Last updated 190419 || Side blog for fics || here to expose myself tbh || angst, fluff, smut, pg, r, kinks, nc-17, pg-13, etc, if I like it then it will be here || NO EXPLICIT FICS INVOLVING UNDERAGED MINORS, must be pure fluff, pg, pg-13 || mainly exo, nct, wayv, also multifandom
496 posts
sequel to “For Once”
length: 1, 244 words
a/n: y’all FINALLY!!! I received SO many requests for this sequel. Like probably the most I’ve gotten for any sequel lol. I have rewritten this like 15 times, but I finally got some good inspiration and rewrote it to be the way it is now and I’m happy with it. So hopefully y’all are too :)

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EXO Chanyeol: Break Up
warning: sadness, heartbreak, and douche-y Chanyeol
It was a bleak day. Overcast, with a chance for rain, but you did not feel a drop, you were going to see Chanyeol. You had been having some bumps, but you knew that deep down, today he would apologise for doing that.
You got to the cafe. It was noon, but the cafe was empty. Chanyeol always knew how to make you happy. Nobody to see you together, so no one could ask for an autograph, ruining your date. The table was set; he had ordered your favourite drink and had it warmed for you.
Your eyes met. Chanyeol stared deep into your eyes. You wanted to talk, but had become lost in his eyes as well. Suddenly, he spoke up. “I have something to tell you.” You perk you ears and pay attention, paying more attention that ever.
"It is not working between us. I wanted to let you down easy, but I feel like it is time to move on.“ Tears gutted there way out of your eyes. You screamed a little, internally, then let out a little scream. You world started to break apart. The man you loved and though that loved you, was done with you.
"Chanyeol.” You try to regain some foot and talk to him. “Why? Was it because of last night?” Questions circulated in your head. You asked them all one by one, hoping that you would get some sort of answer from him.
"Don’t make me explain. It will only hurt you and me more and I do not want that.“ You could see the pain in his eyes. "Just, take the drink and leave. It is paid for.” He sounded cold like each word had been thought out.
You picked up the drink. Stood up and pushed your chair in. Inside your mind, words came left and right, but none escaped. You walk to the door, open it and glance back. "Chanyeol, look. Is this want you want?“ You wanted to get him back, but he just looked at you, cold but painfully.
"Just please, go. Get away from me.” His words sounded more like an order. You walk out of the coffee shop. Down the stairs and onto the street. You look back up and see him, face down on the table. It would take some time to get over this one, it seamed so perfect.
Weeks pass. You still think of him. Where there was once a phone call, nothing exists. When he would normally text you, not a sound, no alarm and nothing new on your phone. You look, wait, just hope that he changes his mind, but he seamed so set.
A ring, faint, but you hear it. Your phone rings and you run to pick it up. "HELLO!“ The excitement that it might be him, for one last time takes over you.
"Hello, This is Doctor Kim, from the Yonsei Severance Hospital. Your test results came back.” The excitement wears off quickly and is replaced with shear pain. “Everything is normal, but ma'am, it looks like you are two weeks pregnant.” His last words rings back and forth in your head. Pregnant. How?
The phone falls the grasps of your hands. As you hear the crash of the metal against the floor, you heart crushes like a building imploding. How could this happen? It had to be a lie.
You try to plan out your next move carefully. Thoughts, plans, everything races in and of your head. You pick up your phone, stare at the screen. The drop sent a small crack through the bottom part, but nothing to severe. You walked over to the couch, tears flowing out like a flowing river from your eyes. When you make, you crash down, hoping that a familiar cushion will provide some sort of comfort.
AS you looked, searched, dug deeper for an answer, the cushions did not provide any comfort. You open your phone, the screen seams darker than before. You check your messages, still nothing new from Chanyeol. Do you text him? Call? If anything, you did want to make a mistake.
You compose a new message. Chanyeol, I am going to call. Please answer, cause this is important. You sit, still as a statue. Trying to decide if you should send the message, or just call. Seconds turn to minutes, minutes turn to hours. Your finger hovers over the send button, finally pressing it, regret filled your body, but it had to be done.
Within the next few minutes, you hear a ring. The sound was not that of a text, but a phone call. the phone rings and rings, but you never reach out for it. The ringing stops and a silence dampens the room. You see the voice mail icon go off in the top left hand corner. It was Chanyeol.
You call him back, quickly. The phone was ringing in your hand. Ring after ring, sending shock-waves of fear through your body. They stop. Silence, subtle, but there. Then, you speak up. “Chanyeol.” Your voice is hidden behind fear, high pitched and faded.
“Yes. Make this quick, I have a schedule to attend.” His voice was cold. He still remembered you, but he seamed distant. Wrapped up in work to forget you.
Pauses become longer as you think of how to say it. “Ummm…” your train of thought ventures on and off, but you can never get the words formulated into a coherent thought. “What do you need that is so important?” He seamed rushed, cold, a mix of emotions that you never had seen from him.
“Chanyeol,” your voice becomes thick and you trace your thought. It was better to just say it outright. “Chanyeol, I am pregnant. It is yours. I know because there is no other person that matches the time frame.”
Something ventures down your cheek. Tears. They flow out faster than the Amazon, flowing right off your face, dripping onto the couch. Fear grips your heart. Nerves take over your entire body and you regret each word that just came out of your mouth. They still hung in the quite air, leaving a sour taste.
“Is that so.” His voice cold. Shivers run down your spine.
The next words would be crucial. Each second felt like a lifetime. The moments of silence pierced throughout your heart like an arrow that found its target. “Chanyeol.” You needed him to say something, anything.
Something new came through the line. Beep. Beep. Beep. The only sounds to come out of the receiver. “Chanyeol!” Nerves turned to fear and then into anger. You screamed. Once, twice, three times in hopes of a answer. Maybe it was the scene behind him.
After trial after trail, you realise that he was no longer on the line. He had left. The confession burned into your mind. The words replaying over and over again. At first, thoughts of bad reception ran through your mind, but they were squashed quickly, he had hung up.
Weeks pass, nothing. You tried to text him, but to no avail. Would there ever be a reply, would closure ever come to you? It was painful to live each day. Sitting with the kid of a star that had better things to deal with than this. But, he always came around before, something told you this time was different, but you would never lose hope that he would someday return your texts, calls, anything.
-written by Admin Tea
Problem solver
Genre: SMUT with a bit of ANGST
Please, do not engage with my work if you’re underage.
Pairing: Jinho x female reader
Warnings: [None]
Note: This is a mix of two requests, an anonymous one and one by @chessy472003! I hope you enjoy it! Original messages: “Hello. Can i request for jinho smut scenario. Maybe angry sex or make up sex or both? Haha. Thank u and have a nice day ;))” “Hello~~ I was wondering if you could do a Jinho (PTG) smut? I saw that you do not have any for him yet. Like it can be about anything in the world! I just can never find some good stuff for him ya know? Thank you in advance or if not then sorry to bother! Love your writing btw! <3”
Word count: 1.2k

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Automatic: Junhoe Smut

Based off this request
Pairing: Junhoe x Reader
Word Count: 1,908
Content: You and Junhoe leave the club earlier and your still energized and he finds a way to tire you out. +Riding, hair pullin and unsafe sex.
Written By: Bambi
Author’s Note: This is the first smut I’m publishing on here so I really hope that everyone enjoys it especially the anon who requested this! Also I’d love any feed back anyone could give to me :)
“Babe…please,” Junhoe whined for the fifth time, his eyes now soft and pleading.
You let out a small sigh. “Okay,” you finally gave in. “But only because you asked nicely,” you added teasingly before you grabbed his hand and led him out of the crowded club.
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☂ 안아보자 - Hug Me

w/c: ~1200
listen to hug me by IKON while reading.^^
i will probably write one scenario for each song in the album for every member and i know i always do hanbin first but i thought this fit him so well haha! next will be probably jerk or don’t forget c:
- moyo
Let me seriously hug you for just 10 seconds.
Mambin [2.48 am]: I’m waiting in front of your apartment.. can u come out for a few seconds?
You thought you read it wrong when you looked at your phone with heavy-lidded sleepy eyes and there was a message from Hanbin. It didn’t really hit you until a few seconds later when you unlocked your phone just to read the same message one more time. It still said the same thing.
With a confused look you gazed at the clock that struck exactly 4 am. You were so sure that he must have been gone by now, yet uneasiness settled in every nerve of your body. Just in case you dialed the only number that you knew by heart. There wasn’t even a beeping sound before he had already picked up.
“Hey.” His deep voice resounded on the other line and for a while it was only silence that unfurled between the both of you. Why was it suddenly so hard to speak to your childhood best friend that you could once tell everything to?
“Hey…I saw your message,” you uttered quietly, “is everything okay? Are you back home now?”
You could only hear his heavy breathing until he spoke again. “I’m.. still here. I’m so cold Y/N…” He whispered.
You got up immediately, grabbed a jacket and ran out the door. It was heavily raining but that didn’t stop you from stepping outside and looking for Hanbin. It wasn’t hard to find him. Even though it was completely dark outside, you saw a small familiar figure standing under a headlight.
His hair was reflecting the light in a golden color as the rain danced quietly in the distance and the stars drowned the night sky in a dim light. If the situation didn’t feel so odd in that moment the view would have been breathtaking.
When you reached him, your heart sank. He was completely wet and shaking. When he spotted you his eyes turned somewhat sad and you didn’t know why it hit you so hard. It felt like someone ran you over with a truck. Just seeing him like that hurt so much.
Without another thought you wrapped the padded jacket around him in hope that it would make him feel better. “Hanbin what are you doing here?? It’s fucking cold and raining!-“
This is how it feels like in your arms, if unrequited love is still love, can my heart be settled.
He interrupted you with a tight hug. For a while you just stood there and you had such strong urge to just pull him closer, yet you pushed him away.
“What are you doing?” It came out as a mere whisper. You really had to concentrate to let proper words leave your mouth. You were so overwhelmed in that moment that you couldn’t actually function properly.
Let me hug you for just 10 seconds. Let me hug you before you go to him.
“Can I just hug you for 10 seconds?” Again, he looked at you with that sorrowful look in his eyes and if hugging you would take away the hopelessness that hid behind all that, you would have let him. However you knew that it wasn’t just that. Deep inside you, you knew there was much more behind his actions and that scared you.
You must have been surprised, I was drunk on late night mood. I was thinking about this and that and came all the way here.
“A-Are you drunk?” You questioned perplexed. You were shaking and you didn’t even know if it was because of the cold or Hanbin.
“No— I mean yeah… a little.” Hanbin murmured.
“But that’s not the reason I’m doing this. I wish I was actually drunk to use it as an excuse. But I’m so frustrated Y/N… and I’m so cold. I just want to hug you for a few seconds…”
“Hanbin— I— I think you should go home.” You felt tears prickling in your eyes and this wasn’t something you wanted at all. You wanted to hug him too and bring him home and wrap him in a warm blanket and love him for the rest of your life.
But you couldn’t.
It just wasn’t right.
You turned around in hope it would be easier to reject him. Yet you were still standing.
If a conversation is too much then just listen. I’ve been politely holding it in but it’s weighing so heavy on my heart and I’m about to get sick from stress.
You may be his woman but I love, no, I like you a lot.
“You know I love- I mean— I like you more than him. You know that Y/N. So why won’t you give me a chance? Why can’t I even seriously hold you for 10 seconds. Is that too much to ask from you?”
“No!” You yelled, “You can’t Hanbin! This isn’t right…”
“Stop it.” It hit you and you couldn’t bear it any longer. If he didn’t quit then you would seriously let him hug you for more than 10 seconds and in your heart you wanted exactly that to happen. But in your mind everything felt so wrong and complicated.
“I like you” Hanbin whispered, “So much.”
You reacted so quickly that you pulled him into your embrace before you even realized it. And just that felt so satisfying but bad at the same time.
This is how it feels like in your arms, you’re so warm. Maybe it’s because I love you but I can’t have you and you’re still so beautiful.
“I don’t feel cold anymore,” Hanbin replied, “I wish I could make this last forever.”
“Can you?”
“What?” He pulled away and looked you into your eyes.
“Can you make this last forever?”
“Just give me an answer.”
“Yeah,” it was just a word but it turned your entire world upside down, “I can…if you let me.”
“I broke up with him months ago Hanbin. But I’m so scared.
I’m scared to love again. I’m scared to love you because what if you leave me, too?”
You could see the pain that disturbed the beauty in his loving brown eyes, this time it wasn’t his misery but yours that reflected in the corner of his eyes.
You’re perfect to me like a dream, like playing in the water in the summer. My life is a draught and you’re like a spring shower story.
“I don’t really know how to take your fears away but if there is one thing that I am completely sure of is that I will never stop loving you. Even when you left me to be in his arms did I stop? I held it in for such a long time… it hurt so much Y/N and back then I wished nothing more than to stop my heart from loving you but I couldn’t. I can’t stop. You’re too beautiful.” He breathed out.
“Just hug me,” You murmured, “but not for only 10 seconds.”
He held you so firmly in his arms, you almost couldn’t breathe. It was so warm suddenly and maybe this was what real love felt like. Even when everything around you screamed piercing darkness, you felt so safe in his embrace. All your worries washed away in a matter of seconds.
Indeed, Hanbin never broke his promise.
The only reason he ever let go was to gaze at you with his loving eyes and tell you something extremely stupid (but sweet at the same time) and then attack you with a bunch of kisses.
He always made sure to keep you safe and happy in his arms.
Let me seriously hug you for just 10 seconds.
sweet lies ↪ chanyeol
| D R A B B L E G A M E
anon requested: Sweet lies + Chanyeol + smut + boyxgirl + 💄

725 words | angst smut(tish) | exo /sweet lies | velvet
✎ Had to tell you, that I lie to you, but you know I’m a pretender. I already told you that I’m an unwieldy blade and if you want me, you might get cut deep. You pretend not to hear me when I warn you.

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