Sdra2 - Tumblr Posts

More Sdra2, And Dra, Plus Kirumi. Also Am I The Only One Who Thinks Kirumi’s Pajamas Look Super Comfortable.

Hey, there is a fan game of danganronpa called Super Danganronpa another 2. You should watch it, or play it if you know Korean. Anyways, here are some extra sprites I made of Yuki Maeda. Credit for the sprites used to edit this goes to LINUJ. Also don’t spoil other people.
SDRA2 - Hibiki Otonokoji X Male! Reader X Setsuka Chiebukuro
When you first met Setsuka Chiebukuro, you were immediately entranced by her. She already gave off such a mature and motherly aura just from interacting with you, and if that wasn’t enough, her looks definitely sold the deal, especially when you watched her play billiards on a few separate occasions. Hell, you even played a few games with her during your free time, and while you knew you had absolutely no chance of beating her, you were no slouch either, and so you both shared some fun times together during your involuntary stay on Utsuroshima. She had taken a real shine to you, and as time passed, you fell madly in love with her. She was like an ideal housewife in your eyes…
...okay, so maybe that was a bit too much, saying that you were madly in love with her and that she seemed like an ideal housewife, but granted, you had a serious crush on her.
However, she wasn’t the only girl you had your eye on; the Otonokoji twins had also taken a real shine to you, especially since they were the famous duo known as Melody Rhythm. Their music always managed to take a shine to not only their fans (including yourself, but you were too embarrassed to say it out loud), but the day itself as well. Hibiki, the main vocalist of the two, always seemed cheerful and jovial around the group, and while she may have been demanding at times (especially around her sister), you always knew that deep down, she had a good heart and the potential to grow and shine even brighter than ever before. Thus, you had begun to develop a crush on her as well, since she and Setsuka seemed to get along really well.
And then there was her twin sister, Kanade. The guitarist of the duo who always seemed somewhat timid and stuttered from time to time, especially around her sister. Even with all the torment she received from her twin sister, she seemed like a good-natured and kind-hearted individual...regarding first impressions, that is.
During the last two class trials, each of which went over the deaths of Yuri and Kokoro, you couldn’t help but sense that something was off about Kanade when you realized what she was truly capable of in terms of intellect. And the way she was able to discern how Kokoro’s murder went down, along with the dying message she had left behind...that left you with an important question lingering in your head.
Just who on earth was she beneath that shy, timid exterior?
You had given it some thought, but you eventually dismissed it as your own paranoia for the time being.
However, that didn’t mean you would dismiss it completely. You kept it in mind in case something came up.
When you saw how she reacted to the motive Mikado had given everyone, you had grown suspicious.
When you saw how she reacted to Hibiki wanting to stay with Setsuka instead of Kanade, that suspicion grew even more.
And by a miraculous stroke of luck, when you woke up early and saw Kanade drugging Iroha and Sora’s tea, that solidified your theory.
Kanade was a fucked up person on the inside, even before she arrived at Utsuroshima. And there was a good chance she was planning on murdering someone. Maybe even a terrifying chance that she was planning on murdering Setsuka.
At that moment of shock and fear, you knew what you had to do.
Later on, you found yourself standing close by, hiding within the shadows near the pool with two anesthetic-filled syringes in your hands while you observed the scene with a determined expression. One syringe was filled with enough anesthetic to knock out one long enough for you to do what you had to do, and the other… didn’t really matter. You knew you would die for what you were about to do, but it was for the best. Besides, you would deliberately leave something behind for the rest of the group to find, and it would point to you.
That aside…
...So that was Kanade’s plan, for her and Hibiki to stab Setsuka at the same time and then screw over everyone else by making it near impossible to determine who the culprit was, when in reality, both of them were the culprit.
That bitch...too bad for her it wouldn’t happen at all.
You snuck up behind them, your footsteps quiet since you had played enough video games to know how stealth worked to some extent.
“3…” Kanade began, with Hibiki continuing, “2…” A second of silence, “1…” They brandished their knives as you held your breath.
And then there was a silent sound of a syringe being jabbed into skin, and both twins were on the ground, out cold. Hibiki and Setsuka would wake up some time later, but Kanade?
Never again.
With your objective complete, you then immediately got to work.
“The culprit of this case, the one who killed Kanade Otonokoji...was none other than you! Y/N L/N, the Ultimate Gamer!”
Sora’s declaration rang throughout the trial room as all eyes were on you. No one had suspected you were the culprit, but remember that piece of evidence you had deliberately left behind? That was a small strip of fabric from a part of your clothing, and it was that single piece of evidence that solidified her accusation.
Hell, you didn’t even try to deny it. You just smiled defeatedly, yet peacefully and sighed, knowing this was the end of the road for you. “Welp, looks like this is Game Over...”
But in all honesty, it was worth it.
“W-Why…?” Hibiki began. Tears were running down her cheeks and ruining her makeup, but that was the least of her concerns. “Why did you do it…? I-I thought we were all friends…! Friends don’t abandon each other, much less kill each other, so why?!”
Setsuka wasn’t faring any better; the overshadow on her face said it all and tears streamed down her face. “Y-Y/N…y-you…?” She didn’t call you by the nickname she had given you since the start of the trip, which was honestly heart-wrenching.
“I had, I needed to kill Kanade...before she could kill anyone else,” you replied, though your voice was slightly shaky. Shaking your head, you then glanced back up at Hibiki and Setsuka, whereas both of their expressions were pleading for the full explanation. Clearing your throat, you stood up straight and gave them the full story, the reason why you killed Kanade.
“I began to have my suspicions about Kanade...back when the class trial for Kokoro’s murder rolled around. It was her unusually keen intellect that threw me off. I didn’t really pay it any mind during the trial for Yuri’s murder because it was our first time, but...beneath that shy, timid exterior was something...a hidden strength of sorts that I couldn’t exactly discern.”
During your pause in your explanation, you had garnered everyone’s full, undivided attention as they all looked at you with conflicted expressions. Hibiki and Setsuka had wiped their tears and were staring at you with firm eyes.
“At first, I wasn’t too sure. Maybe it was just my paranoia that was getting to me because we were in the middle of a killing game. I eventually dismissed it as that, but…”
“...around the time when Mikado gave us that motive, I noticed how...unshaken Kanade remained. That disturbed me, just rubbed me the wrong way. At that moment, I knew something was off about her. And one morning...I saw her drugging Sora and Iroha’s tea. From that moment on, I had to keep an eye on her. And then...I saw her and Hibiki at the pool. were practically hypnotized at the time from what I could tell, so of course you don’t remember...but that aside...”
Hibiki’s eyes were wide open as she realized why her head had felt somewhat empty before. She glanced down at her own hands, trembling slightly before looking back up at you.
“I knew what I had to do. Otherwise, if I did nothing and left Kanade to her own devices, I...I couldn’t live with myself. So I did something. And that something was undoing her plan of...brainwashing Hibiki into killing Setsuka and then trying to create a stalemate where Monocrow couldn’t determine if Hibiki or Kanade was the killer. If she had succeeded, then...”
You didn’t even need to finish that sentence. As everyone listened to your story, they slowly began to realize and put the pieces together. However, that didn’t lighten the mood whatsoever. Most of the group, if not everyone, looked at you with sympathy, even Syobai, which was a rare occurrence.
And to rub it in and further solidify your account, Monocrow was generous enough to display the other part of Hibiki’s motive video - the part she didn’t get to see until now. How the damned bird knew about what Kanade had done in the past was the least of your concerns. But as Hibiki slowly began to understand who was responsible for all the losses she had suffered since childhood, her mind slowly began to become clearer and clearer. She was now free from Kanade’s evil clutches.
However, that still didn’t make the situation any better.
Everyone seemed shaken up by this revelation. Hibiki and Setsuka...they were completely and utterly horrified by the revelation, their brains lurching and almost unable to believe that their friend had been a long time killer since childhood.
“Now you understand why I had to kill her,” you continued, casting your gaze towards them as they looked at you in the eyes. “Granted, I probably could’ve resolved this another way, but I couldn’t risk her living on. She was too dangerous...and yet...” You couldn’t find any words to finish that sentence as you hung your head, tears pricking at the corners of your own eyes. “I...I’m sorry, everyone…I’m so, so sorry...”
“Y-Y/N...don’t be...this wasn’t your fault…” Setsuka replied, albeit shakily as she was fighting to keep herself from losing it. “Don’t blame yourself for this…”
“N-No! I can’t accept this…! I won’t accept this…!” Hibiki sobbed, frantically shaking her head as she practically dashed towards you and hugged you as tight as she could. “I should’ve done something, I should’ve! You didn’t deserve this…! So why…?! Why did you have to do this for us?!”
“Because I loved you. Both of you.”
Though your response was immediate and short, it was genuine and heartfelt, and it caused both Setsuka and Hibiki to freeze in place. Hibiki slowly broke away from the hug as she and Setsuka stared at you, eyes even wider than before if it was even possible.
“Are you saying…?”
“What Kanade did back then and what she was planning on doing...those weren’t the only reasons I killed her,” you replied, looking them in the eyes this time.
“You loved them...but you couldn’t tell them,” Sora finished, somehow having known for a while. “You couldn’t let anything happen to them, so when you found out what Kanade was planning to do, it spurred you into action…”
You glanced at the silver haired amnesiac and nodded, knowing she had hit the nail right on the head. “Exactly. I loved both of them, I really did...but, I was honestly too shy to tell them that…so, I figured the least I could do was protect them by any means necessary. Seriously, though...I’m glad you found that strip of fabric. I knew someone would find it eventually, and so I just left it there...”
“W-Wait, left that strip of fabric there on purpose?” Yoruko asked, her face turning a slight shade of blue.
“Yeah...while I was setting up the whole murder, I realized that it seemed too...perfect...I knew that if I actually got away with what I did, you all wouldn’t survive, especially Setsuka and Hibiki. I didn’t want that, so I decided I’d leave a little something behind…” you explained, holding up the part of your clothing that appeared to be somewhat torn, which solidified the truth.
“Y-Y/ left that behind to save everyone…” Shinji muttered, slamming his fist down on his podium a moment later. “Dammit…!”
“Wait...there’s something I want to ask…” Sora called out, turning your gaze back to her. “...are you a member of Void?”
“Sorry, but no. I doubt Kanade was either, but that aside...I think it’s better this way,” you replied, giving him a smile before casting your glance back towards Setsuka and Hibiki. “I understand if you can’t forgive me for this, but-”
You were immediately cut off when Setsuka and Hibiki both wrapped their arms around you, letting their tears fall and soak into your clothing as they sobbed uncontrollably.
“Dammit Y/N, of course we forgive you…!” Setsuka muttered, not wanting to let go as she held onto you as tight as she could. “Don’t you dare blame yourself for all this…!”
Hibiki was unable to say anything, only focusing on holding onto you and never letting go. Soon enough, some of the others eventually fell to tears. Syobai grit his teeth and looked away, taking a drag to ease the emotional pain that he could feel lingering all over the room. Mikado seemed indifferent and Teruya was in tears, though smiling a bit, glad that you were able to achieve your goal to some extent.
Sora and Yoruko had no choice but to let their tears fall while gripping their podiums, Yuki and Shinji were fighting back their tears as best as they could, Nikei couldn’t bear to look at the scene any longer and tipped his hat forward with a grim expression on his face, and Iroha had collapsed to her knees, sobbing as hot tears soaked into her sketchbook.
“Uggggggh, this is seriously giving me a headache. I have prepared a special punishment for the blackened of this case: Y/N L/N, the Ultimate Gamer!” Monocrow announced.
“Setsuka, Hibiki...I love you very much…” you muttered, finally wrapping your arms around them with everything you had. “Take care of each other, okay?”
“*Sniff* We love you too, Y/N…so much...” Setsuka sniffled, Hibiki continuing a second later. “And we’ll protect each other, I promise…”
“Good…” Just hearing their words brought more tears to your eyes. “I’m glad to hear that…Nikei?”
Said journalist looked up at you in surprise for a moment. “You know what to do, right?”
Nikei stared at you for a moment before nodding, knowing exactly what you meant. On the off chance you wouldn’t survive, he would agree to look after Setsuka and Hibiki for you. It was that kind of trust that always kept love from least, in your perspective.
This was real life after all. You couldn’t respawn, nor turn back the time to undo your mistakes.
Every decision counted.
And honestly, you were okay with your final decision.
“Well then, shall we begin?” Monocrow began.
You were ready for it. You were so ready for it.
“Punishment ti - eh?”
What you weren’t ready for was for both of your lovers to kiss you passionately on both of your cheeks. It caused you to blush a bright shade of red as they both looked at you lovingly, but sadly, knowing that was the only time they would ever get to kiss you. Hell, even Setsuka opened up her right eye just for this moment, which was honestly entrancing in your eyes.
At that moment, you felt like nothing, not even the execution Monocrow had planned for you, could break you. You got to confess to both of your crushes, and they returned your feelings in full. Nothing could make you happier.
And as Monocrow pulled you away to your execution, you kept your smile, knowing that they would still have each other.
Okay, so this has got to be my first post on Tumblr. Like, EVER. It’s been a while since I’ve posted any of my work, so I apologize if I didn’t exactly capture the characters’ personalities well.
Not to mention I made a request regarding the plot of this one shot to a select few others, so I’m still waiting on that.

had to stay up stupid late to draw something for the twins bday LOL. why did their's have to be so close to shinji's.
A gender related having Teruya Otori from SDRA2 as a comfort character?

TeruyaOtoriSDRA2comfortic Pride Flag + Symbol "TeruyaOtoriSDRA2comfortic is a gender related having Teruya Otori from SDRA2 as a comfort character."
hello everyone
this account is icon and art going to most of the time post icons you are allowed to use them without ask me and you allowed to request.
Here are fandoms that going to make icons, make art and wallpaper: yttd, danganronpa, sdra2, Omori, Andy apple farm, precure, zero escape and Undertale au you are allowed to request character x character and poly ships, but I won't do any ships on the blacklist edit: you can request wallpaper edits and layouts
blacklist: adult x minor ships, incest ships or any toxic ships.

iroha nijiue blue flowercore icon
Rei hates everyone
I think Rei being a hater is what makes her so like able

in my dra era

i just finished the first game and i am totally not obsessed definitely 100% for sureeeeee-
i’ll start the second game soon i just found this screenshot on pinterest while trying to look for meme templates and i had legally had to make a meme out of it
pissing off every fandom

also if u want me to do another fandom just send it in my ask box
i would overthrow a small to medium size nation for this man

my comfort character 😘
ranking some of my old and current fandomz

this tier list was based on multiple factorz like the media itself(just a bit), the fandom in itz entirety, my interactionz, and how i acted while in these so just keep in mind this is honestly mostly based off of the more fandom side of it rather then the actual piece of media
some dra and sdra2 memez

i’m obsessing over this fangan so hard help me it has consumed my life
he would watch alpha male podcasts

i had to say it
i ranked sdra2 and dra characterz

y’all pretty unproblematic but i’m gonna say it anyway if u like any of the characterz i dislike or dislike any of the characterz i like you’re entitled to your opinion just don’t come after me for mine
yuki maeda appreciation post

he’s so perfect
background reveal

itz so preppy ik
these two rlly got that post trauma glow up

kinjo go boom
proud to say this is the first thing i’ve ever made in capcut (btw itz a video idk if u can tell from the thumbnail of it)
rest well and remember the true villain of dra and sdra2 is akanez ugly ass shoez