⚠️FOLLOW AT YOUR OWN RISK⚠️ Hanya Author yang seneng nge-CROSSOVER dari yang aneh sampe yang bikin pusing dan pecinta GENDERBEND tambah OOC parah. Youtuber, fanartist, author/multifandom| NL-BL-GENDERBEND|
58 posts
Super Messy;;; Gomen. I Really Wanted To Get This One In Because I Know I Have No Time Later Today;;;

super messy;;; gomen. I really wanted to get this one in because i know i have no time later today;;; but minamisawa seems really suave so would be someone cool to shop with LOL; i was so torn between him and taiyou (PREP OUTFIT COME ON) i was thinking of dragging fudou akio but then again tis is kaji yuki anyway LOL HAHAH must have been awkward being two characters in the same episode huh
<3 day 4 of 30 day inazuma challenge ahhhhhh i can imagine my art becoming more and more messy as these are done ine like 15 min LOL SOBS HAHAHA SO MESSY sorry OTL
1. Your favourite character: Fudou Akio 2. Your least favourite character Fideo Ardena 3. Character you’d date Genda Koujirou 4. Character you’d like to go shopping with Minamisawa Atsushi 5. Character you’d like as your child 6. Character who would probably be your rival 7. Character you have the most in common with 8. Character you look like the most 9. Character you’d bring home to your parents 10. Character you’d never bring home to your parents 11. Character you’d become best friends with 12. Character with your favourite voice/seiyuu 13. Character you’d go camping with 14. Character you wouldn’t ming being roommates with 15. Character you’d want to cook for you 16. Character you wouldn’t mind prancing naked for you 17. Your OTP 18. Characte you wouldn’t mind having as a parent 19. Character you’d like to go karaoke with 20. Character you wouldn’t mind having as your butler/maid 21. Character you’d have in your party if you were in a RPG 22. Another OTP of yours 23. Your favourite character of the opposite gender of #1 24. Character with your favourite uniform/ outfit 25. Character who wou;d be your band-mate if you were in a band 26. Character you wouldn’t mind having as your boss 27. Character you wouldn’t want to run into in a dark alley 28. Character you’d want personified into a dog 29. Character you’d want personified into a cat 3o. Character you’d want to cosplay as
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Gai x Yua (Campus AU)
Suatu ketika seorang mahasiswa dari jurusan bisnis baru saja selesai kelas, dia ingin beristirahat di asrama sekalian mencari makanan untuk mengisi perutnya yang sudah kosong, sesampainya di asrama mahasiswa itu samar-samar mendengar seseorang yang sedang menangis. Sumber suaranya dari kolong meja makan, sebenarnya dia berusaha untuk tidak peduli namun rasanya tidak enak … masalahnya dia berada di ruangan yang sama dengannya terlebih lagi dia berniat untuk memasak di dapur. Kan ga enak masak sambil dengerin orang nangis.
Mahasiswa itu menaruh tasnya ke atas meja, lalu berjongkok. Ternyata benar orang yang sedang nangis adalah adik tingkatnya. Entahlah apa yang dinangisin, dia memang suka melihatnya nangis di bawah meja makan ketika pulang ke asrama.
“Yua, kenapa? Dimarahin sama kating lagi?” tanyanya lembut.
Mahasiswi yang dipanggil Yua olehnya itu mengangkat kepalanya, wajahnya basa dengan air mata. “Berisik.” Setelah itu dia kembali menenggelamkan wajahnya diantara dua kaki.
“Aku kan peduli sama kamu, pas aku biarin kamu waktu itu, besoknya kamu marah sama aku.” Dia menghela nafas berat.
Yua kembali mengangkat kepalanya, raut wajahnya sangat kusut. “Berisik, kalo lu mau bikin makan sono aja!”
Niat untuk berbaik hati dan mendengar curhatan malah disemprot, kesel sih … tapi ya sifatnya emang kaya gitu terkahir kali dia pernah ditampar sama Yua gara-gara ga sengaja megang dadanya ketika dirinya menahan tubuh Yua tidak terjatuh pas Yua kepeleset di tangga terus dia marah seminggu.
“Kenapa lu belum pergi dari hadapan gua?”
“Aku ingin tau kenapa kamu nangis … sudah dua hari kamu menangis di bawah meja makan.”
Yua memandang kesal, menggembungkan kedua pipinya. “Sesuai apa yang lu katakan tadi … dimarahin sama kating.”
“Ututututu dimarahin.” Tangannya mengelus kepala Yua pelan.
“Tuhkan pasti respon lu kaya gitu.”
“Terus aku harus gimana?”
Yua merentangkan kedua tangannya ke depan. Tidak ada reaksi setelah Yua melakukan hal itu, lirikan matanya perlahan bergerak ke arah kanan.
“Udah ah mau nangis la-“
Grep, si mahasiswa menarik tangan Yua ke dalam pelukannya, Yua benar-benar terkejut, tidak percaya dengan perlakuannya. Kepalanya juga dielus dengan lembut olehnya.
“Udah jangan nangis, kalau kamu kesusahan dengan tugasnya aku akan membantumu dengan senang hati.”
Yua mengangkat kedua tangannya, dia memeluk balik si mahasiswa itu. Hangat … sweater putihnya benar-benar membuat dirinya hatinya hangat. Tiba-tiba saja suasana ini berubah ketika seserang nyeletuk ketika melihat si mahasiswa memeluk Yua. Orang itu teman satu kelasnya.
“Gai ngapain lu disana? Ngemesum lu dibawah meja?”
Otomatis dia langsung melepas pelukannya pada Yua, sampai-sampai punggung Yua bertabrakan dengan kaki meja dengan keras.
“Ku-Kuroto … ngapain, ngapain lu disini?!”
“Gua kan tinggal di asrama juga, dan gua mau bikin makan.”
“AARRRGHHH! PUNGGUNG GUA SAKIT BEGO!” Yua keluar dari kolong meja.
“Hohoho … bahan pedekatean lu ngamuk.”
“HAHAHAHAHA!” Kuroto lari ke depan kulkas menghindari tendangan yang dilayangkan ke arahnya.
Yua berjalan keluar ruangan sambil menghentak-hentakkan kakinya.
Kalau sudah begini Gai akan kembali down dan nilai juga ikut berpengaruh, Kuroto tahu mengenai hal itu, menghilangkan rival dari arena pertempuran itu penting sebelum pertempuran itu dimulai.
"Perfectrise! When the five horns cross, the golden soldier Thouser is born. Presented by ZAIA."
"Buggle Up! Danger! Danger! (Genocide!) Death the Crisis! Dangerous Zombie!

MichiruMichiie’s first giveaway!!!
I had hit my target of 400 followers and as promised, I will start my giveaway.
This is my first giveaway. They are something cheap but yea, it’s the thought that count.
Rules & Regulations, Terms & Conditions, how to be eligible, how do you join? Etc etc.
1) You don’t have to follow me or be my follower. But it is always welcomed.
2) Likes and reblogs both count. One each per blog. (Followers get extra count ^_^)
3) You must be willing to provide me your address and I do ship internationally.
4) No giveaway blogs.
Winners’ Prize:
1) First Place Winner will receive 3 items of their choice (1 from category A, B, C)
2) Second Place Winner will receive 3 items of their choice (1 from each category A, B, C, of the remaining prizes)
3) Third Place Winner will receive 2 items of their choice (1 from each category A and C, of the remaining prizes)
4) There will be three additional winners who will randomly get one of the remaining prizes.
Prize Detail(Please refer to the photo):
Category A Bookmark: i) Kuroko no Basuke ii) Set FREE! Iwatobi Swimming Club iii) Set Shingeki no Kyojin
Category B Laptop Skin/Sticker: i) Roronoa Zoro Laptop Skin 16 inch ii) FREE! Iwatobi Swimming Club Laptop Sticker
Category C Tokires/Tokimeki Restaurant: i) Kirishima Tsukasa Phone Strap ii) Fuwa Kento Phone Strap
Deadline: 26 April 2014, Saturday, 00.00am, UTC +8.00. (The deadline is to commemorate the day I hit 1/4 of the century, the day I turn 25.)
I will contact the winners at 8pm on the 27th April, Sunday. Please be sure to keep your submit and ask boxes open. I will wait 1 day for the winner to reply otherwise I will pick a new winner.
Thank you. -MichiruMichiie-
so sweet :3
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![4 | [pixiv]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/a7f28f47dfbed5fc59c2b1c6102d1b64/tumblr_mkji3rlNjF1qbejdko2_500.png)
ディスガイア4ログ | 夜子 [pixiv]

boy: I love u
me: but do you love kisaita???
boy: wtf
me: you can’t love me if you dont ship them