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3 years ago

the lightning thief

The Lightning Thief

a/n: here's my piece for my first collab!! I've been teasing y'all with these lil Gojou headcannons for a while now, so here's a full piece dedicated to him. I really hope you like it!! *Crosses fingers for the tags to work this time*

pairing: (zeus)Gojou Satoru x fem!reader

trigger warnings and other notes: major character death, suggestive in one part, soulmate au, angsty, bittersweet ending

Part 2!

The Lightning Thief

synopsis: the bride of the thunder god was never supposed to have a happy life, you decide.

Ever since you were born into that storm, a shining piece of lightning tied to your pinky, you were doomed to solidity, knowing the god of thunder wouldn’t take a mortal as his wife. But there are things even the all-powerful God can’t do; refusing his fate being one of them.

The Lightning Thief

Your god was a selfish god.

That, you knew all your life. Even if you forgot for a second, people loved to whisper it to you in the dark when no one was around, pitying you.

All because you had something that didn't belong to you.

A cursed child. Born in the middle of a storm during an angry fit of the god Zeus, or more commonly, Gojo, your fate was chosen for you, but with the little piece of something you had that belonged to the angry god, you had no chances of escaping it, either.

It tied around your pinky, a string of lightning twirling down hypnotizingly, although never touching the ground. A braid that tied your soul to the god of thunder, a man you'd only seen in your dreams, knew by the myths whispered to you by the townsfolk, about the man you'd come to marry.

Just so you wait, they told you, he will come to get his bride.

You think they know it, but the truth is they can only hope.

Hope the god will touch the earth, pull you back, and free the town of this cursed kid. At least no one is cruel enough to spit it in your face how unwanted you are.

No, instead, they make you spend your days in a shrine, pray to him so he could hear your cries, and finally take you. So you do. Spend all your life in that dark, giant shrine dedicated just for the god himself- no one else visits it but you; it's to leave the god and his bride alone.

It's a lost cause.

The god of thunder has no intention to take a mere mortal as a bride, and he's furious anyone would even think that. Him, the god of gods, tied to a mortal, a human? Not once he comes to see you, avoids his shrines in fear of meeting you, not giving the tie around his fingers a second glance when they tug him towards you. He tries to fall deaf to your voice, soothing and soft- almost always a whisper, too, a habit you picked up from living around people that wants you gone.

Gojo likes to think he does all this because he doesn't have time for a mortal, no need to meet you when he knows it won't get anywhere, but deep inside his heart, Gojo is well aware if he does meet you, it would be impossible for him to leave.

Although, as selfish as he is, Gojo is also very curious.

It's a little fire in him, a fire that grows each day he hears your voice ringing in his head when you pray, and it's stronger than anyone else's, must be because of the shared connection, he thinks.

He doesn't mean to, but despite all his tries, the god of thunder can't fall deaf on your voice. He listens to what you say, your random inner thoughts that seep into the prayer that often makes him laugh.

He never answers them, though. However much he wishes to sometimes, Gojo can't bring himself to cross that line. Still, he's aware you know he's listening to them, he knows talking to him comforts you, and that's enough for the both of you.

You don't ask for anything from him though, except for him. Most would think being the soulmate of a powerful god would give you the power to do anything, ask anything, but you never do. You only tell him, again and again, that you wish him.

"Help me," you once sobbed in his shrine. "Save me from this place." It was a one-time thing you had cried to him so vulnerably, but Gojo remembers the day as if it was yesterday. "Please, god, take me back."

He knows how your people isolate you, how lonely you are, how tired and how suffocated you feel for something that never was your fault. But Gojo is -afraid- selfish, and he can't afford to fall for someone.

The worst part is, he knows if you were given the choice, if you were to live again, restart everything, you'd choose him instead of living the normal life you envy so much. He doesn't know why, but he does at the same time. It's a paradox you seem you can't get out of, a love you harbor for someone you never met. He can hear it in your voice, feel it in his bones, the comforting warmth and the ice-cold uncanniness of unconditional love.

Gojo wants nothing else but to stay away from you, but call it curiosity by nature or his soul pulling him towards you; he can't help but need to be near you, get to know you, make love to you.

So he visits you in your dreams, instead. Just so his curiosity dies, and then he'll stop thinking about you, shut out your voice that echoes in his mind all the time, stop smiling each time he sends his bolts through the sky, he tells himself. He will see you once and once only, and then he'll erase you of his mind.

But it's addicting to finally be able to see you, your bright smile that ensues his heart in a tight grip. The promise he swore to let you go after that one time turns to two, then three, then hundred.

He doesn't talk, doesn't show himself to you, but watches you as you soar through the sky and swim in the endless sea. Your dreams are colorful, unlike the grey life you live- and the all-powerful Gojo, the god who has seen everything worth seeing in the world, thinks he'd rather stay in your mind to anywhere else.

There is, however, one time he makes himself shown to you- you're having a nightmare, one that even makes the god of thunder himself feel uneasy.

It's a thoughtless act as Gojo steps out of his hiding place, somehow you don't find the white-haired, blindfolded stranger odd, but instead, he seems closer than anyone else you'd met before. Not even when he leans in does it feel strange, pressing a soft kiss on your cheek -it's the first time anyone's been so close to you, even in your dreams- and successfully wakes you up from the nightmare.

It feels so real, for the both of you, so addicting. It's like finding something you'd been looking for all your life, like you finally remember what you were thinking of for the past years.

Gojo finds it amusing how you don't talk about the little kiss the stranger gave you the next day in your prayers.

Gojo is a powerful god, more powerful than anyone else- but himself.

He falls weak to his own curiosity, and he finds it impossible not to get closer now that he blurred the line of staying away from you in your dreams.

He keeps visiting you in your dreams, still hiding- but now you know he's there. He wants to be there, with you, wants to engulf you in a kiss as you smile, pull you in his arms as you cry. It gets so hard for him to stay away from you- so he doesn't.

Your first -and last- day together is bittersweet for him.

You're dreaming of a waterfall. It's in the middle of a dense forest that impresses Gojo with how detailed, how bright everything is. The water looks like it's out the Mountain Olympus, so clear and shining under the sun seeping through the trees' branches.

You stand in the water, your back turned to where he is. Your hands trace your skin, your arms, and neck, wetting yourself and enjoying the pretty water.

It's a hypnotizing scene to see- the selfish god secretly prides himself in how he's the only one that's ever going to see you like this.

He's not even aware of himself as he stands up from his hiding place, walking towards you. It's only when his pale hand makes contact with the warm skin of your back he's awakened by his trance, although you don't seem surprised.

You don't turn around to face him, and he can't tell the reason.

"I'm a taken women, sir." You tell him, instead, to which Gojo grins. You don't shy away from the contact but lean into it, instead, as someone deprived of the touch of anyone else her whole life.

"How unfortunate," the man tells you, his voice sending chills down your spine. He's so close, his body almost touching yours as you feel the heat radiating from him, warming you in the cold water. "Is he a good man, at least?"

His smile only grows as you shiver when he talks. "I've heard stories on both saying he is and isn't."

"Stories?" He repeats as you suck in your teeth when his fingers trace your hand that's bound to another soul, and you almost get the feeling he knows. "You don't know him yourself?"

"No, sir."

"And what if I told you this was all but a dream?" He asks, and you feel his lips on your shoulder. "Would you still reject me?"

You stay silent for a few seconds- it almost makes him dizzy.

"I'm still a taken women, sir." You answer, and it makes Gojo feel both disappointed and a little proud. To hear you belong to him, is intoxicating for him, similar to an adrenaline rush that pools in his stomach.

You're his, he thinks, thoughtlessly grazing his lips on your shoulder, on your soft skin. You shiver under the touch, the touch that must be strange, but it's strangely familiar instead.

It's the same for the thunder of god, also. Gojo has lived for centuries, been with gods, goddesses, humans, and creatures, but this- what he felt as he touched you, felt your warmth, felt your shallow breaths, it was something he had never experienced before.

Addicting, he thinks. It feels impossible for him to pull himself away from you. "You-" you manage to whisper between your heaving breathes, "You are the god."

"And you, the lightning thief." He whispers, you finally see a glimpse of his unruly white hair, and it's so beautiful, you want to touch it.

Making a move to turn around, to see the god that has claimed your soul, but Gojo doesn't allow it. He holds you firm, flush to his chest, not giving you the chance to see him.

"A curious one, aren't you?" He huffs. The god knows he promised himself he would stay away from you, but he can't. Not when you feel this good under his touch, not when you sound so musical, not when your hand clings to his hand as if it's the only thing holding you up, alive.

You get to see him once that night since every other moment is full of the feeling of him, his kisses fogging your thoughts. It catches him off guard when you lift your head from his chest with wide eyes. "A blindfold?"

Gojo can feel how rapidly your heart starts to beat when you see him smile. He finds himself longing for the feeling of you laying on his chest again.

Such a pretty little thing, he thinks to himself, and just as the thought passes his mind, yours rings right after his. "What a beautiful man," you think, and he hears it. It's a prayer.

He relishes in your embrace, in the way your heart flutters, pressed to his chest, in the way your fingers trace over his arms hesitantly, expressively. For the first time in his life, the god isn't thinking about anything else but the present. For the first time, Gojo doesn't look for something else to do that will pull this boredom out of him for at least a second or so, to fill the feeling of "something's missing" stirring in his body.

No, instead, he's focused on you and only you, how you feel, how your lips felt a second ago, how your body, your hands, how you felt, how you smell, remembers it, etches the feeling, even if it's in just a mere dream.

Gojo is selfish, in fact, he might be the most selfish creature out there, but when he leaves you that night, pulling away from your tired, sleeping form, it's anything but selfish.

But it's hard.

When you wake up the next day, it's a grey, heavy day. You'd think you'd feel happy after finally getting together with the man you loved, but instead, there's an uneasy feeling stirring in your blood, making you feel sick.

Somehow you know, you know, that he will never come to visit you ever again.

A whimper leaves your lips, and it sounds like a wounded animal. Your hands roam your body to find a trace of him- wondering if he sees you now, hear your thoughts.

All your life, you had waited for him to take you, you prayed to him every day, and waited and waited and waited for your god to save you and-

You fall back in your bed, your breath hitched in your lung, burning each time you try to let it go.

"Why won't you take me, God?" You whimper half-mindedly, "I waited for you all my life, waited for you to save me from this place- from my loneliness-" you whimper, "am I that bad? So bad no one wants me, not even my soulmate?"

You stay silent for a second.

"I'll find you," you tell him. You have never been so sure of anything in your life. "I'll find you."

Gojo hears it, all of it. It's the last time he hears your voice so clearly.


Gojo often finds himself wondering if you stopped praying, or is your voice now just another voice from the millions he gets through his day.

Gojo thinks he would've thought the first worse, but somehow the second hurts him even more. He waits and waits, days, months, years? Those mean nothing to a god, and it might already be twenty whole years he last saw you that night. It felt like an eternity, anyway.

You hold to your word, too.

For years, you never stop chasing thunderstorms, his bolts of lightning. Spending your whole life, without a rest, you look for him. Wherever he looks, you're always there, waiting for him to come to get you.

He does, once.

But this time, it wasn't you, who had found him, but him who searched for you.

He knows this feeling, and he dreads it rushing to his temple, where he knows you are. It's fear that consumes his body, causing his chest to tighten, limbs shaking. It's a foreign feeling for a god, but not to a god bound to a mortal such as you.

The shrine is cold, not even a torch of fire illuminating the place, but he can still locate you laying on the marble ground, shaking just as your soulmate is, only a few meters away from you.

You can feel his presence, but you don't have enough strength to turn around, to face him. But you find the strength to cry, it's tears of relief, of happiness, that shakes your body with sobs.

"Shh-" he tries to console you, you've grown quite a lot, he thinks, and it felt both like an eternity and a week for him. He's once again reminded by the cruel fact that you are a mortal. "It's okay, I'm here." He tells you, consoles you, cradles you in his arms.

You're sobbing in his chest, clinging onto him like he's the only thing holding you alive, that's because he is. He knows, and you do too, that death is close.

"It's okay, it's all going to be okay." He whispers to you, and you're feeling cold, despite the warmth the god provides you in this dark shrine. "I missed you, I missed you so much."

"I told you I'd find you." You tell him, it takes a few minutes for you to choke it all out.

"You did." He smiles.

"I have one wish, god." You tell him. "Anything," he answers you, clutching you harder into his chest. "In my next life- can you come find me, too?"


Gojo was never afraid of getting to know you, of falling for you, loving you. No, instead, that's the best thing he'd ever done in his life, he thinks. Both of you know, a little too well, that what Gojo feared was losing you. Of saying goodbye to you. You, the human, fragile like a leaf, so easy to lose.

But he does, and it's all because of him.


So it starts again, everything from the very beginning.

You come to life again, start over in another part of the world, and you're always the same, with a stolen piece of lightning tied to your hand. You'll keep dying and dying, stuck in this curse of a life until you give up on the god, give up your love for him, stop wishing that in the next life you live, you'd come to the world, again, tied to him.

But you never do, and you never will. And however Gojo says he doesn't want this, want you, he'll always be grateful you're there.

So each time you are born, there's a thunderstorm outside, the worst people have ever seen in years. You don't know then, but you'll understand when you grow old that it's your god crying.

Of happiness, you know. Of knowing he has one more chance to hold you in his arms, to make things right.

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3 years ago

Gojo and chopin's music have the same vibe and I don't accept criticism on this.

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