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Love Is Dead

Love is dead

word count: 290 warnings: none really, just a little angst ahead notes: repost from my old account!

♡ reblogs are highly appreciated! 

pspsps happy birthday katsuki <333

Love Is Dead

“I shouldn’t love you anymore, we just keep colliding.” 

Those were the last words you heard from your ex-boyfriend and the love of your life, Katsuki Bakugou. It’s been months since that fall out happened. That day, you ran to your best friend’s dorm and knocked on the door. Eijirou Kirishima, your best friend since you were both babies. Before he could even say a word, you ran into his arms and just started sobbing. Your painful screams and cries made his heart sink and he already knew the reason why you were this upset.

Kirishima laid you on his bed and told you that he was gonna be right back. He has been through hell with you and as you both were growing up he became very protective of you. You always went to kirishima for everything, and comfort playing the biggest role. Kirishima marches down the hallway to bakugou’s dorm to ask why, just why you but the only answer he got from the blonde was “love is dead.”

Ever since that day it’s just been you and kirishima, kirishima does still talk to bakugou since you three are in the same class together but you do keep your distance. You do talk to your other classmates but you’re afraid to make new relationships. All because of what he said.

You would try to forget the words that he said. You’d try to forget the feeling of being in love, hoping and wishing for someone else to take your breath away like he did. But no one ever has, and no one ever will. 

Love is dead is the last words you heard from him and he is indeed right about that one thing.

Love is really dead.

Love Is Dead

taglist: @peaxhcringe @cutiekawa @loisuke @sugas-sweetheart @aiiishiiiteru @admiringlove @prettysetterbaby @haikyuu-appreciation-club @milktyama @kohis-simp @catzula​ (open!)

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More Posts from Catzula

3 years ago
Summary: Sakusa Kiyoomi Loses His Wedding Ring.

Summary: Sakusa Kiyoomi loses his wedding ring. 

Pairing: Sakusa / f! reader

Genre: Unadulterated fluff

Wordcount: 600

Link to Masterlist

Previously: Sakusa Kiyoomi. Bokuto Koutaro. Kuroo Tetsuro. Akaashi Keiji


You open the door to find your home in a complete mess. 

The sofa is slanted (Omi loves his right angles so he’s going to scream), the coffee table is upended (how did it even do that), hell, even your frying pans are scattered all over the kitchen floor. Your first thought is that you’ve been burgled. In hindsight, that’s a pretty laughable assumption – come on, no burgler would be take the trouble of excavating the contents of your fridge.  

But at this juncture, rational thought escapes you as you barge into the house with shoes askew, because Omi should be home by now and if anyone dares to harm even one precious, curly strand of hair on his head you will stab them with your sharpest stilettos– 

“Omi, what’s going on?” 

Sakusa Kiyoomi, all of six foot four, stares up at you from under your bedframe with the air of a mournful cat, one that’s lost its favourite toy and desperately needs its owner’s help to hunt it down.  

You stifle the demented laugh that’s threatening to tear its way through your chest, choosing instead to take a seat on the floor next to your husband, who only huffs instead of verbalizing his complaints. 

“You wanna tell me what happened, darling?” 

He wriggles out from beneath the bed, deliberately avoiding your gaze. “Hey, none of that”, you coo, cupping his cheeks to gently turn his face towards you. “You know you can tell me anything right? What’s bothering you, Omi?” 

You can feel the heat diffusing from his cheeks to the skin of your fingertips when he mumbles almost shamefacedly – “I lost my wedding ring”. 

“Oh”, you tilt your head, mildly confused. “Okay. Shall we get another one then?” 

Kiyoomi glances at you in surprise, mouth falling open. 

“You’re not mad?” 

Your brows pinch together. “No, not at all…Why would I be?” 

“My wedding ring is supposed to be a symbol of my commitment to you, to our marriage”, each syllable trembling with the stress he places on it. “And – and I lost it”. 

“Oh, Kiyoomi”. You drop an affectionate kiss to each dark mole on his face, your way of comforting your husband when he loses himself in his head, when worries plague his mind. 

“It’s just a piece of metal, sweetheart. Who cares if you lose it? Our vows to each other haven’t changed. In good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer –“

“I’ll love and honour you all the days of my life”, he murmurs, a soft smile on his face. 

You find yourself blinking away tears.

“Until death do us part, Omi. Nothing is going to change that. Not you losing your ring, nothing.” 


You gather him into your arms, let him tuck his head under your chin. You count your lucky stars that this beautiful, sweet man has deemed you fit to be the caretaker of his heart for life. 


You both stay that way for a while, Omi curled up in your arms, pliant and completely content until your stomach growls in protest. 

“We’re gonna need to clean the kitchen up so I can feed myself, as much as I love snuggling on the floor.”

Omi makes a sound of protest. 

“Come on, up! Hey, maybe the vacuum cleaner got hungry too and ate your ring – “

You regret your words as Omi strides off, snapping on a pair of gloves, glaring malevolently at the innocent robot vacuum. 



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3 years ago

of red things like an earphone or a thread

Of Red Things Like An Earphone Or A Thread

Synopsis: you meet a little boy who lost his big brother’s earphone, crying because he’s sure his brother will get mad. You decide to look for it together, not expecting to find something- or rather someone else instead of the red earphone, although tied with a red string.

Pairing: Iwaizumi x fem!reader

Honorable mentions: soulmate au, female reader, cursing once or twice, children, 1.8k words, fluff, (K/N) stands for kid name lol

Of Red Things Like An Earphone Or A Thread

One last wave at your friend and you stepped out of the warm cafe to the cold, rainy winter afternoon. 

The wet wind hit you square in the face as the glass door closed behind you, and you knew you were going to get wet. You already knew it was going to rain that morning when you left your house, but you were too lazy to take your shoes off and get your umbrella. I’m not afraid of getting a little wet.“ You had thought to yourself like an idiot. Though it was true. You weren’t afraid of getting wet under the rain, not, however, a big fan of walking through a goddamn storm. 

You sighed, knowing it was your fault, and you were glad you had at least thought of wearing your good old ski jacket. Closing the hood of your jacket over your head, you wore your earphones and started walking. 


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3 years ago

Shinsou's routes date is now set! It's going to be published this sunday- don't miss it!

“Have you heard, have you heard?” Someone in the crowd whispers, “The circus is coming to town.”


Send an ask, dm or comment on this post to be added to the tag list! These are going to be +18, so minors do not interact.


The distorted music coming from the giant tent is ringing in your ears. The night has fallen, but the lights the circus provides gives the impression that it’s still daytime.

Floods of people are entering the tent, they seem never-ending, but the tent always has a place for more people. People who exit the tent have souvenirs, colorful hats, and unusually big candies. Some are with family, some are with friends, but they all have a smile on their lips, eyes sparkling with the miracles they just witnessed.

You witnessed it, too.

You’re fresh out of the show that had ended. The torch-lit room still makes you shiver when you think of it, excitement prickling on your skin despite the show already being over.

You saw a man carry an elephant in his arms without breaking a sweat, the hypnotizer who can command people at will, a man creating ice and fire out of thin air, there was even someone who could make explosions with his hands. A pink-skinned girl, invisible girl, a man with 111 piercings, a redhead with skin as hard as a rock- they all had something weird, special about them.

You are standing in front of the entrance, not going in, neither going out. Your eyes wander over the flyer that’s pinned on the board. It’s the flyer you’ve seen the past week everywhere, the streets are littered with it, but you never picked it and read what was on it. You find yourself looking at it, hoping to feel the remnants of the magic of the show on it.

The paper is adorned with reds, purples, and greens, and you bring your hand up to touch the smooth surface of it as you read the golden, big lettered headline.

“The greatest circus in the world!” It says, listing the shows right under it, you find something similar to envy bubbling inside you as you read about the shows, the quirky people who would be an outcast if they were anywhere but here. You envy them, the life they have, how free they are, going around the world and just being themselves, being as weird as they want, it still gains them money.

A circus is just what you need; you find yourself thinking. Leave your life behind and join them.

“Do you want to see a man lift a whole house with his pinky? Someone who can create explosions out of thin air? There’s more, more to the freaks. Come then, come closer.” You read, unconsciously stepping forward and nearing the paper.

You bite down on your lip, an audible gasp makes your eyes widen when you read the small box that’s in the corner of the flyer.

“Want to be a part of the show?” It says, so small you would’ve missed it any other day. “Show us what you have, and you might become one of us.”

“You have to prove yourself first, though.”



3 years ago

Gojo and chopin's music have the same vibe and I don't accept criticism on this.

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3 years ago

the lightning thief ii.

a/n: okay so I was not going to write a second part but I liked it a lot so here we go. This can be read as a standalone btw, you don't really have to read the first part to understand, but like,,, still lmao

warnings: mentions of blood, mentions of wounds, mentions of death, cursing, tw: major character death, tw: blood if anything else, please tell me

honorable mentions: first half pure angst, the rest is slow-burn, enemies to lovers with Gojo. 6.4k? Yeah, meant it when I said slowburn. oh- soulmate au!! I really hope y'all like this as much as you did the first part oof

Gojo sometimes wonders if your souls are tied to each other because you're in love or if you're in love because of the shared tie.

"I'm sorry, Gojo." Your voice is scratchy, and Gojo can tell it hurts even to speak. "I'm so sorry."

You don't want to see your lover crying hovering over you; it's your fault his tears stream down his cheeks, but it's impossible to take your eyes off of him. Gojo shakes his head side to side, lips quivering as his grip on you tightens, too afraid to let you go.

Your face is getting paler by the second; your hand reaches to his face to wipe his tear, but you fall weak. So instead, your god takes your trembling, ice-cold hand in his, guiding it to his face, nuzzling his face into your touch.

He can't- it's too much. He had to witness this, your limping body in his arms, counting minutes till you leave him, thousands, millions of times, but each time hurts just as much. And knowing this is- this is the last time... he thinks he's going mad.

"Please," his voice is a hush, blending in with the wind. "Please don't go. I can't go on without you." Gojo sobs, pulling you closer to him, flush to his chest as he feels your face nuzzle his neck. "I need you- I don't care how long it takes, I just want to see you again."

"I'm sorry," you sob into his chest, drinking his smell one last time.

One last time.

It's your fault he's sobbing like this. It's your fault this is the last time you're ever going to be together. It's your fault his bright, pearl-white hair is soiled with a dark burgundy of blood.

"I thought- I just wanted to help."

Your words only seem to make him cry harder; his voice raises to shouts, pushing you closer to himself as if guarding you against death. "I know, baby, I know." He manages to say. "I'm not- I'm not mad at you."

He should be. You're the one who broke the bond, after all. It's your fault the piece of lightning that used to tie you together broke in two.

"I love you so much; you know that, right?" He ushers you. "I'll always love you, so just please-" He shakes his head side to side as he notices you can't keep your eyes open anymore. "don't leave me."

Not much to say; all he can do now is to beg.

If anyone- anything else saw him this very second, on the ground, holding the body of a mortal girl, dirt all over him, begging shamelessly, no one would believe he's a god, let alone the strongest. But at that moment, he doesn't care.

You have it easy, you think. You're never the one to witness your lover's death, grieve after he's gone. As you watch him sob like a leaf in between a storm, holding your numbing body, it feels selfish.

People seem to think he's the selfish one, and they're right in any other thing he does, but never in love.

"I don't want to leave." You finally tell him, despite knowing it'll only hurt him more, it'll wound him deeper, you're still unable to hold it in as you clutch him as if he's the one thing still holding you alive.

"It's okay." He hushes you, caressing your hair, grazing your cold skin. "Just sleep now, okay? You're not going anywhere, I won't let you."

You smile. Gojo wishes for you to ask him for the promise, the promise to find you in the next life as well, "wait for me, Gojo." You'd tell him, "Find me again, meet me in my next life." He would always respond with a teary smile. "Always, my love."

But instead, you stay quiet this once.

Gojo's mouth goes dry.

You feel heavy in his hold, your eyes fluttering close, hand sliding and falling on the ground.


No, no, no!

His eyes wide with shock, with horror, with panic, Gojo tries to get you to wake up- because that can't be it, right? That can't be it- you didn't-

He calls out your name, begging you to open your eyes- even for a few seconds, he didn't even get to say a proper goodbye. He never does, though, since how does one say goodbye to the love of their life?

"Please love-" the god looks so pathetic, so miserable as his head rests on yours, begging you to open your eyes, don't leave him- he's scared.

Why didn't you ask him- ask him to find you again? How can you leave him with those words, breaking his heart more than any other time? It feels wrong; something feels horribly wrong as your body gets colder and colder in his arms.

He stays there with you in his arms, for how long, he doesn't know.

As Gojo stands up, letting your limp body go, two things slip from his hold. One is his lover, and the other is the string of lightning that ties your souls together.


Gojo sometimes wonders if your souls are tied to each other because you're in love or if you're in love because of the shared tie.

He doesn't want to find out.

It's the kind of doubt that makes its way into his thoughts only when he has you in his arms like this, your head nuzzling into your lovers' neck, your heartbeats a steady rhythm against his chest.

A rhythm he has come to memorize, searching for it in the eternity you leave behind.

You've always liked staying with him like this; it's one of the minor things that never seems to change about you in every new life you spend together.

Even just the thought of the next life you'll spend together is agonizing for him. It weighs heavy on him, to count the days he'll lose you, to even think about how you felt all those times, limp between his arms, each time body colder than the last.

Please don't leave me. Don't leave me alone.

His grip on your body tightens as his chest does; it's a hold of fear, of longing.

"What's wrong?" You lift your head to meet his blindfolded gaze; his bottom lip captured between his teeth. No matter how much you look at him, it's impossible not to feel awe at Gojo. He's a god, the embodiment of thunder, of power, created to perfection- his only imperfection being a soul tie he shares with a mortal.

Your voice seems to snap him back out of his thoughts, or maybe it's the way your heart pace picking up that startles the man. That alone makes you hurt even more- that he's grown sensitive to your heartbeat after witnessing it die under his touch countless of times.

He doesn't know you know any of this, of course. Gojo doesn't talk about your shared past; he doesn't mention how he had to see you die many times, doesn't let you sense the pain, the fear he goes through.

"Nothing's wrong, love." He caresses your cheek with the back of his knuckle, a playful smile turning his frown upside down. "I was just thinking about stuff."

"What stuff?"

He misses a beat before answering, but he's good at masking it with a chuckle. "God stuff," he sighs exaggeratedly, "tough being the strongest god, you know."

You smile back at him, not pondering on it, but you can't shake off the feeling that he has something bothering him, weighing on the god of thunder.

It reminds you of the night a serpent had visited you, the talk, the truth it gave you. The pain it gifted you.

"This- this isn't the first time we met?" You ask the man who first came as a serpent. He's big, as big as the other gods; he must be one, as well.

Skin littered with tattoos, marks, and scars, scarlet eyes bore into yours that's the exact opposite of your god, but nonetheless, as unearthly beautiful.

"Of course it isn't! He never told you?" The man laughs. Sukuna, he calls himself. "B-but how? Why?" You blurt out, confused, not aware how tight of a fist you've made your hands.

Sukuna quirks a brow at you, openly mocking your naivety. "How else did you think a soultie between a god and a mortal would go?"

"I-" You start to speak, you don't want to talk to him anymore- you have a sick feeling bubbling inside your chest, but he cuts you off. "You're a mortal!" He laughs. "He's a god- immortal. Your lifespan compared to his is like a grain of salt in a beach."

"He never- he never told me we met before." You speak, a mere whisper that's more likely spoken for yourself rather than the god watching you.

"I can see why he does that. Gojo wants to protect his little mortal- he can get a little obsessive at times, too, but that must be a given after watching your lover die."


"Gojo?" You call his name one sleepless night, even the sound of rain on your window not enough to lull you into sleep. You don't have to open your eyes to know he's there; he always is when you need him anyway.

The only light source is the lightning twirling in the room; it illuminates his face when Gojo raises his hand to push his hair out of his face. "Can't sleep?"


"We can talk, if you want." He offers, and you bite your lip before taking the offer. He knows it makes you feel safe when you hear his voice; Gojo always tells you stories and memories he has as a god. "Tell me about Cronus." You usher for him to narrate the same story you've heard many times; it's one you like a lot.

But this time, you have one more reason to ask; to know more about his brother, Sukuna.

Gojo chuckles at the way your eyes focus on his hand dangling from his side, your eyes following the movement of the lightning that ties him to you.

As a cute little smile settles on your futures, one almost looks loving, and Gojo once again finds himself wondering if you'd fall in love with him if your soul hadn't forced you to.

"You seem awfully interested in my stories today," he laughs. "You usually fall asleep as soon as I start talking. I don't even know if I should be offended or not."

"You have a nice voice." You tell him with a smile. "It sounds... familiar."

You don't notice it, but your words seem to alarm the god just a little. He quickly masks it with a smile, leaning forward that your noses almost touch. "Why are you awake today, then? Is something bothering my lightning thief?"

You chuckle at the playful name, but the tension in the air seems to rise as the moment passes. "No, I'm just a little curious. How old are you, Gojo?"

His brows go up at your question, eyes narrowing just a little. "Why do you ask?"

"No reason." You assure him, but it's obvious he doesn't believe it. Still, he answers. "Very old," Gojo smiles. "Maybe as old as time itself."

You nod, turning your eyes to the tie swinging from your pinky. After a few minutes of silence, you're speaking once again. "How long have we had this tie, then?"


"Gojo wants to protect his little mortal- he can get a little obsessive at times, too, but that must be a given after watching your lover die." Sukuna smiles; it's sickeningly big, looking at you with expecting, wide eyes. The god gets what he wants.

Your eyes widen in terror, in realization, hand coming up to cover your lips. "He watched me die?" Your words come out as a wretched gasp, it's everything the god wanted, but Sukuna is yet to blow the final blow.

"Of course he did!" He shouts; it's obvious he's having his fun, eyes glinting with the newfound happiness of playing with a mortal. Even better that all he's saying is the truth, too. "Countless of times, even we lost count after millions."

"No- that's not- that can't be true." You squirm- it all makes sense, why he gets so anxious as much as a cut breaks your skin, his over-the-top behavior to get you back healthy when you have a cough. "He has to wait years before you appear back on earth, before he finds you again- just to watch you die."

It hurts, it burns; you never knew words could be so unbearably painful."Why are you telling me this?" You sob, the thought of your lover not leaving your thoughts; he had to endure this all himself, he watched this cruel cycle all his life, he lost you- Gojo lost you and had to move on countless times.

"To help him, of course." The god answers you. "I want to break- free my brother from this curse. Don't you want to, as well?"

free him.

from your love, he means.

"You hurt him." Sukuna adds with a wicked grin. "Each time you die, you hurt him even more. Don't you want to stop it?"

"Yes," you whisper, sobbing as you nod. "Yes- I don't want to see Gojo hurt- please help me, please, please, help me!"

"Of course, I will." The serpent god is generous, after all.


Sometimes you wish you never knew.

It's selfish, you know.

But when Sukuna told you how to break the cycle- your first thought was that you wished you never knew. It plagues you, your heart, your mind, your soul- the brutal truth, the simple thing you have to do to save the one person you truly care about.

"I can't do it," you'd told the serpent. "I can't."

He'd laughed at that, as if he had always expected this was your answer, one bordering a shout that told you to run, get out, something is very wrong. "Are you that selfish, mortal girl? You can't do this one little thing- you'd rather let him spend the rest of his life like this?"

He's right, you know. You can't let your lover suffer anymore just because you're afraid.

So you take the knife the serpent has to offer.


It's simple. Maybe a little too simple.

All you need to do is die for your love instead of dying despite it.

"This has been an ongoing cycle because your soul refuses to cut your ties with his, fights death for it." Sukuna had tells you as he ushers the blade in your hands. "This time, you're going to cut it yourself."

The metal knife feels cold under your fingers, your lips tremble when you even think of leaving Gojo. For eternity. You don't want to, don't want to lose him, your life, your tie- but it's for him.

As soon as you grip the knife, the serpent leaves for the night, leaving you with the horrible feeling of what's to come.

You drop the knife as if it burns you, metal hitting the stone floor with a loud clang. As if it pulls your energy with it, you fall on the floor, as well, forming a ball as you bury your face in your knees, sobbing mindlessly.

I don't want to die.

"Don't be a crybaby." You tell yourself. "You can- will do it- for Gojo." Your trembling hand reaches for the knife once again, the silver reflecting the moonlight. "For him, for him, for him."

He's the only thought you have as the knife breaks your skin, as you cry out in pain, as warm blood starts coloring your dress dark.

"For him for him for him," you keep repeating. You don't catch the dark chuckle coming from the night, but you do hear Gojo calling your name. The thread of lightning sweeps on the floor, soiled by fresh blood and dirt- it's broken, he realizes in horror.

"What did you do?" Gojo cries as he takes you in between his arms. "What did you do- Y/N, what did you do?"

As you notice how genuinely terrified his beautiful blue eyes look- it's only then you understand just what you caused.

You broke the bond- and it's your fault you'll never meet again.


"Can you stop eating, and act like a fucking adult for at least a minute?" You force from behind your teeth. "You're going to blow our cover!"

The man in question doesn't even spare you a glance, rolling his eyes from behind his black eye-band, thinking you can't tell when he does. Or maybe he does know you can see it when he rolls his eyes at you but doesn't care. When he (half)finishes chewing his chips, Gojo mocks you by repeating your words back to you in an exaggerated voice and a snarky smile.

He's more than aware of how your hands twitch beside you to punch him as hard as you can, how you grit your teeth together and narrow your eyes at him. Oh, he annoys you so beautifully.

Your hands itch to squeeze the life out of the blindfolded man as he laughs at your expression and keeps on eating- you can picture your fist hitting his annoyingly perfect white teeth, pushing them in and making him unable to chew anything for a while- ah, good dreams.

Gojo Satoru, the most annoying and unbearable man you were unlucky enough to encounter, and even worse, have him as your partner. Temporary partner, at least, but that single word wasn't enough to soothe your anger after living the worst three weeks of your life.

He's doing it on purpose, of course.

Gojo has always been the type to have fun getting a kick out of people, but with you, both he and you know he's overplaying it.

If he's honest, even Gojo himself doesn't know why he's so hellbent on making your life miserable- it isn't something you did or said, but a guttural feeling that makes the god so uneasy, he has to make you feel that way, as well.

"I don't know why you're so fixated on this stupid plan of yours." He speaks between his chewing, making you wince. "It must be because you're weak."

Oh, to kick him in the balls.

"No, it's cause I'm not an idiot like you who goes into fights without a second thought."

"Just say you're boring and go." He huffs, pulling out his phone and scrolling down, making you huff out in annoyance. In truth, Gojo knows it's the opposite. You're not boring, on the contrary, he finds you a little too amusing.

You have the kind of charm that brings a smile to everyone's face, a spicy personality that makes you argue with people for fun, your kindness that has even Nanami a little softer. You're awfully attractive, have a smudge of dark humor and a loving smile-

You're everything and anything a guy could ever want, and Gojo thinks that's the most annoying thing ever.

He doesn't know what that feeling is that prickles his skin when you accidentally brush against him, that sickness bubbling in his chest when you first met him, smiling brightly.

"I'm not boring, I'm just cautious." You huff at the handsome man that gives you a mocking look. "That's what a boring person would say. I don't need to be cautious, you know, I can beat anyone with ease, they should be cautious of me."

"Of your massive fucking ego, more like." You mumble. "What, are you gonna call yourself a god, too?"

"I might as well be one." He leans forward to you, you can almost smell the chips he'd been eating. He's so close- so pretty up close, that you seem unable to get any words out of your mouth, left speechless, even when he has his eye-band on.

"Wh- what is this?" You stutter, trying to hide how flustered you feel by lashing out. "An extreme case of god complex?"

"No," he laughs, finally pulling back to give you room to breathe. "Just telling the truth."

"Yeah, whatever." You turn your eyes away from the handsome man, pure-white hair reflecting the red and green light coming from the street, his smile making you shiver. "Let's just get this over with."


You fought well.

Gojo has to admit you did, even though you're a little roughed up, you took high-grade curses by yourself without being much of an obstacle for him, and that isn't something Gojo gets to feel during a fight with a partner.

His gaze falls on you, sitting next to him on the bench as you wait for your ride to take you back to jujutsu high. You have your arms wrapped around you, not much to shield you from the chilly breeze of the night. Cuts and bruises litter your arms, even though nothing to worry about, the sight still has Gojo feeling somewhat uneasy.

You're unaware of Gojo's gaze, fighting the exhaustion that pulls you to a deep slumber. Your head lolls dangerously close to Gojo; he finds himself holding his breath as he can feel yours fanning against his neck. You look so vulnerable, cute, even, without that disgusted frown you have whenever you talk with him.

Minutes feel like hours as Gojo can only try and busy himself with his phone, leg bouncing as he waits for the shuttle to come already. As he decides the best option is to wake you up, he feels a weight falling on his shoulder.

He freezes.

Finally having somewhere you can rest your head on, Gojo feels you shuffle even closer to him in your half-asleep state, your face almost touching his neck, your steady breaths making him shiver. You... you fit so nicely against his chest, as if you were made to be there, it feels so right, makes him feel so ease, he can just rest his head atop yours and fall asleep as well, a slumber he hasn't head in thousands of years, maybe.

He suddenly sprints on his feet.

The sudden movement jerks you awake, confused eyes finding the frantic-looking man standing before you. "Is the ride-"

"Don't!" He almost shouts at you; it's the first time you've seen him so serious- so worried. "Don't touch me."

Touch him?

It takes you a few seconds to understand what he means, feeling hurt coiling in you when you do. "O-oh," you can only whisper, "I'm sorry- I didn't mean to, I just fell asleep."

He still doesn't look convinced; you notice his hands are trembling.


You don't say anything, couldn't even if you tried to, afraid the tears welling in your eyes will spill if you do. You knew Gojo hated you, he made it as clear as he could, but you never thought- he hated you this much.

Too proud to apologize, he stands there awkwardly, can't bring himself to sit back down as you wait in silence for the rest of the night.

"Oh, thank god." He hears you mutter as a black car turns around the corner and comes near you. You jump on your legs, rushing to the door so you can get in as soon as possible when you hear him call your name.

"I-" Gojo tries to speak, hand resting on the back of his neck, face tinted pink due to cold, or maybe it's something else, but you shake your head no. "There's nothing to explain."

When he opens the door after you, you have your head resting against the window, eyes once again falling weak to exhaustion, but as soon as he gets in, you jerk yourself awake, sitting upright without giving him a second glance.


"Is everything okay between you and Gojo-sensei?" Itadori asks a while after that night you went with Gojo. "You've been acting weird ever since you went to kick some curse ass."

You snort. If even Itadori caught up, you really must be obvious, you think. "Nothing out of the ordinary," you shrug, taking a sip from your coffee to give yourself some time. Even thinking about the incident has you cringing internally. "You know, the usual. We never liked each other."

"Oh?" He blinks. "I thought you were good friends?"

"Good friends?!" You almost spit out your coffee. "How did you get that idea?"

The pink-haired boy shrugs. "I don't know, it just feels like it. Gojo-sensei works best with you and you with him, you tease each other a lot, too. You seem in sync."

Sync. It's the last word you'd think of to explain your relationship with the man in question.

But Itadori is right. Something did change between you two. Gojo doesn't tease you anymore; on the contrary, he keeps his distance from you as much as he can, not talking to you if he doesn't need to-, and truthfully, that makes your wound ache just a little more.

You're not one to say you enjoyed him teasing you, but this feels a lot more awkward, and watching him be so at ease, have fun and laugh with anyone else has you feeling a little- ahh, you don't even know at this point.

"Huh? I have to go." Itadori jumps on his feet. "Thank you for the coffee, sensei!" He doesn't forget to shout, smiling as he sprints down the corridor. You hear him voice out a small oh on his way down, but you think he probably stumbled over his untied laces.

A sigh leaves your lips as you rub your temples, turning back to your computer to finish your paperwork.

"In sync, he says." A voice speaks behind you, making you jump in your seat.

"Shit!" You curse as you turn to the door, your eyes falling on the last person you'd want to see, leaning on the door frame with a pink bag hanging from his fingers. "Oh, did I scare you?" He grins, and you can't not roll your eyes.

"No, that's a new way of greeting people, haven't you heard?" Your answer makes him huff out a laugh as he casually walks in and plops himself on the seat Itadori just left.

"As humorous as always, I see."

"As annoying as always for you, as well. What are you doing here?"

"Am I not welcome?" He quirks a brow; he's wearing one of his sunglasses today, the crystal-blue of his eyes peek from where the black-glass can't cover, leaving you in a vulnerable state you don't want to be in.

"Not even a bit."

Gojo grins.

"I come with a peace offering, though." He tells you as he hands you the pink bag he was holding. You take it from the man suspiciously; it's warm, smelling like a bakery would fresh in the morning. "Doughnuts."

When you stand there, not sure how to proceed as you hold the bag in your hands, Gojo raises a brow mockingly. "Did my generosity leave you frozen?"

"I feel like I shouldn't eat without seeing you eat one first." You ignore his remark, peeking in the bag with a suspicious frown.

"Oh come on!" Gojo lets out a laugh. "Am I really that unreliable?" He laughs even more when you don't miss a beat before answering. "You are."

"Okay, okay." He shakes his head from side to side. "I was going to eat some, anyway."

He reaches in the bag, picking one from the many, bringing it to his mouth when you-


Gojo's hand freezes when you shout, eyes wide in fear. "What?" His brows furrow, inspecting the doughnut. "Is there something-" he's still speaking as you make a reach for it, taking the white powdered doughnut from his hands in a swift motion. "I'll eat this one." You grin.

There are a few minutes of silence as Gojo tries to process what happened, his eyes narrowing behind his glasses as he smiles. "Oh, you little-"

"Huh? Can't hear you from how delicious this is."

He stays quiet, and he's grateful you don't notice the smile, a genuine, almost loving smile he has as he watches you gulp down the dessert. Gojo's quick to wipe it off his face, but the feeling isn't that easily suppressed. You raise your gaze back to the white-haired man as you take a sip of your coffee to finish it off. You have to admit the man has taste when it comes to desserts.

"I'll take that my peace offering is accepted?"

"I'll think about it." You shrug, mood fouling as soon as you remember why he's here. "Why come with one, anyway? You never wanted to be friends with me, what's with the sudden change of heart?"

He ponders over your question for a while, eyes darting around the room and finding you again. "Felt like it." He simply states, not expecting you to snort.

"That might be the worst possible answer you could've given."

You feel your heart missing a beat when Gojo grins, giving you a look over his glasses, meeting you with the most beautiful blue gaze. "It is, isn't it? But it is the truth."


"For fucks sake- that hurts!" Gojo whines for the thousandth time that night, and you ignore it just as many times.

"Y/N!" He groans, and you finally let go of Gojo's hair strands, sticky, green, and gross with some suspicious liquid a curse threw at him.

He had begged you to help him wash it off- by help, he meant whining like a baby each time you even put pressure on his oh-so-precious hair.

"Oh, shut it already, you big baby." You murmur, your voice not doing the best job at hiding your smile, so you turn your back at the man watching you take some more cream in your hands.

"Where did that god complex go, anyway? You were the one bragging about being a god, weren't you?"

"And?" Gojo huffs, true-blue eyes staring at you from the mirror with a childlike pout. "can't gods feel pain?"

You let out a laugh, turning your focus back on his head and pushing it downwards so you can reach the crown. Even while sitting, you're almost the same height, you realize. Tall motherfucker.

"I don't know, you tell me. I'm not as much of an asshole to claim to be a god." Your answer seems to amuse him, but his chuckle cuts off with yet another whine.

"Ow!" He frowns when you slide your fingers on a section of strands, pulling the green substance off of them. "Can't you be at least a little more gentle?"

"No, but I can just stop and leave you to it." You roll your eyes. "This isn't fun for me either."

"I bet it isn't." Gojo mocks you with a look sent your way through the mirror. "How can spending time with me not be fun?"

"Are you aware how bad you smell, Satoru?" You mutter mindlessly, not realizing how easy his first name rolls off your tongue. You're too focused on working a stubborn gulp of green off of his hair as Gojo stills under your touch at the sound of his name, eyes widening and heart missing a beat.

"What?" You ask crossly as he gulps loudly, brows furrowing. "Are you still whining?"

"Okay, okay, I'll shut up." He mutters, watching you smile at yourself proudly at making the Gojo Satoru retreat. He deems it's endearing. He thinks you have the prettiest smile. The funniest reactions. The most beautiful smell. A kind touch.

Even as you pull on his hair so that he might end up bald at the end of it, Gojo relishes in your touch, loves it, craves it, misses it. Fuck- he hates it.

Gojo isn't an idiot; he's lived far too long not to know what's happening, what he's feeling. And somehow, that makes it worse.

"Wow, never seen the Gojo Satoru stay quiet for more than five minutes." You tease the man, pulling on his hair rather harshly to make him jump in his seat. You can't help the giggle that makes its way out of your lips when he sends you a cross look.

"Trying to cope with pain, thank you very much." He mutters, but there's a smile on his lips, as well.

You're a little surprised as he keeps his quiet for the rest of the operation, leaving you two to a peaceful silence as you work your way on his hair, the scary kind of intimacy only shared between-

"And- I think it's done!" You exclaim in victory as you let go of Gojo's hair-conditioner-soaked head. "Go wash the excess or something, and the rest is up to you."

Gojo is leaning over the sink as you talk, inspecting himself on your mirror. "Oh," you say before leaving him to his narcissistic bullshit. "Never call me for something like this again."

"What?" He gasps in fake hurt. "You'd rather me ask Nanami?"

"No, I'd rather you shave your head." You smile as you close the door from behind you. "Oh, Y/N, don't forget!" Gojo shouts after you. "Don't forget our date!"

Your date.

You hated how -despite knowing it was Gojo being a teasing asshole- hearing that alone made your heart skip a beat. It wasn't anything that even resembled a date, just meeting the new first-year student, but Gojo liked to tease.

When you leave him alone, Gojo groans after you.

Loudly, too.

He finds himself rubbing his pinky; it's a nervous habit that calms him off, that reminds him of the old love the God used to have.

Used to, he reminds himself.

It took him hundreds, thousands of years to bury this feeling that was now resurfacing- no, this was different.

His soul was tied to another back then; he had his other half, his one and only love. What he felt for you was nothing but a mere attraction, if he could even call it that. There was no way Gojo would fall for yet another mortal.





"Gojo," you whisper, voice strained. "Gojo, I can't go on."

Your hushed whisper hits the cave walls, blending with the sound of water dripping. When you try to take another step, the pain from your most definitely broken ankle jolts up your body, making you cry out. "I'm sorry- I can't go on, let alone fight." You tell the man again, who is also hurt, trying to get you to walk with him- cmon, just a little more.

For the first time you've seen him, Gojo looks desperate. His eyes are wide frantically, darting around the dirty walls for an escape route, but he knows- Gojo knows he can't escape.

He could've if he was alone, or maybe if he just had you-

But not with the new student in there.

He groans, the blood he's losing making it harder to feel warm. Oddly enough, his hand that holds you feels warmer than any other part of his body.

But here you were, both hurt, not vitally but enough cause one.

"Fuck- just hold on a little more, Y/N." Gojo holds you steady when you stumble over your own legs. "I promise I'll get us out of here."

"No, I-" You try to reason, but it's apparent the man falls deaf to your cries, stuck in his head to find something. Some way out.

This wasn't how it was supposed to go. This day was only about meeting the new student and teasing you the whole day, and you weren't supposed to be in this cave; you weren't supposed to fight curses- the student wasn't supposed to be captured by them, either.

"Gojo there is no other way!" You cry out, hoping he doesn't catch on the slight tremble in your voice. "You have to save the kid, and I can't go on." When he shakes his head denyingly, unconsciously nuzzling his face to the touch you have on his face, you smile bitterly. "I can take care of myself, you have to go."

"Gojo!" You call out once again, your hand sliding up his shoulder. "Gojo fucking- listen to me!" It's only when your hand cups his cheek you pull him out of his panicked haze, the bluest gaze finding you. "You have to-"


"Leave me here." You finish your sentence, sending him a cross glare. "No," he repeats, the grip he has on your arm tightening, warning you not to press it, he won't listen, but you're as stubborn as him, aren't you?

You take a shaky breath when the handsome man finally shakes his head, mirroring the bitter smile you have on your lips. It's such an intimate moment, one you've never experience with anyone, and certainly not with him, but somehow, it feels almost nostalgic. A feeling of sadness lingers on both your chests as Gojo finally nods at you, your hand falling off his face.

"I'll come back for you." He mutters as he starts walking, speaking without thinking, "you hear me? I won't leave you here."

It hurts- for some reason, the words he speaks are painful, more than your wounds, more than the hopeless situation you're in. "Of course, you will." You want to answer. "You always do." Words tingling on the tip of your tongue, you choose to bite them, instead.

What is this feeling? This feeling that has your body shaking, making you tremble with sobs? You don't know. It feels like a terrible longing to the man that had just left you, like you've been waiting for him thousands of years, a burn of grief in your body that makes you want to cry out in pain. It's like you're losing something- like- like--

"Come find me, Gojo." Your voice bounces off the walls, now too far away from the God.

come find me.

Come find me.

He keeps hearing the sentence in his head, feels so strangely familiar to-


He stills in his place, the god of thunder, when his body remembers before his heart does, remembering your touch from thousands, millions of years ago, identical to the way you had just held him. With a cry of relief, of fear settling in the back of his throat, Gojo turns back around- running to you, to find you, one last time.

You're back, it took him too long to understand, but you're back, you held your promise, his lightning thief, no matter how far he runs, you'll always find him.

Even without a tie that binds your souls.

Gojo finally has an answer to his question.

Are your souls tied to each other because you're in love, or are you in love because of the shared tie?