If you are a TERF go fuck yourself /// Sideblog : @spikeschao ///Also pfp is from Undertale 2 Revenge of the Robots, play Undertale 2 Revenge of the robots
364 posts
I Was Literally Thinking About Otacon While Playing As Slugger Whenever He Appeared! "Slugger, Do You
I was literally thinking about Otacon while playing as Slugger whenever he appeared! "Slugger, do you like anime?"
I'm curious but why do you like Poindexter so much? I would love to hear your perspective on his character
He’s a stupid little nerd and he reminds me of otacon from mgs!! :3c I want to put him in a Petri dish and study him under a microscope
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Sometimes when the veil of irony is lifted and you look at yourself in the mirror, you will be staring at a face you no longer recognize.

Sleep depreavation induced art
A Willy Wonka pop-up event in Glasgow had attendees calling the police after they paid £35 and the event didn’t deliver what was promised.
Event goers were promised a whimsical adventure all themed around something Willy Wonka might create in his factory.

The keen-eyed amongst you might have noticed something a little bit…wrong.
Imagnation Lab. Encherining Entertainment. Catgacating. Live perforrmances. Cartchy tunes. Exarserdray lollipops. And my favourite “A pasadise of sweets teats”
But what did the event actually look like? WELL.
Feel like the marketing team got a bit carried away.

it does help having a bit of coding knowledge but afaik, Godot can be prety usable for people who don't know how to code. Also yeah! Once you learn how to make a simple platformer, even if it's just a character jumping and landing on platforms, you can start changing parameters to make movement feel better and giving it sprites and animations ad stuff. Good luck, I wanna see how you cook up here haha
Recently I been slowly trying to learn gamedev stuff 'cuz I wanna make a small lil' platformer game.
Following tutorials is rough if you got zero context for any of this stuff so far. If anyone knows a good Godot tutorial, I'd really appreciate it.