Amo leer, me encanta el anime, series y muchas cosas más, 27 años, espero poder escribir algo pronto por aquí, mexicana. I hope they continue to take care of themselves against the covid and you are well
225 posts
I'm The Same Fluff Anon That I Didn't Know You Could Cook, Now You Think You Can Do Something With The
I'm the same fluff anon that I didn't know you could cook, now you think you can do something with the indication "I know you had a bad day, so I made you cookies", we have to continue loving and caring for that great Dhampir, please?
A/N: Ahh this one is short, I couldn't think much for it but I'm always a sucker for fluff and I love Alucard sm so here you go. I hope you enjoy it anyways! Mwuah!
"I know you had a bad day, so I made you cookies." x Alucard
Alucard couldn’t think of a single good thing to say about the day. It turned out to be longer and more difficult than he ever intended it to be. Finally trudging back home, the day simply had to shit on him even more before his boot got stuck in mud, nearly sucking the whole thing into the ground. Honestly, Alucard had half a mind of just leaving it there. He didn’t really need the boot anyways. Decided against it, he pulled it out and uncomfortably placed it back on his foot, squishing within the halls of his castle. He didn’t even call out to you, as he normally would, instead sneaking up the steps and going straight to bathing -- he’d clean up the boot marks later. His sweat and all the muck from the outside made his skin crawl, peeling off layers of clothing onto the bathroom floor to bathe. The water felt incredible, immediately soothing his aching muscles as he dipped in, relishing in the warmth. He’d be quick, just needed to scrub away today’s troubles...
Alucard in fact, was not quick.
He’d actually fallen asleep in the bath. Eyes shot open, scanning the room with a fright. How the hell did he fall asleep? It was difficult enough to sleep, let alone with you, and yet he’d completely dozed off. He wasn’t sure for how long, but there was still some sunlight when he got home and now it was terribly dark. Shit. He wondered if you even knew where he was, if you were scared for him, if you were waiting--
“Adrian, honey, are you awake now?”
...Wait, huh?
He must have said that out loud, because he heard you giggle and walk over, kissing his forehead. “I saw you in here earlier, but you dozed off and I didn’t want to wake you...I checked up on you a few times, make sure you didn’t slip under.” You teased, combing his hair with your fingers. “Come on, pretty boy--you’re gonna get pruny.” As if he wasn’t already.
He really was still in a daze, not entirely sure what was going on--you just let him sleep? He must have been really out of it if he didn’t wake up to you walking in.. The dhampir sleepily dressed himself, and when he found you again immediately wrapped his arms around your waist, nuzzling his nose into your hair. “Darling, you should have gotten me up, I could have helped with dinner.” He stifled a yawn, inhaling deep after--whatever you had made smelled delicious. And there was something...sweet, in the air.
“Did you make dessert?”
You nodded, turning around in his arms and kissing his jaw, the closest bit to you. “I know you had a bad day, so I made you cookies.” There was no way he could have been out for that long, that you could have made everything from scratch...right? “How did you--” “Just call it a woman’s intuition, you walked out of here this morning so grumpy...I made the batter earlier for tonight.”
It’s like you could read his mind.
He chuckled anyways, tightening his hold on you and swaying back and forth. “How you read me like a book, I’ll never understand my love. But I am very grateful for you, all the same.” You hummed, nuzzling into his chest and wrapping your arms around him. “It’s my job to know you like the back of my hand. I’m your wife.” You teased, hands trailing up to caress his jaw, bringing him down to your level and pressing a chaste kiss to his lips. “I love you dearly, never forget that.” You reminded him over and over again each day, and he silently thanked every god in the sky for bringing you to him.
“Now let’s have dinner, hm? Then we’ll have the cookies later.”
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More Posts from Catarsis96
Adrian not knowing or caring if he could even have a true wedding since...well, holy matrimony is something he doubts a dhampir can take part in. It's not like he cares for the approval of God or needs it as proof of his love for his Darling anyway.
Still...he wants to have a small ceremony. He wants to give his Darling a symbol of that love to keep and wear on them forever. He wants to see them dressed in finery that HE'S provided for them, a prelude of the life they can share together. He wants to have them as his wife, his beloved. As His.
There's no need to have her wear white, as that's just another church custom. Whatever she winds up wearing, he'll give her his cloak to drape over herself as well.
Imagine if the "object" he has to symbolize his love is like...not just a ring, but a little doll version of them lol. Maybe its the one he made when he was being driven mad from loneliness, but still hadn't taken the final step to kidnap them take them into his home.
If only Alucard could sleep, because the idea of him waking up in the middle of the night (or day) and scrambling around his bed looking for the doll only to be horrified that it had fallen on the floor is really sweet. He apologizes to it and straightens out its clothes before cuddling it to his face to go back to sleep.
Darling comes into his room (despite him sternly saying not to enter without permission) and just. Fucking sees a little sewn doll of them propped up on the pillow next to him
I think the idea you proposed is cute but imagine him not sleeping, just because it makes this even weirder. Darling asks why the doll's there and Alucard is trying not to sound too embarrassed while admonishing them for not listening to him.
Darling: You don't even sleep! Why is it there?
Alucard: ...because...sometimes I want to read while you're sleeping so I can glance down at you, and I don't want the candlelight to wake you up. Or I want to pretend to sleep, and if I'm already doing something so indulgent and childish then I might as well pretend to sleep with you. The doll doesn't ever protest or act like I'm doing anything strange, you know.
I know I talk about fucking him a lot, and I very much want to do that, but I also want to do a lot of the more fluffy stuff with Alucard
I want to help him deal with his trauma, to help him love himself again, and be there for him when he needs it
The main reason I don’t talk about that stuff much is because I’ve kinda established myself as “that one tumblr user that wants to use Alucard’s cock as a toothbrush”, but I promise he’s more to me than just a piece of meat!
Anyway, I saw a good post talking about his trauma and that side of him and it made me wanna talk about it. Your regularly scheduled horny bullshit will return soon

Here’s something I’m writing for yandere!sub!Alucard. Big question, what kinks do y’all want me to explore in this fic? I got a few ideas but I want to see if anyone else has any ideas they want to see written out. Send me an ask
“ His request was simple. Spoken in such a way that if you didn’t know him better you might think he would punish you if you didn’t give in.
“Fuck me like you hate me.”
Maybe deep down you did. Every moment of every day, Alucard was there. Sucking the life out of you. Demanding your focus, teasing you until you were mad with want. He was cruel because he wanted you to be cruel.
“Love me. Touch me. Hurt Me.” Beg. Beg. Beg. You could hear him when he wasn’t there. Smell him when he was meant to be miles away and you couldn’t understand it. You felt yourself slowly slipping over the edge. The solid glass case you’d built to keep you sane was cracking under his incessant pushing and you were angry and sad and you wanted him. No matter how angry he made you, you wanted him so much you’d crawl under his skin and live beside his bones if you could.
So when he asked you, you obliged.
On his knees, he gazes at you like you’re a god of old preparing to bestow a blessing on him. As your fingertips graze the side of his face and over his lips, his eyes darken as he wraps his lips around your thumb. The feeling of his warm tongue curling around it sends bolts of heat from the bottom of your belly to your core. He bites you playfully and you raise your knee to his chest. Gently pushing him down to the floor so you can straddle his waist. In moments like these, you’re indecisive about what to do to him first.”
Hi! Can you write something with Alucard where the reader is really soft and sweet with him always kissing his cheeks and giving him gentle touches and one day he hears her playing with herself and decides to help her out 👀 (it’s okay if you’re not comfortable writing this thanks for reading my request🫶🏽)
a/n: thanks for the request i'm not good at writing nsfw so i hope this was okay!! warnings: fem reader/grammar mistakes
Alucard was absolutely in love with you, he was in denial of his feelings though. You were so damn good to him. He couldn’t understand why you chose him of all people to give your kindness to. He was a monster, and someone who killed. Someone as sweet as you didn’t have to put up with someone like him. But, you did. Alucard had been so alone for so long, for most of his life, that is, until you showed up on his doorstep. As time went on he fell deeper and deeper into his feelings for you.
You were beautiful, sweet, kind, and bold. Kissing him, holding his hands when he was upset, playing with his hair and he didn’t let anyone, ever touch him but, you…you were just so different.
Alucard and you sat at the dinner table, he had went out to gather something to eat for the both of you earlier in the day. He would always feed you large meals on a pretty plate.
“How are you feeling lately, Adrian?” That name, his real name. Hearing it come from your sweet lips was what always got him, you commanded him whether you knew it or not.
“It was fine, the days are much better when I’m spending them with you,” he said to you, hoping that it would draw a smile from you.
“I can say the same about you, my lovely dhampir. Being here is such a blessing for me and I’m so happy you let me in. All of the things I get to learn, and I get to get closer to you, most importantly,” you said to him. Yawning, you stood up and announced that you were headed to bed. Making a comment about how wine always made you a little drowsy. He watched your lovely figure leave the kitchen and he sunk into his seat sighing.
“Why am I like this?” He said underneath his breath.
After leaving the kitchen you quickly headed to bedroom. Peeling off your clothes and slipping into your nightgown. Your cheeks felt hot and you squeezed your legs together to relieve some friction. Living with the amazing Alucard, the long-haired blonde man, and really, the man of your dreams was too much to handle at times. It was becoming all to much being around him and you were confused. Were you too forward with him? Did he feel the same feelings as you? You went to lay on the bed, the cool sheets hitting your hot skin and making you shiver. It was going to be one of those nights again. You were a little embarrassed about your little secret.
Slipping your hands down your body, you gently rubbed circles on your pearl, letting out quiet little moans. The thought of Adrian on your mind. What would it be like if he were here in bed with you? Would he be gentle? Would he kiss down your body, sucking at your breasts? Your thighs squeezed together and you reached another hand to your breasts.
“Mnghh … Adrian,” you moaned quietly
“Yes, darling?” The familiar voice coming from the door. Did you seriously forget to close it all the way? You scrambled, jolting up and pulling your nightgown down.
“Yes? I– do you need something Adrian/” You tried to deflect, hoping he didn’t see too much.
“No need to be shy I could hear you moaning from the hallway,” Adrian could smell you from the hallway, he felt as though he should give you your privacy. But when the sweet-musky scent of your arousal filled the air and your breathy moans of his name filled his ears he knew he couldn’t.
Adrian walked toward the bed, he gently pushed you back on the bed. “I’ve been wanting to do this for some time, may I? You only looked up at him with stars in your eyes before nodding quickly. That was all he needed.
His warm tongue licked the sensitive spot of your neck, you tugged at his nightshirt, lifting it up and reaching down to run your hands down his back as he kissed you. You moaned into his ear and he looked at you before pressing his sweet lips to yours. “Let’s finish what you started, let me help you.” He pulled his nightshirt above his head stripping it off himself. His strong body illuminated by the moon shining through your window. You bit your lip at the sight of him, a large scar running across his abdomen, his slim waist and adonis belt.
Adrian kissed down your body, and between your thighs. Your back already arching off of the bed, excited for his touch.
“My lovely girl, always so sweet to me. I should reward you, shouldn’t I? You weren’t sure if you should answer but, before you could he spread your legs wide and ran his tongue up your slit. Giving your sensitive pearl a gentle suck. You moaned out gently, you couldn’t believe this was happening, yet you loved it so much. Adrian’s tongue latched onto your clit, sucking and drawing circles over your sex. You dug your hands into his golden locks, his beautiful eyes looked up at you and you shied away. Adrian responded with another delicious suck to your nub.
“I want to taste you finish on my tongue, love, can you do that for me?” You gave him a quick nod. “Use your words I want to hear you,”
“Yes, please.” You said shyly, you couldn’t believe the words coming from your mouth. He went back to your dripping pussy, his tongue prodding inside your hole before slowly sliding up to your clit. Your legs began to shake and instinctively, you squeezed your thighs together as your back arched off the bed. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as the waves of your orgasm hit you, Adrian’s strong arms kept you firm in place as you rode out your high. He let go of your clit with a wet pop.
“Did you get what you wanted dear?” He asked you with a smirk. You looked up at him with love and said “Yes, I loved it.”