Fan of Digimon, Twst, PKMN, FGO, whatever else catches my attention
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Catbusdriver - A Driver Of Catbuses - Tumblr Blog
A year has passed since the aggression against Gaza, 🇵🇸 fear brought with it tension and anxiety 🥹
Bombing, displacement, deprivation 😭😭, genocide, death, hunger and deprivation,😢
Loss is without a safe haven. 😭🙏💔!!️
I ask your help in protecting my family !!️ 🙏
Please retweet and donate 🙏🍉💔

Hello please don't skip.
Hello, I am Karim.
I live in Gaza.
I completed my education in the nursing profession, but I could not complete my work in my field of study.
I built my house to build a stable family, but my house was destroyed and there is no room for stability in this terrifying war.
My father is an old man and has diabetes and high blood pressure. My mother suffers from a herniated disc in her back.
I have two brothers, children.
We need your help. We have lost everything, our homes and our jobs. Life is very difficult in light of the war.
The prices of food and drink are very high, as well as treatment. Please help us.
@quotemadness @amazingphil @pusheen @funnyordie @komanda @yesterdaysprint @tyleroakley
Feel free to donate link here.


tumblr just deleted a huge swathe of palestinians who were on here trying to fundraise. if you've been helping any of these fundraisers please take this time to 1) check in with palestinians you're in contact with 2) help them submit support requests if needed 3) keep these campaigns circulating while the beneficiaries are being silenced. these campaigns are life or death, this isn't just social networking. do not let these fundraisers languish.
Most normal Grail War in the franchise
Man, this Grail War is fucked up. I see Genghis Khan fighting Sun Wukong while Judas Iscariot bombards the area trying to kill either or both. I think I just heard someone yell “Large Hadron Collider!” and localize a black hole which then, even more terrifyingly, was easily countered somehow, meanwhile, all I summoned was the Hypothetical Racist White Baby With A Terminal Illness That Wants To Say The N Word As His Last Request. I gotta get the fuck out of here.
HyperSpark Cliffjumper
So a question for you (checks notes) 12 people interested in My Marvel x My Adventures with Superman x Transformers crossover
Do you think Cliffjumper should be a minibot (ala G1) or a full sized Autobot (like he was in Prime?)
This has been bugging me forever and I can't decide and it's actively slowing down my work on the AU so....
A distress call from Gaza...a family searching for safety🚨🚨🚨🇵🇸😭😭🥺🥺🥺
A family trapped in Gaza asks for help to get out of Gaza to survive 🙏🙏🙏💔
I need to raise money to restore a beautiful and stable life outside the Gaza Strip. Everything I say leaves only a small amount of the suffering we experience. Here is a glimpse into the contrast between our lives before the aggression and the nightmare we have been experiencing since its beginning. Thank you for your solidarity🫶🫶🙏🙏🍉🍉🇵🇸🇵🇸

I want you to feel that they are your children, even for a few seconds. How can your heart bear all this in front of your eyes? I want everyone who stands by me to get them out of Gaza and live in peace.

This family has destroyed my soul, its dreams and its coming days have been destroyed, and no one feels for us. Is there no humanity? Please save us from death. Life is very small and we have not tasted the taste of life and its beauty. We have been deprived of the rights to life.🚨🚨🚨💔💔💔🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸
Each person in my family needs 5000$ just to get out of the Gaza Strip and needs more costs to reach a safe country to live in
My campaign results 394$But the goal30.000$=1%💔

Ibrahim was studying to become a nurse before the war. But the brutal Israeli bombing left him and his family with nothing, no education, not even their clothes or blankets for warmth, and the winter had come and the rain had come. Please share and donate if you can. Donations are very inconsistent, often days in between. Let's pick up the pace🧑⚕️⛈️☃️❄️🌬🥶💔
Can you help my sick daughter who suffers from hemiplegia and brain disability?🙏😭

Hello my friend, I am Rahaf. I have brain damage that stops my movement. I cannot walk. I have 5 brothers and my father and I suffer from malnutrition. Please, a small donation will make me happy. Do not ignore me 😔🙏
I want to rewrite the entire plot of the 2nd season of Earthspark:
1)Instead of Starscream, the main villain is Quintesson. (The whole season). That is, the Quintessons want to collect Emberstone, gain the power of Quintus Prime and destroy another world

2) Due to the fact that the Decepticons are not villains, we will have even more of their disclosures on the good side

3) And in the end, all together: Autobots, Malto, Decepticons will defeat the Quintessons

The Good ending. Peace, friendship, love 😘
I really need your help to rescue my children to a safe place as soon as possible🥹https://gofund.me/e50566a8
@90-ghost @el-shab-hussein @sayruq @nabulsi @neptunerings @flower-tea-fairies @appsa @a-shade-of-blue @sar-soor @moayesh @commissions4aid-international @paper-mario-wiki @dlxxv-vetted-donations @just-browsing1222 @writerqueenofjewels @the-ballerina-battle @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @girlinafairytale @khanger @schoolhater @soon-palestine @magnus-rhymes-with-swagness @maoistyuri @dykesbat @acepumpkinpatrick @thetownwecallhome @tsaricides @feluka @brutaliakhoa @kordeliiius @queerstudiesnatural @the-bastard-king @aria-ashryver @malcriada @vakarians-babe @bat-luun @mangocheesecakes @violetlyra @nightowlssleep @self-hating-zionist @staretes @friendshapedplant @yokohama-crackhouse @omiteo777 @heritageposts
this was a joke, but you've actually inspired me to finish my 3ds games! Thx
is this you?

I am going to kill you....and then kill you again.
And people say Digimon is wierd
hi and welcome to
✨bullshit that has ACTUALLY happened somewhere in the Pokémon franchise✨
-a teenaged boy runs away from home because of his abusive mom only to join a crime gang funded by his abusive mom.
-the player character is given a smartphone by and with direct contact to God.
-a man cosplaying God (the same God you got a phone from) attacks you with a demon banished to another dimension.
-a suicide cult led by an evil snowflake kills like one hundred other protagonists.
-there is an entire elemental typing consisting of abused and evil Pokémon that is super effective against everything else.
-the player falls into an alternate world and one of their friends is immediately arrested for playing sports.
-in the thrilling sequel, a bunch of ghosts kidnap children in their amusement park in the Shadow Realm.
-now that I think about it there are like three different games where the player character starts by falling from the sky.
-the protagonist of the TV adaptation has died like seven times, been crucified in Paris, watched several apocalypses, and has watched SO many people die in front of him, and I don’t think he’s brought it up like, ever.
-in one game, you can go on a crusade to brutally conquer the entire continent.
-the player of one game is part of a time loop caused by a magic turtle that indirectly kills one of their friend’s mother. Or father. Depends on the version.
-the player’s adoptive father is possessed by the personification of hate and sends them directly to Hell, then tries to do it again when they get out.
-the mafia’s plan for getting their boss back after he left is to violently hijack a radio station and ask really nicely.
-a space agency’s plan for stopping a meteor form colliding with the earth is to open a wormhole to another dimension. this plan is stopped by a woman in a torn cape who destroys their equipment and robs them.
-the protagonist’s father had a godlike clone fuse his consciousness with a mouse, and fights a man who fused his own consciousness with an alien.
-the one a cult leader chose to be king of his new religion is an abused autistic boy with green hair and wearing a baseball cap.
-you literally rob people’s Pokémon in one game and you’re still the good guy. …is there a gender neutral version of “good guy?”
And now for a BONUS ROUND!
✨shit that has gone down in the Pokémon manga adaptation alone!✨
-terrorists blow up an ENTIRE port city!
-one protagonist spent two years trapped in a Dream Realm™.
-you think that’s bad? TWO protagonists are trapped in the depths of space for like six months!
-you think THAT’S bad?! FIVE protagonists are turned into stone for an indefinite time period!
-a little orphan girl is hypnotized and trapped in a suit of armor.
-they crucify the gym leaders???
-one boy is whipped in the face with a chain used to subjugate the Gods Of Time And Space and he’s literally fine.
-a father punches his son in the face and hurls him down a staircase. The American translation censors this as a lightning strike.
-this same son fell into the ocean because of an earthquake like five chapters after he was introduced.
-one of the current protagonists is basically Wednesday Addams.
-two protagonists were kidnapped by birds and raised by a supervillain.
-two villains try to destroy the environment of an entire country, cause an apocalypse, and are stopped by being trapped in a flying car which crashes.
-a mysterious supervillain saves them— SOMEHOW— and makes them fight to the death for a suit of armor. The one that survives causes the apocalypse AGAIN but dies.
-they both get brought back from Hell to save the world, and after that’s over, they turn to dust and go back to Hell.
-the supervillain who saved them the first time also summons like ten gods and dips out, never to be seen again.
In other words Pokémon is weird (affectionate).
Of it makes you feel.better, I have unfinished games on my 3ds that ive had for decades
is this you?

I am going to kill you....and then kill you again.
I watched Joker 2 btw and I honestly think it might be one of the worst movies I've watched, and I'm one of the weirdos who liked Joker 1. This movie not only has an extremely obnoxious and petty idea at its core for its thesis, but it also goes on to execute this thesis in a story so dull it makes the first movie feel like an action film. A couple good performances and some cleverly shot scenes can't save a movie that doesn't even understand what makes musicals fun, in a story that is basically "scene a happens and then scene b happens and then scene c happens and then-" for almost 2 hours.
I feel jealous of all the people who walk out of this movie halfway through, as they're sparing themselves of one of the worst plot twists I've seen yet, that adds nothing to the story but contempt for the characters and the movie's audience. I will not spoil the movie but I will spoil this: if you watch it, you'll feel regret for having spent time watching a movie like never before
Hello my friend.
I hope that you are well.
My name is Alaa Jehad my age 35 years old, I have 3 children. My house was destroyed in Khan Yunis and I was displaced more than 9 times. I have no shelter, no food, no nourishment.
I need your help to provide food and shelter for my family.
Please donate to save my family from this brutal war.

Verified by Bees and watermelons

Reblog if you want Asks/Messages from your followers in your inbox
Very important, please give me a minute of your time and read my story.❤️🍉🇵🇸

My previous account was banned, you can, it was starting to spread and my campaign got attention but unfortunately it was banned, you can see it from HERE
I will rewrite my story again. I hope you read it carefully and help if you can.
I am Abdullah Musa, I am 20 years old. I am still a young man. I do not have any job and I cannot get money. It is unfortunate to ask for money in this way, but that is life.
The campaign started after hesitation and deep thinking, but I saw myself forced to do this campaign for several reasons. The first and most important reason is to evacuate from war, fear, and the terrifying sounds of bombs and planes, to escape from living in a tent, to escape from fear. I want a life in which there are only the basics (water, food, electricity, internet, and safety).

The second goal, which is very important to me, is to study medicine and complete my dream that I had since childhood. I had started my first year of university and I was planning my future and dreams, but everything went away when the war came and destroyed my university. Yesterday, I started studying in Egypt and my friend sent me a picture from the beginning of the school year. It was a sad feeling.

This is a picture of me when I was a kid and my dreams were there.

You can donate to me through:
(Before you donate, remember that you will change my life for the better.
1. GFM

1. @90-ghost LINK VITTED
2 . Gaza Fundraiser List by @el-shab-hussein and @nabulsi . LINK315
@awetistic-things @baby-girl-aaron-dessner @junglejim4233 @heritageposts @pcktknife @chososhairbuns @illuminated-runas @imjustheretotrytohelp @magnus-rhymes-with-swagness
@visenyasdragons @belleandsaintsebastian @ear-motif @kordeliiius @brutaliakhoa @raelyn-dreams @troythecatfish @theropoda
@4ft10tvlandfangirl @queerstudiesnatural
@northgazaupdates2 @skatezophrenic @sygol @fancysmudges @brokenbackmountain @ot3 @aleciosun @fluoresensitive @a-shade-of-blue
@tortiefrancis @tsaricides @flower-tea-fairies @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @sayruq @malcriada @palestinegenocide @sar-soor @akajustmerry @feluka @nabulsi @khizuo @transmutationisms
@schoolhater @timogsilangan @appsa @buttercuparry
Look at how this child suffers as he blows to light a fire. The cost of a gas bottle is $150, and I do not have enough money. Please give what you can.

Hello, I’m Ahmed from Gaza😔😔
Life here is filled with daily challenges due to the ongoing blockade and war. My family struggles to secure our basic needs. My parents are ill, and my children suffer from malnutrition due to a lack of food and clean water😥😭😭

Despite everything💔💔
I haven’t lost hope, but the war has worsened our situation, making it harder than I can handle alone. That’s why I’m reaching out for your help. Every donation can make a difference by providing food and clean water for my family👨👩👦👦

Thank you for any support you can offer🧡
Boy the Aeldari truly did “fuck around and find out” per se when they accidentally made Slannesh didn’t they?
Urgent treatment appeal please stop
My sister suffers from advanced fibropulmonary disease, which makes breathing difficult without an oxygen device in light of the lack of electricity and equipment, which makes her suffer from the scourges...
Since her displacement, she left the oxygen machine in her home in the north, and since that day her eyes have not been able to sleep because of the pain she suffers from this dreaded disease.
The least this disease causes
It makes shortness of breath and suffocation ...
I have attached a copy of the report for you. Medical treatment that explains my sister’s condition and suffering

The suffering of living in a tent in the absence of all necessities of life has an impact and other aspects ....
I am attaching a picture of Mesa's children for you
They collect firewood
Firewood is used instead of gas
To cook food through it

Please do not pass the post on without circulating it

Please, please, look at my donation campaign and help me. I have newborn children and my son Ahmed needs treatment. He is a heart patient and suffers from two holes in the heart. He needs help and treatment. We do not have money and we are stuck in Egypt because of the Gaza war. My wife and I lost my jobs and there is no source of income. I would like you to help. To care for my children and provide the necessary treatment for my child Ahmed, please donate even a little thing to save my child’s life

@fancysmudges @brokenbackmountain @just-browsings-world @mothblossoms @aleciosun @fluoresensitive @khizuo @lesbiandardevil @transmutationisms @schoolhater98 @timogsilangan @appsa @buttercuparry @sayruq @malcriada @palestinegenocide @sar-soor @akajustmerry @annoyingloudmicrowavecultist @feluka @tortiefrancis @flower-tea-fairies @tsaricides @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @visenyasdragon @belleandsaintsebastian @ear-motif @kordeliiius @brutaliakent @raelyn-dreams @troythecatfish @theropoda @tamarr @4ft10tvlandfangirl @queerstudiesnatural @northgazaupdates2 @skatezophrenic @awetistic-things @camgirlproblem @baby-girl-aaron-dessner @nabulsi27 @sygol @junglejim4322 @heritageposts @chososhairbuns @palistani123-blog @dlxxv-vetted-donations @illuminated-runas @imjustheretotrytohelp

💔‼️These may be my last words💔‼️
The genocide has been going on for a year, my little girl Alma was born, sat, stood, walked and got her teeth while the war was raging fiercely, my baby did not enjoy a life like other children, she miraculously escaped death after we lost 11 members of the family, what sin did my little girl commit to live this genocide in an inhumane environment with sand, insects and pollutants,
I address your humanity, 💔❤️🩹🙏🙏
please donate to save the lives of my two little girls.🙏🇵🇸🍉

@ibtisams @appsa @schoolhater @fancysmudges @Dykesbat @Brutalikahoa @determinate-negation @brokenbackmountain @just-browsing1222-deactivated20 @mothblossoms @aleciosun @fluoresensitive @khizuo @lesbiandardevil @transmutationisms @schoolhater @timogsilangan @appsa @buttercuparry @sayruq @malcriada @palestinegenocide @sar-soor @akajustmerry @annoyingloudmicrowavecultist @feluka @tortiefrancis @flower-tea-fairies @tsaricides @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @visenyasdragon @belleandsaintsebastian @ear-motif @kordeliiius @brutaliakhoa @raelyn-dreams @troythecatfish @theropoda @tamarrud @4ft10tvlandfangirl @queerstudiesnatural @northgazaupdates2 @skatezophrenic @awetistic-things @camgirlpanopticon @baby-girl-aaron-dessner @nabulsi @sygol @junglejim4322 @heritageposts @chososhairbuns @palistani @dlxxv-vetted-donations @illuminated-runas @imjustheretotrytohelp