catholic-paladin - My Oath is Vengeance
My Oath is Vengeance

Female / mid 20s / Catholic (yes truly) / not here for drama / an actual paladin

427 posts

Novus Ordo Is The Mass Of Extroverts And Neurotypicals

Novus Ordo is the Mass of extroverts and neurotypicals

Tridentine is the Mass of introverts and autists

I will not elaborate

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6 months ago
catholic-paladin - My Oath is Vengeance
catholic-paladin - My Oath is Vengeance
catholic-paladin - My Oath is Vengeance
catholic-paladin - My Oath is Vengeance

+ georges rochegrosse 'le chevalier aux fleurs' (1894)

6 months ago

yesterday at work I was on my way to help an older couple and I was climbing into my seat behind the register when the old lady made oddly disconcerting eye contact with me and said with the most unsettling smile

"look at you scurrying into your little hole"

I was taken aback, for the first time in my life I knew what it felt like to be prey, the hunter becoming the hunted, to see a coyote through the eyes of a hare.

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6 months ago

genuinely cannot emphasize enough that the damsel in distress archetype really does not exist in medieval literature the way people think it does. these ladies are really only in distress because they can’t find a knight willing to enact bloodshed for them. if anything these damsels are causing distress

6 months ago

all the myths about her being a careless out of touch airhead were started by the same Godless curs that killed her and tried to destroy every trace her and her husband's legacy.

Marie Antoinette is quickly becoming another historical figures I will physically fight people in order to defend

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