They/them(or any)Fruity 🏳️‍🌈 (lesbian)FIC REQUEST ARE OPEN🪿

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Heyyyy I have a request but like I don’t know what character so I’ll leave that up to you

Reader has been a little distracted by the pretty girl that recently started working at the same place as her…will she make a move? Is the pretty girl gay? Questions need answers but reader is a little awkward especially around a girl such a pretty girl what will happen?

Sorry this is so vague :( my brain is sooo fried lol

Coffeehouse Crush

Amber Appleton x fem! reader

Warnings: fluff, coarse language, reader and Amber are both flustered, awkward messes lol

In which reader, a small town gay finds herself falling hard and fast for the new girl at work. One problem— was she even gay?

“Hey, y/n. Later, we have a new staff member joining us. Could I have you be the one to train her? Just for today at least.”

“Oh? Sure, yeah.”

You carried on with your opening duties: wiping down the countertop and equipments, then counting the ‘float money’ to make sure there was the correct amount of cash in the register. “So, she should be here by 8, just show her the ropes. Have her shadow you for the day, hands-on starts tomorrow. You know, cash register, POS system, how to make the drinks.”

“I got it.” You laughed, “Just as long as she isn’t as clueless as Dex, who— thank god, you’ve fired because otherwise we’d be making losses.”

“I think you’ll be just fine. She has experience in F&B.” Your manager assured.

“I’ll hold you to that, Wendy. Okay, three hundred’s in the register— we’re all set.”

“Good.” Wendy shrugs, “Okay, Kaley should be here at 8:30, if she isn’t. We’re on our own.”

“Damn, okay.” You laughed, “Does that mean you’ll be out here too, then?”

“Only if Kaley doesn’t show. Otherwise, you and the new girl will be able to handle it.” Wendy bites back a laugh, “Sunday…it’ll be pretty calm. We’re near a whole bunch of offices and it’s the weekend.”

Wendy heads into her office while you leaned against the counter, watching people walk by. Ten people must’ve walked by in the last few minutes but not one walked in. You decided to take this time to make yourself a drink since there weren’t any customers. Then, you even had the time to drink it.

A few minutes later, a girl— probably your age, walks in. “Hi, I’m Amber. It’s my first day here today.”

“Oh! Right, the manager told me you were.” You snapped out of your thoughts.

Shit, that smile. It was so contagious. She just exudes such a good vibe. Smiling back at her, you introduced yourself, “Amber, I’m y/n. Our manager, Wendy has put me in charge of training you for today. But your job, for now is to just shadow me for the day and familiarise yourself with everything.”

“Hi, y/n.”

“Pick out a locker in the break room to your right, and that’ll be yours. I’ll just go get your apron and name tag for you from Wendy.”

“Okay.” She was still smiling. Damn, was she adorable.

She walks past you to get to the break room, you then went the opposite direction to Wendy’s office. You caught a whiff of her watermelon shampoo when she walked by. Stop it, y/n— that’s creepy.

“Oh, good. She’s here early. Here’s her apron and name tag.” Wendy hands the piece of fabric to you and the name tag. “Thanks.” You took them and exited her office, right when Amber walks back out from the break room. You hand her the items and let her put them on.

“So, today’s Sunday. Sundays are usually our more ‘quiet’ days. Not as many people come by on Sundays since we’re mainly near offices. Before some people start coming in around nine, I think I could probably show you how to make a couple drinks first.”

“Okay.” She nodded, eager.

“I don’t know how you have this much energy in the morning.” You chuckled over your words, reaching your hand out to grab a takeout cup then grabbed the recipe booklet.

“Okay, Amber. Take your pick— which one do you want?”

“What do you mean?”

You snorted, laughing, “Pick a drink you think you’d like— after you make it, you get to have it.”

She squints, “Really?”

“Yeah. I swear.” You nod, “If you don’t believe me, ask Wendy later when she walks out here.”

“No, no, no.” She gasped, “I believe you, it’s just usually. Based on my experience at my old jobs, I had to pay.”

“Not here you don’t.” You assured, “Go on.”

Her hand brushes against yours when she took the laminated booklet from you. You felt a spark, pursing your lips together and looking away from her briefly. She laughs, flipping through the pages. You could feel her gaze on you.

Damn it, Amber. Damn it.

While you taught her how to make the drink she picked out— it was a coconut milk latte, nothing too difficult. You chatted with her, learning way more about her than you’d expected to in such a short period of time. “Hey, y/n.” You heard. But you just could not focus. Your eyes, they were stuck on looking at Amber, looking at her sip on her coffee, happy that she got the hang of it so quickly.

“y/n.” You heard your name again.

“Hey!” You felt a tap on your shoulder. Startled, you gasped and quickly turned around. “Wendy. Oh, my God. Sorry.” You apologised.

“Amber said you scalded your hand. Let me see.” Wendy says, “Are you alright?”

“Yeah, just a little…distracted.” You say.

“Distracted?” She smirks, looking at you then your hand, then finally at Amber, “I think your hand will be fine but you’ll get a few blisters, but be careful and let them heal properly. Did you run it under cold water yet?”


“Go do that. It might lessen the pain for you a little.” Wendy urged. You excused yourself then went to the break room to tend to your burn.

See if this was how working with Amber was going to be like, you would end up with cuts and burns all over yourself from being so distracted by her…beauty.

“Hey!” Amber’s voice cut through the room, “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, yeah. I— I’m okay.”

“Sorry, I scared you. Didn’t I?”

“No, no, no, no…you didn’t— okay, I— I gotta ask you something but I don’t really know how to ask you—”

“Okay, breathe maybe.” She giggles, “Calm down and just ask me whatever you want. I’m all ears.”

And you did, you took a few deep breaths to regulate your breathing and it helped. You felt better and less…flustered.

“Are you gay?” You hurriedly asked.

“I…am bi.” She tells you.

“Are you seeing anyone? Because I kinda, maybe have a crush on you and I need an answer. I don’t want to be weird and just have feelings for someone that’s attached.” You rambled, “Because that would — would be bad, and I don’t want to ruin things for you, and have you hate me—”

“y/n, look at me.” She holds onto your hands gently, “Look at me. And listen closely— I just moved here, I don’t know anyone. I am single, and bi, and I think…you’re really pretty.”

You freaking choked on your own spit. “Uh…” Chuckling in sheer shock, you say, “I’m sorry what?”

“You’re pretty.” She steps forward and cups your cheek, smiling.

“Aw.” You blushed, “Damn. And I thought you were the shy one.”

“Not once you get to know me.” She shrugs, a cheeky grin on her face.

“You…wanna hang out after work?”

“Oh, yeah I sure do.” Amber winks.

You sigh, “Well, I’m looking forward to it. Let’s get back to work, shall we?”

“Yes, we shall.” Amber laughs, lacing your fingers together with hers for a second before letting go.

“Oh, Amber…” A quiet sigh falls from your lips.


“Nothing. You’re pretty.” You bit back a grin, hiding the blush forming on your cheeks.

“Aw. Aren’t you so sweet?”


🏷️ Tag list:

@ashecampos @auliisflower @cheesysoup-arlo @frogs00 @reneeswif3 @ludoesartnstuffs @pda128

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More Posts from Cheesysoup-arlo

9 months ago

Tumblr on the computer is so cool 😎 I normally use my phone but I tried computer for the first time ever and it’s really cool

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9 months ago

Silly character interaction based off the fact @frogs00 said Janis bites

*janis and y/n sitting on the couch*

Janis: hey can I see your arm really quick

Y/n: uh yeah sure *gives Janis their arm*

Janis: *gently bites y/n*

Y/n: OW WHAT THE FUCK *pulls their arm away* why would you do that?

Janis: *shrugs* nom nom

Y/n: how would you feel if I bit you?!?!

Janis: *give y/n their arm*

Y/n: *bites Janis gently* wait that’s actually kind of fun


Damian: why are you two so weird?

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9 months ago

Thank you 💕

Last song: Soup Song - Nep (It’s been stuck in my head and I finally gave in and listened to it)

Favourite colour: yellow especially mustard yellow and pastel yellows

Currently watching: bojak horseman

Sweet/savoury/spicy: sweet? I feel I normally lean towards sweets

Relationship status: single 😵‍💫

Current obsession: mean girls 💕

Last thing I googled: Ao3

Tags(no pressure) @ashecampos @idontplaytrack @bugs013 +anyone else 💕

Get To Know Tag

It was @evilpenguinrika, in April, with a tag 🗡️

Last Song: “Richard Cory” (YouTube: live version someone showed me the other day [that whole appearance is great!] / original album version) [I’ve written about the song before here.]

Favourite Colour: Blue

Currently Watching: About the only thing left I’m still watching is Ghosts 😳

Sweet/Savoury/Spicy: Uh…anything but spicy? Dunno. Iced tea should be sweet, and, well, sweets, but I don’t know that I have food that’s sweet? And I’ve never understood what savory entailed… 😳

Relationship Status: This one instantly took me all the way back to Week 1 of Beginning Arabic and Maha in the Red Book (#this is the way my mind works 😂)—except I am not forlorn about my single status.

Current Obsession: The scent of honeysuckle filling the “spring” air?

Last Thing You Googled: Googled proper, no clue. Last search was trying to find a link for Maha above…without luck.

Tagging: Since @persevereforahappyending tagged me in the other one, I’m returning the favor here 😂 And other regular appearances on my dashboard, @anakinftpadme @whyislenaluthorsohot And to quote EvilPenguinRika when tagging me, “Feel free to do this if you wanna :'D And whoever else who sees this and wants to do it too, go for it!”

9 months ago

Nooo I’m not built for running :(

*bites* *bites* *bites*

That's all, bye. 🏃

Hey no come back let me bite you back :(

9 months ago



Part 1 | Part 2


Summary: You and Regina have a long-standing history together, and now, with your exes pairing up in a new relationship, you are reluctantly forced to work together to win them back. Will the familiarity bring you closer, or will old habits resurface, leading to further tensions?

Warnings: manipulative regina, profanity, beginner fanfic writer:so mid writing, mentions of weed and mozzarella sticks


A/N:Thank you so much for all the support on Part 1, especially to that one user who reblogged and said "go read or u suck" I LOVE U.


Regina's words echoed in my mind like a stuck record."

"Ill see you tomorrow, after school, underneath the bleache-"

"Dude!" Mae jolted me out of my thoughts, snapping. My brain instantly refocused on the present moment.

The final class had just 5 minutes left, and I had to meet Regina. I hadn't had a genuine and meaningful conversation with Regina in a while. Our last talk had taken place years ago, and it didn't exactly conclude on the best terms.


"Did You really have to be that honest?!"


"Y-Yeah?" I stammered as I shook my head, desperately trying to clear my mind.

"Are you even paying attention?" she asked with an eye roll.

Trying to cover up my shit, I responded with a snort, "Of course!" hoping she would buy my lie.

Unconvinced, she asked, "So, when is Anders' soccer game?"

Ander plays soccer?

I gulped, "Tomorrow?" I replied, my voice smaller.

"Ander has asthma, dumbass." She pointed out

My shoulders sagged as I let out a resigned sigh, muttering under my breath, "fuck you, reverse psychology."

"You good?"

I attempted to brush off Mae's concern, replying, "It's nothing."

She gave me a skeptical look, countering, "Bullshit. You didn't even touch those mozzarella sticks I brought you. You love mozzarella sticks."

"I was full," I argued lamely, attempting to defend myself.

Mae raised a skeptical eyebrow, reminding me, "You guzzle down a Red Bull every morning for breakfast. Your 'full' card doesn't fly, genius."

"I'm just not in the mood today, okay?" I reasoned again

"Fine," Mae conceded, slightly annoyed. "I'm going to go help Brynn roll some. Want to join?"

I shook my head, declining her offer.

"Nah, I have something to do," I responded, already turning to leave the classroom.

Mae looked at me suspiciously, raising an eyebrow. "Okay..." she replied, still doubting my excuse.


I was growing increasingly annoyed as I waited for Regina under the stinking bleachers. The place absolutely reeked, and I had been tapping my foot in irritation for far too long.

"I'm a bit surprised you actually showed up."

Regina stated as she approached me with a confident stride.

I responded in a sarcastic tone, rolling my eyes, "Yeah, blackmailing me about my friends really works wonders."

I glanced around, surprised not to see Gretchen and Karen accompanying her, as usual.

I couldn't help but comment, "Where are your backscratching bootlickers?" I raised an eyebrow.

With a slight tilt of her head she responded with a snarky remark, "Your mouth is still as vulgar as ever, i guess some things never change."

"As if you're any better." I mumbled under my breath, too low for her to hear


"Woah woah, dating!?" I replied, thoroughly taken aback. "No way am i going to be your girlfriend!"

Regina quickly corrected me, "Pretend." She rolled her eyes, growing impatient with me. "Do you want Tina back?" She asked, her annoyance clear. "Then there's no question about it.

I wrestled with the idea, questioning if it was even worth the effort.

My face twisted in doubt as I questioned her plan. "How do you even know this will work?"

Regina's voice took on a venomous tone as she snapped, "Can you just shut up and trust me?"

My scoff turned into a mocking laugh. "Trust you, Regina?" I taunted


I sat alone in my darkened room, tears streaming down my face as I clutched my teddy bear tightly for comfort. My room looked like a cyclone had gone through it; pillows and blankets scattered every which way, and pieces of paper and pictures torn up. I could hear my mother's concerned voice outside my door, saying Regina wanted to talk to me. I shouted back, my voice shaking with anger, "Tell her to fuck off!"


I scoffed in disbelief. "Right, because the last time I trusted you really worked out well for me." The memory of her betrayal still stung.

"Can we not discuss that right now?" Regina replied sharply, but my anger remained.

The audacity of this bitch is terrifying!

"We're going to have to work together, so if you keep bringing it up, you're just making this more uncomfortable than it already is."

My anger gradually faded, replaced by a begrudging acceptance. I hated to admit it, but she was right

— we I couldn't keep dwelling on the past if we were going to make this plan work.

I reluctantly agreed, "Fine," Part of me yearned for an acknowledgement, for her to address the past, but her lack of response just left me feeling disappointed.

Regina sneered disdainfully, her gaze traveling along my entire body, her eyes judging me. "What the fuck are you wearing?" she taunted, as if I had committed a fashion felony.

I looked down at my clothes, feeling a bit self-conscious. "What?" I replied defensively, unsure of the issue.

Regina abruptly grabbed my wrist, her touch surprisingly warm. Without a word, she began pulling me towards her red Jeep.

"where are you tak—" I started, but she quickly cut me off, her words laced with annoyance.

"I am not going to be seen with an outdated loser," she retorted, her grip not relenting as we approached her vehicle.

I stumbled slightly as she practically dragged me along, trying to protest, "It's just a band tee!"

My wrist felt the absence of her touch as Regina turned to open the driver's door of her Jeep.

As she settled into the driver's seat I glanced back at the passenger and the back seat, debating where to sit.

Opting for the safer choice, I reached out for the back door handle before Regina interrupted me.

"Sit in the passenger seat, idiot," she ordered, her tone cutting through the air.

Reluctantly, I opened the passenger door and slid into the seat beside Regina, sitting a slight distance away from her. As she started the jeep and began driving, I turned my gaze towards the window.

I tried once more to get an answer, my eyes still glued to the outside world.

"Seriously," I persisted, "where are we going?"

Regina's response was brief, "Shopping," she replied. "If I'm going to pretend to date you, you at least need some proper clothes."


The cafeteria felt oddly silent as a murmur of whispers surrounded me. I couldn't tell if it was my anxiety playing tricks on me, but the atmosphere felt eerily hushed.

"I hate this," I muttered under my breath, feeling the weight of everyone's gazes upon me. Wearing the clothes Regina had deemed socially acceptable yesterday made me feel even more out of place right now.

My train of thought came to a halt as my phone buzzed with a notification. It was a message from Regina: "Stop standing there like a statue. Come sit with us."

I glanced at my phone, finding a flurry of messages from my friends group chat. "Where are you?" and "What the hell are you wearing" filled the screen. I reluctantly raised my gaze to our usual table, only to see my friends staring at me, bewildered. Swiftly muting my phone, I headed towards the plastics table.

'Took you long enough,' she muttered, as I approached, her eyes glued to her phone, no doubt scrolling through Instagram.

Gretchen, a hint of false enthusiasm in her expression, looks up from her phone. "Why's she here?" she asks, peering at Regina through raised eyebrows.

Regina retorts with a deadpan tone, rolling her eyes slightly, "To sit with us.”

Gretchen, her voice rising in pitch, exclaims, "What?! She can't-" only to be cut off by Regina's firm interject.

"Sit," Regina says, her inflection leaving no room for argument.

I hesitantly moved to sit across them.

"Hey, sorry- uh," I greet, looking between Karen and Gretchen with a mix of confusion and frustration. "Why am I sitting here? This is not part of the plan!" I whisper-yelled at Regina, leaning in closer to avoid being overheard.

With a roll of her eyes, Regina replied, "Just go with it." She set her phone down, adding, "Tina's watching".

I glanced around the cafeteria, spotting Tina seated with her clique, watching me intently. In that moment, our eyes met, confirming that the first step of Regina's plan had been successfully executed.

Step one:Complete


A/N: next part is cadys arrival😱🥶