I Laughed Out Loud In The Middle Of Reading This
I laughed out loud in the middle of reading this
Janis: I feel like slapping the biggest idiot in this room
Regina: Why would you do that to yourself?
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More Posts from Cheesysoup-arlo
Can I request super flirty Amber x reader where Amber's flirting with reader but they are oblivious and eventually Amber can't take it anymore and kisses reader
Pretty Girl
Amber Appleton x fem! reader
Warnings: fluff, coarse language, kissing
Amber calls reader ‘pretty girl’— always have. But when exactly did that take a turn and become flirting instead of being platonic?
As the thunder roared outside, you were wrapped up under your blanket, comfy— no, sick and exhausted. You had just started your period the night before and have been tormented by the cramps ever since. The pain was so bad, it made you nauseous. You were also, hungry, bloated and craving all sorts of things that you wanted to eat, but at the same time…not really. It was confusing. You hated it, all of this— How terrible you were feeling. So much for a peaceful weekend.
Somehow, you felt yourself dozing off so you snuggled closer to your pillow and hoped you’d fully fall asleep. But hey, of course not. You felt the vomit creeping up your throat before you leaned over the bed and the trashcan, barely making it and letting it spill into the plastic under your mouth. It’s not like you much of anything left in your stomach, but did that stop you from feeling absolutely shitty? No way. Lazily cleaning off your mouth with a tissue you’d grabbed from the box on your nightstand, you stayed on your stomach, and just slept. Tried to, at least.
You woke up after what must’ve been no more than an hour, the rain had started to pour which would typically be the ideal for staying in, getting cosy and just lazing around. But now, you wanted nothing more than to get out of bed and do something with your day. Alas, you could not exactly move. The doorbell rings, making you groan. “It’s pouring out there. Who is it?!” You shrieked, scarily near tears.
The intercom buzzes, “It’s Amber!”
You quite literally forced yourself out of bed and walk downstairs, your knees nearly buckled when you first stood up. God, why’d she have to show up now? You got to the door as fast as you could and opened it to let her in.
“Took you awhile.” She says while stepping into the house, “Hi, pretty girl.”
“Sorry.” You muttered, “I’m not—”
“Feeling too well?” She finishes your sentence, “I figured. Wish you would’ve told me.”
You slowly sat down on the couch, groaning, “How’d you know anyway?”
“Honey, I’ve known you, what? Fifteen years now? Give me some credit.”
“So you just figured out I was on my period and decided to show up at my door with…chocolate chip cookies?”
“Yeah, I took a guess.” Amber chuckles, “It’s not that hard to predict it, you know? You always get it around this time of the month.”
“Oh, how nice of you to know that.” You scoffed, leaning forward and burying your face in your hands.
“Did you eat anything?”
You gulped, “Nope, not since dinner last night. Also, I threw that up so please don’t talk about eating.”
Amber sits down beside you, a hand on your head and massaging it, “I’m sorry.” She then guided you to lay on her lap carefully.
You smiled at her a little, it quickly falls though, when you felt another cramp. “Are you sure you don’t want to take something for it?” Amber asks you softly.
“I can, but it’ll just come back up in a few minutes so I’d rather just wait it out.”
You haven’t seen Amber in awhile, honestly. But you knew she had like three part-time jobs that last time you asked her about it. So you figured that was what she was busy with. Oh, and by ‘awhile’, you meant like— at most two weeks. You two haven’t spent much time apart ever. And that’s considering the fact that she has her own little group of friends. You saw them pretty often too, and you knew them but you never really got that close with them even after all this time. But because you were Amber’s best friend, you were always hanging out with them anyway.
Damn, maybe you should really just open your mouth and talk to them more. They were really nice people.
“What’s wrong?” Amber asks, noticing that you’ve gone quiet.
“Oh, nothing. Just thinking about…stuff.”
“Oh, yeah? What kinda stuff, honey?” She looks down at you, bright smile on her face while her eyes formed into little crescents. Her hand was still stroking your hair.
“Random things…I dunno. Like how I gotta talk to your friends more and stop just floating around.” You hummed, “How I haven’t gotten to hang out with you for like two weeks because you’ve been working so many shifts. God, I hope you’re getting enough rest.”
Amber chuckles, “I’m fine. I quit the third job.”
“You did? When?” You ask, absentmindedly playing with the ring on the fingers of her free hand.
“Uh…” She says, her hand in your hair stops moving. You sulked, and she continues the soothing gesture but not without a tiny little laugh. “Like, three weeks ago?”
“Wow, and what have you been up to lately that I couldn’t get to see you?” You joked.
“Shut up, babe.” She giggles. You gasped dramatically and instantly paid for it when you got attacked by yet another cramp, “Babe? That’s a new one.”
She nearly snorted, laughing. Amber’s brows were raised briefly, “You really are so…”
“Don’t yell at me.”
“I’m not gonna yell at you, when have I ever done that?” She squints.
“Well, my mom just did this morning after I told her my cramps were terrible.” You scoffed.
“Do I look like your Mom to you?” Amber couldn’t help but laugh, “Has the pain somehow jumbled up your brain so bad that you’re just saying anything and everything?”
You didn’t know what to say to that you just kept quiet and snuggled more comfortably against her lap, now laying on your side. “Maybe.”
“That’s okay, pretty girl.” You could hear the smile, “I’m sorry you’re not feeling good.”
As you laid sleepily in her lap, Amber’s mind started to wander— seemingly recalling every single time she had hung out with you, analysing each day out, and night in…desperately trying to figure something out.
“You’re so pretty.” Amber says, tucking some hair behind your ear.
“Shut up.” You laugh, “I just tried to eat a donut while the wind was blowing in my face. Now I have powdered sugar in my hair.”
“I said what I said.”
“Yeah, yeah. Thanks, Ams.” You didn’t think too much into her little compliment— she says stuff like this all the time. Just to make you smile and giggle. “You’re pretty too.”
Walking through a crowded flea market, your eyes checked out each stall closely, not wanting to miss a good buy. Somehow, you feel an arm wrap around your waist. “Be careful. There’s a lot of people around.” It was Amber. Typical Amber being a worrywart.
“Amber?” You say in a hurry once she picked up your call.
“y/n, it’s 1:30 in the morning.” Amber replied, obviously just woken up by you, “What’s wrong, y/n?”
“Can we go get ice cream?”
“What?” She could not believe her ears. Amber could not believe that you called her at this hour just for that. But hey, she was so relieved that was all it was. Relieved that you weren’t sick or hurt.
“Can we go get ice cream? Please?” You repeated yourself.
“Okay, pretty girl.” She laughs, “I’ll pick you up in fifteen minutes.”
You squealed, “Yay, okay.”
“Amber, can you help me do my hair? I like when you do it.”
“Amber, will you please do my makeup? I suck at it.” You groaned.
“Sure, honey.” Amber had her usual smile on her face, “Turn around.”
“Need some help?” Amber asks, watching you struggle to put a necklace on by yourself.
You finally saw her in the reflection and said, “Please.” Handing it to her, she took it from you and pushed your hair in front of one shoulder. Smoothly, she puts the necklace on for you in a matter of seconds.
“There you go.” She smiles, leaning her chin on your shoulder for a beat, her eyes looked at the heart pendant on your necklace then somehow wandered onto your chest. Mentally chiding herself, she gives you a quick hug from behind and then unwrapped her arms, “You ready for your date?”
“Not really.” You admit.
“Aw, you got this, pretty girl.” She gives you a squeeze on the shoulder, “Ben’s really nice.”
“You would know.” You managed a chuckle, “You insisted that you met him first.”
“Of course. He has to be good enough for you.”
You were at the mall with Amber one Saturday afternoon after having spent the night at her place in the spur of the moment. Actually, that was the last time you saw her before today. So, anyway…because you didn’t have a change of clothes, you were wearing Amber’s clothes. Which was very, very different from your own style.
“Will you stop?” Amber laughs, swinging your hand as she held it, “You look good, okay?”
“Pfft, right.”
Or maybe…the defining moment was right now. Seeing you so pale, so disheveled. Yet, she was completely enamoured by you. She didn’t tell you though. She couldn’t. Because she knew how you’d react. You’d just think she was joking and brush it off. Nothing romantic’s happened between you and Amber, but yet lately, there’s always been the presence of tension from Amber’s point of view.
You on the other hand seemed completely oblivious to her being a little distant for the past two weeks while trying to work through her feelings and piece together what on Earth she wanted to say to you. She could only pray this wasn’t one-sided. Amber loved you too much to mess things up, that was why she said she was busy and didn’t see you for those three weeks. But at the same time, her patience was slowly but surely growing thin. Yet she still couldn’t quite figure out exactly when her calling you ‘pretty girl’ started to have a different effect on her— when she started to get excited to call you that, hoping you’d react the way she wanted you to. But you never did. So she threw in a new nickname, and you were still way too chill about it.
Amber didn’t know where that courage came from but…
“y/n?” She said quietly, wanting to get your attention but didn’t want to startle you.
Your eyes came into focus again, meeting her face, “Yeah?”
“I’m in love with you.” She reveals, and before you could even process her declaration, you feel her lips on your own— so soft, and so gentle. So addictive. Fuck.
You’d completely just gave into it, letting her take control as your hand reached up to cup her cheek. It was a bit of an odd position, but you were evidently still in too much pain to move.
“You do?” You tried breaking away for a second to speak but she doesn’t allow it, eagerly reconnecting your lips again. Amber did nod her head, reciprocating with increasingly passionate kisses.
“I fucking love you. I’m not sure when it started, but I am.” She literally speaks into the kiss. And upon hearing that, you could not let her lips go. That was all Amber needed from you. She didn’t even need to hear it— she was too riled up for that now, wanting nothing more than the constant feeling of your lips against hers.
After a mutual breakaway several minutes later, you were breathless and so was she. “So…” She started. “I meant every word I just said. Everything I just did. I want you, y/n, to be my girlfriend.”
“Okay.” You nodded, unknowingly, teary-eyed. “I’m sorry I didn’t realise sooner.”
Amber smiled so widely hearing your response, “It’s okay, pretty girl.” Now in tears, she sniffles and presses a sweet kiss to your forehead, “I have you now.”
“You do.” You nodded, mirroring her smile.
“I love you.” She says, her palm pressing lightly on your lower abdomen to give it some warmth and relief. “Does that help?”
You nodded almost too sleepily, “Yeah. Can you keep doing that please?”
“Of course.” Amber agrees, “Close your eyes, get some rest. I’ll wake you up when lunch is done.”
“No, don’t get up.” You slurred.
“I promise I won’t. Not until you’ve fallen asleep. Then, I’ll make us lunch. Okay, pretty girl?”
“Okay, Ams…okay.”
She chuckles over her words hearing how sleepy you were, “Okay. Sleep tight.”
🏷️ Tag list:
@ashecampos @auliisflower @cheesysoup-arlo @frogs00 @reneeswif3 @ludoesartnstuffs @pda128
I’m distracting y’all from the fact that the AJ x reader x Capri isn’t even halfway done six days later
Also don’t know how to write a flirty Amber— I’m sorry🥲
My stepdad said I “talk too much” welp you know what my brain said to that
Yeah immediately started singing this in my head lmao
2. This is so cutie patootie I love soft rejanis
3. Hello Cady 🥰 (I forget she exists sometimes lol)
No, idiot
Janis ‘Imi’ike x Regina George
Warnings: coarse language, fluff
Just a cute little peek into their day, home alone while Janis’ parents are on a trip. Ft. ‘Imi’ike! younger sister reader(1 year younger) & Cady Heron
Inspired by this incorrect quote by @frogs00 <3
“Jan.” She hears Regina calling her name. But she ignores her, more focused on her phone— she was currently texting you.
“Janis.” She hears again. Ignored.
“‘Imi’ike.” Regina huffs, tossing a cheese puff at her face.
Janis shrieked. “What?”
“I’ve been calling for you forever.” Regina smirks, “What the hell are you doing?”
“Texting y/n.”
“Why? She’s fine. She’s at the grocery store.”
“I know she’s fine. I just want her to get my damn gummy worms.” Janis sulked.
Regina nearly snorted.
“What’s so funny?” Janis pulled a face, tossing her phone aside after reading your text.
“Nothing, you’re just cute. Can’t I think you’re cute?” Regina shrugs, “Idiot.”
“Shut the fuck up.” Janis scoffs, grabbing a couch cushion and tossing it Regina’s way. The blonde easily caught it and set it down. “Don’t make me hit you back with this.”
“Thought you already would’ve.” Janis flashes her a cheekily smile then picked up her phone when it buzzed. “NOOOO.”
“What?” Regina cracked a smile.
“They don’t have the gummy worms I wanted.” Janis sulked.
“So, just get something else?” Regina scooted closer, wrapping an arm around the smaller girl. “I’ll get you those you like next time we’re out.”
“Dude, I’ve been craving for that specific brand of gummy worms. I finally got her to cave and get me a bag and they’re out of stock.” Janis deadpanned.
“Babe, if you say ‘gummy worms’ one more time…I will laugh.”
“Ugh, forget it. It’s such a stupid thing anyway.”
Regina tilted Janis’ face and presses a kiss to her lips, “Cheer up. We’re home alone.”
Janis chuckled mockingly, “With my sister.”
“Like she would care what we do.” Regina replies.
“It’s stressful knowing she’s like two doors down.” Janis rolled her eyes.
“You could be quiet.”
“Tsk.” Janis looks up, glaring at the blonde, “Talk about yourself.”
Regina smirks again, then laughed breathily, “She’s not here now.”
“No.” Janis says, “We’re not doing anything now.”
“Okay.” Regina agrees without a fight.
“But when she goes out to watch a movie with Carly tonight, sure.”
Regina says, eager, “Ooh, okay.” Janis giggles a little. “Who’s Carly again?” Regina asks. “Is that the girl she has a crush on?
“The girl she likes, yeah.” Janis answered.
“Right.” Regina nods, tracing random shapes and lines on Janis’ forearm, “Did y/n tell her yet?”
“No, but the tension? It’s there alright.” Janis laughs at the recollection, “Every time I see them together, they’re like— flirting. To me at least.”
“Maybe they need a little nudge.” Regina winks.
“I am not meddling. They’re doing fine.”
“Yeah, whatever.” Regina said back, “So we know your sister’s queer because she came out to us. But is Carly?”
“I dunno. She never said anything more than ‘I think I like her’.”
Regina hums, “Oh. Hey, what’s for lunch?”
“Food, usually.” Janis answered without hesitation.
“No, idiot, I mean what are we having?” Regina was biting back a laugh.
“An unwanted conversation.” Janis smiled, earning a playful shove from the blonde.
“Why is your sister at the grocery store?”
“She said she wanted to cook something, I dunno. She’s old enough to drive, I don’t have to watch her like a toddler.” Janis shrugs.
Regina scoffs, “And you couldn’t have just said she was gonna cook?”
At this moment, they hear a familiar jingle of keys. You were home. “Hi, baby.” Regina greeted. “Hey.”
Janis squints, noticing a change in your mood. Not in a good way. “y/n, what’s wrong?”
“I ran into Carly at the donut shop I stopped at on my way home.” You began, “I was planning on telling her that I liked her tonight, but it doesn’t matter anymore.”
Janis and Regina shifted on the couch to make space for you in between them. You sat down. “She was there with a boy. And they kissed.” You started to explaining, recalling the images in your head, “She was the one who started flirting with me first so I flirted back. I don’t even know when she got a boyfriend— she didn’t tell me. If she did, I wouldn’t have been so stupid and continued. I should’ve guessed it when she canceled on me last minute for the last few times. I’m so stupid.”
“No. No one could’ve just guessed something like that.” Janis disagrees, “And don’t you dare call yourself stupid. You are not stupid.”
“What can we do to make you feel better?” Regina asks seriously.
“I don’t know, honestly. I just feel like shit. I don’t even know what I want to do.” You admit.
“How about we get our friend Cady to come hang out, and you two can chat? See where that goes?” Regina suggested. Janis was alarmed, “Really? You think this is the right time for that?”
“Actually, yeah. Please do that.” You agreed, “I don’t want to think about Carly anymore. I honestly just need a clean break from her. Now that my feelings for her are no longer platonic. It’s not gonna help if I stay friends with her.
“I don’t get it.” Janis says.
Regina chuckles, “Right. You don’t know this, but word has it that Cady likes your sister.”
“Yes. And she has a crush on Cady too.”
“I never thought she’d like feel the same way, too, in my defence. She’s way out of my league. She hangs out with you.” You said, looking at Regina.
“She didn’t hang out with me.” Regina pointed to Janis, “But she’s my girlfriend now. So your point?”
“Is that I’m nervous.” You looked at the blonde dead in the eye, “Okay, it’s silly to have two crushes at once but hey, if you’re gonna offer to text her for me so we can hang out, I’m not a complete idiot.”
“Is this not too rushed?” Janis raised her concern.
“No, I’m done with Carly. Nothing has to happen between me and Cady— we’re just hanging out, getting to know each other.” You replied firmly.
“Okay, if you say so.” Janis smirks, grabbing her phone.
“What are you laughing at?” You squinted at Regina.
“Just the fact that sooner or later, the whole of our friend group’s gonna be kissing each other.”
Janis chortled, “She’s right. Karen and Gretchen. Me and her. I mean, Damian’s…Damian. Then you and Cady, maybe?”
“Okay, I take it Janis is texting Cady. I will make us a nice lunch. You don’t worry about anything at all — just look pretty for your crush.” Regina decided. “Requests?”
“Just make whatever you want.” Janis shooed her away.
“Fine. Chicken and waffles?”
“Sounds good.” You told her as she walked into the kitchen and checked out your grocery haul.
“Are you sure you’re okay?”
“I’m fine, Janis. Just need a good cry in the shower later on. All a part of life, right?” You chuckled dryly, “We’ve been friends forever. Maybe that’s why it felt so easy to be catching feelings for her. It’s not her fault, I just wish she would’ve told me she was seeing someone just like she’s told me everything else. Then it wouldn’t have been so sudden and such a punch in the gut. Also, the fact that she acted as if I already knew when she introduced me to him? I knew I had to leave her. She wasn’t honest with me. I don’t want someone like that in my life anymore.”
Janis puts her arm around your shoulder, pressing a kiss to the side of your head, “You’ll be alright, bubs. We got your back.”
“Thanks, Janis.” You blinked profusely, trying to avoid the crying.
“Let’s watch a movie, alright? You pick one. I’ll be back in a second. Just gonna grab us some snacks.”
“Do you guys want cookies or brownies?” Regina asks from across the room.
“Both.” Janis requested.
“No, idiot. Pick one.” Regina laughs, “I’m using the boxed mixes in the pantry. So if your parents ask, it was me.”
“The cookies, please.” You replied, “Thanks, Reg.”
“I was hoping you’d pick the brownies, but I’ll listen to you because you’re in a bad mood and I’m trying to help you feel better if not Janis’ll kill me.”
“I will not.” Janis gasps, offended.
“You’re capable of it.” Regina retorted, “You lit my backpack on fire.”
“Wrong.” You chimed in, “She lit your unicorn on fire. Your backpack was collateral damage.”
“I’m joking.” Regina tries not to grin but still did at this interaction. She’d never admit it, but she obviously had a soft spot for Janis, but also, for you. She cares, but always hid her concern behind her usual attitude whenever she speaks or does something.
The smell of waffles soon wafted through the air, accompanying the aroma of the fried chicken. “Stop staring at my ass.” Regina looks over her shoulder.
Janis stuck her tongue out, “No.”
“I’ll bite you.”
You laughed, hugging a couch cushion close while your eyes were glued onto the TV screen. Before you knew it, Janis was hopping off the couch and jumping onto Regina’s back while the blonde was plating the food. “Hey!” Regina exclaimed. “Damn, I could’ve dropped this on the floor, baby.”
“As long as you don’t drop me on the floor.” Janis continues, resting her chin on Regina’s shoulder.
“Will you please get off me?” Regina asked, “Lunch is ready.”
“Fuck, you’re a great cook.” Janis admired the food on the table.
“Thank you~ I try.” Regina says, “Off.”
“Fine.” Janis pouted, standing back on the ground.
Regina retaliated by smacking her on the ass. “Ow! Damn you!” Janis shrieked, “You’re going to pay for that.”
Sighing, then laughing lightly as you watched them joke around with each other, you walk over to the kitchen, joining just briefly to grab your plate. You ate in front of the TV while your sister and her girlfriend ate in the dining area.
“y/n, the cookies are done if you want them.” Regina tells you. You nodded, not paying much attention to her than you were the movie. “You okay?” Janis asks.
“Mhm.” You confirmed, then Janis realised you were watching your favourite movie. Which explained why your eyes were practically glued to the screen. She shrugs, “Cady’s arriving soon.”
Regina laughs, “Damn, what the kind of movie is she watching for her to be so focused on it?”
“What?” Regina chortled, “Tangled?”
“Well, she likes it. Let her enjoy it.” Janis retorted.
“I didn’t say anything about not letting her enjoy her movie.” Regina squinted, “You have syrup on your chin, idiot.”
“Whatever.” Janis shrugs, “I’m still eating, anyway.” Regina grabs a napkin and leaned forward to help Janis clean it off. Janis gives her a childlike grin, mouth full of the chewed up waffle and chicken, “I’m your idiot, though.”
“What is this? Are you like, about to get a sugar rush?” Regina was more amused by her little antic than she expected.
“Oh, boy.” Regina sighs, watching the brunette happily munching on the food. “You’re lucky you’re cute.”
Janis rolled her eyes playfully, “Aw, thank you so much.”
The doorbell rings, interrupting their silly banter. “Cady’s here.” Janis declared. “I’ll get the door. She’s um…doing that.” You put down your plate and went to answer the door.
“y/n! Hi!” The redhead gives you a bright smile, you stepped aside to let her enter.
“Hi.” You flashed her a small smile in return.
“I made chicken and waffles. Help yourself.” Regina began, “y/n’s watching Tangled, and Janis is currently giggling to herself because she’s had too much sugar.”
Cady couldn’t help but laugh, especially with how she said it, “Oh, I love Tangled. It’s my favourite movie.“ Your head whipped around so fast to look at her, “It is?”
“Oh, yeah. I haven’t watched many movies, but yes. That’s my favourite one.” She confirms, glancing at you on her way to the kitchen. After getting her share of food, Cady joins you in the living room to watch the movie together with you.
“She likes you, Caddy.” Janis giggles, “Oh, god. I need to stop doing this.”
“Janis!” Your eyes widened, horrified.
“She does this a lot, I’m sure she’s just—” Cady tells you.
“Yeah, she does.” You laughed awkwardly, “But um, Regina said you liked me…?”
Her cheeks flushed a light pink, “Um…” Your heart starts slamming in your chest, waiting for her to respond.
“Yeah, I— I do.” Cady spat out after putting her half-eaten plate of food down, “Do you…”
“Y—” You stuttered, “Yes, I do. I like you, too.”
Janis’ giggling snapped you out of it, “Regina, please don’t tell me you put stuff in her food.”
“Why would I do that? She’s a handful as it is.”Regina laughs, “Okay, that’s it, you’re not eating anymore of this. You are acting like a child.”
You were trying not to laugh, but seeing Janis being babied like this by Regina was far too entertaining to you and Cady.
“Fineee.” Janis huffs. “Take a shower with me.”
Regina’s brows were raised, bewildered. Then her signature smirk was plastered on her face again, “Okay.”
Janis stopped fidgeting, looking at Regina solemnly, “Really?”
“Fuck it, yeah. We’ll let these two babies have their alone time, while we have our fun.” Regina looked at you and Cady then back at Janis. “Will you two be okay alone? Of course, who am I kidding, you guys aren’t kids.”
“We’ll be fine, Regina. Just gonna hang out here.” Cady assured, “You two just…lock your door.”
“Don’t even worry about that.” Regina takes Janis by the wrist and pulled her up. Janis lays her head on Regina’s chest, “Carry me.”
“God, babe. The syrup on your chin is on my shirt.” Regina seethed, but she didn’t stay annoyed for long and just complied, “Fine, clingy. Cady, not a word. To anyone.”
🏷️ Tag list:
@ashecampos @auliisflower @cheesysoup-arlo @frogs00 @reneeswif3 @ludoesartnstuffs @pda128
I love this
Gretchen, panicked: Why is my baby Karen crying? What did you do?!
Regina: I told her the fridge light turns off when you close the door.
Karen, sobbing: How is the food supposed to see?!
can i do a request of just some rejanis fluff. Like what you did in the home alone fanfic! Thanks boo💕🤗
Sleep(or not)
Janis ‘Imi’ike x Regina George
Warnings: fluff, coarse language, mentions of Regina’s bus accident, chronic pain from said accident
In which Regina’s back pain keeps her up at night, and Janis is worried
“Janis, go to sleep.” Regina says, looking at her nails.
Janis sighs softly, “No.”
“It’s two in the morning, Janis.” Regina continues, putting her hands down.
“Exactly. I’m not going to bed without you.”
“I can’t sleep, baby. You know that.” Regina admits.
Janis watches the clock on the wall, hears the sound of the water boiling in the electric kettle, the sound of the crickets outside…in the dead of the night. Yet, they were awake. “Go to bed. It’s so late.”
“I’m not leaving you alone while you’re in pain, G.” Janis insisted.
Truth be told, Regina wanted to cry. That’s why she wanted Janis to go to bed— she didn’t want Janis to see her like that. “Nothing new.” Regina adds on, “It’s been like this since that damn bus ran me over.”
“Is there anything I can do?”
Regina shook her head, “No. It just hurts and I hate that— never mind, I shouldn’t.”
“No, say it.” Janis urged, “Get it out of your mind.”
“You already know what I’m gonna say, J.” Regina averted her eyes from Janis’. Janis very carefully wrapped her arm around the blonde. “Say it if you need to say it. It’s clearly weighing on your mind no matter what you think.”
Regina scoffs, “I hate that damn bus. How could’ve that guy just speed through like that?”
“Least he got sued.”
“No amount of money makes this pain okay. I’m only turning eighteen and I have to live like this for the rest of my life.”
Janis plants a kiss to the side of the girl’s head, “I’ll be here with you, no matter what.”
“It actually baffles me why you are.” Regina replies, “I tormented you for such a long time and you just forgave me?”
“Regina, let’s not—” Janis disagrees, “All of that: the Burn Book, the name-calling that’s nothing compared to you getting hurt. I’ll recover from that stupid shit, but this? G, this is serious stuff. I like you, and you like me. I’m just glad we’ve both come to terms with our feelings for each other and are where we are right now.”
“I just…feel like a burden.”
“Regina, babe— we’ve both got our issues. You put up with me, I put up with you. Listen, we’ll get through it together no matter what it is. We’re partners.”
Regina couldn’t help but crack a smile, “Thanks, J.”
“Don’t even mention it.” Janis mirrors her smile, relieved, “Now…are you a hundred percent sure you don’t wanna try going back to sleep?”
“Going back? I didn’t even fall asleep the first time.”
“So no to sleep, no to the pill, do you want to soak in a bath?” Janis asks.
“A bath?”
“Yeah.” Janis huffs, “That helped the other time, no?”
“Aw, you remembered.”
“Of course. It’s not like my memory’s been failing me or anything, babe.” Janis responded, “So, what do you say?”
“Fine.” Regina gives in, letting Janis lead her upstairs. Which was a pain by the way. Anyway, they made it back to Regina’s room, Janis picks out a fresh set of comfy clothes for her before going to the connected bathroom to run a bath.
“Go back to bed— I’ll be fine.”
“I know you will, but I’m not going to bed so give it up.” Janis stated, “I’m staying up with you.”
“Jan, are you crazy? There’s school in the morning.”
“It wouldn’t kill me if I skipped a day to take care of you, you know.” Janis sat down beside her.
“It’s not your job to take care of me.” Regina spat.
“It’s not, but as your girlfriend it’s what I’m supposed to do. Otherwise I’m a shitty ass girlfriend.” Janis reasoned, “Stop fighting me on this. Just let me keep you company.” Regina kept quiet, taking a few deep breaths.
“I just hate asking for help. Would rather deal with it on my own.”
Janis looks at her for a moment, “If it was me, would you be leaving me alone to be up all night?”
Regina ponders over her question, “No. I wouldn’t.”
“So, please. Don’t feel bad for stuff like this— I get that it’s hard for you, but I need you to know it’s okay to just tell me you need or want something. I may not be able to give you everything, but I will damn well try.”
As Regina sat in the tub, Janis sat on the floor, face with face with her. “I feel a little better like this.”
“I bet you do.” Janis nodded, gently squeezing her hands as she spoke.
“I think we should both try and get some sleep once I get outta the tub.” Regina said back, squeezing the smaller girl’s hands too.
“If that’s what you want, sure.” Janis shrugged.
When the pair got back into bed, it was nearly 3a.m., but Regina was in significantly lesser pain and more sleepy after sitting in warm water that was lulling her to sleep. Regina sits in front of Janis, back facing her. Janis was giving her a bit of a massage. “Oh, shit.” Regina groans lowly. Janis immediately retracted her hands, “I’m sorry.”
“No, silly.” Regina chuckles, “That felt pretty good.”
“Oh.” Janis heaves a sigh of relief, “Thank God. I thought I was hurting you more.”
A smile creeps onto the blonde’s face, unbeknownst to Janis. “Baby?”
“Thank you.”
“No problem.” Janis says, her hands still massaging Regina’s back, “Happy to do it,”
Regina started shifting in her seat and eventually turned around to face her girlfriend. She grabs Janis’ hands into her own and brushes her thumbs over her knuckles. Regina wasn’t sure what made her do this, but she was doing. Janis chuckles a little bit, confused, “What are you doing?”
“I dunno.” Regina admits, “Just felt like doing that. And seeing your face.” Janis’ cheeks were tinted a light pink at her words, her head turns away from Regina. “Wow, it’s still so easy to make you blush?” Regina teased. “Damn, you’re so cute.”
“Shut up.”
“You are.” Regina sighs softly, cupping her cheek in one hand, “Your big brown eyes look like a doll’s. And your nose? Adorable. God, those lips. So pillowy soft.”
Janis allows a grin to show up on her face. Regina tugs on her arm to get her to climb into her lap. Janis gets the hint and got on, legs bracketing either side of her hips. “I don’t say this enough, and I know it. I want to change that.” Regina brushes the hair out of Janis’ face, tucking the loose strands behind her ear.
“I love you.” The blonde said softly, pressing a tender kiss to her lips. Janis reciprocated immediately, smiling into it.
“I love you, too, G.”
Regina held her like this for awhile before they eventually crawler under the covers to get some sleep before the sun rises. “Face the other way. I can massage your back for you until you fall asleep.”
“Mm, no.” Regina hums, “I want to see your face.”
Janis bites back a smile, “Okay.”
“I’ll be okay, I promise.” Regina whispers, wrapping her arms around Janis. “It’ll just take a day or two for it pass.”
Janis nodded, snuggling against her chest comforting, “I hear you, babe. I know. You’ll be okay.”
“Close your eyes.” They both said, nearly in unison making them both chuckle.
“I’ll make you pancakes in the morning?” Janis grins, face buried in her chest.
“Yum, please do, baby.” Regina agreed, holding her closer.
“Good night, G.” Janis nodded, “Get some sleep.”
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