Fan of Digimon, Twst, PKMN, FGO, whatever else catches my attention
773 posts
Happy Shirou Day Again Everybody
Happy shirou day Again everybody
My body was made to be a blade.
Steel is my flesh. And fire flows through my heart of glass
I have crossed Thousands of Battlefields.
Bringing Hollow Victories. But also Miraculous Losses.
Have withstood pain to sever all karma
But even if these hands can never hold anything,
I'll keep trying to forge,
Unalloyed Blade Works
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reblog if you wear glasses. too many mutuals don't know they have glasses wearers in their midsts

That’s a little too much gratitude for Alex… he’s just here for his cat, bro…
thank you so much for the reblogs in my other posts guys!!! idk how to use tumblr but I appreciate it!!!
Buddy I'm straight up burning the field down while your in it
Either you're frolicking in this field with me or you're frolicking in this field against me.
ignoring the 1st part. Not being bound to SV's plot is part of the problem. after Journeys barely did anything with Galar (and Gen 8 in general honestly) people very much want an anime that closely follows SV's plot points. Especially given all the popular human characters Sv introduced.
I'll still watch Horizons, but I'll be very disappointed if we don't at least acknowledge some of SV's original plot.

Ngl, Horizons is pretty much everything I wanted from a Pokemon anime.
Those not watching cuz no Ash are missing out. He's a nostalgic character for all of us and I get missing him/wanting him to return, but it doesn't hurt to give something new a try!
(By bound to its own story, I mean while it may use some SV characters, the kids aren't doing Gyms or really touching on any of SV's story beats like the school or the Raidons. It feels more like it's doing more of its own thing.)