checkxmate - Untitled

8 posts

Checkxmate - Untitled - Tumblr Blog

1 year ago
Ageswap AU Part 2! Shits About To Hit The Fan
Ageswap AU Part 2! Shits About To Hit The Fan
Ageswap AU Part 2! Shits About To Hit The Fan

Ageswap AU part 2! Shit’s about to hit the fan

next up: what happens when shit hits the fan

Masterpost | Part 1 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5

1 year ago
Senpai Says Youre Welcome

Senpai says you’re welcome

1 year ago
Why Did No One Tell Me That The Full Context Of Sasuke Snapped Back. Anyway, Whats Gay Pride Day? What
Why Did No One Tell Me That The Full Context Of Sasuke Snapped Back. Anyway, Whats Gay Pride Day? What

why did no one tell me that the full context of “Sasuke snapped back. ‘Anyway, what’s Gay Pride Day? What are they proud of?” was so fucking funny

1 year ago

i’m so here for naruto and sasuke being all confused about their feelings for each other after the war

i’m so here for their shoulders softly bumping into each other while they walk home next to each other

i’m so here for naruto taking sasukes hand with his healthy arm and sasuke flinching but not letting go

i’m so here for sasuke not knowing where to go after he returns to konoha so naruto asks him if he wants to stay with him

i’m so here for both of them having this strange sensation when their skin touches

i’m so here for sasuke trying to build up the trust to his old friends again

i’m so here for naruto helping him with it

i’m so here for naruto gazing at sasuke, thinking “you’re really here..” and then smiling to himself

i’m so here for naruto finding out sasuke gets panic attacks and has nightmares and naruto tries to genuinely help him and be his source of support and understanding

i’m so here for sasuke getting used to narutos warmth around him

i’m so here for naruto and sasuke starting to share a bed because sasuke can fall asleep better like this (also because narutos presence soothes him and he’s warm)

i’m so here for sasuke asking naruto “how’s the arm?” when they wake up or do anything physically draining

i’m so here for naruto blushing when sasuke smiles at him

im so here for them bickering in the middle of the night because narutos occupying the entire blanket for himself again

i’m so here for naruto going “well why don’t you just go get your own dumb blanket!” and sasuke makes up some shitty excuse when he actually thinks ‘because it wouldn’t smell of you’

i’m so here for naruto buying fresh tomatoes for sasuke because he knows sasuke loves them

i’m so here for sasuke not flinching anymore when naruto touches his face to get his hair out of his vision when he’s cooking

i’m so here for naruto placing his chin on sasukes shoulder when he’s standing at the window and sasuke telling him to get off (but he actually doesn’t really mind, also narutos hand on his lower back feels really nice)

i’m so here for naruto gazing at sasuke when sasuke is busy doing something and not realizing he’s been thinking about just how pretty his childhood rival now is. or always was? he doesn’t really know. but wow sasuke is really pretty i’m so here for sasuke gulping at the sight of narutos toned and tanned body getting out of the shower

i’m so here for naruto and sasuke falling in love slowly

i’m so here for them finding a new home in each other

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1 year ago

i read chapter 698 as a love confession. you know why? because it is.

let’s look at this objectively.

I Read Chapter 698 As A Love Confession. You Know Why? Because It Is.

it starts with sasuke begging naruto to tell him why, why he continues to do so much for sasuke’s sake, why he was willing to die with him, why he was willing to be maimed for him, why he wouldn’t give up on him, despite having every right to. even when everyone else did.

this question isn’t new, either. it’s not something naruto hasn’t answered before. sasuke asked him why he wouldn’t give up in vote1 & naruto told him he was one of his most precious bonds. he asked him again in the 5 kage summit arc & naruto told him it was because they were friends. sasuke has enough answers, but he asks again. why? because he’s not satisfied with the answer naruto’s given him. because he’s looking for more.

I Read Chapter 698 As A Love Confession. You Know Why? Because It Is.

naruto doesn’t disappoint, giving him the same ‘we’re friends’ response. sasuke is not having it. he gets visibly angry, clearly displeased with the answer. he presses forward & asks naruto for more, asks him to put a meaning to the supposed feeling of ‘friendship’ naruto keeps pushing on him. why? because what he feels for naruto, and what he believes naruto feels for him, is more than friendship. because he needs to know that naruto feels the same way for him that he does for naruto.

I Read Chapter 698 As A Love Confession. You Know Why? Because It Is.

so naruto describes the feelings he has for sasuke in words. he tells him that he hurts when sasuke hurts. that he feels his pain too.

i will make a point of bringing up the fact that this ‘i hurt when you do’ is used countless times in media & literature to represent love—especially and predominantly romantic love. and the kicker of this is that this is what makes sasuke react.

I Read Chapter 698 As A Love Confession. You Know Why? Because It Is.

sasuke’s expression here is probably one of the most emotion filled expressions of him in the manga. he’s shocked by naruto’s admission, by naruto’s confession. this is a huge deal for him.

this is more than friendship to him.

I Read Chapter 698 As A Love Confession. You Know Why? Because It Is.

then we get to see into sasuke’s thoughts about naruto, for the first time in the entirety of the series.

this is sasuke’s confession.

I Read Chapter 698 As A Love Confession. You Know Why? Because It Is.

sasuke explains everything he thought of naruto, using phrases like ‘seeing you made me feel warm and fuzzy’, implying things like ‘loving you made me feel weak’.

and sasuke finishes it all with the fact that he hurt when naruto hurt. all along, he’s felt pain when naruto’s in pain. all along, he has reciprocated naruto’s feelings to a tee.

all along, he’s loved naruto back just as much as naruto loved him.

once you realize this, it is easier to understand his reaction to naruto telling him he felt his pain. sasuke reacted like that because he realized that his love was reciprocated, that this feeling of ‘friendship’ that naruto kept going on about was the same thing that sasuke felt all this time. and that it was never friendship at all.

it was love.

I Read Chapter 698 As A Love Confession. You Know Why? Because It Is.

then sasuke accepts defeat. accepts that he’s lost. but this acceptance is more than just understanding he’s lost a battle.

sasuke is accepting naruto’s feelings for him he’s accepting his own feelings for naruto. he’s accepting that he never could kill naruto and he never would be able to, not now that he knows that he loves him. not now that he understands the distances naruto would go to for him and why.

I Read Chapter 698 As A Love Confession. You Know Why? Because It Is.

sasuke brings it up once more, a few moments later. naruto tells him he knows he won’t try to go rogue again, and sasuke asks him how he can be so sure. to me, it seems like a final effort to really prove to himself that naruto loves him.

I Read Chapter 698 As A Love Confession. You Know Why? Because It Is.

and naruto does.

he tells him not to make him repeat himself. he tells him that he knows he won’t because he loves sasuke, and sasuke loves him in turn. because they share each other’s pain and there’s no question about that anymore.

he tells him ‘you won’t hurt me again, now that you know how i feel, now that you’ve seen my heart, now that i’ve seen yours, you won’t hurt me again.’

and sasuke cries tears of joy. because, even after everything, naruto loves him and naruto trusts him.

I Read Chapter 698 As A Love Confession. You Know Why? Because It Is.

and the chapter ends with a panel of naruto and sasuke, lying on their backs, with the blood between their arms making it look as if they are holding hands.

they are finally together, exactly where they’re supposed to be.

i don’t know how anyone could read this and not see how it’s love.

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1 year ago

According to the Official Spin-Off Novel, Bachira is Isagi’s type


Isagi described his ideal romantic partner in his official spin-off novel as someone with a nice smile who laughs a lot.


And Bachira was described (three times) in his spin-off novel as someone with a stunning smile.

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1 year ago

Why Bachira x Isagi (Blue Lock) is One of the Best Ships of All Time



I’ll be honest and say that while Isagi and Bachira’s dynamic in the first arc was cute, it wasn’t anything that stood out to me too much. It seemed like a very typical sports anime type relationship at first. The main character shoots. His friend is there for him and passes to him so he can shine. They have good chemistry. They achieve results together that would be un-imaginably amazing compared to when they were apart. We’ve seen it so many times before already. Kageyama and Hinata, Kuroko and Kagami, Mihashi and Abe; the list goes on.

That all stops when the second selection starts.

Keep reading

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2 years ago

This site is such a preschool simulator you’ll meet someone and be like ‘wow we played toys together for 5 minutes and now we’re making friendship bracelets’ and then you’ll meet someone else and be like ‘hm i’ve never hit someone with a plastic dump truck before. i think i might like to try it.’

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