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the magick of tea

tea is an excellent way to incorporate green witchcraft and herbal magick into your daily life. here is a list of the magickal properties of different teas.
☾ black teas: the teas of winter. known to bring excitement, courage, and financial fortune.
♱ english breakfast: warmth, happiness, and courage
♱ irish breakfast tea: energy, strength, and willpower
♱ earl grey: the best tea for attracting money and fortune
♱ chai: love, prosperity, happiness, and healing
☾ white teas: the teas of spring, and the sun. known to heal and cleanse the drinker, as well as enhance spiritual communication and psychic energy.
♱ silver needle: purification, cleansing and healing
♱ white peony: protection against mischief and ill will
☾ green teas: the teas of summer. known for its powers of health, longevity, love and passion.
♱ sencha: prosperity, physical healing, mental strength
♱ matcha: love, passion and lust
♱ hojicha: banishing negativity, self-love, and health
♱ jasmine: spiritual love, energy charging
☾ oolong teas: the teas of autumn. known to inspire love, serenity, reflection, and balance.
♱ iron goddess: clarity of mind and heart
♱ osmanthus: transformation, harmony and serenity
☾ herbal teas: mixtures of herbs across all the seasons, with varying magickal properties.
♱ chamomile tea: love, healing, reducing stress
♱ peppermint: sleep, prophetic dreams, clearing negative energy
♱ lemon ginger tea: openness, cleansing, adventure
♱ dandelion root: divination, wishes, calling spirits
♱ fennel: vitality, banishing, energy
♱ ginseng: love, beauty, protection
♱ hibiscus: love lust, dreams
♱ echinacea: spirit offering, money drawing
Charging/Activating Sigils

(Copied from my grimoire)
Place on paper, burn it
Draw on bread, toast it
Trace with crystals
Use your own energy (touch, breath, proximity)
Sew on clothing, wash them
Place in front of music speakers
Let it sit in a sunny place
Bury in the earth*
Use prayer
Dissolve in water/hold under running water
Set as phone lock screen, charge phone
Tape to window on full moon
Hold near fire
Throw into wind*
Add a drop of blood*
Carve into candle, let it melt
Draw with honey at the bottom of a mug, activate with hot drink
Draw on flag, leave in wind
Trace in dust, blow it away
Use crystal grid
Draw with cooking oil, cook
Draw on foggy windows/mirrors
Trace using water, let it evaporate
Carve in soap, wash body
Utilize storm energy
Use light
Draw on beach, let the ocean take it
Use charging board
Draw on rock, throw it in a river*
Carve into wax, melt it (for wax melters)
Draw on self, take a shower
Use glow-in-the-dark paint
Place on shoes, utilize the energy of walking
Draw in the air with energy, push through it
Take a picture, charge device
Hold to your pulse point/s
Speak to it
And many, many things I did not list here.
*Make sure you are being safe and/or eco-friendly!
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What's your personal method of charging, if you don't mind sharing? I love your blog! :) have a great night

I’M SO GLAD YOU ASKED!!!!! I think it’s pretty nifty and helpful if I do say so myself!
I am not a beginner by any means. I’ve been practiing witchcraft in many forms for more than a decade now, and it’s nly lately that I’ve been having issues with visualization. It’s been getting better, but it’s still a little difficult more often than I like. SO! To combat that, I came up with this idea for charging things like candles, herbs, charms, and other objects!
Here’s how you do it :)

You need a circle that your object fits in with lots of space around it(depending on the object/usage)
Then, you’re gonna make a sigil for your purpose. For instance, if you were charging a candle for banishment, make a sigil that says, “banishment” or “These things will be banished from me etc.”
Now, around the outside of the circle, write words representing the things you want the object to be charged with more specifically. Like, you might be charging your candle with love and happiness. On the outside of the circle, you’ll write words relating to that, like “comfort,” “warmth,” “family,” “intimacy,” etc.
When you’re done, connect all of them with a line between each word, like hyphens connecting them. Now you have your circle, directing and containing the energy of your sigil, and you have a second outer circle helping direct the energy and intent into EXACTLY what you want.
For added measure, you can colour the circle a shade relating to whatever you’re charging for. I.e. red for love, or black for banishing etc.
I do specific repetitive hand motions and chanting to activate and charge the sigil and object, so you do whatever you need to!
When you finally feel done, BOOM! You now have a very specifically charged object to use as you see fit!
I’ve used this for different candles for later use, as well as mini ones for small candles that I burn all the way down right on top of the whole circle. Here is what my study one in my grimoire looks like!

And here’s a before and after of a small one for a candle I worked for banishment.

I hope this was clear and easy to understand!! Thank you for asking :)
Ask me anything on Anon!
Oh god I'm so new I don't even know where to begin. I guess, how do you cleanse and charge things? How do you focus you intent and when do you know if something is fully charged/cleansed?
Well Hello there! First off I wanna say that we were all new at one point and let me tell you that we have all been there, literally every single one of us. There are still loads of times when I don’t know what the heck I’m doing, but I just wing it anyways! A lot of witchcraft is about winging it, at least It is in my practice!
With that being said, lets cover some bases. First off, cleansing and charging.
Cleansing is the process of spiritually, physically, and/or energetically purifying/cleaning an object, area, or person. This cleans out both positive and negative energy, emotional ties, even spirits and other entities strings that might be attached. Once you remove these things, the object, person, or area is free for you to fill with whatever kinds of energies or spirits you wish to fill it with- that is called charging.
There’s a billion different ways to cleanse something! Including but not limited to;
Some crystals should not be exposed for extended amounts of time to sunlight as it can cause fading and discolouration.
Some People prefer moonlight to sunlight, and as a plus most if not all crystals can be cleansed in moonlight
Energy Work
Which is a very common method. For me, I push out the old energy with my own.
Elemental Energy Work
Using things like fire, water, earth and air visualizations to cleanse
Some crystals should not be submerged in water, as it can cause chemical reactions or the stone to dissolve.
Smoke Cleansing
Burning herbs or incense and passing objects, areas, or people through the smoke
Extra Outside Links
My Cleansing Method
Other Cleansing Methods
Crystals and Cleansing Method Warnings
Charging; Charging is filling an object, area, or person with a specific intent or energy. You charge after you cleanse, so that you have a fresh slate. You can charge items with protection or love or happiness, you can attach active spells or wards to charged items. The sky is really the limit!
Methods of charging
Energy Work
This is when you use your own energy, focus, and visualization to fill something with an intent of your choosing. I usually do this by holding the item in my hand, or exploring the area, and seeing the energy pouring out of me and into the destination.
Utilizing herbs that correlate with your chosen intent can be useful, for instance, letting a ring you want to charge with happiness and relaxation sit in lavender.
Designing a sigil with the specific intent of charging a specific object can be utilized successfully
Hand Motions
I incorporate hand motions and chanting in one of my charging methods which you can see here
This Cool Witch Tip Using The Moon Tarot Card and Moonlight
Plain Ole Visualization!
Your next questions, How do you focus your intent and when do you know if something is fully charged/cleansed?
For me, I focus my intent by either chanting (usually the goal or intent), or just visualizing my goal! I know I’m done when I just…feel it. It’s like a slow crescendo and then BAM! I just know I’m done! You can imagine it like a meter filling up, and once it hits the top you can assume it’s finished!
Afterwards, if you get weird vibes or worry that your item etc isn’t charged enough, you can always just go back and do it over!
I hope this helped explain things for ya! If not I’d be delighted to elaborate on anything you need!
Ask The Witch
⚡ How to Charge Objects ⚡

⚡ In witchcraft we talk about energy a lot, especially in the context of “charging” objects, or filling them with energy, whether personal or external, as the moving force behind magic and spells.
⚡ Old energy becomes stagnant and bleh. Kinda like old food in the fridge. You gotta clean that out of it, so it doesn’t make the new good you put in “stink” too. So cleanse first before you charge!
⚡ Think of it like batteries! Things lose their charges, and then they kinda feel useless. So you gotta plug it back in to its metaphysical roots.
⚡ there are many ways to charge objects: ⚡
sea water
moon water
planetary influence
and many more! almost anything you can come up with
⚡ You can even charge one object with another, like charging a coffee cup with a crystal before breakfast. The magical energy stored in the crystal will transfer to the coffee, and then you have charmed and charged your drink!
⚡ When new energy is introduced to an object with correspondences, and it sits in there, it takes on those new properties of itself and
Regular water (no corres) + sunlight = sun water, water that has taken on the magical properties of the sun.
Amethyst (healing) + moonlight = boosts the existing healing properties of the amethyst, and has moons magical properties too
⚡ You can charge almost any object, with anything that has an energy.
Witch Tip
“I’ve had this [charged item] for [certain amount of time]. Is it still potent? Or do I have to start over?”
If you have kept this item in mind throughout this period and consciously remembered its purpose each time, then yes it is still charged and yes you can still use it. If it’s been sitting on a shelf out of mind for a while and you just remembered it now, it has more than likely lost its intended energy and yes you should either cleanse, re-charge, or discard it and start over if you feel the integrity of the item was ruined completely.
If you enchant a necklace and wear it every day for 10 years and are reminded of the intentions connected to it on a regular basis, you don’t have to worry about it. You regularly and consciously reinforcing your intentions will “solidify” its energy for as long as you continue wearing it mindfully. However, if you make a spell jar to increase your wealth and then forget about it until next month, it won’t really work. Magick is about intention. (Unless you do proper/traditional sigil work and push the intention out of your conscious mind into your subconscious, but this post is not about sigil work.) I’m sure you’ve noticed that most ingredients have multiple correspondences. The reason you can use cinnamon in a luck spell and a love spell and a protection spell is because if you intend for any one of those results, cinammon’s natural energy will be able to vibe with that intention and work as a tool to send your intention out into the Universe with more force than just you and your wishes alone. But the reason it doesn’t turn your luck spell into a love or protection spell without “your permission” is because you were clear with your intentions, therefore only using the “luck route” of cinnamon. Once you stop mindfully reinforcing your intentions for the Luck spell jar, all its ingredients will essentially become neutral as they are not consciously being used to direct energy. You haven’t taken away its powers by forgetting, you simply stopped giving them a specific energy to enforce. To fix this, just remind yourself of the jar more often! You don’t have to start from scratch. This may be why your spells aren’t working either! If you cast it once and never think about the intentions again, that’s usually not enough reinforcement for the Universe. Keep up and be mindful! You don’t have to cast the same spell every day, just remember that you did it and Why.
With charged waters, the re-charging process is a little different. You can’t just forget about your Moon Water for a month and expect to re-instill the energy of the Moon through your own intentions. You have to cleanse the stagnant water or dump it and start over with new (cleansed) water before laying it under the moon again to be charged. But be mindful of it next time!
💕my charging/enchanting/cleansing ritual💕
grab or sit near whatever it is you’d like to charge, enchant, or cleanse. you can burn candles or incense, or set up any other ambience details you want
if the target is something you can hold (like a crystal or a divination deck), hold it in your hands and bring it up to your lips. if it’s something you can’t hold (like a sigil engraved into a piece of furniture), touch it with your dominant hand
kiss the object. if it’s something you can’t hold, kissing your hand and placing it back onto the object works too
speak your intent, even if it’s at a whisper
inhale & exhale any emotions or ideas you’d like to put into that object. for example: if i was charging my rose quartz, i would inhale love, & then exhale that love back into the crystal. if i was cleansing my tarot deck, i’d inhale new energy, & exhale that energy back into the deck. you can do this with any emotion or metaphysical idea, even if it’s respect to a deity
speak your intent once more, then say your favorite activation phrase. i use “i speak this into existence, & so it shall be”. lots of witches also use “so mote it be”. use whatever words resonate best with you.
kiss the object or your hand one more time
if you want, you can meditate on it for a moment if you feel it’s necessary
hope this was helpful!! happy casting✨✨
how to charge your crystals: 6 ways
bury them in the Earth. your crystals will receive so much of the Earth’s energy. every plant, every rock, every vibration is going straight to your crystals. be careful not to lose them, though.
place them in a potted plant. this gives your crystals similar effects from burying them in the Earth, but there’s a guarantee that you won’t lose them.
set them out in sunlight, whether it’s outside, at a windowsill, etc. the sun is literally a ball full of energy, and will be generous enough to lend your crystals a lot of its energy, too. i usually set them out all day, but any amount of time in the sun is so healthy for them. do your research on your crystals beforehand, though. some crystals will fade when exposed to sunlight.
set them out in moonlight, especially during a full moon. the moon’s energy is much more active during a full moon. it will really increase the effects of your crystals. if you choose to set them outside (this applies to the sunlight tip as well), make sure there is no wind that will blow them away or rain that will damage them (some crystals can crack or fizz away if wet!).
play high-vibration music with them in the room. this really energizes your crystals. there are some great tracks on youtube or spotify!
meditate with them. your body is a vessel for energy. if you are holding your crystals during meditation or other spiritual practices, both you and your crystals’ energies are flowing in sync, which raises both of yours’ vibrations.
I’m so mad I didn’t think of this sooner!!!
For all of my witches out there that need their morning coffee/tea-
Take like 3 minutes out of your night to pick out which mug you’re gonna use in the morning, and then put a crystal in the mug overnight!! I tried it last night by putting a blue lace agate in one of my mugs overnight to help me stay calm during my stressful day today and I think it’s a great way to infuse your mug with positive energies!!!

This is a charging board!
It is a simple way to charge up and cleanse your crystals without having to focus on visualisation. Simply put your crystal in the center of a piece of paper, and write around it two categories of words: the things you want to fill your crystal with, and the things you want out of them. Then draw arrows pointing into the crystal for the positives, and away from it for the negatives.
This is a visual way to charge/cleanse without having to maintain focus. I’m certain it could work for any object you want to use, not just crystals!
Witchy Tip
To charge and activate sigils trace them with a crystal point. You can use clear quartz for anything but if you want to get specific you can use Tigers Eye to activate and charge a protection sigil or use your own correspondences.
Quick item enchanting for helping you pass a written exam
Gather all or some of the stuff you’ll use for your exam. I gathered my pen, pencil, eraser and calculator. You can even add the paper sheets you want to use, or rulers or any other tool.
You’ll need some or all of these, depending on which intents you want to get into the spell:
-Rosemary: for remembering all that you know about the things being examined.
-Chamomile: for being calm during the exam, which is great if you tend to get nervous.
.-Cinnamon: for an extra oomph, and sweetening my disposition towards the exam.
-Mint: for a clear mind and being able to explain yourself clearly through the written word.
((In my case, I didn’t have mint, but I used the rest of these.))
Sprinkle each of these over your school supplies while you focus on the intent, to program them, and charge them with the energy you prefer using. I just channeled a couple of balls of my own energy and put them into my supplies.
⚡ How to Charge Objects ⚡

⚡ In witchcraft we talk about energy a lot, especially in the context of “charging” objects, or filling them with energy, whether personal or external, as the moving force behind magic and spells.
⚡ Old energy becomes stagnant and bleh. Kinda like old food in the fridge. You gotta clean that out of it, so it doesn’t make the new good you put in “stink” too. So cleanse first before you charge!
⚡ Think of it like batteries! Things lose their charges, and then they kinda feel useless. So you gotta plug it back in to its metaphysical roots.
⚡ there are many ways to charge objects: ⚡
sea water
moon water
planetary influence
and many more! almost anything you can come up with
⚡ You can even charge one object with another, like charging a coffee cup with a crystal before breakfast. The magical energy stored in the crystal will transfer to the coffee, and then you have charmed and charged your drink!
⚡ When new energy is introduced to an object with correspondences, and it sits in there, it takes on those new properties of itself and
Regular water (no corres) + sunlight = sun water, water that has taken on the magical properties of the sun.
Amethyst (healing) + moonlight = boosts the existing healing properties of the amethyst, and has moons magical properties too
⚡ You can charge almost any object, with anything that has an energy.
me when I have to film something for class so I set up my filming area on my desk and then realized my phone is at 45% battery and I will want more than that so now I am just sitting in the middle of the room on my desk chair using my laptop. like I'm just here idk what to do

This is a charging board!
It is a simple way to charge up and cleanse your crystals without having to focus on visualisation. Simply put your crystal in the center of a piece of paper, and write around it two categories of words: the things you want to fill your crystal with, and the things you want out of them. Then draw arrows pointing into the crystal for the positives, and away from it for the negatives.
This is a visual way to charge/cleanse without having to maintain focus. I’m certain it could work for any object you want to use, not just crystals!
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