chanloeylcvfics - park chanyeol || johnny suh
park chanyeol || johnny suh

Last updated 190419 || Side blog for fics || here to expose myself tbh || angst, fluff, smut, pg, r, kinks, nc-17, pg-13, etc, if I like it then it will be here || NO EXPLICIT FICS INVOLVING UNDERAGED MINORS, must be pure fluff, pg, pg-13 || mainly exo, nct, wayv, also multifandom

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Chanloeylcvfics - Park Chanyeol || Johnny Suh - Tumblr Blog

6 years ago


Title: Stretch by zombiecheeze

Pairing: Kris/Suho

Rating: NC17

Summary: Suho is the cute yoga instructor that Kris wants to bang, so despite not having knowledge in dancing, he enrolls to get closer to Suho.  Inspired by Suho looking like a gay dance instructor in the teaser. (Prompt fill)

Admin P: This was hilarious.

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6 years ago

hello, do you know any royalties fics or kaisoo (either of them) were like princes? thank you in advance!

prince jongin

which brought me to you

the emperor’s love

red hands and blindfolds

atonement (char!death)


prince kyungsoo

summer children

maybe next summer

what the crown carries

upon many times

d.o white

the royal pains of kim junmyeon (main!baekyeol)

black & white (main!hunhan)

desert tales

i’ll run (kyungsoo’s not really a prince but he’s the son of the duke)


- admin sae

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6 years ago

exo r~nc-17 recommendation list part 2

So apparently I absolutely have no idea how many words can one post exceed to so I made a 2nd post or .. continuation yea.. of the recommendation list cuz I rock like that. (and that incase i want to read a fic again yeno yea)

Last Updated: 140117 22:35 # of fics added: 9 Fics Total: 157

Legend: [★] - Fave [☆] - Hover for Warning

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6 years ago

exo R~NC-17 fic recommendation list

Curiosity kills the cat and I am shameless.

Fics that are either deleted/privated by the authors will not be removed from this list and will remain in their spot. I also have the G~PG-15 one too if you guys like, or not..

Last Updated: 130502 21:46 # of fics added: 1 Fics Total: 160 *Note: Scroll down for the Part 2 of the Recommendation List.

Legend: [★] = Fave [☆] = Hover for Warning 

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6 years ago

my analysis of Arbitrage, a kaisoo fanfic by fumerie

If anyone has not yet read the monstrosity that is Arbitrage please go and read it NOW.  After you have finished reading it come and read my explanation and analysis and then talk to me because I crave people to talk to me about this.  I wrote this originally for Justinne, but it ended up being for anyone and everyone who felt a little (a LOT) dazed by this fic.  Also please don’t scoff at me – summer has just begun so I have time to whittle away.  I came out from the fic more eager to learn than ever before, so it was a positive experience.  Um.  You may disagree with me on some of my points, but I did check excruciatingly carefully, and my theories are correct in their own way (I will fight you).  Okay.  Also maybe some of this stuff is really obvious.  Maybe it was only me who was confused.  I dumbed it down and flattened it out considerably because I suffer from Kyungsoo syndrome and I absolutely needed to have it articulated.  So yeah.  GO READ THE FIC and then come back to this.  Here goes nothing. 

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6 years ago

Medicine (Jimin)

WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS. I’m such an horrible person, I have tons of requests to work on but nooo. I was just about to turn off my computer when I decided that another of my Jimin feel should be made into a scenario. Well this was supposed to be short, I swear. This is kind of a sequel to the “Bowtie” scenario. ( I promise this is my last Jimin scenario before someone requests one OTL )

Jimin is sick and takes advantage of it.

“Babe~ I’m dying.”

“Jimin stop playing with me, I’m busy.” you said, as if you understood anything as to what you had to do for your project anyway.

“I wish I was kidding.” Jimin muttered, coughing a few times in his hand.

For the whole morning – it was a bit past noon right now – Jimin had been whining at you that he was sick but he looked just fine to you. Maybe you just didn’t want to give him some attention because of your project or maybe because you knew how it would end if you joined him to bed. So you would just glance at him from time to time, and each time he would be scrolling on his phone, or laughing at some videos. You discovered his talent for faking coughs and all this stuff, though.

As you stood up from the desk and sighed at your 1% done work, you glanced a last time at Jimin before heading downstairs. But you didn’t. You thought, why would he fake a sickness anyway? You saw his beyond red face when he lifted it up his head from his hands after coughing for what seemed like forever. His voice was hoarse and you could actually hear a bit of pain in it. Whenever he’d look at you, he wouldn’t stop smiling though, and that’s what made you doubt.

“Jimin…” you said as you slowly approached the bed. “are you okay?”

“Wow, thanks…” he weakly replied, taking a moment to cough. “you’re finally asking me. No, I’m not.”

The look on your face softened and you went to sit by his side. You slipped your hand under his hair on his forehead and to your surprise it was burning hot. You put aside his hair and tried to fan him a bit with your hand.

That’s when you saw his sweaty face and red pitiful eyes. Seeing him in such a state made you feel horrible because for hours you thought he was pulling a prank on you or something.

“How do you feel?” you asked him, still caressing his face, trying to wipe his sweat.

He’d cough whenever he’d try to open the mouth, and that was painful to see. “Horrible? Sore.”

“I’m so sorry…” you started, looking away as embarrassment built in you. “I really thought you were pulling a prank on me. Tell me anything, I’ll do it.”

You immediately ran to the kitchen and came back a few minutes after with a water bottle and a few snacks. You didn’t remember seeing Jimin getting out of bed – in a nutshell, he didn’t eat a single thing since he woke up.

You started feeding your boyfriend, and that’s when he started enjoying things. You saw a sly smile growing on his lips as well as a frown grew on your face.

“My whole body feels so sore… Could you massage my shoulders?” Jimin asked as he slowly and painfully sat up. You didn’t say anything though, and slipped behind him. A whine escaped his airway as you started massaging his broad shoulders and a few moans could be heart throughout the massage. Your fingers started hurting because of the hardness of his damn muscles, and so you stopped and laid him back on the pillow.

“I’m still a bit hungry though…” Jimin said, looking away in an almost shy way. You executed without a word and started feeding him again.

“Do you need something else?” you inquired and quickly looked over at the desk. Your project was still waiting for you.


“Right…” you ran to the bathroom and went back with the necessary medicines. Of course you had to make him sat up, put the pills in his mouth and even make him drink. “You’re such a baby.” you said in a giggle.

“Excuse me, I never asked to be sick.”

“Excuse me?!” you couldn’t help but laugh out loud. You rolled on the bed, not caring about that judging stare Jimin was giving you. You came back to your senses and frowned. “Who decided to kiss me two weeks ago when I was sick like a dog?!”

Jimin looked away and coughed a few times from embarrassment, but that only led him to coughing for a few minutes, and you seriously thought he would spit out one of his lungs. “How do you expect me to stay away from you for a whole week because you’re sick…”

“You’re lucky I can’t get sick two times in a row, I wouldn’t be sitting next to you either way.” you smiled, pinching his nose. Jimin was now in a weak position, which meant you could touch him or tease him without him reacting in a sexual way, if you know what I mean.

Suddenly, you felt something lying on your hand. You looked down to see Jimin’s hand on yours, squeezing it. You looked back up and could only smile back at your boyfriend who was probably getting all emotional. You got a bit closer to him and squeezed back his hand.

“Do you need anything else?” you quietly said, not wanting to cause him any headache or so.

“Can my girlfriend kiss me and tells me she loves me?”

You giggled and tried to hold back the heat rushing to your cheeks. “What?!”

Jimin pouted and that was honestly the cutest thing ever, even though he looked dead and mostly like a mess. “You said you’d do anything…” As you let time pass by, his pout grew bigger and you thought his cheeks would blow up.

You leaned in forward, really slowly and the closer you got to his face, the more you could see the growing desire on his face. You giggled and quickly hit your forehead on his and stood up from the bed, running back to your desk. You eventually blew him a kiss and sat back in front of your work.

“I would laugh at your face, but I probably have the exact same on every time you tease me just in the same way.” you said loud enough for him to hear.

After a few seconds of silence, you quickly turned around on the chair and locked eyes with him. You thought you’d see a confused face, but not at this level. He looked almost hurt and disappointed. You gasped and immediately stood up from your chair, walking back to the bed.

“I’m sorry…” you muttered, lowering your head.

“This would have probably healed me better than medicines… but well.” Jimin said, not daring to look at you anymore. He started fidgeting under the blankets and turned away from you. You held him back right in time though.

Your hand slipped from his shoulder to his hand. You slowly caressed it with your thumb and an instant smile formed on your lips. You leaned in forward and pecked his lips a few times. You didn’t back away and kept your face close to his, your smile growing at the same time as his.

“I love you.”

If it wasn’t for his low and husky sick voice, you wouldn’t have heard him saying this at the exact same time as you. The synchronization was just perfect as both your faces went from surprise to delight and love.

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6 years ago

Different Kind Of Dance (Smut)


NC-17 Rated M    Request can be found here

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6 years ago

Monster // A Jimin Scenario.

The morning news is filled with stories of missing persons from all over the region. They believe they are all related, and, you admit, it sure does seem that way. From what witnesses there are, which isn’t many, the attacker was all described the same way: “a black shadow that moved like lightning with claws like daggers."  What kind of beast lurked the streets outside at night? You thought monsters were just make believe creatures from stories, but could this be a fable come true? The thought makes you uneasy. As the attacks move closer to home, you are nervous to even venture next door at night. 

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6 years ago

request: Scenario- friends with benefits with yoongi. You break it off cuz you love him. He starts getting jealous when you talk to other guys.

titel: we’re different

genre: jealousy, angst (kinda?), a little fluff

pairing: yoongi x you

word count: 1,658

A/N: Holy guacamole, this turned out longer than I thought lol. Anyways I hope this is kinda what you were looking for anonnie and if not I’m sorry heh, it’s my very first taken request v_v

(gif credit goes to it’s right owner)


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6 years ago

Jimin: Titleless Chapter 1 (Series)

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6 years ago

kissing jimin rated t for too fluffy for my own damn good word count: 498 

There is something about kissing Jimin. Something in the lust and pull of his lips and Jungkook’s, the way he curls a hand at the base of Jungkook’s neck to keep him close, as if holding onto something precious and perfect and porcelain. There is something about kissing Jimin. Something in the way that Jungkook can’t breathe for breathing in Jimin’s candy apple shampoo, the one that comes in highlighter green bottles and foams up way too much and makes running his fingers through Jimin’s hair feels like tugging on paradise. If only for the tiny little noises Jimin makes when he does it, soft, comforting little mewls that rakes down Jungkook’s spine and curls up in the base of his stomach, keeping him warm for hours on end.

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6 years ago

This is really random, but imagine Jimin and you as really close friends, and that he calls you noona. And then one perfectly sober night (so maybe it was the cold), you two end up having sex, like really intense, hard-pounding, skin-clawing sex; and he wakes up the next morning looking all shy and slightly guilty, going "I'm sorry noona" because he thought he fucked up a perfectly good friendship. (and the only way to convince him otherwise was more sex lol)

changed it a bit cause drunken sex worked better but the proper smut comes later i promise hahah /lays down/ i had Ride by SoMo playing on loop for like a whole day to get this down man im so rusty with smut D: requests are: closed

tightroperated m for mama mia this got longword count: 3,729

Jimin’s hands travel down the skin of your back, his lipslatching onto your shoulder as he anchors you to him, your eyes squeezing shutas he opens his mouth to whisper against your ear, and god you want it—


You jolt up, cheeks burning, till you realize that thewarmth you’d been feeling along your skin is none other than Park Jimin,leaning too close, grinning to wide, eyes bent in their signature crescents andyou groan. That expression can’t bodewell.

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6 years ago

okay but instead of coffee shop AUs

Modern royalty AUs

Accidentally read his/her diary AUs

Egyptologists AUs

Rockstar and groupie AUs

Book club AUs

Met at comic con AUs

Lifeguard AUs

1920s con artists AUs

Running from the police AUs

Librarian AUs

Rebels against the government AUs

Internet friends AUs

Time traveling AUs

Struggling artists AUs

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6 years ago
Note// I Sincerely Felt That It Needed A Companion~ For Aethalen Im Sorry I Left It At An Awkward Place.

note// i sincerely felt that it needed a companion~ for aethalen❤ i’m sorry i left it at an awkward place. ^^;; also, gratuitous use of that gif because look at his face. (∩´﹏`∩) companion to // this. you probably don’t have to read the first one to understand, but it might be better..? ^^;

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6 years ago

omg. if you keep putting these up- i wont be able to control myself! I literally jump at the chance to indulge in your writing. number: 7 / bias: chen

7 kink of my choicethat’s why i post these drabble games, m’dear~ thank you so much~ x3warning: sexual content~

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6 years ago

imagine dating an immortal and finding a photo album of their exes who all sort of look like you dating back a century

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6 years ago

[OneShot] Taken


credits to my chingu sexy-exo-oppa who found this photo and edited it for me and saved me from torturing myself with finding a suitable picture of this boy..

I hid a yawn behind perfectly manicured nails. How boring. I knew why I had to show up at these functions. As the daughter of one of the most respected fashion designers, it was practically demanded that I become a public face as well. If my mother was here, prompting her latest line then if my youthful face also happened to be encouraging others to enjoy the brand as well, things would proceed much smoother. Normally I was okay with this because who says no to free catered food and bubbly? But this was more of a snore fest.

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6 years ago

[LJ] Status: Variable

Title: Status: Variable Author: rainbowtoxicity Pairing: Chanyeol/Kyungsoo/Jongin Status: Complete Length: Short Story Rating: PG/R  Genre: Flangst, romance, slice of life Summary: There’s more than one way to end a story. ileney’s thoughts: i’m on a roll today aren’t i lol. this! fic! i likey~ it’s like a choose-your-own-adventure kind of storytelling hence the ambiguous pairing & rating. but ugh part A is so darn fluffy and cute, but since i love angst and love triangle scenarios, part B!!!! and part C was another alternate ending, but all parts were <3 idk how the writer-nim made all parts connect cause dayum reading it in one go was so flawless ugh my feels are out the window & the endgame pairing is just so agklldf lovelovelove

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6 years ago

Sometimes, It's Just Sad ▏B.I


Sometimes, things weren’t all that great.

    Sometimes, you needed alone time.

    Sometimes, you just wanted to crawl under a blanket, stare up at the wall, blink a few times, and think of nothing. Absolutely nothing. Somehow that relieved you.

    Thankfully today, Hanbin was working, meaning he wasn’t home. Today also happened to be one of your ‘off’ days, and you’ve spent every moment from the second you got up, to now, this late hour in the night, sitting on your bed with a cup of tea on your nightstand, blankly staring at the floor.

    A blanket was tightly wrapped around your body and you had no intention of finishing the now cold and half empty cup of tea. You were too lost in your blanked out space to think about picking it up. And, you were too lost in your blanked mind to notice the new presence in your room.

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6 years ago

Melodic- Chanyeol


Pairings: You x Chanyeol Rated: PG Genre: Fluff  Description: Waking up to him writing music is the simplest pleasure.

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6 years ago

Tell Her You Love Her: Step Eleven: You'll Tell Her Them, Too...


Hello, everyone! Here’s step eleven! WARNING: SEXUAL CONTENT! Enjoy. 

Tell Her You Love Her

Step 11: You’ll Tell Her Them, Too…

“Namjoon,” I sighed, pulling his long, lean body into mine, “Please—.”

My face was warm, flushed with desire or embarrassment—I still wasn’t certain about which. White-hot flames licked up my body with each kiss, each lingering brush of skin. It was a miracle I hadn’t caught fire—yet.

I had never, ever felt anything like this in my life. Had never known the pain, the ache—the agony of needing someone to just complete me.

Every time the bruised flesh of his lips met mine, I felt my senses crescendo to new heights. I was the towering skyscraper going up, up, up into clouds and sky and sunlight, unafraid of getting burned, or even worse, plummeting.

The pealing of bells sang in my ears, awakening some primal need within me—a part I never knew was chained away. Well, whatever it was, the shackles were loose. It was free. I was free. I came to life there in those devouring arms, in those tender fingers, in that hungry mouth. I found me. But, more importantly, I found him.

Somewhere in the canyon ripping through me—life as I knew it—there was Namjoon, waiting for me with the darkness of trees, with the rippling of lust, with my beating heart in his mouth. I swear I was losing my mind. That raw, undiluted passion pressing into my bone, straight into my blood, and then the impulse of each brain cell, until I was lost in illusion and fantasy.

His voice was husky, “Please, what?”

I couldn’t answer. Not with those hands and eyes, and God those lips sinking into me, tearing away the sentient part of me to reveal some uncaged, wild, feral animal inside. My fingers dug into the mattress, trying desperately to buoy me to some part of this world.

Is this real?

As if in answer, his swollen lips brushed down the column of my throat, holding onto that thread that was tethering us to sanity—to a semblance of reality and all of its consequences. But I was gone, lost in feral fantasies. There was no string left for me. Hell, I am fairly certain I forgot my damn name—I know that I forgot about my life. My friends. My lovers.

It was just me and Namjoon. Swimming in forbidden waters. We circled round and round the stormy water until those waves were surging right for us. I was drowning in it—that magnificent, powerful desire.

Why did I wait so long to do this?

My mind never reached an answer. I’m not even sure that it finished the question before his lips nipped at my ear, his tongue running the perimeter of the hardened tip, to the fleshy lobe, and finally back to my neck. I felt his breath on my collarbone, his body sliding over mine, our clothes begging to be shrugged away, to lie forgotten somewhere far, far away.

I found my voice on a sharp intake of breath, his teeth doing unimaginable things to my shoulder. “Ah—please…please. Too—too much clothing.”

And I was going to New York with dreams of journalism. Right. I couldn’t even form a complete sentence! What was circulating in my brain? What drug had stupefied me?

A soft, sensual laugh escaped his plush mouth, those long fingers sliding his own shirt over his head. My cheeks warmed instantly. I had, of course, seen my best friend without a shirt before, but this was different. It meant something new.

A promise; an oath between lovers. The gate that had been locked for so long trundled open, waiting for me to cross—to step over that threshold and erase the line.

Glittering onyx eyes met mine expectantly, flashing in bars of moonlight. I bit my lip, nervous swarms of butterflies wheeling in my belly. The heat of my cheeks was a wildfire that spread to my neck and chest as my hands trembled over my tank top. I couldn’t look at him, couldn’t let him see how truly nervous I was.

So I averted my gaze. But he was there to pull me back, to lead me toward that gate once again.

“Let me,” Namjoon purred, his hands covering mine.

They were so warm, so sure. The crown of his head met mine, craning me up to peer into those breathtaking eyes as he carefully, so carefully, slid the cotton of my top away. Inch by inch I felt myself being exposed to his steady, bright gaze: the swatch of stomach above my shorts; the tiny, decorative bellybutton; the staircase of ribs; and, finally, the lace covering my breasts.

I felt every insecurity rack me in the gut. I’m too fat. I’m too ugly. I’m too…

“Goddamn—you’re beautiful, you know that?”

Those sharpened knives dove back into their respective drawers to be revisited at another time. For now, Namjoon had control of my securities, my confidence—my heart. I loosed a breath, tremors still raking down my body as his chest brushed mine. His eyes found my darting pair, and he smiled—no predator sensuality, just a chaste, warm smile that held me still, his palms cupping my cheeks.

“We don’t have to do this, ok?” I nodded and began looking down again, but he gave my face a gentle squeeze. “Just tell me when to stop.”

But I didn’t want him to stop. I wanted to live in this glorious moment for an eternity, not the blink of a mortal life. I wanted this piece of him for myself. It was selfish, and needy, and possessive, but it was so true it pained me to think that it really was just a brief, passing moment of human life.

That epiphany set off something inside of me—some sort of primal aggression. One that sent me clinging to him, breathing him in greedy gulps, consuming anything I found within. His eyes widened, utterly shocked by the shift. Who is this girl?  

I felt—more than moved—my mouth collide with his, teeth singing painfully as they crashed, and my tongue swept the aching porcelain, delving into his sweet, sweet mouth. Memorizing the sinuous cavern, I felt his arms encircling my waist, holding me to his molten heat, the shock dissipating.

His hands were rooting through my sun-kissed hair, touching my nape with such sexual prowess I nearly melted away. My own hands clawed at the golden skin of his shoulders, his arms, his back—anything I could find purchase upon. The dance between mouths and tongues, and dominance, and lust raging on within this fleeting moment.

We may not have an eternity, but I sure as hell am going to make this last as long as possible…

Aggression subsided, as uncertainty, awkwardness, and embarrassment took the reins once again. My lips halted in their pursuit down his jaw and neck, unsure of how to proceed. I was letting logic cloud instinct. Fear of the unknown had me caught in its web, frozen in its phantom fingers. Blinking, I stared at the planes of his chest, marveling at how the white-wine glow of starlight lit each muscle, each line, to absolute perfection.

Barrels of uncertainty fell over me. How can I please this perfect being? How can I touch him? How do I touch him?

But then I saw those eyes. Those eyes that glittered like tiny universes. Those eyes with their nebulous glow. Eyes that beheld me in the same way I did him. With love, with admiration, with fear and disbelief—with the heat of earth’s scorching core.

Just do it.

“Do you want to sto—.”

I dove into those lips once more—departing through the swinging gate; past the point of no return. I was vulnerable—totally exposed in those twisted sheets, writhing along a sea of gold. An ocean made of secrets and sighs and skin. Finally, only our flesh parted us, and then it was like we were one—like we were really, truly apart of each other. One breath; one, single, throbbing, beating heart.

“Are you ready?”

The precipice loomed before me. A dark, indefinite ravine. Should I jump? Or will I stay here, hanging onto this edge. Onto my safety. Onto my sanity.  

My throat worked down a nervous lump. My blood rushed in my ears until it was the only sound in the sticky room. Namjoon’s groans and my breathless sighs disappearing in hazy little clouds, hiding behind that harvest moon.

I had dreamed of this moment for so long, had waited patiently to embrace it. I envisioned how he would taste, feel, touch, but now that I was here, teetering on this cliff, I found myself hesitant, afraid of that endless fall.

Will you catch me, Namjoon? Or will I splatter over the jagged stones left behind? Will you leave behind more scars for someone else to kiss, to caress—to coax back into a cage?  

His eyes were watching, waiting—waiting for me to make up my mind: to stay or jump. Jump with him. Cross that line in the sand.

Fingers brushed my cheeks, steadying his impulsive, naked hips. The tip of his sex pressed into my thigh, and it was all I could do to breathe, to remind my lungs what that even meant.

Goodnight, love. I love you—always. Sweet dreams. —Noah.




Oh, God…

“I can’t—I can’t do this!” I cried. My palms were pushing that perfect heat away, pushing that gate firmly closed. I wriggled free from his grasp. A petrified child cowering in the corner of my bed.

“You have to leave.”

“Please, don’t do this. Please, not aga—,” he begged. Those hands fumbled for the girl he’d awoken on the lawn.

She was fading. Fast.

“Now.” My voice was a flat, dead thing in my throat. The air was polluted with it, suffocating us—choking me.

How could I have forgotten about Noah? How could I do this to him?

Because you love Namjoon.

Ebony eyes flashed, nameless emotion flickering within those glowing embers as he scuttled away, collecting his clothes with inhuman speed. He was at the doorway before I’d even lifted my head from my knees.

“What happened…what happened to your dream?” The back of his tee-shirt shifted with the word, moving with his strangled cry.

I found my own voice to be brittle, threatening to crumble with each strained breath. “It’s complicated, Namjoon. Noah—he—.”

One muscular arm braced itself to the doorframe. His shoulders racking with sobs at the mere mention of my boyfriend’s name. Cries clawed their way up my throat for Namjoon, for our lost dreams, for Noah, for my betrayal.

And then, my best friend said in his smooth, calm voice, “I understand.” And just like that, he was gone. A fading white dot on my stairs, on the concrete, in his car, driving back to his reality while I sat broken in mine.

“You’re still my dream,” I whispered, rocking onto my heels, salted cheeks cold against the warm summer night.

My phone vibrated, lighting with one message to remind me that, “yes, tonight was real, and you royally messed it up. Nice going.”

Namjoon’s name. I winced, but allowed myself to read the words typed on the screen: You’re still my dream. When you remember that girl that said the same to me, find me. I’ll be waiting. Goodbye. Good luck in the Big Apple, I always knew you could do it, bucket. I love you.  

I never replied before I left for my new journey. I left behind the tension, that night, and Kim Namjoon. But I brought along the baggage of guilt, anger (with myself), and Noah.


Don’t worry beautiful people, that is NOT the final step! More to come next time! Thanks for reading! Let me know what you thought! 


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6 years ago

“ I missed you “ - Kim Namjoon

 I Missed You - Kim Namjoon

This is the part 2 , you need to read this one with the music 

You ached for his touch your breaths becoming one as you started to rub your crotch over his bulge you wanted him inside you and you wanted him now. 

He broke your kiss “ wait baby ” you were confused he’s never stopped you guys before so you don’t know why is he doing it now “ I wish we could be stuck in this moment forever” he looked so sad, why did he look so sad, his eyes didn’t sparkle as they used to something had changed.

 I never noticed the bandage on his wrist I pushed him of me and pulled his arm close trying to pull the bandages away he pulled his arm with all his might “I don’t want you to see me  like this ” he whispers as he cradled his arm he wouldn’t look at you tears feel down your face as you try and make him look at you but every time you tried he would push you away. 

The people outside got Louder banging on the door calling for Namjoon to come out begging him to come out while you were begging him to say something you pulled him closer and this time he let you, all you wanted was for him to feel your love he was stiff still holding his hand like you would a new born baby but he didn’t pull away.

 I Missed You - Kim Namjoon

Your part two is really really good :) jimintomypants <3

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6 years ago

Suga: Awkward

Second of seven in the BTS public sex series.

word count: 1,793


You looked over in Yoongi’s direction squinting your eyes in the process in order to see the outline of his body better in the dark room. The only source of light came from the computer screen which he was so engrossed in. He invited you to spend some time with him in the studio so that the two of you could catch up on some things after weeks of being apart. But instead the catching up session ended up to be you staring at him and your phone while he worked tirelessly over a new beat. You huffed in annoyance your index finger and thumb pinching the bridge of your nose as you squeezed your eyes shut. Finally you came to the decision of leaving. You stood up and moved over to the door without saying a word to your boyfriend. 

“Where are you going?” His voice rang out as your hand gripped the doorknob. You glanced over your shoulder to find him staring at you with a blank expression on his face.

“Home.” You replied as your finger found the lightswitch that was located by the door flicking it off sending a burst of light flooding into the room. He squinted his eyes the corners of his lips turning into a scowl before shielding his eyes with the palms of his hands.

“Why? Stay here.” He mumbled as he rubbed his eyes carefully before standing up and moving to your direction. He grabbed your hand pulling you back over to where the computer chair was and pulled you onto his lap as he sat down.

“You’re not paying attention to me and I’m bored.” You leaned forward your elbows resting on the computer desk observing the contents on the computer screen. Not wanting to start an argument with him you quickly changed the subject. “What’s this can I listen to it?” You grabbed the computer mouse only to have your hand slapped away quickly.

“Let me do it before you mess something up.” He pressed his fingertips against your side pushing your body to the side slightly to give him a better visual of the monitor. He reached over clicking a couple of things before settling backwards in the chair as the audio started. “Don’t touch anything.” He muttered as his hands rested on your waist.

A slow R&B beat flowed out from the speakers. You shifted your hips around trying to find a comfortable spot on his lap in order to listen properly. You could feel his eyes watching you as you listened to the slow drum beat. The added bass every now and again complimented the rest of the beat nicely and you began to bob your head slowly. As the first minute passed a wicked grin spread across your face as your mind thought of something shamelessly. You began to move your hips from side to side pressing your ass down harder onto his lap. The grip on your waist tightened as he drew in a sharp inhale. You placed your hands on the edge of the computer desk continuing to grind your ass against his growing erection. He let out a muffled groan.

“Here?” He said quietly as you got up to lean forward your face just centimeters away from his.

“I don’t see why not.” A warm smile spread across your face as your fingers easily unbuttoned his pants before pulling his zipper down.

“Someone could come in here.” He warned. You pressed your lips onto his to stop him from saying anything further as your hand reached into his pants to his erection which twitched as you brushed up against it.

He knew that no one was going to interrupt the two of you seeing as how you’ve been alone with each other for two hours prior. Upon your hands slipping in the slit of his boxers to grab his throbbing shaft he slipped his tongue inside of your mouth his hands reaching upwards to cup your face in his hands. His tongue trailed along yours desperately as you began to stroke the length of his dick slowly. His hands dropped down to your waist once more to unbutton your shorts. You sunk your teeth nto his bottom lip as your hands overlapped his to assist him in pushing your shorts down to your ankles. He broke the kiss as he looked up at you darkly.

“Let’s not drag this out.” He spun you around quickly pulling you back into his lap.

His slender fingers slipped underneath the cloth of your panties to stroke your vagina lips, a soft gasp escaping your lips at the sudden intrusion. He pressed his moist lips against the side of your neck kissing it tenderly as his index and ring finger spread apart your vagina lips. You sucked your bottom lip into your mouth suppresing a whimper as he slid his middle finger along your clit. As he rubbed your clit in slow circles he began to suck on your neck leaving a dark hickey. You ground your vagina onto his fingers as he pushed his fingers downwards to your entrance. He let out a grunt of approval once he noticed how wet you were. He slipped his hands out of your panties and you quickly took no time at all to stand up and push them off of your hips and down your legs.

“Ride me.” He commanded as he pulled his dick out from the slit of his boxers. He held it firmly as he smacked his hand across your ass not pleased with how slow you were taking things.

You placed your hands on the computer desk glancing at the computer monitor for a brief moment without making a sound you quickly pressed three buttons on the keyboard a triumphant smile plastered on your face. One of his hands held a firm grip on your waist guiding your vagina down the length of his shaft. A soft moan escaped your lips as the size of him stretched you to your limits. Once you were comfortably adjusted to him being inside of you. You moved your hips in a clockwise motion careful to grind your hips down on to him. Moans of complete bliss slipped from your lips each time the head of his dick managed to push against your sensitive spot. You could tell he was enjoying what you were doing by the way he dug his fingers in your hips. You yelped as he pinched your side to urge you to move faster. You began to rock your hips back and forth as you slid your finger in your mouth sucking on it softly to quiet your moans. You felt the weight of the chair shift slightly as he laid back. You took this opportunity to bounce yourself up and down the length of his shaft at a moderate pace. The sound of your moans and your ass slapping against his thighs quickly filled the room. You gripped your bouncing breasts as you tossed your head back but that pleasure was short lived once he placed his hands on your waist stopping your movements.

“Stand up and put your hands on the wall.” The fact that Yoongi, the man who absolutely adored whenever you took control stopped you from doing what he loved most shocked you. But you didn’t argue. You stood up a small pout forming your lips at the empty feeling of him not being inside of you. You quickly walked over to the wall placing your palms flat against it as you leaned forward arching your back making sure that your ass stuck out. You looked over your shoulder to see Yoongi standing behind you. His eyes were dark with lust as he tilted his head at a slight angle to admire your ass. “Spread your legs more babygirl.”

You did as you were told excitement coarsing through your body. You wiggled your hips from side to side impatiently. A rough hand came down on your right ass cheek quickly before he plunged himself deep into you without warning. Your lurched forward a strangled moan emitting from your throat as the head of his dick rammed into your g spot. He gripped your hips tightly as he immediately began thrusting in and out of you at an immense pace. Each time he thrusted forward his balls would slap against your clit sending waves of electricty through your body. You began to pant quietly as your legs grew weak. Your orgasm was approaching and he knew it. He reached his hand underneath you to rub your clit in faster circles as he grinded his hips against your ass. That was enough to push you over the edge. As your orgasm racked your body a moan of ecstasy echoed throughout the room. Yoongi who wasn’t that far behind you slowed his movements prolonging your orgasm just as he reached his. He rode his orgasm out your name sloppily falling from his lips as he slumped forward resting both of his hands on the small of your back. Just before the two of you could register what happened the door flew open.

“Hyung! Did you ever finish the-” J-Hope’s voiced trailed off as he stared at the two of you with wide eyes. Yoongi quickly stood in front of you trying to shield you as much as possible. Rap Monster followed quickly behind him.

“Yoongi hyung! Is noona still here…..” Rap Monster face burned brightly as he turned away quickly. “Sorry sorry sorry.” He began quickly apologizing as he pulled J-Hope out of the studio closing the door behind him.

“Well this is awkward.” Yoongi muttered earning him a slap in the back of the head.

Three Days Later

BTS sat in the studio anxiously awaiting to hear Suga’s newest beat. J-Hope and Rap Monster were especially quiet trying to stay as far away from the wall that they caught you two having sex on as possible. Suga sat in the computer chair with an unconcerened look on his face. He clicked on the audio that he let you listen to which led up to the two of you having sex. The beat started off smoothly which earned him compliments from the other members. Soon afterwards the sound of your moans and the sound of skin hitting skin were heard. Suga’s eyes grew wide as he quickly tried to shut the audio off. Much to his dismay because he was in such a state of panic for a brief moment the sounds of the two of you fucking were louder then anything else. Once he finally got it to quiet down he stared at the computer in disbelief as his members burst out into teasing laughter. 

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6 years ago

Early Mornings (Suga x Reader)

Requested by minjnie/myworldisj-rock: Hi, your scenarios are just amazing, can you pretty please *puppy eyes* write some fluffy, but little bit smut scenario with Suga? I love you *hug* 

 [[A/N: I really hope you like it 😁😁😁]] 


You sat in your bed watching over your boyfriend sleeping. You were attentive to many things while Yoongi was asleep such as how his chest rose at the amount of air he inhaled and how it fell as he deeply exhaled, or how cute he looked with his mouth slightly open. You were always so fascinated by him when he slept. His eyebrows gently quivered as his eye lids slowly opened, the first thing he saw when he awoke was your face beaming while the rays of the daylight illuminated your skin - this was probably due to him trying to gain back his consciousness but he could have sworn that he saw you glowing in the midst of the early morning. He extended his arms and legs out to stretch, his arm ever so lightly nudged you as a feeble smile placed itself on his lips “_____~ah” he groaned in a deep sleepy voice. 

Your lips brushed against his forehead barely giving him as much of a peck so he sluggishly wrapped his arms and legs around you, enveloping you in an amorous embrace “Yoongi~ah … Aish jinjja?!” He looked down, nodding at you “Ne. I’ll only let you go if …” You looked up at him quite alarmed and apprehending whatever he wanted to request “Ne? If what?” He smirked narrowing his eyes to trick you into thinking he was going to say something dirty “If you promise to stay in with me today.” Your eyes squinted as you grinned “Ok, ok I promise.” He loosened his grip on you however you didn’t feel like getting off him therefore you laid your head against his chest listening to the steady pace of his heartbeat while he tangled his fingers in your hair - gently playing with it by twirling a lock of your hair around his index finger “Jagiya, I don’t feel like getting out of bed today.” You tutted at his comment “Aniyo … I’m not letting you miss breakfast this time” he stopped playing with your hair and proceeded to hold your hand close to his face so that the back of your hand rested against his cheek “When have I ever missed breakfast?” He smugly smiled at you “Really?” You raised your eyebrows as to avoid stating the obvious “Fine, I’ll eat breakfast” you sat up “Good because I put my heart and soul into cooking your breakfast”

You led him down to the kitchen by firmly holding onto his wrists as he strolled behind you. He wiped his eyes to distinguish that he wasn’t seeing things, it had surprised him that everything was already set up - all the food was prepared the only thing that was left to be done was to eat it. “Wait, when did you wake up?” He frowned while sitting at the table “It doesn’t matter” impatience had over taken your actions leading you to try to feed him what you had prepared but he shut his lips tightly to prevent the food from entering his mouth “Ah Yoongi don’t be like this …” He stared at you waiting for you to tell him at what time you woke up “Arasso arasso. I’ll admit that I woke up at least an hour early to prepare this … Can you please just eat it?” He opened his mouth allowing you to finally feed him “You must be so tired. Next time, you should sleep more. I can take care of myself” he spoke with a mouth full of food “Is it good?” You tried to change the subject at all cost to distract him from the fact that you were often lacking sleep just so you could take care of him. You didn’t get much opportunities to take care of him as he was usually always working meaning the time you had together was often very limited. He put his thumb up in response and grabbed the chopsticks out of your hands “Hajima, please? You don’t have to feed me, I can do it myself. But, I think you should just go relax, arachi?” You got up lightly showering his face with kisses “Okay … If you need me I’ll be in the shower”

You hurried to the bathroom wishing to take a quick shower so that you could later watch over him. You couldn’t help but feel responsible over him - it’s not as if you were a clingy girlfriend because you really wasn’t but there were times when you didn’t particularly want to leave his side … In a way, you could say that you wanted to profit merely from his presence. Rushing out of your clothes you turned on the tap to test the temperature of the water before going in the enclosed shower cubicle. Once you got in, minuscule sprinkles of lukewarm water poured over you making you feel refreshed. You adored the feeling of the water slowly trickling on your skin, sure it tickled but it was an indescribable feeling of cleanliness. After a couple of seconds, you started rubbing your body with soap and then blindly shampooing your hair with one of the brands Yoongi used for his hair. The water easily washed out the product but the smell remained imprinted on you.

Showering really relaxed you - sometimes it would make you a little bit too relax meaning you would get so deep into your thoughts that you would forget that the water was still running. On top of the noise of the water running you could hear Yoongi making his way into the bathroom. The whole glass cubicle of the shower was vaporised with steam making it hard to distinguish what Yoongi was doing. You chose to ignore him because you were used for him to come in and out the bathroom whenever you were showering however you started getting worried when you didn’t hear him come out of the bathroom. It felt so bizarre for you to be able to hear his footsteps getting closer causing you to stay almost motionless under the shower jet.

Yoongi unexpectedly entered the cubicle, he pressed his naked body against yours from behind and placed his arms around your waist. So far, you weren’t ready to even question what he was doing. There was something about his skin ship that always seemed to reassure you - somehow no matter how tense you were, as soon as he touched you everything relaxed. His hands started rubbing the sides of your arms up and down at a lengthy pace while he planted soft kisses on your shoulder. An excited huff of air left your lips as you exhaled “Yoongi?” He hummed in response as he stuffed his face into the crook of your neck “W-what are you doing?” You gently shrugged him off your shoulder so you could turn around to face him “I need a shower too.” He chuckled whilst his hands yanked your wrists to bring your body closer to his “Couldn’t you wait until I finished?” He shook his head ever so slightly “Why?” his eyes shifted from one of your eye to the other, making you feel immensely thrilled at just the thought of sharing the shower with him “Because I love you” he kissed your cheek but you turned your head so that his kiss would land on your lips “I love you too” you mumbled against his lips.

Even though you had been together for a while - his kisses had elements of shyness whenever it came to making out, it was as if he was hesitant to allow his tongue to do as much as brush your bottom lip therefore you had to give him a signal. You parted your lips getting your wrists out of his grasp by comfortably placing your hands at the nape of his neck, gaining more access to his lips to deepen the kiss. Even though on the interior his tongue was wildly attacking yours, the kiss was totally different on the exterior as his kiss didn’t lack any passion. There was something so thrilling about the sexual tension you had in the shower because it was so rare for you guys to have sex in the shower. You were people who believed that the shower was just used to wash yourselves and if you were together you would wash each other so when the opportunity came for you to fornicate under the water pouring over you, you couldn’t really refuse - it felt like a new experiment as if you were able to relive the times of when you were a virgin. The warmth of water only added to the excitement.

He was extremely sensitive to everything, all it took for him to fully erect was merely the contact of your breath tickling the surface of his skin as you broke from the kiss. His erection was gently poking at your inner thigh, it didn’t take you by surprise however you hadn’t expected him to get stiff so quickly. Enclosing your fingers around him, you pumped his member this made him slightly flustered causing his hand to slip over the tap completely turning off the running water. You couldn’t figure out why you found his reaction to your touch so cute but sexy at the same time. It majorly aroused you seeing how he squirmed when you stroked him.

He took your hand off of his cock as he didn’t want you to finish him off so soon, he didn’t feel prepared to cum … Not yet. Once again, his lips were pressed against yours, this time however he suavely approached closer towards you making you back up into the wall. He reached for your leg securing it under his arm as you wrapped it around his waist. He teased your clit by rubbing his length against it - truly he did this to properly prepare himself to enter you and to stimulate you. He cautiously positioned himself at your opening before finally entering you as deeply as he could, softly groaning in your ear and moving his body closer into you to feel your nipples hardening against his chest. It seemed as though his thrusts into you were quick yet tender but the power of him inside you contradicted the movement of his thrusts. This massively satisfied you, occasionally he tried to find the spot inside you that caused you to writhe with pleasure so you decided to help him out attempting to gratify him by discretely moving your hips in circular motions but just enough so that he could fell what you were doing to him. Almost immediately his breathing intensified, you both moved so in sync together that he struggled to even mumble under his breath. He maintained eye contact with you, admiring how beautiful you looked as he made love to you besides he loved observing the affect he had on you.

You weren’t exactly draining his energy plus he had promised himself that he wouldn’t stop until he reached that special spot inside you. He managed to slow down the pace at which he was thrusting to really focus on reaching his ‘main aim’. As soon as he found it, he repetitively hit that spot with the head of his member to make you squeal with pleasure. Your moans resonated in his ears just the way he wanted it to, your moans were like music to his ears. He adored the sound of exhilaration that evaded your mouth, he placed his lips on yours - muffling and swallowing your moans. He had the feeling of butterflies installing themselves in his stomach and with one last deep thrust his releases shot up inside you causing you to bite down on his bottom lip, you used his shoulders as a support but your nails dug so deeply into his skin that you genuinely thought you were hurting him “Oh mianhae” he caressed your wet cheek “It’s fine … Don’t worry about it.”

A few minutes later when you were both finally out of the shower and completely dried, you had put on a pair of pants and wore one of his shirts that fell just above your knees. He was laying in bed listening to a song that he had recently produced. You came to lay next to him proposing to listen to it “Aniyo … It’s not finished yet.” You pouted “Oh geurae” he put his arm around you leading you to lazily sink into bed, your eye lids started to feel heavy - you couldn’t keep your eyes open they were shutting on their own accord “Fine, you can listen to it” he realised that you weren’t responding and quickly glanced down at you only to see that you were fast asleep “_____~ah? Jagiya?” He smiled at how angelic you appeared while you were asleep, his lips lightly pecked your forehead “Saranghae, sleep well" 

 -admin blxnktae

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