catarsis96 - Tulipanes De La Escritura
Tulipanes De La Escritura

Amo leer, me encanta el anime, series y muchas cosas más, 27 años, espero poder escribir algo pronto por aquí, mexicana. I hope they continue to take care of themselves against the covid and you are well

225 posts

I Know I Talk About Fucking Him A Lot, And I Very Much Want To Do That, But I Also Want To Do A Lot Of

I know I talk about fucking him a lot, and I very much want to do that, but I also want to do a lot of the more fluffy stuff with Alucard

I want to help him deal with his trauma, to help him love himself again, and be there for him when he needs it

The main reason I don’t talk about that stuff much is because I’ve kinda established myself as “that one tumblr user that wants to use Alucard’s cock as a toothbrush”, but I promise he’s more to me than just a piece of meat!

Anyway, I saw a good post talking about his trauma and that side of him and it made me wanna talk about it. Your regularly scheduled horny bullshit will return soon

I Know I Talk About Fucking Him A Lot, And I Very Much Want To Do That, But I Also Want To Do A Lot Of
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More Posts from Catarsis96

1 year ago

Can I ask for a short story where reader is also a half human vampire and she comes to the castle trying to sneek into the Belmont hold. She thinks the castle is still filled with vampires and just wants to try and save some of the dangerous knolage from them if she can. However Alucard is of course there and confronts her, at first thinking she's evil but after a short fight she explains herself abd he realizes she still thinks evil vampires controle the castle. Of course she gets hurt in the fight and he feels bad for having hurt her so he insists on caring for her wounds, no matter how embarrassing they may be (cut to the chest perhaps), and after they start to get to know each other she decides to stay and protect the hold, pretending she thinks it's just to dangerous to leave in the hands of Dracula's son so she had better help defend it just in case he goes evil. Of course she's actually fallen for him so this is a lie. He would fall for her as well, mostly due to her spunk and whit but she's beautiful to even with battle scars and he's finally not the only half vampire in the world. They would banter back abd forth over silly things like who's cooking or who's hunting and who's the more skilled fighter with a sword. That leads to sparring sessions and the eventual backing her into a corner and kissing her triumphantly confessing to her. They love to tease each other and it's like she's a female trevor belmont in a way. They are perfect together. Eventually he'd explain what happened between him and the brother and sister that betrayed him and she would respect him untill he was ready. Secretly though she's never been with anyone ever. No time when your a monster hunter. She even blames her loosing there first fight on her having just beaten a big hoard of beasts and traveling fir days with no supplies.

I hope you can work with some of this. No need to use it all. I hope you like the idea. I love your writing.

Can I Ask For A Short Story Where Reader Is Also A Half Human Vampire And She Comes To The Castle Trying
Can I Ask For A Short Story Where Reader Is Also A Half Human Vampire And She Comes To The Castle Trying


𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒: I decided to do this as headcanons bc there was a lot to work through <3

𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒: Adrian 'Alucard' Tepes

𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: canon-typical violence, references to alcoholism, slight NSFW at the end

Can I Ask For A Short Story Where Reader Is Also A Half Human Vampire And She Comes To The Castle Trying

♡ Your first meeting with Alucard was far from friendly. He had caught you, someone who clearly looked like a vampire, lurking around the Belmont Hold that he had promised to protect. Vampires wishing to take up Dracula's war weren't unheard of and so clashes of swords were exchanged before any words.

♡ The misunderstanding had been cleared up once had had you on the ground and you snapped about keeping the Belmont Legacy safe from Dracula's vampires. The two of you had been very embarrassed over such a terrible misunderstanding and Alucard's guilt at having harmed you led to him insisting on taking you into the castle so that he could treat the large slash he had made across your chest, just beneath your collarbones.

♡ You had heard rumours of the child of Vlad and Lisa Tepes but not much beyond that his name was Adrian. Being a dhampir yourself, you were itching to ask of his whereabouts now that you were in the castle he had grown up in but you knew that dhampirs often kept their guard up about their nature for their own safety. You had spent the most part of your life hiding from vampires and humans alike who wanted you dead simply for being born. You had got it out of him eventually that he was Adrian Tepes and he had been alarmed that he had hurt you in treating you when you gasped.

♡ You had shared with him that you were also a dhampir and the two of you simply remained in awe and shock of each other at finally meeting someone else who was like you. As Adrian covered the slash across your chest in a paste that he said would quicken the healing and prevent infection, you held your shirt to your chest (your cheeks dusted with pink at having his hands on your chest) so he could then wrap your injury with bandages. He also offered you a salve to apply before going to sleep in one of the guest rooms and insisted on cooking a meal for you once you told him how long you had been on the road for.

♡ You had watched him skillfully cook with a sort of fascination, never having expected such hospitality from the son of Dracula who had staked those bodies outside. However, you would absolutely expect this from the son of doctor Lisa Tepes. Over dinner, the topic of a dhampirs' low life expectancy was brought up and Adrian had explained that he was protected by his father's power and influence. Despite the loneliness he suffered from having no friends his age and seeing his parents very little, practically being raised by his tutors and nurse maid, you envied him. You mother had not survived your birth and you were raised by your father who, as much as he loved you, found it so difficult to look into his dead wife's eyes every time he saw you. He had done his best, you knew, but you also knew how emotionally straining it had been for him to raise you alone. Other vampires found out about you eventually and your father had sent you away for your safety. Your caretakers later informed you that he had been murdered for harbouring a dhampir. You had spent the rest of your life on the run once your caretakers were killed by their fellow humans, until you were old enough to defend yourself at least.

♡ Adrian had felt so awful for you and yet here you were: a warrior, someone with such a sense of justice that you had come to protect the Belmont Hold from any vampire who might seek to destroy it, another dhampir in the world other than himself. He had insisted that you stay in the castle until you were fully healed from your injuries.

♡ When the day came that Adrian announced you would be fully recovered in two or three days, you had told him that you planned on staying, telling him that the Belmont legacy could not be trusted in the hands of Alucard, the reverse Dracula, alone. Really, it was just an excuse to stay. You had fallen fast and hard for the gorgeous dhampir who insisted on healing you and cooking for you. The two of you would endlessly tease one another back and forth and turn almost everything into a competition: hunting, cleaning, repairing the Castle and Hold, you name it.

♡ You had been dying to ask about the bodies outside and about the nights when you would hear Adrian drunkenly wandering the halls but you thought better than to pry into such difficult feelings. Instead, you kept him up late into the night by sitting around a fireplace and chatting with him or maybe trying to make some dessert in the kitchen together, even reading to one another. It left him tired enough to fall straight to sleep when he went to bed instead of being left alone with whatever thoughts or memories prompted him to drink so much. You were quite proud of yourself when you noticed that he was taking much better care of himself than when you first arrived.

♡ Alucard treasured those late nights with you. He had spent so much time being lonely: his friendless childhood, being left in the Castle by the first two friends he had ever made himself, having to kill the second pair of friends when they tried to kill him first, being the only person in this big, cold castle, being the only dhampir alive as far as he was aware. Yet, here you were: dozing off on his shoulder as he read to you, huddled up in blankets together. Your face was lit up by the warm glow of the fireplace and you were so utterly beautiful. He had fallen for you so quickly but he was so reluctant to give into such feelings after it had ended so terribly the last time. He had closed the book to cup your face and lean down until his lips were grazing over your parted ones, your fangs peeking out from behind your lips. He then withdrew and woke you by gently shaking your shoulder so that the two of you could go to your separate rooms to sleep.

♡ Another thing that Alucard loved about your company was sparring with you. You were a skilled warrior, relying on speed, agility and the element of surprise which was a new and refreshing style for Alucard to learn to defend against. You were taunting him more than usual today to try and provoke him into slipping up and yet it only put hearts in his eyes to see the way you smiled as you did so. You soon found your sword clattering to the ground and your back hitting a tree as Adrian's body pressed to your front, a hand on your hip pressing you back while the other hand cupped your cheek. "If there's a God, he's who I have thanked every night since we met." He murmured, watching your eyes widen at the confession and yet you made no move to escape him; instead, you wrapped your arms around his neck and gently threaded your fingers through his golden hair as he spoke, "I..." Tears built in his bright eyes as he struggled to get the words out. You were so precious to him, so warm and wonderful and he was petrified of losing you, terrified at the thought of you betraying his heart too, "I think I'm in..." His lips quivered and tears of blood brimmed his eyes and stained his cheeks. You didn't need him to finish to know what he was going to say, silently reaching up onto your toes to kiss the tears away, tongue flicking against his cheeks ever so slightly to clean them away as your nose nudged against his. "I'm sorry..." He whispered at his inability to get the words out.

"You don't need to apologise..." You reassured him as you simply tipped your head back, bearing your throat to him in an act of utmost vulnerability among vampires, making yourself the first to be vulnerable to try and make him more comfortable. His lips found your neck and you cradled his head close as his mouth trailed up over your jaw until his lips could crash onto yours.

♡ It didn't take long after that for him to tell you everything that had happened with the twins staked outside and you had done your very best to keep a fixed expression, not wanting him to think that you saw him as weak or tainted in any way because you could never do so. You loved Adrian with all your heart, you had made it your mission to tell him this at least twice a day since his confession and you assured him that you would respect his boundaries at all times, telling him that you would have infinite patience in waiting for him to be ready. A part of you was comforted by this wait too: you had never slept with anyone before, your lifestyle had never allowed it and you were beyond relieved to find that you would have so much time to get to know Adrian more intimately in other ways first.

♡ Your first time with him had almost gone completely south by the time he told you he was ready. Just as the two of you had completely stripped and you were cradled in Adrian's lap with your lips mapping out his neck, you found yourself being roughly flipped over and pinned down by your lover who wouldn't allow you to move an inch and he looked down upon you with wild eyes, full of fear and anger as he accused you of playing the long game to try and kill him. Despite your own fear, your heart ached for him and you knew that you had to be strong for him and reach out to him. You didn't fight the way he had you pinned down at all, allowing your body to go slack as you looked up at him. "I'm not here to hurt you, Adrian. I love you. I'm not going to attack you. You're in control." You watched as his temper settled down and felt how his bruising grip on your wrists slackened. "You're in control, no one's going to hurt you. It's just you and me and I'm giving all control to you." He had let out a sigh and leaned forwards to lay over you and nuzzle his face against your neck, apologising for his reaction while you assured him that it was alright and he hadn't hurt you.

"Can you say it again?" His words were barely a whisper.

"I'm giving all control to you..." You repeated, "You're in control, Adrian, you're safe." The soft moan he let out by your ear caused heat to pool in your belly as he began to murmur over and over how much he loved you between kisses.

Can I Ask For A Short Story Where Reader Is Also A Half Human Vampire And She Comes To The Castle Trying

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Can I Ask For A Short Story Where Reader Is Also A Half Human Vampire And She Comes To The Castle Trying
Can I Ask For A Short Story Where Reader Is Also A Half Human Vampire And She Comes To The Castle Trying

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1 year ago

30° prompt (thighfucking) with Adrian Tepes (female riding his thigh) plsss <3 I LOVED YOUR BREEDING KINK FIC

A/N: screaming into the void ty for loving it I loved it too because it's so RIGHT he WOULD. This req was super fun for Alucard I love him sm ty for asking for it! Hope you enjoy mwuah

CW: thigh riding, smut, pet names, humping

Thigh fucking x Alucard


That's the best way to describe what's been in the air between you and Alucard all day. Tension. You had woken up in each other's arms, giving each other fluttering kisses until it was no longer deemed innocent, moving to more mischievous territory before the morning was ripped away from both of you with knocks on the castle door and villagers asking for assistance. You groaned, but moved.

Early afternoon came, and you both finally had some respite, Alucard's hands around your waist and his tongue down your throat. You hands inched lower down his abdomen until the peace was ripped away from you again. By Trevor. You had practically pushed passed him while he cackled in your face, talking about being 'hornier than rabbits'.  Alucard nearly chewed him up right then and there.

Evening time came, and all your chores around the village have been done. The people were happy with the process, thanking you both along the way for your assistance. Trevor and Sypha had retired for the evening, needing to keep Sypha well rested for the baby along the way. And well, you and Alucard? Suspicious at bestafter today's antics. In castle's study you found Alucard trying to distract himself with reading. You came behind him with your hands massaging his shoulders, leaning down and kissing the crown on his head. An innocent act. 

But you both knew better. Which is why Alucard stayed on the defense. Heavens forbid you both try to stay intimate with each other. "Darling," he starts "it's early enough where someone might think they need us." You sign, kissing down his temple and pressing your lips next to his ear. "Don't you think it's late enough where we can tell them to come back tomorrow?"


Alucard leaned his head back, capturing your lips with his and tugging at your arms to come circle the front of the ornate chair he had been sitting in. You gladly do, sitting on his lap and kissing him back with vigor. This is about as far as both of you had been able to get before being interrupted. But now? Silence.

"Adrian, I've needed you all day." You start between kisses, hands tangling into his hair. He lets out a soft moan, shuddering at the thought of you being so desperate for him. "I'm right here, sweetheart." He was done talking after that, taking the liberty to lick at your mouth while you were distracted. You moaned, hands tightening in his hair and clenching around nothing. Your hips moved on their own accord, rubbing against Alucard's thigh trying to gain some friction and ease the throbbing between your legs. 

But that almost made him loose his mind. Alucard gripped at your waist, tensed his thigh, and pushed upwards towards your core. You practically whimpered into his mouth, kiss turning into all tongue and teeth. "So desperate for me, sweetheart" he teased in between  kisses"want me so bad, hm?" You, already dizzy with need could only nod. You rolled your hips against him for good measure. He looked down at where your clothed pussy met his pants and saw the wet patch you had left behind, evidence of your desire for him. Alucard salivated, looking back at you.

"Go ahead and show me how much you want me." 

You couldn't help yourself, too turned on to even think straight. You gyrate your hips on his thigh, pressing yourself down gaining for friction to your clit. "Adrian, fuck, please" you didn't know what you were begging for, you just know you needed him. "Go on my love, use me to get yourself off" he encouraged, helping you move your hips back and forth on him. Alucard continued to flex and push his thigh up to get you where you needed to be. He whispered praises into your ear 'you're doing so well, you look so pretty desperate for me, come on baby I need you' while rocking you back and forth with more vigor. At one point you started bouncing on his thigh, envisioning you were bouncing on his cock instead. You moans were higher pitched, movement getting sloppy. Sure signs of how close you were to your peak.

Alucard doubled his efforts and nibbled on your neck, grinding you down on his thigh and kissing the hickey he left behind. "Look at me, darling. I want to see how you look when you use my thigh to cum" his voice raspy, thick with need. You, barely focused looked at Alucard and he swore he could see the hearts in your eyes. You were practically drooling with want, mouth open and lips glossy with spit. Your eyes were unfocused, just thinking about the need to cum. Alucard had to use all his strength not to rip you off him then and there and stuff you with his cock. You looked so good. "Come on baby, I know you can do it" he whispered, barely audible over the moans and whimpers you were giving him as you got closer to the edge. "Adrian, Adrian, fuck you feel so good" you whined, trying so hard to maintain eye contact. 

"Cum for me my love." 

As if on his command, your orgasm peaked and shuddered through you like a train. Your toes curled, legs shaking as you worked through the earth shattering orgasm. You rambled on thank yous as you came down from your high, Alucard peppering kisses over your face while you trembled on top of him. 

Suddenly you were being hoisted up, legs wrapping around his waist and your cunt pressed against his hardened cock as you walked through the corridors of the castle. 

"I'm not finished with you yet, sweetheart."

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1 year ago

Hi! Could you please do 30 on the kinktober list with Alucard if you get the chance<3

A/N: Here you go sweet nonnie!! It's a little on the shorter side I think, but I love me a good desperate Adrian Tepes mwuaahhh

Thighfucking x Alucard

Alucard was desperate. He was always desperate for you, really. But tonight he couldn’t wait to get home and get his hands on you. He almost felt bad for how dismissive he was of some of the townsfolk--that is, until he started thinking of your soft skin rubbing against his, plush body, perfect thighs.

Yeah, he couldn’t care less how he treated them at that moment. He’d apologize later. 

Heavy castle door was practically ripped off its hinges with the sheer strength he opened it. “Darling?” He called out, voice raspy. He didn’t hear much coming from around the castle, so of course he tried the usual places: the study? Nothing. Kitchen? No. Bedroom? Maybe? “Sweetheart?” 

“One moment, Adrian!”

He grinned, heart pounding in his chest--nearly bursting when you came out of the en suite bathroom in nothing but a silken robe. Seeing you in the robe was a normal occurrence, hell he wouldn’t think anything of it if he wasn’t absolutely falling apart at the seams for you. “How was your day, honey?” You mindlessly asked, towel drying your hair before draping the towel over your vanity chair. Before you could fully turn around, Alucard was on you--hands traveling underneath the robe to grope at your chest. “Adrian!” You couldn’t help but nervously giggle, this was out of character for the dhampir, but you don’t think you minded. “Sorry, darling--been wanting you all day.” Alucard barely got the words out before biting down at the juncture of your neck and shoulder, not hard enough to break skin but god did he think about it. Your knees buckled, legs already feeling like jelly the more he touched you. Fingers pinched at your nipples, dragging their nails over the skin and feeling them pebble. Your gasps slowly turned into moans, helplessly grinding your hips into his, feeling his hardening cock just a few fabrics away. 

His hands traveled lower,gripping at your thighs, fuck, your thighs were going to be the death of him. “Angel, you feel so good against me..” He whispered, kissing at your now exposed shoulders,gripping tighter at the plush skin. Your hands flew back trying to grip at his hair, already so turned on with how wreckless he was being. How obsessed he was with you. “A-Adrian, fuck, what’s gotten i-into you?” The question went unanswered, instead he opted to rip the silks off you and spin you around, trapping your mouth into a heated kiss that had your head spinning.  He lowered himself enough to grasp at your ass, picking you up with ease as you squealed into his mouth and wrapped your legs around his slim waist. Again you ground yourself against him, now your dripping pussy feeling his cock. Your hands gripped at his roots, tugging and pulling like he liked it, urging him to kiss you more--tongue licking into your mouth, sucking on your tongue, drool swapping into your mouth. 

Suddenly you were deposited onto the bed, small giggle leaving your lips as he looked down at you with a smile. You spread your legs, much how you always would when he was in a mood, waiting to get ravaged the way your lover always would--instead it didn’t come the way it normally did. Alucard dropped his clothes, taking his time and making you wait for it. You pouted, trying to hook your ankle around his waist to pull him closer. “Taking too long, Adrian, want you inside me already.” You whined, and it almost got him. Almost. Instead, he simply shook his head and pressed your legs together, hands squeezing the sides of your thighs to keep them in place. 

“Can I try something, my love?”

“Anything, Adrian.”


The dhampir kissed at your calves, once, twice, before licking a stripe on his palm, spitting in it, and lathering up the drool on his cock--pushing it in between your thighs. You audibly gasped, sending shockwaves through your body. He’d never done this before, and you couldn’t say you didn’t like it. Not when he dragged the length of his dick across your pussy like that. “Oh, sweetheart, been thinking about your thighs all day.” He murmured, kissing at your legs again while he humped your thighs. He made sure to stay close to your cunt, having your juices coat his dick each time he thrusted between your legs. It was such a small amount of stimulation to you, but you think you could cum just like this--watching him get lost in pleasure at the feeling of your thighs gripping him, his eyes hazed over with lust, mouth perfectly open so you can see his fangs dripping with drool--he was a sight for sore eyes. The most beautiful man you’ve ever seen, even when he was disheveled and fucking your thighs like an animal.

You moaned, tightening your thighs around him as he thrusted, and his nails dug harshly into your flesh. “F-fuck, angel, keep doing that” He begged, latching his teeth onto your calf as he humped you, making your toes curl and putting more pressure on his cock. Your pussy ached, wanting to be abused like that, a tease of what you could have inside you--but he needed this, and you would never rip him of these pleasures. “Keep fucking me, Adrian, feels good.” You urged, small pool of precum oozing from his tip at your words. “Want you to cum on me, please honey.”

Alucard moaned, fucking your thighs so harshly that as he gripped you, the bed would shake with the intensity of his thrusts. You kept talking him through his high, huffing and panting, because fuck, it really did feel good. “Darling, I can’t--ah fuck-- I’m gonna--” Thick globs shot out onto your stomach and chest, letting go of your legs panting he rubbed the remainder of his sticky cum on your pussy. You thought he was done, you really did, ready to take another bath (with him this time) and kiss away his troubles. But instead, the dhampir licked at his cum (holy fuck, you thought, that’s so hot) collecting it into his mouth and feeding it to you, letting it drip from his tongue onto yours. He made sure you licked him clean, before nipping at your lower lip and looking into your eyes. 

“Your turn, sweet girl.”

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1 year ago

Your work is amazing! It's a pleasure to read them. I would also like to ask. Could Alucard and the reader spend time with each other in nature, say during a picnic. =3

A/N: Thanks so much for enjoying my silly little stories ;A; thank you for the request, I love a good slice of life drabble with Alucard he deserves the world.

Alucard x reader just enjoying each other's company

The chilly autumn air ran through your bones,body shivering for a moment before snuggling into your cardigan. It was cooler in the morning than it would be midday, but you wanted more than anything to experience the calm of the early morn with the love of your life. You felt the warmth of his loving arms wrap around you, pulling at the edges of your sweater to make sure you were bundled up. "Are you sure you want to go out darling? We can have a nice breakfast inside" always worried about you. You should your head with a smile, bounding up the hill where you knew you’d see the most beautiful sunrise “hush now, and hurry up Adrian--we’ll miss it if we don’t hurry.” He huffed a laugh, and carried on with you anyways. 

The dhampir followed behind you with a smile, and started to set up your makeshift picnic at the top of the hill for you. Really, he’d do anything for you, no matter how silly it sounded. This was one of those times, really, it would be cold this morning--you both knew that. But you wanted to ‘spend quality time outside’. And really, how is he supposed to say no to you when you clearly are always thinking of him? He poured you a cup of tea (he was so smart for bringing a kettle pre made to make sure you were kept warm--you’ll tell him so for weeks after this) and brought you close to his chest after the both of you settled on the blanket. 

“Thank you for carrying everything up, Adrian.” You whispered, breaking off a piece of bread to feed him while he held you, kissing his cheek as he chewed. “Anything for you, my dove.” You both sat in near silence, the songs of the mourning doves and rustling of the leaves in the wind reminding you of the beauty and peace in the world. No matter the hardships, and tribulations you’ve both had to face within the last few months--it was worth it, living like this, with your soulmate. 

Alucard couldn’t believe this was his life now. After the death of his mother, the fall to insanity of his father, and all the other tragedies that befell him made him feel powerless--like that would be his life forever. That he would lead a life of solitude, of agony, of pain. He’d never find anything good in the world, ready to make his castle his tomb. And yet, you found him. You found him, saw the beauty behind those pained eyes, and pressed on no matter how much he tried to push humanity away. You were there, and you saved him of his own created fate. He doesn’t think he’d ever be able to tell you just how much he’s grateful. For now, he’d simply show you with everything he has how much you mean to him.

Your gasp broke through his thoughts, and followed to where your finger was pointing--the most gorgeous combination of colors you’ve seen in the sky. The sun was now rising, and the mixture of orange and red hues, the purple and pink splatters across the horizon, really was breathtaking. “Look at how gorgeous, Adrian, do you see?” You smiled at him for a moment before turning your attention again to the sunrise. His hands tightened around you, eyes never leaving your frame. “Absolutely stunning..” He whispered, smile on his face. As much as he appreciated the sky, nothing would ever take the place of how beautiful he thought you were. You turned to him again and saw the loving look in his eyes locking on to yours, you couldn’t help but let out a bashful giggle. “I meant the the sky, Adrian. Did you even look?” You teased, and he simply kissed at your face making you laugh more. “Of course I did, my love--but the most beautiful sight is already in my arms.” The two of you stayed up on the hill, enjoying each other’s company with giggles and kisses in between bites of food, hearing the birds chirp and small creatures scurry around you until the rest of the world woke up. Alucard was finally happy, and he would show you how in love he was for the rest of his life.

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1 year ago

If only Alucard could sleep, because the idea of him waking up in the middle of the night (or day) and scrambling around his bed looking for the doll only to be horrified that it had fallen on the floor is really sweet. He apologizes to it and straightens out its clothes before cuddling it to his face to go back to sleep.

Darling comes into his room (despite him sternly saying not to enter without permission) and just. Fucking sees a little sewn doll of them propped up on the pillow next to him

I think the idea you proposed is cute but imagine him not sleeping, just because it makes this even weirder. Darling asks why the doll's there and Alucard is trying not to sound too embarrassed while admonishing them for not listening to him.

Darling: You don't even sleep! Why is it there?

Alucard: ...because...sometimes I want to read while you're sleeping so I can glance down at you, and I don't want the candlelight to wake you up. Or I want to pretend to sleep, and if I'm already doing something so indulgent and childish then I might as well pretend to sleep with you. The doll doesn't ever protest or act like I'm doing anything strange, you know.

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