Transformers One - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago




"Yeah obviously he turns into a jet-" NO!!!!!

Initially I thought they were like angel wings (which yeah, they are) and it's great symbolism because of his whole false Prime thing. He has this façade about being a noble leader and all that and he probably thinks that he's Primus' gift to the universe. The Devil disguised as an angel. Or something something the Devil was once the most beautiful angel of all. Idk lotsa places you can go with the angel symbolism.


They're GOLDEN. You know who else had golden wings? Icarus. Who flew too close to the sun. Who's entire myth is about hubris and how pride can be your undoing. Does that sound familiar to you guys???

Sentinel flew too close to the sun believing that he could kill the Primes and seize all that wealth and power with no consequence. He thought that he was sooo great and nothing bad would ever happen to him because he won!!! And then he got too comfortable and sloppy and everything he built fell apart in just one day.

Whoever was on the design team for Transformers One you cooked hard with this one

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7 months ago

Wait did Orion actually pull the finger???😭😭😭


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5 months ago

Visors and misunderstandings

Visors And Misunderstandings
Visors And Misunderstandings
Visors And Misunderstandings

Small comic doodle on Thundercracker and Skywarp’s TFOne designs and my own AU

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5 months ago

My first contribution to the transformers fandom 😁 here you go :3 *throws to you like feral dogs*

My First Contribution To The Transformers Fandom Here You Go :3 *throws To You Like Feral Dogs*
My First Contribution To The Transformers Fandom Here You Go :3 *throws To You Like Feral Dogs*
My First Contribution To The Transformers Fandom Here You Go :3 *throws To You Like Feral Dogs*
My First Contribution To The Transformers Fandom Here You Go :3 *throws To You Like Feral Dogs*
My First Contribution To The Transformers Fandom Here You Go :3 *throws To You Like Feral Dogs*
My First Contribution To The Transformers Fandom Here You Go :3 *throws To You Like Feral Dogs*
My First Contribution To The Transformers Fandom Here You Go :3 *throws To You Like Feral Dogs*
My First Contribution To The Transformers Fandom Here You Go :3 *throws To You Like Feral Dogs*
My First Contribution To The Transformers Fandom Here You Go :3 *throws To You Like Feral Dogs*
My First Contribution To The Transformers Fandom Here You Go :3 *throws To You Like Feral Dogs*

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5 months ago

I love shitposting about my newest fixations :D !!!!!!!!!!! (discord convos are me and my friend, posted with permission)

I Love Shitposting About My Newest Fixations :D !!!!!!!!!!! (discord Convos Are Me And My Friend, Posted
I Love Shitposting About My Newest Fixations :D !!!!!!!!!!! (discord Convos Are Me And My Friend, Posted
I Love Shitposting About My Newest Fixations :D !!!!!!!!!!! (discord Convos Are Me And My Friend, Posted
I Love Shitposting About My Newest Fixations :D !!!!!!!!!!! (discord Convos Are Me And My Friend, Posted
I Love Shitposting About My Newest Fixations :D !!!!!!!!!!! (discord Convos Are Me And My Friend, Posted
I Love Shitposting About My Newest Fixations :D !!!!!!!!!!! (discord Convos Are Me And My Friend, Posted
I Love Shitposting About My Newest Fixations :D !!!!!!!!!!! (discord Convos Are Me And My Friend, Posted
I Love Shitposting About My Newest Fixations :D !!!!!!!!!!! (discord Convos Are Me And My Friend, Posted

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5 months ago

Transformers doodles before I go to school :3 my au ig???? Idk I just wanted to make my own designs of the sillies (heavily inspired by G1 and Transformers One)

My sketchbook is finished and my art tablet is dead so you get *lined school paper* you're welcome :]

Transformers Doodles Before I Go To School :3 My Au Ig???? Idk I Just Wanted To Make My Own Designs Of
Transformers Doodles Before I Go To School :3 My Au Ig???? Idk I Just Wanted To Make My Own Designs Of
Transformers Doodles Before I Go To School :3 My Au Ig???? Idk I Just Wanted To Make My Own Designs Of
Transformers Doodles Before I Go To School :3 My Au Ig???? Idk I Just Wanted To Make My Own Designs Of

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5 months ago

*eats this and leaves no crumbs* DHAJHDHHH YES YESSSSSS!!! I claim all of these!! These headcanons are perfect..PERFECT!! (੭ु˶˭̵̴⃙⃚⃘᷄ᗢ˭̴̵⃙⃚⃘᷅˶)੭ु⁾⁾~♡

l might….draw some of these because the Transformers brainrot has return’th hhdhsjhdhdhhh >\\\\\<

ive been obsessed with this movie for the past week sooo


Ive Been Obsessed With This Movie For The Past Week Sooo


Orion Pax

Ive Been Obsessed With This Movie For The Past Week Sooo


- Mostly gets wrecked for being a dumbass 😭

- His worst spots are his ribs, armpits, and abs

- His laugh is pretty chuckly if you just lightly trace around his tickle spots but will get wheezy very quickly

- Gets wrecked by Elita and D a lot, either because he was being an annoying prick or he was just feeling down

- Has a bunch of tickle fights with D, has a 50/50 chance of winning unless D is PISSED

- After he became Optimus Prime he didn’t fight back or squirm a lot in fear he would hurt the others (they don’t give a fuck)

- Overall big dummy who’s also a softie :’]



- That noise he made in the movie trailer when he was flipping Darkwing off. Yeah he does that shit when wrecking you

- “Coochie coochie cooo! Awe, what’s wrong? Don’t like when I do that?? Eh, I’ll just keep going!”

- Ok listen I know they’re robots and it makes no sense but HE WOULD BE SUCH A BIG RASPBERRY BLOWER.

- D and Bee are his biggest targets (mostly cause he could never get away with wrecking Elita. Still does sometimes)

- His tactic consists of alot of poking and pinching, can and will wreck you if you deserve it (or he just feels like it)

- Easily able to pin down his lee, especially after becoming Optimus prime and getting fucking BIG

- If you just need a pick me up, he’ll be a lot more gentle :) don’t think he won’t tease you though he’s still a dick

- Is one of the only people who can wreck D and actually get away with it (other than Elita, she just doesn’t do it as often)

- overal an asshole (I still love him very much mwah)


Ive Been Obsessed With This Movie For The Past Week Sooo


- trust me bro if he was wrecked ONE TIME in the movie he would be redeemed trust

- Worst spots are his abs, neck, and overall joints

- EXTREMELY feather ticklish, gets all giggly and squeaky from it

- Will fight for his life while being tickled, you’ll be lucky if you don’t get punched in the face

- Once kicked Orion through a wall while he was tickling him. They both got in trouble and almost got demoted

- Absolutely DESPISES cleaning days for the sole purpose that they have to clean dirt and debris out of his joints

- Elita and Orion have to chase him down and pin him to even get started. (Orion teases him the entire time despite Elita telling him to knock it off)

- PHYSICALLY cannot say tickle. Orion teases him to death for this

- Gets very snorty if you wreck him hard enough, however you can sometimes unlock a sweet squeaky laugh from him

- Orion once got him to squeal after getting his knees, hasn’t let him live it down since



- oh he’s a fucking DEMON as a ler

- If Orion keeps on annoying him or is just being a dumbass he’ll wreck him till his wires are overheating

- Shakes his hands into your ribs/sides/tummy to get you to shriek

- Not a big teaser (mostly cause he flusters himself) but will say the occasional tease if he feels like it

- “Huh, never thought you sounded like THIS when laughing.. It’s like you’re a whole new person.”

- Chases with him are TERRIFYING. He had to give Bee a break before even wrecking him just cause he scared the poor guy half to death

- Even if he’s brutal with tickling, he’ll be more gentle if you just need a pick me up or asked him for it :)

- Him and Elita are the biggest lers on the team. If they ever got into a tickle fight it’d be never ending (jk he would lose lmao)

- Better hope you don’t piss him off..


Ive Been Obsessed With This Movie For The Past Week Sooo


- Biggest lee on the team, also the boldest-

- Literal walking tickle spot, you could just poke him anywhere and he’ll flinch and giggle

- A lot more open with tickling than the others, will literally ASK you to tickle him

- He once straight up asked D to tickle him and just stood there with his arms open rocking on his heels. D physically couldn't (he got too flustered)

- Has a very bubbly laugh, will stammer and beg before even being tickled

- “W-wawawait we can talk about this rihight!?-“

- Actually DIES at raspberries, will actually scream. Elita nearly shot Orion after she thought he was killing Bee (he just gave him a raspberry)

- Is so smiley after getting wrecked it takes him so long to calm down

- Overall likes tickling because it grows bonds and it’s a fun silly thing to do :3


- literally sweetest ler ever

- Just wants to see his lee smile :D

- Isn’t a monster like D-16 but he can still get you pretty badly if he chooses to

- Gives a bunch of lil lovey teases and compliments that will drive you up the wall

- “Ohh, I love your laugh! And was that a squeak too?? You’re ADORABLE!”

- While he’s poking you he’ll make little “boop boop boop boop boop!” Sounds

- Along with the obvious KNIFE HANDS he can also make little electric bolts come out of his fingers; perfect for tickling.

- Can reduce anyone to TEARS with that shit, great for humbling if someone’s getting too snarky or is pissed

- Almost always starts tickle fights in the team, mostly just cause he wants to see them all laugh :D

- Along with not being able to handle raspberries is a raspberry blower himself

- Learned his lesson of ‘don’t give D raspberries’ after he was literally left hooked in the face

- Just a big ball of sunshine :D


Ive Been Obsessed With This Movie For The Past Week Sooo


- isn’t the biggest lee but she’s got her moments :]

- Her worst spots are her hips and back

- Like D she’s a big squirmer, will punch and kick a whole lot

- Orion’s really the only one who can get away with tickling her, if she’s in a good mood that is

- Has a very cackly laugh, however you can get some sweet laughter out of her if you’re gentle and sweet enough :)

- Don’t be so confident, though. You’ll be lucky if you can even get a single poke on her


- team PFNJRY

- She can be BRUTAL, especially if Orion or Bee are pissing her off

- She can’t exactly punch them in the face anymore and so she has to make SOMETHING work… luckily, that’s what tickling is for

- Will wreck you until you apologize (and say something nice about her)

- Uses her skills as a commander miner for teasing :3

- “Are you sorry?? I CANT HEAR YOU!!” (playfully ofc PFNRJG)

- Good luck in a chase with her, girlie is FAST

- Wins almost all the team tickle fights unless D is feeling extra mean

- i love her sm RAHHH

Sentinel Prime

Ive Been Obsessed With This Movie For The Past Week Sooo


- okay i know we all hate him but i HAD to include him im sorry

- Worst spots are his ribs, hips, and back

- Has such a dad laugh, gets very cackly and wheezy if you manage to really break him

- His wings are also ticklish :3 you’ll get some yummy snickers out of him if you get em along with some wing flaps

- Protects his weak spots with his LIFE

- Im sorry I don’t have much for him 😭😭



- A bigger dick than Orion Pax if that’s even possible

- Will hunt you down and wreck you to shreds if he feels like it (or you’re being a dick)

- If you crumble to the ground he’ll follow you like a hawk and just get your bad spots

- does that fucking THING where he says shitty jokes while you’re laughing your ass off

- “Wow, I didn’t know my jokes were THAT good! I guess I’m just amazing like that, aren’t I?”

- With his size, he’s definitely gonna hold you under your arms and give you raspberries. Sorry, I don’t make the rules

- Digs his fingers in between your ribs or in the dips of your hips and just presses there repeatedly (lazy fuck)

- “Jeez, you’re laughing an awful lot.. I’m not even moving my fingers!” as you’re crying with laughter

- Will not let anyone escape his grasp until they’re completely worn out

- I hate him so much im glad he got snickers snapped

anyways uhhh I hope u guys like these :33333

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6 months ago

So there's this Transformers One cardboard thingy in front of the cinema so I just wanted to show y'all how it looks here in Poland since I've seen those from America

So There's This Transformers One Cardboard Thingy In Front Of The Cinema So I Just Wanted To Show Y'all

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5 months ago

I've been looking through pinterest and I found a bunch of transformers memes so I shall share them with you

I've Been Looking Through Pinterest And I Found A Bunch Of Transformers Memes So I Shall Share Them With
I've Been Looking Through Pinterest And I Found A Bunch Of Transformers Memes So I Shall Share Them With
I've Been Looking Through Pinterest And I Found A Bunch Of Transformers Memes So I Shall Share Them With
I've Been Looking Through Pinterest And I Found A Bunch Of Transformers Memes So I Shall Share Them With
I've Been Looking Through Pinterest And I Found A Bunch Of Transformers Memes So I Shall Share Them With
I've Been Looking Through Pinterest And I Found A Bunch Of Transformers Memes So I Shall Share Them With
I've Been Looking Through Pinterest And I Found A Bunch Of Transformers Memes So I Shall Share Them With
I've Been Looking Through Pinterest And I Found A Bunch Of Transformers Memes So I Shall Share Them With

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5 months ago

This movie was absolutely amazing , and your art is too bookie ❤️💙

ladymervy - LadyMervy

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5 months ago
"You're As Beautiful As The Day I Lost You."

"You're as beautiful as the day I lost you."

personal headcanon: Orion fell in love with D-16 and had planned on confessing to him but lost the opportunity do so through the events of the movie BUT even as Optimus and Megatron he still held feelings for him.

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5 months ago


Was anyone genuinely tweaking when Orion/optimus said that d-16 would be worse than sentinel if he killed sentinel.

I’m sorry if I’m misunderstanding what he’s saying and interpreting it in an odd way but how is d-16 killing sentinel worse than anything he’s ever done?

Sentinel was literally willing to work bots to death to pay off his debt. He also had a whole squad of bots WILLING TO KILL YOU if you told anyone that he was the one that technically killed the primes. He also literally placed you and d-16 in the worst place to work at. Also let’s not forget that he RIPPED YOUR T-COGS AWAY FROM YOU WHEN YOU WERENT ONLINE SO YOU AND ANY WORKER BOT CANT TRANSFORM.

He truly deserved death in my opinion

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5 months ago
Went To Watch Transformers One At The Theater Again And They Gave Me This
Went To Watch Transformers One At The Theater Again And They Gave Me This

Went to watch transformers one at the theater again and they gave me this

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5 months ago

saw Transformers: one yesterday and like, Orion and d12 were obviously boyfriends right?? Like they’re gay and in love right? Homosexual robots…

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