THEY!!!!!!! - Tumblr Posts
See the night again
Just two pals fighting, who knows what will happen, can insomniac beat king all by himself

Nue (furry) doesn't belongs to me
Nightmare (dude with crown)

Myricle MSPaint doodle dump
Their name is Dowaru and they hates hybrids.

This isn't Lego Monkie Kid related at all, I just wanted to post about one of my favorite non-canon poly ships,


Finally you understand why the villains redemption arcs feel unearned.
Please don’t insult me. I’ve understood it for a looonngggg time. It’s why I’ve always hated the character of Izuku Midoriya; it’s why I’ve ranted about Heroes again and again. I’ve never understood the decision to make Deku a foil to Shigaraki (2019); he has never been the kind and ‘desire to save that surpasses all common understanding’ that the manga liked to talk about (2019). It had never been acknowledge as a flaw and never addressed or developed. He’s barely thought about the ‘whys’ of saving a Villains as a Hero and when he does, it’s a forced psychic connection (2021). The story doesn’t work because Deku hasn’t put any single consideration into the flaws of Hero Society that would allow him to understand the Villains as the products of this society and it’s his duty as a government-sponsored law enforcer to give a fuck (2021). I’ve complained about the kids too, because all of them are the same (2022).
From a thematic perspective, the Heroes have utterly failed. They wanna save the Villains because the plot requires them too, not because they worked hard to come to this decision. I admit I’ve been solely focusing on that and not the character-centered aspect of the characters meditating this, in which it’s also lacking because, once again, the plot requires them to suddenly develop an awareness to move the plot along and not because of any internal journey. But that ties into the former, because they should’ve incorporated both of these elements into the one conviction to save.
It’s not that the Villains haven’t demonstrated enough sympathy to be deemed ‘worthy of being saved’. It’s that they should be helped even if someone believes they’re undeserving - and the story needed to be more convincing of this when it resolved to have Deku save Shigaraki.
The Villains have earned their role in the story. The heroes? not so much. I’ve held out for a long time to believe that Hero Society should consider Villains loathsome - but when we’ve got Tartarus guards calling Villains ‘beasts in human skin’, it really shows the gaping crack they’ve contributed to create the conditions for Villains to be made.
It’s a tough sell to readers that Heroes should care about the Villains, I get that; but that is what the story should’ve achieved in order to match it’s message and themes.
“Finally”? I’ve understood it in the meta, story-efficiency sense since before Deku even had he’s first thought of “Gee, Shigaraki looked like he needed saving :( Why did I never consider that he had once been a child who probably went through hell to develop such despair.” I foresaw this outcome, and I still resent it. If you’ve bothered to exert even an once of reading comprehension when reading my posts, you would’ve realized. ‘Finally’. Yes, indeed, I see that so far we’ve been forced to accept protagonist-centered morality and even then it was unconvincing.

When the first mate says he knows a short cut.
*kicks down door*
my brainrotting heart saw this
Listen I at first compared them to setomarry but this?
No brain
Thank you OP
I love you /p


Dick and Kory by @cola0534 on twitter.
Please reblog if you think that “they/them/theirs” is a valid set of pronouns.
this post must be reblogged by everyone

2013/2014? Not sure. Probably roughly around when I abandoned my original tumblr. Eri the Ogrin, my baby
I can just start shitposting on tumblr, nothing's stopping me but no one reads these my page is like a sad public diary that no wants to see