I am a youngish witch and am slowly gathering resources
482 posts
What's Your Personal Method Of Charging, If You Don't Mind Sharing? I Love Your Blog! :) Have A Great
What's your personal method of charging, if you don't mind sharing? I love your blog! :) have a great night

I’M SO GLAD YOU ASKED!!!!! I think it’s pretty nifty and helpful if I do say so myself!
I am not a beginner by any means. I’ve been practiing witchcraft in many forms for more than a decade now, and it’s nly lately that I’ve been having issues with visualization. It’s been getting better, but it’s still a little difficult more often than I like. SO! To combat that, I came up with this idea for charging things like candles, herbs, charms, and other objects!
Here’s how you do it :)

You need a circle that your object fits in with lots of space around it(depending on the object/usage)
Then, you’re gonna make a sigil for your purpose. For instance, if you were charging a candle for banishment, make a sigil that says, “banishment” or “These things will be banished from me etc.”
Now, around the outside of the circle, write words representing the things you want the object to be charged with more specifically. Like, you might be charging your candle with love and happiness. On the outside of the circle, you’ll write words relating to that, like “comfort,” “warmth,” “family,” “intimacy,” etc.
When you’re done, connect all of them with a line between each word, like hyphens connecting them. Now you have your circle, directing and containing the energy of your sigil, and you have a second outer circle helping direct the energy and intent into EXACTLY what you want.
For added measure, you can colour the circle a shade relating to whatever you’re charging for. I.e. red for love, or black for banishing etc.
I do specific repetitive hand motions and chanting to activate and charge the sigil and object, so you do whatever you need to!
When you finally feel done, BOOM! You now have a very specifically charged object to use as you see fit!
I’ve used this for different candles for later use, as well as mini ones for small candles that I burn all the way down right on top of the whole circle. Here is what my study one in my grimoire looks like!

And here’s a before and after of a small one for a candle I worked for banishment.

I hope this was clear and easy to understand!! Thank you for asking :)
Ask me anything on Anon!
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More Posts from Catthebabywitch
cosmic witchcraft 101: venusian magick ♀
Venus is the second planet from the Sun. Most likely the planet formed through disk accretion - gravitational forces drawing dust and particles together to form a rocky core, which gets big enough to capture the lighter elements that form the planet’s atmosphere. Astronomer Giovanni Cassini reported a moon on venus in the 1600′s, and many people claimed to see it over the next 200 years. Most of these sightings were proven to be nearby stars, but scientists believe Venus had a moon in our solar system’s earlier years. They hypothesize a huge impact on Venus created a moon billions of years ago, but 10 million years after its formation another huge impact reversed the planet’s spin direction and caused the moon to spiral inward until it collided with Venus.
Venus is the 3rd brightest object in the sky after the Sun and Moon.
Incredibly thick, reflective clouds of sulfuric acid cause the planet to shine so brightly.
Due to its runaway greenhouse effect, Venus is the hottest planet in the solar system.
A Venusian day is 243 Earth days, 18 days longer than a Venusian year.
Venus spins backward compared to the other planets. From its surface, the Sun would appear to rise in the west and set in the east.
Venus is the most spherical of all the planets.
Magickal Correspondences*
Colors: red, pink, white, green, yellow, purple
Intents: love, self-love, glamors, balance, peace, creativity, attraction, beauty, justice, material comfort, finances, reversal of fortune
Herbs: vanilla, rose, poppy, peppermint, daffodil, juniper, hibiscus, heather, tansy, lilac, violet, myrrh, eucalyptus
Crystals: emerald, rose quartz, blue calcite, jade, green jasper, lapis lazuli, sodalite, turquoise, rhodonite, serpentine, celestite
*some of these correspondences are based on traditional associations and some are based on my personal associations
If you had one piece of advice for a beginning witch, what would it be?
I have been looking forward to this ask since I saw it come in my askbox, and have been mulling it over and over in my head.
Honestly, the one piece of advice I would give to a beginning witch would have to be, Don’t try to over-complicate things!
Witchcraft is a very personal practice. It is incredibly different from witch to witch to witch. No two will cast a spell teh same way, or have the same correspondences for the same items, or believe the same things, and I’m sure you’re thinking, “Yeah but look at all those herbs I can’t pronounce and those crystal collections that have 200 more than mine, and she has cool shaped candles and he has a zillion books and they make really good sigils and and and…”
You can ask any person on this website (and probably in real life too) about their practice, and how they think theirs is, in comparison with others. And every single one will tell you that “It’s different.” That is the beauty of witchcraft! It can be as simple or as complicated, as beautiful or as bare, as scary or as soft as you want it to be. Let me show you something.

This is obviously, a jar of rocks. I picked up these rocks in an empty lot on my way home from work one day. They are all made from the same thing, probably some kind of commercial gravel stuff. Nothing special about them.
I use them more than anything else in my practice. There rocks are one of my most vital pieces of my craft. Because while right now they are “just rocks,” after I’m done with them, they are little spells all their own. i will enchant them in different ways and use them all for different things. I might whisper all my frustrations into one, and throw it out the car window to banish my anger. I might spit on four of them and bury them around my property for warding. I might colour them with markers to make little poppets, I could kiss them and give one to my girlfriend as a reminder of my love, I might use them to help me ground, I might just shake the jar gently to create some music, maybe I use them to build little cairns for Hermes in different places. Do you see my point?
These things were just rocks until I decided to use them as something witchy. When I need herbs that I don’t have, I literally go pick grass and just enchant it with the properties I need. It is that simple.
So you see my little one, witchcraft is all about you. That is what is at the center of witchcraft.
It doesn’t matter how many crystals you have, or candles you can collect, or herbs you can name off the top of your head. It is literally about what YOU want to do.
hercules cluster jar spell
a spell jar for strength and achievement

The Hercules Cluster is a cluster of about 200 galaxies about 500 million lightyears away. It’s a part of the larger Hercules Supercluster, which is one of many superclusters lining the CfA2 Great Wall, an immense galaxy filament. Based on standard models of the universe’s evolution, such galaxy filaments form along web-like strings of dark matter.
The galaxies in the Hercules Cluster are drawn together by gravity, producing an incredibly strong gravitational pull. By uniting different energies within ourselves, we can acquire the strength needed to carry out our goals. We can draw success closer to us by ocking discipline, patience, and positivity into place and uniting them like galaxies in a cluster. This spell jar uses the Sun’s gravitational energy, Mercury’s ability to bring things together, and Saturn’s protective strength to replicate the immense strength in unity arising from the Hercules Cluster.
What You’ll Need:
Rosemary for gravity and the Sun
Cinnamon for strength and the Sun
Parsley for protection and Mercury
Almond for unity and Mercury
Thyme for courage and Saturn
Ribbon/string for protection and Saturn’s rings
A small jar
3 tokens to represent discipline, patience, and positivity (These can be pieces of paper with sigils, crystals, or anything else you’d like to use to represent these qualities)
Start by lighting a candle, burning some incense, or doing anything you need to do to make some magick happen. Then get your ingredients ready.
Recite the following incantation, pausing to add each ingredient as you proclaim its intent. Achievement requires positivity, Discipline, patience, all in harmony. I call on the Sun and swift Mercury To lend me their favorsome properties. For the Sun, cinnamon and rosemary For its strength and all powerful gravity. For Mercury, uniter of duality Some roughly chopped almonds and sweet parsley. Finally, for Saturnian energy Thyme for extra strength and mental clarity. The wisdom in clusters of galaxies Tells us great strength arises from unity So I call on the power of gravity To unite these pieces inside of me. I seal this jar with my intent and one more thing A ribbon wrapped around like one of Saturn’s rings. Let my spell’s celestial gravity Shatter any sign of negativity Bringing more strength to that trio in me So that someday soon my achievement will come to be.
After you’ve finished the incantation and tied the ribbon/string around your jar, leave it to charge in the starlight. The next morning, leave it somewhere it can be seen whenever you’re working towards your goal. When you look at it, feel the immense gravitational strength of your united discipline, patience, and positivity pulling your goal closer to you.
Grounding is a technique in which you connect yourself to the earth’s energy, so that you can become balanced, refreshed, and makes you aware to the world around you. When you are grounded you are connected to the earth, and you can call upon its energies in order to charger being with energy to help you and your craft. When you are connected to the earth it also allows you to get rid of your negative energy by allowing you to push it into the earth, so that it can be transmitted back into positive energy. This process does not hurt the earth, and is a very natural process. Grounding is usually done right after centering, and is done along with centering at the beginning of rituals, spells, and other techniques. Grounding is a very important, and fundamental part of spellcraft, and energy work, because of its ability to allow you to take an energies to empower yourself, and the magickal acts that you are performing. Grounding can be done in many various ways, but in this post I’m going to teach you a simple fundamental way, so that you can get a grasp on it, and incorporate it into your others rituals, spells, and techniques.
How to ground :
1) What you will need to do first is to stand, sit, or lay in a comfortable position. After you find that position then you need to close your eyes.
2) At this point you are going to need to center, so that the grounding process can begin. If you need to know how to center refer back to this post: .
3) Once you are centered focus upon the energy that you have centered in the center of your body. See the energy begin to stretch out like roots of a tree digging deep into the ground. Deeper, and deeper until it reaches the core of the Earth. Then in your mind I see the roots wrap around the earth’s core. Intent for this to happen, and envisioning that your energy is doing it will allow you to ground yourself in this world and will keep you nice, and anchored in all aspects of your life.
4) Stay with this feeling as long as you would like, and once you are done all you have to do is open your eyes, and go along with your day knowing that you will be grounded.
Could you explain what an altar is and how to use one? Thank you!
Hello there! I would be happy to tell ya!
Okay, so commonly in witchcraft (and other practices and religions I’m sure but I’m speaking strictly about witchcraft), you have these things called altars. These are basically areas that you designate as using for your witchcraft practices. Here is where you would cast spells, create charms, work on sigils, write in your book of shadows, even just hang out at! This is entirely separate from shrines. For the most part anyways!
So, to create an altar, you have a billion different ways you can go about it and it is entirely up to personal choice! I decorate mine with anything i find that is witch related, beautiful, inspires me, or is a “natural gift,” aka rocks I like, twigs I want to use, leaves I press etc. This is one way to do it.
Here’s one example! (I couldn’t find the original source, but it was on @fuckyeahaltars

Here is another example, by @slackmcnasty !

There are also the more traditional ways to create an altar! These are usually styled around the elements(earth, air, fire, water) or the cardinal points(north, east, south, and west). This can change depending on your fancy. For instance, you may place candles at the “south” oint, which correlates with the element of fire. You could place seashells or bowls of water at the “west point” which corresponds with the element of Water. For air/east you could have feathers, incense, wands, yellow candles or other things ou might associate with that element. And for north, or earth, you could have bowls or dirt, salt, you could have your favorite crystals. You could grow herbs, collect twigs or leaves, and more!
I can’t find any good pictures of these kinds :/
You can also decorate according to purpose, or season! For instance if you wanted to promote more love of some kind, or protection, or divination, or other things, you would center the whole altar around this. So basically, you would decorate and empower it with the ability of your desire (i.e. love, happiness, protection, banishing etc) and place on it any objects that bring this to mind or can assist in this goal. So, if you were creating a love altar, you could place rose quartz, amethyst, flowers, the Lovers tarot cards or other ones, things you think are beautiful, self care items like lotions or sprays, statues or other embodiments of any deities you might involve in this process and even more!
For seasonal altars, you would decorate it similarly to how you decorate your home for a holiday. Halloween/Thanksgiving?? Decorate with those cute little fake pumpkins and get leaves from outside and acorns and whatnot! Follow suit with other seasons or holidays.
You can also keep them super simple! If you’re a minimalist, or don’t like a lot of clutter, there is absolutely nothing wrong with keeping the bare minimum that you need on it!
Altars are incredibly personal and also super fun to make! Don’t ever feel pressured for them to look like anyone elses.
Here are some helpful posts or tumblrs for you to look at!
My Advice for A Secret Altar
Witchlessons post on Secret Altars
Info on Travel Altars
Corkboard Shrines(which would be so cool to use as an altar idea too)
I hope this was all helpful sweet anon!!
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