celestialudenburn7 - CelestiaLudenburn7

Just a gay mess trying to get by

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5 months ago



please reblog so that it gets attention. a lot of people don't use twitter so this can easily be overlooked:3

5 months ago

Please reblog if YES so your followers will know!

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5 months ago

If I had a nickel for every time I had a main f/o who dedicated their entire life to a religion of sorts, only for it to crumble as this faith is put into the wrong hands, tricked into doing horrible things because of it, and having a very close relationship to a girl named Coco(Koko), I'd have two nickels, which may not seem like a lot but I only have two main f/osđŸ˜¶

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5 months ago
Best Trope And You Can Fight Me Over It (i Abuse This So Hard With My Ocs)

best trope and you can fight me over it (i abuse this so hard with my ocs)

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5 months ago

Ngl it's been so long since i last went through Sdra2 properly i had never stopped to think of Emma's character that way? How acting is her life and pretending she's okay is the one way she knows to go about living, itches my brain now, pls ramble more about her I'd listen

Me when I get to talk about my favorite character

Ngl It's Been So Long Since I Last Went Through Sdra2 Properly I Had Never Stopped To Think Of Emma's

Thank you so much for the ask!! 

Tw for mentions of physical abuse

To start off, I think it’s actually best to look at her free time events. 

Of course, the final of these gives the most insight to her character. However, there are other key traits that show up beforehand. 

The first is how Emma doesn’t really have any friends outside of this killing game. She only worked with other adults on sets, and that most likely isolated her from people around her age. In the first free time event, she talks about how she has never talked like this before with another teenager. She’s very used to acting more mature around people, so Sora’s attitude is refreshing for her. At the start of the final free time event, she goes on about how she’s always wanted to do “girl talk”.

Secondly, it shows  Emma’s strange ideas about what a friendship should look like. Unlike other characters, Emma politely asks if she’s allowed to talk to Sora. She apologizes for being a bother, which will come up in later sections.  In her second and third events, Emma accidentally spoils what happens in movies she has starred in. While it is played off comedically, Emma decides to compensate for this by giving Sora copious amounts of money. 

Despite being completely harmless, it gives the impression that she thinks she needs to pay Sora to be friends with her. Since Sora doesn’t know who Emma is outside of the killing game, the only other thing that previous “friends” might have used her for is money. 

I think this also highlights how Emma is a people pleaser. She is so quick to take Sora’s joking request for one MILLION yen seriously, and even asks if that is enough. 

In the fourth free time event, Emma goes into detail about her adoptive parents. However, she refuses to elaborate on anything that occurred before then. 

Finally, the fifth event. This is when Emma completely breaks down, showing Sora her scars; literal and metaphorical.

Emma’s mother was never around, always smoking and drinking her woes away. 

And her father? Her father was a greedy, angry drunk with no self control of himself. Since he couldn’t make a steady income, he forced Emma, a very young girl, to sell things on the street. 

If she didn’t do it?  He burned a cigarette into her arm.

She states that every day she tried to resist, but it only made the burns worse. So in the end, she just did what she was told.

“Because if you don’t listen, the cigarette light is burned.”

“If you cry, the cigarette light is burned.”

“Desperately holding back tears, acting as the daughter who is well behaved.”

“I’ve been living under a mask.”

These are all some quotes from the final free time event, and I think it perfectly explains why Emma acts the way she does. 

Her acting isn’t just a skill, it’s a defense mechanism.

She became so good at pretending she was this perfect, kind hearted girl that it started to blend with her reality. She still is afraid of people hurting her, so she pushes all of her real feelings down. It’s why she’s so scared of opening up to Sora, claiming that she would hate her if she knew.

Emma doesn’t do it just to be nice: she does it to survive. 

In a situation like a killing game, it’s no wonder she was being so “two faced”. 

Because acting keeps her alive

It keeps her from coming off as vulnerable, and more importantly; people will like her. 

This is the reason why Mikado chose Emma to look after Kokoro. Emma is so good at being friendly, maybe she could lower Kokoro’s guard. 

But, that’s not what happened. In fact, the opposite did. 

I genuinely believe that somewhere deep inside, Emma did care for Kokoro. She was starting to get used to seeing her; eating breakfast together, the one way conversations which soon piqued mutual interest

Setsuka calls Emma out at the end of the second trial about this, countering when Emma said that Kokoro got on her nerves. 

The most tragic part of her character to me is how she gaslights herself.

She lies to herself about hating Kokoro so she can complete the murder. 

She lies to herself about not caring for the other participants. 

She lies to herself about being prepared to die. 

And it's only in her last moments that the mask finally cracks, revealing someone who is deeply hurt and scared.


That’s all I have to say for now, but I might make a part two!! Once again, thank you so much for the ask!! (â ă„â ïœĄâ â—•â â€żâ â€żâ â—•â ïœĄâ )⁠い

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