I Was Cooked But Maybe I Got Ensemble So Ill Let Yall Know Friday? Whenever Cast List Is Out Ill Tell
I was cooked but maybe I got ensemble so I’ll let y’all know Friday? Whenever cast list is out I’ll tell y’all
Did I cook or was I cooked? Stay tuned to find out
(Just finished my audition lol)
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More Posts from Cheesysoup-arlo
Did I cook or was I cooked? Stay tuned to find out
(Just finished my audition lol)
Hey lovely little gay person in my phone I’m here to make a request
Alright the holy trio that is Janis Damian and reader please
Janis and reader separately going to Damian about their gay panic for each other and Damian tells Janis to shut up and kiss her(reader) already
Janis talking to Damian over a rehearsal/jam session
Reader talking to him in theater or something
I don’t know lol
Playing Cupid
Janis ‘Imi’ike x fem! reader
Warnings: coarse language, fluff
In which Damian literally has to bring his two best friends together because they are too scared to say the words to each other
“Okay, Janis? Why are you bouncing your leg so much?”
Janis chuckles wryly, tossing her phone aside. Damian brings is focus completely to his friend.
“Bitch, you are lying. So spill, just tell me what’s bothering you.” Damian looks at her with raised brows.
“Um.” Janis sighs, fingers randomly picking at the strings of her bass guitar to avoid the eye contact. She could feel him staring. “I…need help with how to tell y/n I like her. I’m scared she’ll say no if I ask her out even though we’ve been kind of flirting.”
“Oh dear Lord.” Damian laughs, “I think you have nothing to worry about.”
“And how do you know that?”
“Because she’s your best friend?” Damian rolled his eyes playfully.
“Not helping.” Janis puffs out her cheeks, frustrated.
“Alright, then. You tell me— how do you want me to help?”
“I don’t know!” Janis exclaimed.
“Ughhh.” Damian grumbled, “Any ideas on how you’d want to confess to someone you like? Just hypothetically.”
Janis rolled her eyes, “What?”
“Well, how else am I supposed to help if I have no idea what you have in mind?”
“Well—” Janis says hesitantly, fiddling with her fingers, “I always imagined that I’d do it with a song. Of course in my mind, the person has always been y/n.”
“Of course it has.” Damian guffaws.
“Excuse me?” Janis glares at him.
Damian shot her a look, “You aren’t very subtle.”
Janis exhales harshly, getting up and pacing around the garage. “Oh, come on! You literally just told me that y’all have been flirting. And not just kinda.” Damian continues.
“I mean, if you say so.”
“If I say so?” Damian snorted, “Cady literally said to your face: ‘the tension between you and y/n is insane, Janis. Are you sure you guys aren’t more than friends?’ And then, y/n blushed. So please, unless you’ve suddenly gone blind, you’re just plain oblivious.”
“It’s fucking scary, dude.” Janis exhales harshly, “What if she’s just doing it for fun, the flirting? What if she doesn’t feel the same way and she gets freaked out by me and decides to stop talking to me, stops even just being my friend?”
“SHE BLUSHED.” Damian stares at her in disbelief, “y/n blushed— that’s all the confirmation you need.”
“Whatever, I can’t think about it anymore right now.” Janis says in response, grabbing her guitar and starting to play it.
The next day, Damian was in acting class with you. The second he saw how you were rushing up to him, he knew exactly what you were going to ask him. “Oh, you two really are made for each other.” He mumbles. “What?” You squinted at him, puzzled.
“Nothing, nothing. What is it?”
“Never mind.” You shrugged, taking your seat on the floor. He sits down beside you as usual.
“If you say so.” He teased. You sigh, grabbing a script that they were passing around.
After acting class, you went to get frozen yogurt with Damian. Well, he dragged you there with him. “Okay, I can’t take this. You’re obviously bothered by something.” Damian started knowingly, “Talk.”
“I think I have feelings for Janis.” You muttered, stirring the toppings of your froyo while staring intently at the cup of dessert.
Though annoyed by his friends’ cluelessness, he still listens. “Okay, so…what are you gonna do about that?”
“I don’t even know what to do with myself whenever she looks at me.” You shove a spoonful of the yogurt into your mouth. “I feel like a crazy person, heart beating out of my chest, words don’t come out of my mouth right. So I just shut up now.”
“Oh God.” Damian looks at you, “You are a lost cause.”
“Tell me about it.” You glared at him playfully.
“You’re going to the spring fling right?”
“Of course. With you and Janis.”
“Okay.” Damian shrugs. As he raised his spoon to have another mouthful of the treat, his phone buzzes in his pocket. He glances at you, looking out the window, leaning against the back of the chair fully before he fished his phone out.

He rolled his eyes and bit back a grin. As frustrating as it seemed to him, that feeling was dying down. He was starting to like the fact that he could play cupid. Of course, you and Janis being so clueless helped because he could take full control of it and just give you two the biggest shocks of your lives. And then of course, seeing his best friends finally get together would be so satisfying to him.

“I’m headed to Janis’ after this. You wanna come with me?”
“Janis’? Hell no.”
“Oh, why not?” He jokes.
“I told you why. I’m a fucking mess around her. Been staring at her like a creep too, so no way I’m subjecting myself to more awkwardness. She’s so—”
“Alright, fine. Go home and daydream more about a future with Janis, I suppose.”
You couldn’t help but smile at that. He smirks, and ended up laughing. “I really gotta make this happen, don’t I?”
“What devious plan are you cooking up right now?” You chuckled over your words.
“Wait and see, babe. Wait and you shall see.” Damian tells you, “Rest assured, you won’t be disappointed.”
After both of you finished your desserts, you and Damian went your separate ways for the night. “See you at school tomorrow.” He gives you a hug from the side.
“Good night, Damian.” You hug him back then turn to leave, looking over your shoulder to give him one last wave.
On his way to Janis’, Damian gets them both burgers and fries for their dinner. He lets himself in, knowing that Janis would’ve left the door unlocked. Like always. “Hey.” Damian greeted.
“Hi, dude.” Janis’ face lit up briefly, “Ooh, what’d you get?”
“Burgers and fries.” He answered.
“From the usual place?” Janis peeked into the bags, “Yum.”
“Okay, so…I have an idea for you to make use of to confess.” Damian began, “The spring fling’s coming up. y/n said she’s definitely going, with us. Meaning she doesn’t have a date, and you, should sign up to perform during the dance,”
“Just me?” Janis scoffs.
“I’m not gonna be the one singing her a love song. You are, bitch.” Damian gasps.
“Well— yeah. Wait— a love song?”
“Does she have one she likes?” Damian asked, “Or what’s one you like and feel confident singing?”
“Actually…” Janis got to retrieve a composition book from her desk. “I wrote a little something.”
“Well damn!” Damian’s eyes widened in surprise, taking the book from her. He flips it open to the dog-eared page. “Fuck, it’s good. Janis, this is amazing.”
“Janis, it is beautiful.” Damian insists, “We’ll finish this up. You have to sing this for her.”
“You really think so?”
“I’m not gonna play about something like this.” Damian nods, “You two belong together. I mean it. I’m going to whatever it takes to make it happen.”
“Thanks, Damian.”
“Okay, let’s get to work!” Damian declared excitedly, grabbing a pencil from the container near him.
The both of them stayed focus for nearly a whole hour before they stopped working. Janis had to go to the bathroom, and Damian, he gets a text— from you.

“Hey, what are you gonna wear to the dance?”
“I don’t know yet, now that I’m gonna be singing on stage in front of literally the whole school, I probably need to do better than just make changes to last year’s purple suit.” Janis grabs her composition book and pencil again, deep in thought. “You?”
“No idea, girl. We’re cutting it a bit close, don’t you think?” Damian sighs, “I’m might just wear the same suit from last year. Who can tell, anyway?”

“So, Janis will be wearing purple suit, I’ll get one in a different shade that I like.” Damian explains, “Which means you gotta go for purple too if we wanna match.”
“Oh, yay.” You nodded eagerly, “It’ll be easier for me to think of something now that it’s narrowed down a little.”
“Great. So, how we doing today?”
“Don’t even ask. You already know.” You bit back a laugh.
“Hey!” Janis’ voice made you whip your head around so fast to look at her. “Hey.” You smiled, swallowing harshly. Damian couldn’t help but laugh, earning a squint from Janis.
“Let’s get to homeroom.” Damian ignores that, though. Damian sits behind you, and he keeps seeing Janis steal glances at you. He couldn’t resist sneaking a few pictures that he’d eventually send to you both. Of course, neither of you knew that yet until later on.
The school day went by pretty uneventfully, you’d successfully avoided any snarky shit Regina spews at students around you. As uneventful as it could. Janis was making you feel so damn flustered every time. And she wasn’t even doing anything. Well, nothing out of the ordinary.
The three of you found yourselves in Janis’ garage after class. Once she stepped inside, she immediately panicked and rushed to pick up her composition she’d left scattered on the floor with some pens and highlighters, putting it in her desk’s drawer. You found that a little weird, it wasn’t as if either of you haven’t seen the contents of the book before. But hey, you weren’t going to ask because Janis was a little weird. Though, a very cute weirdo in your eyes.
“Let’s just watch a movie and play some games. What else do we do anyway? Get high?”
Janis laughs heartily, “That is true, though. What else do we do really? Eat, watch movies, play some games, jam out, sometimes— we get a little high.”
“Wouldn’t have it any other way, bitches.” Damian sighs with a laugh, “Sit down. Whose turn is it to pick a movie?”
“Her.” You and Janis said in sync, pointing at each other.
“Jesus.” Damian took in a deep breath, “Ladies, only one of you is right.”
“You can pick.” Again, in sync.
“Rock, paper, scissors. Whoever wins, picks.” He decided. Janis wins, so she picks. She picks one of your favourite movies. Damian immediately notices, secretly squealing at this little gesture.
Since it was Friday night, you stayed over. Damian said goodbye and good night then, he leaves. “y/n, I’ll see you tomorrow for acting class. Then we will see you at the mall, Janis.”
“See ya, g’night.” You gave him a little smile.
“See you tomorrow, dude. Night.” With that, Janis shuts the door.
Now alone, Janis didn’t really know what she wanted to do. Even though she was the one who asked you to stay over. “So…” Janis clears her throat nervously, “What do you wanna do?”
You took the risk and sat closer to her. You haven’t been able to bring yourself to do that in the last few weeks at least without feeling like your heart might jump out of your chest. She doesn’t resist, letting you lean onto her. “I dunno.” You answered, leaning your head on her shoulder, “I’m sleepy.”
“Maybe we should just get to sleep.” She says softly and you feel her eyes on you so you don’t look up like you usually do.
“I can sleep. You can do whatever you want if you aren’t tired.” You chuckled lightly knowing that she was a night owl.
She smiles but you don’t see it, somehow, she’s guided you to lay your head on her lap without you even realising it until you had your head in her lap. “Go to sleep. I’m gonna stay up for awhile and just work on a piece I’ve been trying to complete.”
“Okay.” You said back, barely audible. “Sorry, I gotta go grab that book from my desk.” She gives you a sheepish smile. You moved and let her get up, “Get back here though.”
‘Oh, shit. Why? Why’d I say that?’ You mentally slapped yourself for your bluntness.
She laughs, turning her head away from you for a second, “I’m just gonna be a sec, y/n.” Janis grabs a pen along with the book and came back to the couch. You’d began to doze off while she started working on whatever that was. “Good night, Janis.” You say, snuggling against the couch cushion.
“Good night.” She says, looking at you. Then, she leans over and presses a kiss to your forehead. Your eyes nearly shot open at that, but you kept them close to avoid the increasing nerves. And obviously, avoid getting caught freaking the fuck out. Were you happy? Oh, fuck yes. You just…cannot believe it.
Soon, the day of the spring fling came around. The three of you showed up to school, together in matching purple outfits— Janis and Damian were wearing suits, while you, wore a dress. They slipped away to go prep for their performance, leaving you alone in the front of the crowd. You stood there, watching them get ready with a cup of fruit punch in hand and your phone in the other. You naturally snapped a few photos of them along the way, and the whole place. It was something you usually did. So it wasn’t just that you wanted to keep photos of Janis.
“Good evening, North Shore.” Mr. Duvall took the mic after some time, “Welcome to the spring fling. Seniors, this will be your last one. Make good choices, make great memories. To kick things off, we have a performance by Janis ‘Imi’ike, singing a song that she wrote herself— ‘Feels Like Home’. Accompanied by Damian Hubbard on the piano. They will also be your emcees for the evening.”
Students around you started speculating who the song was about, but a few of them knew it was for you. Cady and Gretchen specifically, who were actually standing right near you. The dead giveaway, was Janis looking at you as she sang, any chance she could.
You couldn’t fight the tears for long, eventually just giving in and weeping while you watched them perform. Having Janis sing pretty much directly to you. “Oh, my God.” You sniffled, swiping your tears away.
“This is so sweet.” Cady remarked. You nodded, tears falling from your eyes without an end or regards for other students who may have been looking at you.
A few minutes later, the song ends. She thanks the crowd and introduced the next act before getting off stage. You weaved through the crowd to locate her and immediately tackled her with a hug, still in tears. Janis breaks away, holding your face in her hands, crashing her lips onto yours. A shocked as you were, relieved and pure joy washed over you when she did it. You instinctively kissed her back, smiling into the kiss.
“Oh, finally. It’s exhausting trying to play cupid.” Damian commented when you and Janis broke away eventually. She laughs and so did you. “I guess we owe you a thank you.” Janis hugs him from the side. “Oh, yeah. Big time— but this is more than enough. Seeing you two finally realise your feelings for each other and get together. I was this close to yelling at you to just kiss her already.”
“I did.”
“I know. You just did.” Damian laughs.
“Not right now.” Janis confirms.
Damian gasps dramatically, “What? When?”
“We uh— last weekend. Got a little drunk and um, did more than that actually.” Janis revealed. Damian was damn near getting a coronary on the spot. “No wonder y’all left me on delivered for like two hours. Damn! Looks like I was wrong, y’all aren’t that clueless after all. Love that we are so past the TMI stage that you can just tell me that so casually. Nearly blacked out, but you go girl.”
You stood behind Janis and hid your face in her shoulder. She laughs, wrapping an arm around you. “Look at that, so cute.” Damian gushed, looking at Cady and Gretchen.
Gretchen squealed, walking closer, “That was such an amazing performance, Janis. We loved it.”
“Aw, thanks, Gretch.”
“You two look adorable together.” Cady says, “I’m glad you two finally are together now.”
“Yeah, we knew. It was infuriating watching you two flirt all the time and not realise the flirting.” Cady told you.
“Sorry to put you through that, but here we are now.” Janis couldn’t stop grinning, “Let’s go get some drinks, shall we?”

🏷️ Tag list:
@ashecampos @auliisflower @cheesysoup-arlo @frogs00 @reneeswif3 @ludoesartnstuffs @pda128
It’s 2 in the morning. I need to sleep lmao🤡 my sleep schedule is so wrecked.

Real asf
mean girls incorrect quotes (pt. 9)