25 | He/Him
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Cayde-28 - Tumblr Blog
the person reblogging this from you is rooting for you to have a happy, healthy, and successfull 2022
Little and vocal
George doesn’t realize he can’t scratch his ear while lying down

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Exo headcannon: when Exos are struck speechless, their mouth lights do a little flicker anyway.
Also really like the idea of anytime a person might tense their jaw (where you can visibly see the flex) as an emotional response, an Exo's lights would flicker in time with the movement of their jaws to simulate that flex.

Tilda Swinton risked arrest waving a rainbow flag in front of the Kremlin in violation of Russia’s new homosexual propaganda bill. And she wants everyone who can to reblog it in solidarity.
Guys please reblog this, it won’t ruin your blog, this is important

Me watching people from yt playing Destiny with clan/fireteam of friends: I want that.. I NEED that in my life.
Also me when someone from my clan invites me to play with them: *confused screaming* WHY

Hello! I will be taking art commissions and i can do:
Destiny characters
Original characters
Furry characters
Will not do:
Explicitly gore
Explicitly NSFW
I accept paypal only. You can contact me by my email ju.rs.commissions@gmail.com or by sending me a message on Tumblr.
If you want to take a look at my other drawings, here is my DeviantArt https://www.deviantart.com/xplayerhunterx


If you cant pay a commission, please reblog!
even if Crow found out about what he had done as uldren, i think he would say thank you to the guardian for putting him down when he was a sick stray dog. without that, he wouldn’t have been able to help all these people since he woke up and we know he has a strong desire to do good
I'm kind of pissed off that a Twitter post had to tell me that Rega spelled backwards is Ager.
I'm so stupid! Lmao
When people don't have anything better to do. Lmao

And no, I don't care if their name shows. :)
Edit so I can show my score ‘cause I don't care:

Ok, I figured it out.
Incredibly sharp eyesight
Can sense heat signatures and track them across pretty wide areas of land
Known for unbelievably good aim
Depth perception and spatial awareness are the highest out of any subclass
They don’t have that great of hearing, relatively on par with a normal human, and sometimes experience a faint ringing in their ears lasting up to hours after using the Golden Gun
Every smell has a faint hint of gunpowder to it
Balance is always just slightly off, damage to the inner ear caused by close proximity to loud noises (Golden Guns) cause them to be the least agile of the Hunters but they are definitely the showiest
The most lonesome of the subclasses when it comes to missions, Gunslingers prefer to run by themselves or in very small groups
While they are solitary, Gunslingers are very useful to have around when hunting powerful enemies
Very, very, very loud and very easy to see
Fast but conspicuous, they have trouble being stealthy
Tend to be rather charismatic and friendly, their physical warmth is often reflected in their personalities
A Gunslinger is pretty much always going to be a people person
They’re just… warm. Like, literally and metaphorically
Bodies are always giving off heat, which can be somewhat uncomfortable for other people but makes it makes them very good at handling extreme tempatures
Very keen eyesight
Capable of picking out individual energy signatures and trailing them for miles
The fastest out of any subclass
Are the most sensitive to the physical world out of all Hunters, keenest sense of touch, allowing them to sense the tiniest differences in air pressure, every shift in winds or change in temperature
Hearing similar to Gunslingers, if slightly better
Sense of smell clouded by the constant smell of rain
Balance is unbelievable, easily the most athletic of Hunters
Very good at going off on their owns, Arcstriders don’t very often need a fireteam to back them up, but they do welcome company
They are pretty good at add clearage but it’s a roaming super so that’s to be expected
They tend to move rather quietly but due to the flashy and bright nature of Arc energy they’re pretty easy to pick out
Tend to be a bit more cool and unbothered than Gunslingers, but when under pressure they often act very impulsively, they have very focused animated energy to them
Arcstiders often aren’t all that sociable, but they’re great fun to be around
They have very dynamic personalities, and they’re very good at getting other people to feel energized
Bodies are constantly giving off static electricity so it’s very common to get shocked if you touch them
They have terrible eyes. Thank god for their helmets because Nightstalkers are literally always near or farsighted. It is literally impossible to find a Nightstalker with 20/20 vision
They can sense and track auras thanks to the Void
They have unbelievably good hearing
Keenest sense of smell out of any Guardians, they remember scents very well and are able to follow them for miles, this has led to Nightstalkers being jokingly referred to as Bloodhounds
Balance is OK, they where the first Hunters to learn how to Dodge, and they are incredible acrobats
I cannot stress how stealthy Nightstalkers are. You will never hear them coming, and with how good they are at disappearing, it’s very unlikely you’d see them either
Speaking of vanishing, they are very good at it. Like to the point where there are times when the City will just completely lose track of Nightstalkers for months at a time. A Nightstalker can disappear in the middle of an empty room and you will not find them
They are the least sociable out of any class. They’re quiet and distant by nature and tend to seem rather cold and calculated
But if you’re willing to push past the aura of mystery and secrets that follows Nightstalkers where ever they go, you’ll find that they’re rather easygoing. Nightstalkers have to be team players, the nature of Shadowshot doesn’t grant them the privilege of being loners
Most people assume that Nightstalkers are serious because of how secretive they are, but they are, in fact, absolute idiots with the most devil-may-care attitudes
Nightstalkers can communicate with each other over the Void and all they ever do is talk trash to each other
They are very cold to the touch and you’ll pretty often find them complaining about how cold it is and how they’re freezing
wow this is longer than i thought it was going to be
ATTENTION ALL GIRLS AND LADIES: if you walk from home, school, office or anywhere and you are alone and you come across a little boy crying holding a piece of paper with an address on it, DO NOT TAKE HIM THERE! take him straight to the police station for this is the new 'gang' way of rape. The incident is getting worse. Warn your families. Reblog this so this message can get accross to everyone.