot a text. “We said we’d make plans for another date, isn’t that great?” Alucard’s eye twitched, and you looked up at him after hearing him sigh. You frowned, cute pout on your lips like always. “What?”
“Nothing, let’s just hope he sticks then.”
Of course, he didn’t. You didn’t know what you did wrong, crying again into Alucard’s arms as you babbled away how he ghosted you, how you thought everything was good after the date. And Alucard, the ever loving and doting roommate he was, let you cry, bringing you into his lap with a click of his tongue. “They’re not good enough for you, dumb girl.” He taunted you again, running a hand on your thigh as you hiccupped into his neck. “How many times do I need to tell you that?” His voice was steady, light, but you knew he was reprimanding you all the same. “I’m lonely, Alucard.” You huffed with a sniffle. “Don’t you get lonely? Don’t you want someone?”
All he could ever want is you.
“What a silly girl..” He whispered, wiping away your tears and pinching your jaw between his thumb and index finger, making you look up at him. “You have me, I’m all you need.” You pursed your lips, heat flaring on your neck as you looked away. “You know what I mean..” You heard him exhale through his nose, deep, before forcing you to look at him again. “They all hurt you, leave you, make you think you’re not worthy.” You couldn’t help but tear up again, he’s right. They did do that to you. It hurt. “But I wouldn’t--I don’t do that. Isn’t that right, my darling girl? Who do you go to when you’re upset?” He waits, tapping on your forehead expectantly.
“That’s right~” He smiles. “Who do you come home to every night?”
“And whose lap will you always, always end up in, hm?”
“...Yours, Alucard.”
“I knew you could use that brain of yours.” He teased, bunching up the long shirt you opted to wear for the day--his shirt, that he gave you and made him promise you’d wear as often as you could around the house. You tried to close your legs, even on his lap, knowing you wouldn’t get too far. “Come on, sweetheart. Don’t you wanna feel good? Don’t you want me to make you feel less, what was it, lonely?”
Alucard was a cruel man, but you loved him all the same.
You nodded, and in and instant you were picked up and being dragged into his bed, clothes thrown off and his mouth on you, licking and biting and suckling at all the skin he could mouth.
“They’re not good enough for you,” He’d remind you, with each thrust of his fingers in your wet heat, taking in your teary face as he finger fucked you stupid. “None of them are. But you have me, you’ll always have me.” You cried out, legs trembling with each curl of his fingers, making you gush on his fingers, first orgasm of the night.
“They’re all liars, degenerates.” He’d remind you, bending you in half underneath him, bullying his fat cock into your swollen little pussy, kissing the salty drops away. “I’d never lie to you, sweet girl. You know that, right?” He’d thrust into you harder, fucking you until you couldn’t speak. You simply nodded, breathless and whining underneath him. Your ankles up by his ears, hands grabbing at your hips, digging in so harshly you swore there’d be bruises.
“You’ll always have me, you’re my favorite girl in the whole world.” Alucard wasn’t sure if you could even hear him with how loud you were moaning, how wet and sloppy your pussy sounded, squelching and drooling over his cock. He slapped you lightly on your cheek, trying to get you to focus on him again, fucked too stupid to even open your eyes properly.
“I love you, darling. Do you love me?” He panted over you, pummeling himself deeper inside of you with each thrust. You nodded, getting a harsher slap to the face. “Come on, you can use your words sweet girl.” He spat out, grinding into your hips waiting for your response. “I love you! I love you, Alucard, I love you, I love you, I love you--”
You squealed feeling electricity in your bones, covering his thighs in your cum as you continued to cry stupid on his cock. He let up, just enough to bring your legs back down around his waist and continued to fuck into you, pushing away your hands as they tried to claw at his stomach, begging for just a minute to catch your breath. Alucard wouldn’t stop until he shot his load into your womb, and even then--wouldn’t stop until he fucked his cum deeper into you.
“No one will ever be better than me for you, silly girl.”
Here’s something I’m writing for yandere!sub!Alucard. Big question, what kinks do y’all want me to explore in this fic? I got a few ideas but I want to see if anyone else has any ideas they want to see written out. Send me an ask
“ His request was simple. Spoken in such a way that if you didn’t know him better you might think he would punish you if you didn’t give in.
“Fuck me like you hate me.”
Maybe deep down you did. Every moment of every day, Alucard was there. Sucking the life out of you. Demanding your focus, teasing you until you were mad with want. He was cruel because he wanted you to be cruel.
“Love me. Touch me. Hurt Me.” Beg. Beg. Beg. You could hear him when he wasn’t there. Smell him when he was meant to be miles away and you couldn’t understand it. You felt yourself slowly slipping over the edge. The solid glass case you’d built to keep you sane was cracking under his incessant pushing and you were angry and sad and you wanted him. No matter how angry he made you, you wanted him so much you’d crawl under his skin and live beside his bones if you could.
So when he asked you, you obliged.
On his knees, he gazes at you like you’re a god of old preparing to bestow a blessing on him. As your fingertips graze the side of his face and over his lips, his eyes darken as he wraps his lips around your thumb. The feeling of his warm tongue curling around it sends bolts of heat from the bottom of your belly to your core. He bites you playfully and you raise your knee to his chest. Gently pushing him down to the floor so you can straddle his waist. In moments like these, you’re indecisive about what to do to him first.”
They already asked for breeding and dubcon separately, with Alucard and I wanted to ask for the same thing but both Indications for the same Alucard Castlevania. If it's not possible anymore, I still liked the ones you made. You have talent!
A/N: breeding and dubcon for Alucard equals babytrapping in my head, so that's kind of the direction I went with this! I hope this is okay, and that you enjoy!! MWUAH
Dubcon/breeding x Alucard
“Nng, Alucard wait--aah.” The dhampir had you pressed into the bed, face smothered within the pillows as he plowed into you from behind. His fangs were dripping with saliva, dragging against your skin. Alucard was already too far gone as he fucked you, hands gripping at your wrists with his entire body covering yours. “Don’t you love me, darling? Don’t you want me happy?” He’d taunt you, knowing you couldn’t say no to him. You’ve never been able to say no to him, not when he saved you from a life of torture and being used as a blood bag from a small collective of vampires. How could you say no to your savior, the one who lets you stay in his big castle, keeps you fed and clothed and bathed?
Alucard tried hard, he really did, to not let his lust for you consume him. But it was so difficult, when you kept telling him you’d thank him in any way, begging him to let you do something for him. It was so hard, to not take you then and there, instead slowly building up to the perfect moment to capture your lips. He’d give you small and slow touches here and there, fingers lingering longer than they had to, eyes roaming your body so obviously he saw the heat settle on your features. He’d capture your lips one night, letting you feel in control, just this once, asking for a taste of your blood as you rode him in his bed. You nodded, exposing your neck to him as he drank--enough to get you lightheaded, but keeping you alive all the same. He fucked you harder after that, now understanding why those vampires wanted to keep you for themselves. It was the best meal he’d ever had--he didn’t drink blood, rather disliked the taste if he was being honest--but you were different.
He’d never let you go after that.
You whimpered under him, but pushed back to his thrusts as best you could, forcing himself deeper into your hole. “So good for me, sweetheart--making me so fucking happy.” He growled in your ear, feeling you clench around him with each sweet word that dripped from his tongue. He licked and suckled at the juncture of your neck that always stayed bruised with how often he fed from you. “You don’t mind if I indulge in your blood, do you my love?” You whined, but exposed yourself further to him, wincing when you felt his fangs pierce through your skin. You’ve learned that it hurts less while he fucks you, though the pain still throbs your veins after.
Alucard leans back on his knees and brings you up with him, hands exploring the span of your body, finding purchase on your tits as he thrusts in and out of your pussy. “So good to me, always letting me do as I please, what a good girl.” He would whisper to you, to keep you riled up and feel you tighten around his cock some more. He slowed just enough to grind into you, pressing you deep onto his dick, nearly kissing at your cervix with his length. You whined against him, hands flexing as you gripped onto nothing. “Do you know what would make me the happiest, my sweet girl?” He teased, fingers pinching at your nipples as you gasped.
“Let me make you a mother, darling.”
Your eyes flew open (when had you closed them?) and you felt panic shooting up your nerves. “Alucard, I-I don’t think I’m ready for tha--aah, fuck!” He began bucking his hips harder into yours again, hands coming down to hold onto your hips and fuck you down to meet him. One hand trailed back up, fingers wrapping around your throat cutting off most of your breathing as you were pounded from behind. “Of course you’re ready, you take care of me so well already--you’ll be a wonderful mother. I know you will.” He cooed, licking over the still bleeding wound of your neck.
It was hard to argue with him, not when he was so kind to you outside of the bedroom, not when he spoke so sweetly to you as he fucked you so well. How could you argue, when he never asked anything of you, except to make you a mother? “You’ll let me, right darling?” He wasn’t really asking, he’d do it anyways. He’d convince you later if he had to. But he didn’t need to, not when you were nodding and clenching around him--ready to milk him dry. He groaned, tightening on your throat as he humped into you like a dog, climbing closer and closer to release until he was spilling deep inside your cunt, praying it made it directly into your womb to catch.
He would keep you plugged up, day in and day out after this. You’d never be able to leave now. Not when you carried his child, not when he would protect the both of you. You’d be his forever.
I know I talk about fucking him a lot, and I very much want to do that, but I also want to do a lot of the more fluffy stuff with Alucard
I want to help him deal with his trauma, to help him love himself again, and be there for him when he needs it
The main reason I don’t talk about that stuff much is because I’ve kinda established myself as “that one tumblr user that wants to use Alucard’s cock as a toothbrush”, but I promise he’s more to me than just a piece of meat!
Anyway, I saw a good post talking about his trauma and that side of him and it made me wanna talk about it. Your regularly scheduled horny bullshit will return soon

castlevania masterlist ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
alucard tepes 🖤
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x shy fem reader!
x chubby reader (fem)!
restless night