They/them(or any)Fruity 🏳️‍🌈 (lesbian)FIC REQUEST ARE OPEN🪿

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Janis: Go big or go home!

Damian: Please, for once in your life just go home. I'm begging you. Go. Home.

Janis: I'm going big!

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More Posts from Cheesysoup-arlo

8 months ago


I Love You, It's Ruining My Life

Pairings: Regina George x Female Reader (technically, kinda?), Regina George x Aaron Samuels (for the plot), female reader x random female character (for the plot also)

Summary: You and your wife move into your dream house. Unexpectedly, your new neighbor just happens to be your ex (P.S: your wife doesn't know she's your ex)

Warnings: idk? Aaron Samuels? lol. Pregnancy. tension? Probably things considered infidelity

Author's Note: besties, I'm not quite sure what this one is lol. Was just an idea swirling around my brain that I felt I needed to write. I know everyone wants another Call It What You Want chapter. I am def working on it. I just feel stuck and feel like writing other things will get me back into it. I do not plan to write a part two for this one BUT idk if yall decide you want to cheat on your wife I might consider another chapter lol but if the consensus is to stay faithful imma stick with one lol.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy and thanks for reading. Also, happy pride monthhhhh ily


"Hi there, neighbor!"

You look up to see the source of the voice. A man around your age most likely. He was leaning over the fence, his eyes squinting from the sun.

You stood up from where you were planting flowers, pulling off your gardening gloves and tossing them to the ground.

"Hello!" You approached him at your fence, extending your hand out to shake his hand. "I'm Y/F/N Y/L/N. My wife and I moved in a few weeks ago. Someone down the street said you and your wife were taking a vacation. We were wondering when you would turn up." You say with a smile, resting your hand on the fence.

"Aaron Samuels." He smiles. "Yeah, I try to take a few trips throughout the year. Keeps my wife from getting too, well, you know. ." He jokes, but the way he rolled his eyes made the comment seem very...icky.

"Oh, totally. Staying in one place and working all the time is exhausting. I hope you both had a great trip." You say politely.

"Yeah, well..." he looks down and shakes his head. "Planting some flowers for the summer?" He asks, nodding to trays of various flowers lying around the immediate area.

"Trying to." You scratch your head. "It's our first time owning a house and doing this type of thing. We are definitely winging it." You use your head to point in the general direction of your wife. She was watering flowers on the other end of the yard with her back to you and her hand on her hip, her ear buds in her ear.

Alice was short with long blonde hair. She had a round face and a laugh like nothing you've ever heard of and you mean that in the best way possible. She is an extrovert, always knows what to say to who or how to get a conversation going.

Introductions weren't the most important thing right now; letting her enjoy gardening in her first owned home took precedence in your book, so you left her be.

You were certain she would strike up a conversation with him at some point in the near future anyway.

"Well, I've got quite the green thumb." He admits with an awkward laugh and you can tell by his face he regretted his wording. "I enjoy to garden." He says more seriously as if he was correcting his previous statement that you didn't even find embarrassing. Just...silly. In a nice way though.

"Well, if you consider yourself some sort of an expert, I'll take any information you know about growing vegetables." He lights up when you ask him for advice.

"I've got a really great soil that I use. I have so many bags of it. I'll run to my shed and grab them for you. I've already used what I needed and bought way too much." He explains with a small laugh.


Before you could respond, a voice from inside called to him, tapping on a window but the sun in your face made you unable to pinpoint where.

"Duty calls." He says unpleasantly and you scrunch your nose up at him when he turns around because you didn't like that response. "Next time I catch you out here, I'm bringing that dirt over!" He turns to point at you while walking backwards.

"Thanks so much! I appreciate it." You awkwardly give him a thumbs up and when he turns around to run inside, you scratch your eyebrow with your thumb. Overall you were just unsure how you felt about that interaction.

You turn around and decide to go bother your wife. She still has her headphones in, obviously still unaware of what happened around her.

You wrap your arms around her waist and she startles, the hose jumping with her and spraying the side of the house. You laugh and pull one of her ear buds out and kiss her ear.

"Hello, my gorgeous wife." You compliment and she leans into you, continuing to water the grass.

"Hi, my gorgeous wife." She repeats back. "How's it going over there?"

"Good. I met our neighbor. Or well the husband. Aaron."

"I met the wife earlier today when I was coming back from Home Depot. She was out running. While pregnant if I may also draw attention to because that's just insane to me. Anyway, I introduced myself. She was really nice." She says with a shrug.

"No name?" You tease, trying to see if you caught wife's social skills lacking.

"Do you even know me?" She looks up at you fake offended, a smile teasing her lips. "Her name is Gina." She says proudly.

"I'm not too sure how I feel about Aaron. He was nice, I guess. I don't know." You say, not really sure how to describe the icky feeling he gave off when he was perfectly pleasant.

"I think we should invite them over. Be nice, friendly neighbors. I want to be friends with our neighbors." She looks up at you with a small pout and you would never dream of doing anything that would make that pout stay.

"Sure, baby. Anything you want." You smile, kissing her cheek. "I'm gonna run inside and get us some water. I'll be back."


The following Wednesday, Alice tasked you with going over to your neighbor's house to see if they would come to dinner at your house this weekend.

Although Alice would have loved, and you would have preferred it, to be the one to invite them, she works until 7pm most week days and she was strategic with wanting to give them just enough notice to either accept or decline. So, since you are usually home by 5pm most nights, you walked over there with her little list of questions and a pen in case they said yes.

You hated approaching people like this. You were definitely less social than your wife.

You rang the doorbell and waited patiently for a moment. You shrugged after a long pause and began to turn away, but you heard the door open behind you."

"Can I help you?"

You paused for a moment, your feet scuffing against the cement and the hairs on the back of your neck standing up. You swallowed before turning around.

She was the last person you ever thought you would see again and here she is in front of you.

You hated that the first thought in your head was that she looked beautiful. Your eyes darted to her small pregnant belly and you could feel a pang of jealousy, a knot in your stomach.

She looked just as surprised to see you. Her eyes widened as she took a step back, her hand falling to her stomach, almost as if she was embarrassed you caught her this way.

Regina George. Your toxic relationship/situationship that lasted probably around five years on and off until you couldn't do it anymore. Things officially ended between the two of you about four years ago.

You couldn't take the arguing, the lies, the cheating, the blatant denial of your relationship and her sexuality.

You weren't a priority to her. You were someone she went to after her boyfriends couldn't satisfy her. You were someone she called when she was drunk so she could confess how in love she was with you because she just couldn't bring herself to say it and mean it when she was sober.

The last time you saw her was a big argument between the two of you. She had come over to your place after a date with some guy. She called him a boring loser, said he was nothing compared to you and then pushed you against the wall and kissed you hard.

You had asked her 'if he was nothing compared to me, why am I not good enough then?" You remember the question vividly because you thought about the wording while she kissed you. Her tongue thrusting into your mouth and she pulled away to look at you confused before you asked it because you weren't returning her kiss with the same amount of eagerness she was used to.

Her face softened for the briefest moment before she narrowed her eyes at you, listing off all of the reasons why you weren't good enough. She had a smile on her face afterwards, like she was challenging you to do or say something because you hadn't defended yourself in the past so she certainly wasn't expecting it to happen then either.

When she leaned in to kiss you again you dodged it, telling her to leave and that you were done.

You had never seen her look so...devastated. Her face dropped and she apologized repeatedly. She held your face in her hands while she peppered kisses across your face, but you were done. You felt disgusted with yourself, disgusted with her.

The both of you cried and argued for another two hours before she finally relented and left.

Twenty minutes after she was gone, your doubts crept in and you went to call her. To tell her to come back. That you were willing to degrade yourself to the point where you would be her secret side piece if it meant you had anything with her.

Except by the time you went to call her, she had already blocked your number. Blocked you on everything, actually.

And now you were standing at her doorstep, both of you looking like you've seen a fucking ghost.

"Hi." You finally speak after a few seconds, clearing your throat. Your eyes dart to Aaron sitting in the dining room behind her. "My wife wanted to know if you and Aaron would be available this Saturday for dinner at our house." You look anywhere but her, keeping the conversation strictly neighborly.

"I, we-" she starts, but Aaron realized you were here and stood up from where he was posted up.

"Is that our neighbor?!" He says in a tone of voice that just screams 'white dad'. "What brings you by?" He reaches out to shake your hand again and Regina just rolls her eyes.

"My wife wanted me to invite you two for dinner. This Saturday if you're available." You say, yours eyes squinting slightly from the sun setting behind their house.

"Yeah! We will definitely be free for that." Aaron agrees and Regina just nods.

"Great! I have a list of questions I was instructed to ask now." You chuckle lightly and pull the list and pen from your pocket. You look up and see Regina crack a small smile and it makes you fumble the pen when you try to take the cap off. "Okay, any allergies?"

"No allergies." Regina says and hearing her voice again makes your heart race.

"Is chicken fine?" You read the next question off the list, squinting at the little note Alice left. "She is hesitant to do steak because she doesn't want to have to serve-" you pause briefly. "to serve Gina a well done steak."

Calling her Gina felt weird. So fucking weird. She used to tell you she hated it when people called her that.

"Chicken is good." She says, but Aaron sucks his teeth in a silent annoyance. "Or not."

"No we can do chicken." He says, his tone of voice very different than before and you almost feel like you're intruding.

"I'm sure Alice will be happy to make you a steak, Aaron." You smile, trying to diffuse this added layer of awkwardness to an already awkward situation.

But he was also kind of pissing you off, too.

"I don't know why you have to make things so fucking complicated." Regina starts.

"It's okay, really." You look at her and say calmly, swallowing the urge to reach out and touch her. She stares at you for a moment and nods. You look down to your question sheet quickly, not wanting to stare at her too long. "What do you like to drink? We will get whatever you want. Juice, beer, sparkling water. Literally anything."

"Oooh," Aaron rubs his hands together "can I have Bud Light?"

"Mhmm!" You nod. "And you, R-Gina." You correct yourself quickly, shaking your head.

"I'm okay with water, thank you though. Can we bring anything? A side? Dessert? I don't want to show up empty handed."

"I will have to run that one by Alice." You smile politely, knowing damn well the little paper she handed you explicitly says not to let them bring anything.

"I can just ask her myself." Regina says confidently, taking the sheet of paper and pen from your hand. Your hands touched when she snatched the pen from you and you can feel yourself holding your breath. She flips the paper over and writes her number on the back before handing it back to you. "Just have her call me tonight or tomorrow whenever she gets a chance." She gives you a small smile.

You take the paper and nod, looking down to see her number hasn't changed. You folded the paper and shoved it into your pocket, repeating her phone number in her head just to prove to yourself that you still could.

"Cool, I will have her do that." You say awkwardly, feeling stupid for even going over there because Alice is still gonna end up being the one to coordinate things with Regina, sorry Gina, anyway. "Have a goodnight."

You give them an awkward wave and when you turn around to walk through the path in their front yard, you can hear them begin to bicker behind you.

Alice gets home around 7:30pm that night. She wraps her arms around you while you plate the dinner you made. She smelled like a dental office and she gave you a sticker from your favorite Pixar movie, most likely having pulled it from the bin of stickers they have for their pediatric clients.

She went to change her clothes and freshen up, coming down about ten minutes later to dinner being plated and ready to eat.

She sat down next to you and the two of you talked about your days briefly before she finally asked you if you completed the objective you were tasked with.

"Well, partially." You say, taking a sip of your water. "I went over there and was going through my little list, but Regina said she wanted to bring something and I wasn't going to tell a pregnant lady no. So I got her number and you can call her." Alice laughs and throws her head back, clapping her hand once.

"You're such a chicken. Also, Gina, babe. Not Regina." She laughs again. "Better get that down before we see them again so you're not calling her by the wrong name." She teases you.

You smack your palm to your forehead and chuckle awkwardly, your heart racing over your slip up.

"Gina, right!" You correct yourself. "Here is her number though." You pull the piece of paper from your pocket and slide it over. "Aaron was being a little bitch about having chicken."

"I'll just make him a steak then." She says casually, looking over the piece of paper with her eyebrows furrowed. "It's no big deal."

"That's what told them also." You nod and take a bite of your food.

Alice looks up, squinting to try to see the time on the microwave.

"I'm gonna give her a call now before it gets too late." She says, picking her phone up from the table and dialing the number. She held the phone to her ear, looking like she was ready to give up after a few rings. "Hi, Gina? Hey! It's Alice. How are you doing?"

You looked down at your plate, moving your food around while you tried to listen to the conversation. You could faintly hear her voice. Hear her talking about how you stopped by.

You tried to not make it so obvious that you were listening.

You also tried not to make it so obvious that you were disappointed when Alice grabbed her little notepad and walked out of the room to finish the call.


You've been out in the yard since like ten this morning cleaning the grill, setting up coolers, and doing everything around the house that Alice asked of you while she prepped everything for when 'Gina' and Aaron came over.

You've ran to the grocery store you don't even know how many times now to fetch any last minute ingredients or items that Alice forgot. All the back and forth setting you behind on your own tasks you needed to do.

Around 3pm Alice brought out multiple trays of various items for you to grill. Chicken, Aaron's steak, potatoes wrapped in foil, asparagus, bacon wrapped and cheese stuffed peppers. Like she went all out.

You were placing the second round of chicken on the grill when Alice disappeared and reappeared a few minutes later with Regina and Aaron behind her.

Everyone greeted you excitedly and you did the same, smile and waving at them both with the tongs in your hand. Alice got them each a drink and her and Aaron got to talking about the garden.

She led him over to your guys' tragic attempt of a garden and the two of them talked each other's ears off about.

Regina only stayed in that conversation for a few minutes. From the corner of your vision you can see her making her way to you, stopping to set her drink on the table.

You looked forward, anxiety rising in your chest each step she took until she was standing right next to you, your elbow brushing the material of her dress.

"Hi neighbor." She says in a tone that feels borderline mocking.

"Hi, Gina." You say, returning that same mocking tone and refusing to look at her.

She turns her head to look back at both of your spouses before looking to you again, her fingertips grazing your arm to get your attention.

"I wanna talk to you later, when you have a moment."

"There's nothing to talk about." You say firmly. "How does Aaron like his steak?"

"I don't fucking care how he likes his stupid fucking steak." She says annoyed, her fingertips still against your arm. Her other hand coming up to press her palm against her forehead and sigh, fanning herself off.

You can't bring yourself to move away from her touch.

"It's too hot for you over here." You say, finally turning to look at her. "Go sit down. The food will be done soon."

"I don't want to fucking sit down." She says through gritted teeth. "I'm tired of being treated like I'm delicate or breakable. I'm fucking fine."

"Fine, you're fucking fine." You say, turning back to continue grilling. Regina goes from grazing your arm lightly to gripping it tightly, her nails digging into your arm now. You flip the meat and the veggies, closing the grill. "Let's go. You obviously don't feel good." You to turn her and grab her arm carefully.

"I never feel good anymore. I fucking hate it." She said, her voice cracking the tiniest bit as she let you lead her over to the table.

You pull out a chair for her and when you notice that Aaron and Alice are too engrossed in their conversation to pay attention to Regina right now, you sigh and pull out the chair next to her for yourself.

"Do you need anything? Here, eat something." You grab the bowl of chips and place them in front of her, along with the various dips Alice made. She thanks you and nods, taking a chip and dipping it in the spinach and artichoke dip.

"So, how long have you and Alice been together." She asks before popping a second chip in her mouth and humming at the taste.

"Don't start." You ask, shaking your head.

"I don't know what you're talking about." She says innocently. "I'm just being neighborly." She scrunches her nose at you.

"No, you're being nosy." You scrunch your nose back at her and stand up. "I'll be back."

You make your way back to the grill. Things are just about finished up and you begin to try to pull apart those little tin containers from the dollar store to put everything in, muttering and swearing under your breath when you couldn't get them pried apart.

You look up to ask Alice for help but she disappeared with Aaron. You look around the yard confused, still trying to pry the fucking trays apart.

"They went to go look at the front yard." Regina says, coming up behind you and taking the trays from you. She digs one of her long nails between them and pulls them apart easily. She sets one down on the platform of the grill and holds the other ones for you.

"You know, she organized this fucking thing and then ditched me." You say annoyed, putting the meat into the pan first and covering it with foil. You turn the pan to the side to make room for Regina to set down one of the smaller pans, which she does.

You take out the potatoes from the grill next. Swearing every time one slips between the tongs, which was frequently.

"Babe, why didn't you tell me you were done?" Alice says, coming through side gate and setting her beer on a small table in the yard. She rushes over to you both, nodding her head at Regina to thank her while she takes the empty pan from her hand and does some maneuvering.

Regina steps aside and you're disappointed by the loss of her presence.

"What was I supposed to do? Shout from over here?" You respond with a slight attitude, one of your eyes shut because of the smoke from the grill.

"Let's not do this right now, yeah?" She says calmly, taking the pan with the meat over to the table.

"Can I help with anything?" Regina asks from where she's standing and Alice asks if she can help her get everything set up on the table and she agrees.

You close the lid of the grill once everything is out and you wipe the sweat from your head. You stare and the two small tray of veggie sides in front of you, trying to figure out how you're going to bring them both over to the table. You looked behind you to see if anyone was free to help. Regina and Alice looked busy and Aaron was glued to his phone, titling it up toward his chest any time Regina was close.

You watched Alice and Regina get the table set up. Lay out the plates and silverware, bring out the cold sides.

You had to turn around when you realized you were paying more attention to Regina than to Alice.

You covered both of the small trays in foil and stacked them one on top of the other, carefully making your way over to set them on the table. Regina took the trays from you, her fingertips brushing against your sticky, sweaty, skin for probably the tenth time today.

"I'll be back." You say abruptly, turning around to dart inside.

Your eyes were burning, were hot from the grill, and probably feeling added heat from Regina as well. You just needed a second.

You go into the kitchen, grabbing yourself a glass of ice water and chugging about half of it, breathing heavily afterward like a fucking toddler. You turned to the sink, wetting a paper towel and wiping off your eyes then your face.

You could hear footsteps, but your face was too buried in that cool towel to care right now.

"Where do you keep your big spoons?" Regina asks.

You feel around your kitchen blindly, running your hands over the counter until you found the drawer on the left where you kept your serving spoons.

"In here." You tap the drawer and step aside, pulling the towel from your face.

"You okay?" She asks, making her way to the drawer and looking over at you.

"My eyes just burn." You blink hard a couple of times and wipe them again. She leans in closer and you hold your breath when her thumb lands on your cheek bone and tugs down slightly.

"They look really red." She says softly, her gaze visibly bouncing between your eyes and your lips.

"The smoke." Was all you managed to get out before clearing your throat and forcing yourself to step away. "So how far along are you?" You ask to change the subject and it seems to work. She snaps out of her little daze and turns to get the spoons from the drawer.

"20 weeks this past Tuesday." She says, pulling out the spoons.

"Just about halfway then." You lean against the counter of the sink. "Do you know what you're having?"

"A girl." She has her back to you, but you can hear that she's smiling and it makes you smile in return.

"That's really exciting."

"Aaron doesn't think so." She turns around with a small frown and a few big spoons in her hand. "He wanted a boy."

"Who fucking cares what he wanted." You roll your eyes, finding it ridiculous that someone could be unhappy about having a daughter.

"She moves around a lot. Do you want to feel?" She asks excitedly and you don't want to tell her no, but you should.

"Regina I-" She doesn't really give you an option because she grabs your wrist a tugs you forward, placing your hand on her belly. "I don't feel any- oh wait!" You say excitedly when you feel something push against your hand. "That's crazy." You say to yourself quietly.

You stay this way for a few moments. Your thumb moving back and forth over her belly, her hand resting over yours. Neither of you wanting to be the one to acknowledge that she isn't kicking anymore because neither of you wanted to move.

"I think you put her to sleep." Regina whispered and when you looked at her you knew you needed to step back. You knew you needed to pull away because she was looking at you like she wanted to kiss you and your wife was just outside.

You could hear her laughing at whatever stupid shit Aaron said.

"We should probably get back outside." You whisper, your thumb still rubbing over her bump. She squeezed your wrist, almost like she didn't want you to let go.

"Okay." She says calmly, but neither of you move.

Not until the back door slams and you hear Alice laughing and talking loudly, wondering where the two of you went.

You quickly placed the towel back over your eye and Regina quickly opened and closed the drawer as if she just got done looking through it, the two of you well versed in the art of recovering before you got caught.

"Everything okay in here? Baby, what happened?" She rushes over to you, pulling the almost dry towel from your face.

"My eye just wouldn't stop watering and burning." You say, wiping them off once more and tossing the towel in the trash. "I couldn't see so I couldn't even help Gina find the spoons. I kept leading her astray." You chuckle at your own lie.

"It was a mess, but we managed somehow." She lets out a fake laugh and holds up the spoons. "I'm sorry for taking so long."

"Oh gosh, you're too sweet. Don't apologize." She puts her hand on Regina's shoulder and starts to usher her outside, you following behind them.

Dinner was nice. You learned a lot about Regina and Aaron as a couple and they learned about the two of you in return.

You were surprised to find out that Aaron was the loser Regina had gone on a date with the night the two of you ended things.

Though that was an observation you had to keep to yourself, you could see Regina shift uncomfortably in her seat when she realized you put two and two together.

You learned that they only moved into this house about a year ago and have been married for almost three years now as opposed to you and Alice who have only been married a year and a half.

They talked a little bit about the baby, how they were preparing for her, that they are trying to go on trips and such before she gets here. You could practically feel the disappointment radiating off of Aaron.

The way Alice nudged your foot under the table made you think she felt it to and you knew you would definitely be discussing it later.

Alice told them both just about everything about the two of you. Where you met and how, how long you dated before getting married. All the details you tried to avoid giving Regina earlier Alice spewed out like it was nothing.

Regina's face hardened slightly when she realized that you met Alice at the tail end of your relationship with her. Clearly choosing to ignore the part that you two didn't actually start talking seriously until almost a year after the break up.

Clearly, Regina choosing to harp on irrelevant bits and pieces of a story is still something that hasn't changed.

You also found it interesting that although she consistently dated and slept with men during your time together that she would get upset that you merely met someone, exchanged information, then didn't speak again for almost a year and a half.

You excused yourself from the conversation and Regina's dirty looks to bring out dessert.

You opened the fridge to see a coconut cake that you know Alice didn't make. You raised your eyebrows in a silent excitement because you knew that meant Regina brought it and you wonder if she brought it purposely because she knew it was your absolute favorite whenever she or her mom would make it.

You pull it from the fridge and grab the cake knife from the drawer, carefully walking out of the house with the cake.

"I really hope coconut cake is fine, Alice. You said you weren't picky on the phone and this cake is like a staple in my family." Regina says, her eyes finding yours immediately as you set the cake down.

"We love coconut in this house. The cake looks great and will be very much enjoyed, I assure you of that." Alice says with a slight laugh, taking the cake knife from your hand and going to work on handing out the slices.

She asked how big of a piece everyone wanted, you tried to wiggle your hand inconspicuously to let her know you wanted a bigger piece, your cheeks flushing with embarrassment when Alice called you out on it, saying she 'didn't know you enjoyed coconut THAT much' while also being accommodating and giving you a larger piece.

You grumbled when you took the piece from her, looking up to Regina who was biting back a smile, or maybe a smirk.

You took a bite of the cake, humming at the taste. Somehow it tasted even better. You weren't sure if Regina just perfected the recipe or it had just been so long since you had it. Maybe a combination of both.

When Alice asked about the recipe and where it came from, Regina started talking about her mom and where she got it from. You could hear the two of them talk, but you weren't listening anymore.

You were looking down at your cake, pushing it around your plate now. It tasted great, better than you remember even.

But that's the issue. You weren't tasting this cake for the first time. You were tasting this cake for the first time in years and every little scenario that could be associated with this cake was popping into your brain. Like every single bite was just something new to think of.

When you tried it for the first time when meeting Regina's family. When introduced you as her friend and you all played card games with her family until 1am. Regina had told you she didn't think she could ever have that much fun with her family.

The first time Regina tried to make the cake herself because she knew you liked it and she burned it so bad, but you still ate it because she was crying about having messed it up.

When she made it as your birthday cake one year and it came out absolutely perfect, but then the two of you got into an argument because she was going to go on a date instead of coming out with you and your friends. You had only one piece of it before she grabbed the cake with her bare hands and threw it to the floor of your apartment. When you burst into tears over your ruined cake, and other things, she kneeled on the floor and cried while she cleaned it up. Telling you in between sobs that she was sorry and she'd make you a new one.

You set your fork down and pushed the rest of your cake away. Everyone was in the middle of a conversation, so you really didn't think anyone would notice.

Except Regina fumbled over her words mid conversation as soon as you did it and when you looked up, you saw her eyes darting between you and Alice. She shook her head slightly and pushed her hair behind her ear, recovering her fumble smoothly.

You felt bad. You pulled the cake back toward you again and continued to eat it. Quickly realizing that although it tastes just as good as it used to, it would never taste the same.


Regina and Aaron left around 7pm. Regina helped Alice tidy up while you made them both plates of leftovers to bring home with them. Aaron sat on the couch and turned your tv on. Alice said he could, but you just didn't like that he actually did it.

You and Alice settled into bed early, both of you exhausted from all the things you had to do today. Though Alice finds that kind of stuff way more rewarding than you do.

Alice was already tucked into bed, her back toward you while she talked about how much fun she had today, how great Gina seemed, how useful it could be to have Aaron around, that she would love to hang out with them more.

Your responses were automatic. You were hearing her, but not really listening. All you could offer right now were some 'yeah', 'I agree', 'I'm glad, babe'. It's all you had in your right now.

You put on your pajamas and stood at your nightstand, taking off all the jewelry you had on today.

A sliver of light through the window caught your attention, both of you forgetting to close the shade before getting dressed. You made your way to the window, going in between the curtains to look for the little rope to close the shade.

You caught glimpse of Aaron walking around in his underwear and went to hurry to lower to shade, seeing way more of him than you ever would've care to.

But you paused when Regina walked into the room, both of them having some sort of heated discussion before Aaron waved her off and walked out of the room.

You knew you needed to close your blinds now. To give Regina privacy to change her clothes. Except you watched her move around her room instead. You watched her pick out her pajamas, pull her sheets back.

When she turned around and made eye contact with you through her own window, you felt like you had been caught. You looked away quickly, pretending the shade was stuck.

When you finished your fake fiddling with the shade, Regina was still staring at you. When she saw she had your attention again, she wasted no time pulling her shirt above her head.

She was naked from the waist up, giving you a view of her small pregnant belly and her breasts. You breath hitched in your throat and you gripped the string on the shade tightly, mentally scolding yourself because you know you needed to look away.

Instead you continued to watch her as she snuck her thumbs under the waistband of her shorts, ever so slightly beginning to pull them down.

"You coming, baby?" Alice says from the bed behind you.

You turn around quickly, yanking the string and shoving your way out of the thick curtains.

"Yes, I'm coming, babe!" You say, your heart racing for many reasons now. "I was just being nosy. There was a cop parked across the street. They just left." You lie, turning around to peak behind the now closed blinds again. Regina had closed her shades in your absence and you sighed in relief through your nose.

You rubbed your forehead with your fingertips and climbed into bed with your way, turning off the lights before you settled.

You laid on your back, Alice's feet tangled with yours. She fell asleep quickly. A trait you wish you possessed. Instead you lie awake, thinking about the whole incident at the window. About how you almost wish Alice didn't call for you. That her shade was still open and she was there waiting for you when you returned.

Alice snuggled closer to you, throwing an arm over your stomach and smushing her face into your shoulder. You rubbed her arm softly, your thoughts still plagued by Regina.

Is it too soon to be thinking about selling this house?

8 months ago


Um im literally just a girl (gender neutral)


Stupid mtn dew

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8 months ago


Capri with needy!reader?? I'm so in love with her!!! She's actually such a cutie pie 🥹😭💕

I’m saying…what the fuck

Capri Donahue x needy! fem reader

Warnings: MDNI, smut— guided self-gratification, striptease, fingering, oral, toy use, hickeys, orgasm denial, spanking, pet names, overstimulation(all reader receiving)

In which Capri uses her ability to astral project, to mess with reader and rile her up for a damn long night

Requested? Yes / No

This is 2 requests merged into 1. Enjoy, I guess😗 (anon + astral

Capri was away from home for a few days with her team of students for a cheer competition— in town, but she wouldn’t be home for a few nights. See, you were supposed to tag along. You wanted to go with her as some sort of a getaway, but your decision was soon made for you came down with a cold the morning she was supposed to leave and Capri encouraged you to stay home to rest instead of putting the stress of traveling on your body.

48 hours later, you woke up feeling almost back at 100%, but still had some lingering…ickiness of a cold. You felt a little gross and clammy despite your fever being gone for the last day, you’d also randomly feel a tad giddy. But it was nowhere as bad as how you felt at first. Kicking off the covers and dragging your feet to the bathroom, your eyes were barely open. You were sitting on the toilet doing your business when you suddenly got the feeling of someone watching you. You looked up and nearly screamed the house down.

Her face fell seeing how terrified you were. “Sorry, babe.”

“Look, I know I didn’t get enough sleep last night, but I cannot be hallucinating right now. So, what is this, Capri?”

“It’s me.” She says gleefully.

You sigh, “Yes, but how—”

“Oh.” She replies, “Astral projection.”

“‘Oh’? Just ‘oh’? And you somehow guessed that I’d be in the bathroom?” You squinted, suddenly remembering that you were still seated on the toilet.

“I know you.” She laughs, “Knew you’d be here by this time of day. Which also tells me you’re feeling a lot better.”

“Yeah, so?” You asked, tossing the toilet paper in and flushing it then washing your hands.

“So, I was thinking since we both have some time on our hands and that I’ve been trying to master this new power, how about you and I have a little fun?”

“And how do you suggest we do that, babe? You’re a projection— you can’t touch me, I can’t touch you.”

“We have a lot of fun, anyway. You remember that right? I always find a way to make you a mess.” A smirk tugs at her lips as she watches you closely.

“Oh, absolutely no way I’m letting you do anything to me when I’m still contagious.”

“Hey, if you are in the mood, I can still help y’know? It’s not like we haven’t done that before over the phone and shit.”

“Over the phone.” You repeated, leaning against the doorway as she side stepped you and sat on the bed, “This is literally you split into two while the other one is doing something else, elsewhere!”

“You’re so cute when you’re like this.” She laughs lightly, eyeing you up and down, “Also I highly doubt this version of me can catch a cold.”

You sulked, beginning to pace the room, “You’re such a brat.”

“Oh, honey.” She stifles a laugh, “That’s long been established and I’m owning it.”

“I’ll admit— I’m tempted but I can’t today because I am so damn lightheaded.”

“Stop pacing then.” She looked at you with wide eyes for a moment, “Sit down.”

“I’ll see how I feel tomorrow.” You shrug, sitting down beside her.

“We don’t have to do anything if you don’t want to, you know that. Just rest, okay? For now, at least. Do you need me to come home?”

You couldn’t help but laugh a bit, she was home. Just not in a way that she could actually take care of you like she’d hoped to be able to. “I know, but hey, maybe if I keep working on it…it could work eventually. You know? Being able to project myself and make sure that we can both touch each other.”

“Maybe.” You nodded.

“Okay, you do what you need to do, I’m gonna…get back to the comps.”

“Okay, babe.” You agreed, “Please don’t show up like that again for a bit, if I pass out, I’m dead meat.”

“Alright, love. I promise.” She grins, giving you a wave. Before you knew it, she vanishes into thin air. Shit, that was something you definitely had to get used to. She’s been doing that a lot over the last two weeks or so, determine to master that particular power as well. Capri has telekinesis, but the whole deal with astral projection? It fucked with your head more than you thought it would. As cool as it was, it freaked you the hell out when you first learned about her ability to do so.

The rest of your day went by pretty quick and uneventful. Thank goodness, but the giddiness was annoying the fuck outta you. Because it was beginning to make you feel a whole other symptom: nausea. You hated that. Sat on the couch with your head buried in your hands and your eyes shut, you prayed for it to pass. You could not deal with throwing up tonight. No way. Some deep breaths later, it calms down. Your world stopped spinning, and you managed to lie down on the couch and watch some TV to pass time. You managed to tough it out and eventually fell asleep lying there, though you were going to pay for it in the morning when your back starts to hurt with a vengeance.


"Like what you're seeing, baby?"

Capri? Oh, damn.

"What are you-?"

"Doing in your dreams? Ask yourself, maybe."

She smirks.

"Are you doing this?"

With a playful glint in her eyes, she shrugs, "I dunno."

You huffed, feeling the frustration build up within you. "You've got the whole place to yourself, baby. Touch yourself, you know you want to."

"But I- yeah, fuck it. Yes, I do."

That grin, it doesn't leave her face. And it was slowly but surely driving you crazy. Capri started doing something utterly provocative, literally doing a striptease in your mind.

Quickly, she was able to rile you up. You start feeling the ache between your thighs, your heart beating faster, your hands itching to roam down south. "Eyes on me." Capri says, voice low and sending a swarm of butterflies around your core, "Rub your clit. Keep your eyes...on me."

At this very moment, her bra gets unclipped and her chest was fully revealed to you. "Oh, shit." You muttered, a whine getting caught in your throat.

"So fast?" She teases, "Squeeze your tits for me, baby."

Not a single thought was running through your head other than complying with her, mind already clouded by arousal. "Does that feel good?"

You nod, "Yes. Fuck, yes."

Something compelled you to open your eyes, and what do you know? It was the next morning- it must've been a dream. You always had dreams whenever you were about to wake up from sleep. Your phone buzzes on the side table.

'I'll be home soon!’

Right. She was coming home today. And she'd absolutely know that you were being a horny ass thinking about her and doing whatever the hell that was. Scurrying to the bedroom with your phone in hand, you respond to her text.

She replies, 'Get yourself ready😈’

Real subtle.

You laugh when you simply texted back an

'Okay. As if you weren't already worked up.


The second she arrived home, you knew she had something up her sleeve because of that look on her face. Capri nearly gave you a heart attack astral projecting right in front of you.

"So we're doing that with no warning now? Cool, cool, cool, cool. I told you not to do that.” You seethed at the end.

“Oh, a little fiesty today, aren’t we?” She smirks, capturing your lips into her own.

“Shut up.” You scoffed, “Okay, I don’t know who to look at.”

“Do you want me to shut you up?” She stared at you in the eye.

“I dunno, Capri. Was three nights of teasing me fair?” You sat on the couch, legs crossed, looking up between actual Capri, and her projection.

“Hey, you came.” She mentions.

“You know damn well how far I can go, Capri.” You sigh, “So— I’m all yours to use.”

“Well damn.” Capri raised a brow, “You are a needy little thing aren’t you?”

“Like you don’t know that already.” You laughed, she shuts you up with a kiss, over and over again until you were both fighting for air. Capri straddles you, hands hurriedly yanking your clothes off. Her eyes? Admired each part of your skin as they gradually got exposed to her.

“So is…” Your breath hitches, “Why’d you do that?”

“Oh, she’s um…for your visual enjoyment.” Capri chuckles, “She can strip.”

“Yeah, so can you.”

Capri bites down on her lower lip, eyes tracing your lips. “So you want me to?”

“I mean, you said she could so why don’t you let her handle that while you fuck me because Capri Donahue you have driven me insane while you were gone.”

“Oh, our neighbours are so gonna hear you.” She chuckles lowly, hand grabbing your chin and squeezing your cheeks.

“Wow, would you look at that. She is stripping.”

Capri barely let you finish talking before attacking your neck with a trail of kisses. She eventually settled on your sensitive spot and kept sucking at it knowing how easily you could get riled up during that specific week or two of the month. Her little show was definitely helping, and the fact that she’s been away for a few days? You were in for a long night. After a heated make-out session on the couch, you two moved to the living room— and the projection too. You nearly forgot about it, having your eyes close to take in the building pleasure.

“Fuck!” You exclaimed.

“What?” She huffs, breaking away from your neck. “Wow. That— I’m sorry that’s gotta hurt.”

“Keep going.” You demanded.


“Yeah.” You nodded, whining.

“Okay.” Capri hums.

Despite it all, you keep feeling a pair of eyes on you— that projection. You were so tempted to keep your eyes open and look at her but it was hard.

“Capri…” You panted, swallowing harshly.

“Hm?” She asks while roaming lower, hands on either side of you.

“I need you.” You looked at her directly.

“Beg me.” She requested smugly, hands groping your ass then inner thighs.

You squirmed and whined beneath her ministrations, feeling the ache and wetness growing and growing scary easily. “Tell me exactly what you want me to do.”

A whimper gets caught in your throat as you licked your lips.

“What’s the matter, baby? Can’t talk to me now?” She asks, squeezing your butt, “Look at her, y/n. Do you like that?”

Why was she holding a strap—

You gulped, breathing beginning to quicken just a tad. “y/n, what do you want?” She interjects and watches you while her hand ghosts your apex. You whimpered, feeling yourself throb.

“Come on, be a good girl and tell me how you want me to make you feel good.” She coaxed, finger gently gliding down your folds before she stuck it into her mouth.

“Fuck me with your fingers, the strap, your mouth. Please, please— anything— I’ve had it—” You pleaded, fighting back tears.

“Don’t cry, now.” She caresses your ass, “That’s all you have to say, baby. I got you.” Capri begins to kiss her way down your neck to your cunt, covering it all with kisses and some marks along the way, absolutely just taking her sweet time with you.

“Capri, please…” You muttered, “Do it.” Her lips wrap around your clit on that request, giving it the attention it was craving. You let a soft moan slip, biting down on your lip to stop yourself. She swiftly swatted your hand away, too. “Make those noises, baby.” She smiled sweetly, “You deserve to do that. After all, I have been teasing you so much, haven’t I?”

The smack came out of nowhere, making you yelp. “Aren’t you such a good girl, honey? Just laying right here for me…all for me to taste, to savour.”

You let out a high-pitched whimper as her tongue started lapping at your folds and clit, causing the wetness to leak out of you rapidly. “Shit, you’re so wet…” She purrs against your heat. Tears pricked at your eyes and you cursed, “Shit. Oh, keep going. Don’t— don’t stop.”

“The projection is turning you on that much?” Capri asks, nearly offended.

“Well it’s you, no?” You let out a shaky breath, “Fuck, fuck, hands. God— fuck!”

Capri was on cloud nine hearing you like this, “You know I love hearing you make these noises for me…you know what I’ll do, babe~ Just to hear more of them…” Capri’s mouth has barely left your cunt, her breath and the warmth making you twitch forcefully in her mouth. Her projection gave you a damn cheeky look, making you blush in the midst of having double the attention. Capri slides a finger in without warning, but you almost instinctively bucked your hips upward for more contact. “So needy…” She teases while poking at your g-spot repeatedly, causing your eyes to roll to the back of your head, “Feel good, princess?”

You mumbled something absolutely incoherent and ended up whimpering while you nodded. She laughs, giving your clit the hardest suck she’s ever done. You nearly screamed at this abrupt increase in pressure. The thing was this, she’d do a lot but also suddenly stop doing anything at all, right when you feel yourself going to unravel. So you were extremely frustrated and riled up already, and she was just getting started. Capri definitely wasn’t going to let you off with just one climax. No, she always went for multiple. You always wanted multiple. Sometimes, you didn’t even think about it but she easily makes it happen anyway. And it always feels so fucking—

“Mm- mm— fuck…” You whined, “Just like that, Capri.”

Her tongue circling the sensitive bundle of nerves, then her mouth sucking it, her tongue lapping up and down your folds eagerly trying to taste every last bit of you. God you loved it, you loved how much pleasure you were feeling, everything she was doing was exactly how you liked it. Exactly what you needed for an orgasm.


“How are we feeling about the strap, y/n?” She questions while massaging inner thighs. Her lust-filled gaze ignited a swarm of butterflies in your chest, causing a needy noise to fall from your lips. “Is…that a yes?” Capri asks, a grin forming on her face, her fingers so casually pumping in and out of your without resistance while she kept the eye contact.

Somehow, you still had one question running through your mind. “How come she can hold things? I thought—”

“She couldn’t at first. But I mastered another thing after all.” She shrugs, “So…yes or no?”

“Yes.” You nodded in confirmation, “Yes, fuck me with it.”

“Love that.” She massages your ass too while flashing you a smug smile, “Okay, baby.” Capri held her hand out behind her, gesturing for the projection to hand the strap over to her. You saw it happening, but you were still confused about how it was even possible. But hey, in this moment? You couldn’t think about anything but wanting to come…your mind was just clouded by arousal. Capri leaves you for a bit to put it on, leaving you with her projection while she stood off to the side. The projection smiles, then bit the air. You gulped, a whimper slides out of your mouth without a thought. Your eyes fall onto her bare chest, your mind running while, your desire to touch her then came over you. “Capri, take— take off your top.” The words flew out of your mouth way faster than your brain processed them.

“Gladly, babe.” She complied with the request immediately. Oh, she’d already put the harness on. Damn.

She kneels before you pushing your legs apart gently, then you feel her positioning the tip of the shaft against your dripping entrance. “You ready?” An impatient nod came from you as she pushed the shaft inside you, inch by inch. You took it all without any resistance, that was how wet you were. What a sight that was for her, and what a sound to hear when that low groan emitted from your lips as she entered you and stretched you out.

She studied your face, to make sure you weren’t in pain but her worries were quickly calmed when she heard you pleading for her to go faster. “Yeah, baby? You want that?” She coos, one hand hoisting one of your legs up just because. It didn’t feel that different whether or not she did that, but you didn’t mind it. Anyway, she did start pounding into you faster. Your noises matched up with her motions, driving both of you insane…giddy with pleasure. The tightening in your core makes itself known soon enough, while you were watching the projection approach the bed and sit down right next to you. “Shit, shit— oh, y—” You cried out, averting your gaze. “So pretty…” Came the voice beside you. You whimpered, gnawing onto your lower lip, your cheeks heating up.

“Why so shy, princess? You’re so fucking beautiful.” That light, airy tone of her voice coupled with her relentless gestures made your eyes roll to the back of your head, pushing you right to the edge. “I—I’m gonna come—” Your voice was exceptionally shrill, making you cringe as a result but the momentary embarrassment was soon overpowered by pleasure. Wave after wave after wave as she consistently rammed into your g-spot. “Come for me.” She smiles. You backed up a bit, body trembling lightly as you came down from your high after what seemed like forever. She holds onto your hip, pulling you back, still pushing into you, but slower. “Good girl~”

Hearing that always ignites something in you, it makes you more aroused, feeling the ache return after a rush of heat. “More.” You said, tears brimming at your eyes.

“Of course, my love.” She replies, backing away so the shaft leaves you completely. You felt empty, and desperate for stimulation. You needed that second high. You wanted her to push you until you were begging for her to stop. Her fingers slid down your cunt and you flinched. She swatted at your clit just to draw out a noise, then rubs it with her thumb as though to soothe it. Of course, it was doing just the opposite of that. “Look at me, y/n…” Said the projection. You bit back a whimper and did as she said while you felt Capri dragging the tip up and down your folds to force more wetness to leak out of you.

Fuck, that girl was touching herself right in front of you. Your head snapped back to look at Capri, “You—”

“I know it’s helping, babe…” She winks, climbing up to hover you, “All yours, y/n.” Your gaze locked in with hers at first, then wandered down to her breasts. That’s what she meant. Meek little whimpers and whines assaulted your ear on one side, you tried to ignore them but that’s all you were hearing. And with a small shift, the strap was once again inside you again entirely. You were satisfied with just feeling that fullness right now, your hands reaching up to grab a handful of her breast. She exhales harshly the second you did, grinning. As she fucked you with the strap, she decided to attack that one spot on your neck at the same time, so technically she was almost pressed up against you but you found a way to do what you wanted, too.

“Fuck…” You breathed out, “I cannot believe— oh— fuck~”

“You close?” You asks, breath fanning against your neck.

“Mm—ah— f— yes.”

You approached your second high insanely quick, yet somehow the pleasure was still more intense than the previous time. You let her know that you’d came, but she kept going and going, pushing you like she knew you liked. You could not stop, it just kept leaking out of you as you clenched around that silicone. But she pulls out quickly, replacing it with her mouth. Though you weren’t too happy about not being able to touch her tits. “So sweet…” She remarked, her voice low. So low, it made you feel things. You throbbed against her mouth and felt the climax apparently still happening. “Fuck, you’re the best.” She chuckles, very gently licking you clean.

“I want— I want to come again.”

Capri’s eyes flicked up to look at you, purely concerned as her tongue slowed to a halt. “I can.” You assured her, “Keep going. Keep going until I tell you to stop.”

“If that’s what you want…” She says while groping your inner thighs then peppering soft little kisses all over them, “That’s exactly what you’re gonna get. How do you want me to do it?”

You let out a long breath, shakily, but still managed, “Use your mouth. Go as far as you can, absolutely push me.” That was all she needed to hear to get started on round three. The girl was skilled, she was like an expert when it comes to something like this. This type of ‘situation’, she was no stranger to it. You two have done it to each other— going as much as either of you could go. She easily coaxes climax number three out of you, leaving you more whiny than ever beneath her. Your noises spurred her on, leaving her wanting to hear more. So she did whatever she could to also get what she wanted. But, she was also surprisingly gentle, which drove you even crazier, honestly. What shocked you was the sheer ease of her ability to make you come even with the slightest effort. The sweet words, gentle fingers of hers, the warmth of her lips and her tongue slowly building up your arousal to the brink of unraveling. You had shit your eyes, allowing yourself to take all of it in without distraction. The projection had evidently decided to go for a round two of her little party for one and it was making you seem so incredibly needy and noisy. Soon, your brain had turned itself off, turning into mush the more you felt her in you. Suddenly, you feel a different build up in your core. “Cap— you might want to—” With your fingers tangled in her hair, you tried to move her away, knowing what was gonna come out of you soon. “No, just let it go.” She says, wrapping her lips around your extremely swollen bundle of nerves to help you unravel yet again. With a string of profanities and her name, you were as good as convulsing when you squirted. “Oh, fuck.” She laughs, “Good girl, damn. So hot.”

Tears have also fallen from your eyes due to the intensity of this climax. Her hands steadied you, bringing you back into a state of relative calmness quickly. She somehow got a towel(from the projection, but you didn’t know), and started to clean you up. “You’re alright.” She hums, gently caressing your thigh. “Look at me, baby. You’re okay, you’re okay.” Through your clouded vision, you saw her silhouette, but hell you wanted her to hold you, you wanted to be in her arms. It seems that she knows, because she was right next to you in the matter of seconds. Well, actually, it did take her awhile because she had to remove the harness, but hey, she was fast.

Capri presses a kiss to your lips, fingers brushing your cheek, “You did so good, my love.”

That made you feel all warm and fuzzy, also very sleepy. Especially now that you were in her embrace. “You need anything?”

You shook your head, snuggled up against her chest, “No. Just you.”

“Okay.” She says with a smile, holding you closer and rubbing your back, “What about dinner?”

“Whatever you…whatever you decide is fine.” You managed.

“So then what do ya say to having me for dessert?” She asks as if it was a regular question.

Your eyes widened in shock, gaining you a definite moment of being awake. The sleepiness abruptly leaves your body. You laughed in disbelief, “I’m saying…what the fuck. But absolutely, yes. I can’t believe you just asked it like that—”

Capri giggles, oh god. That sound was one of your favourites. It always made you happy just to hear it. “Can’t wait~”

“No projection, though.” You broke away just enough to lock eyes with her, “She’s a— distraction.”

“God, remember how wet you got from her whining?” She asks nonchalantly.

“Fuck you.” You laughed, burying your head against her chest again, “Stop that.”

Silence falls between you two as she held you close, “I love you.”

“…I love you too.” You dozed off with the biggest smile plastered on your face. Capri, too, fell asleep feeling absolutely content. She was delighted to finally be back home with you. “Rest up, baby.” She whispers, kissing the top of your head, “God, I missed you so much.”

Capri With Needy!reader?? I'm So In Love With Her!!! She's Actually Such A Cutie Pie

🏷️ Tag list

@ashecampos @auliisflower @cheesysoup-arlo @frogs00 @ludoesartnstuffs @pda128

💭 A/N

The astral projection request was from end of May😭😭 to whoever requested that, I’m sorry it took so long. Hopefully this was okay😮‍💨 I don’t really like it that much but maybe because I’ve seen it too much already😂

8 months ago

I’m so sleepy it’s 2 am and I keep interrupting my cry session to be cute lmao (might delete later)

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8 months ago


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