2928 : ARMAGEDDON - 000
2928 : ARMAGEDDON - 000

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the gods.

astra. ❝ goddess of the moon and the night.❞

cheryl. ❝ goddess of souls and love.❞

asya. ❝ the harbinger of discord.❞

lucius. ❝ god of the sun and the day.❞

natrix. ❝ god of the sea and depth.❞

aarush. ❝ god of fire and temper.❞

mystral. ❝ goddess of the wind and determination.❞

nunzia. ❝ messenger of the realm.❞

celestebride liked this · 2 years ago
More Posts from Celestebride
➳request: Ooh can you do a drabble of Haku being playful with his S/o? - anon
➳notes: ah yes, Haku time. I’ve never seen a river so fine.
➳warnings/tw: none! but slight, slight spice if you tilt your head and squint.

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"we should fuck."
"im sorry?" you squeak, almost dropping the book you'd been holding. your best friend rolls over on your bed, signature smirk spread across his face.
"nothin' to apologize for, babe."
your mouth drops open in pure shock, as you blink at him slowly, completely in a daze. finally after long moments of staring, you in complete astonishment, him adorning a look of utter boredom, you spoke.
"are you fucking crazy?"
he stands up, walking calmly over to the chair you sit in and leans down, lips so close you can feel his breath on your ear. you tense and your hair stands on edge, as one of his hands come to rest high up on your thigh.
"only for you."

suna. atsumu. tsukishima. oikawa. bakugo. sero. shinsou. draken. baji. hanma.

a/n: is this too nsfw for my blog?? 😭😭 nah
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omi and his girly little gf <3
he thinks you’re so PRECIOUS. when he first saw you walking across campus with your nails done, shorter than most of your friends, dressed well and in pink he couldn’t stop thinking about you. atsumu had to snap him back into the conversation. kiyoomi thought that you looked like a pretty princess.
when you two become friends and talk more, he’s a little more obvious about it. when you get your nails done or ask him if he likes a skirt you got he always compliments how well it suits you, that pink is your colour!!
if you’re black, and you add pink into your braids/ dreads/ locs/ twists he thinks you look like an absolute FAIRY!!! you come back from the salon [ he wanted to come see you. he swears he did. but you didn’t let him for the ‘surprise’ of it): ] his mouth curls into a smile and his dimples are on display, he gets up from his spot on the sofa and asks if he can touch them. he clears some of the hair from your face and he places a feathery kiss on your forehead , “it’s not fair, how pretty you are,” he says.
kiyoomi just loves when you have french tips. he loves it. especially when the base is a pale pink colour, and the tips are just a crisp white. he loves how it contrasts with his black rings as he holds your hand. his heart flutters when your little, neat palm can only wrap around a few of his fingers. he loves how your manicured thumb rubs against his battered knuckles - it makes him feel dizzy.
he loves when you wear skirts or get new ones, he always twirls you around like you two were slow dancing. he’ll chuckle along with you when you giggle, “i think this one’s my favorite now,” he said to you ; although he’s said that about all 7 of the skirts.
don’t you dare try to do anything when you’ve just gotten your nails done. laundry? he’ll help. you wanna make yourself smth to eat? nah, he’s got it. you wanna shower??? why????? he’ll just clean you🤞🏻🤞🏻. his big sister used to complain about having to do things with her nails on and he’d never let his sweet little princess do anything by herself ):
omi would absolutely let you do his makeup if you wanted to try a new makeup look. you sit him down, putting his bouncy curls in a little bun and then priming his face. his cheeks smush and squish as your small hands work on him gently. he can’t help the warmth in his chest when he feels that you’re making a conscious effort to be gentle when you’re soaping down his eyebrows or blending out the highlight. his favorite is when you put on mascara- the way your index finger tilts his chin upwards and you mutter a ,’ look up f’ me, kiyo’ in the most sugary sweet tone he’s ever heard. he replies with a simple , ‘ ‘kay’ that could never give away the butterflies in the pit of his belly.
lastly - he’s spoiling you ROTTEN. he’s got allll that athlete money for what???? you, obviously. you saw some pretty mary janes you wanna wear to work? done. you want new earrings? done. you want a necklace with his name on it? done. well, that part wasn’t a choice- but he’s still happy that you wanted it. if you two are out and you even say that something is cute , his immediate response is , “do you want it?” and he’s dead serious. even if it’s ridiculously over priced. if you’re someone who cries when they accept gifts i’m projecting i’m sorry consider his heart SHATTERED when he hears the break in your voice as you thank him. he’s coddling you, asking if you really hated the gift that much, but when you explain that it just overwhelms you he feels tears in his own eyes at how precious you truly are. his large hand caressing your head and the other rubbing gentle circles on your back, whispering to you that you deserve his gifts, his love, his patience because you give it back to him. you deserve to be a princess- his princess- forever</3333333