AWWWW I Love Her This Was So Cute
AWWWW I love her 💞 this was so cute
Janis ‘Imi’ike x fem! reader
Warnings: angst, fluff, coarse language, mentions / some descriptions to reader’s messy home life me, ends in smut(reader receiving)
“Dream big, princess.”

You’ve spent an entire day at school with an uneasy feeling in the pit of your stomach. You weren’t sure what was going on, you just felt really weird and tired and there was a voice in your head telling you not to head home. You didn’t want to bother Janis, so you headed home anyway. Not that you could spot her anywhere anyway…so off you went. She probably was at the other end of the campus for one of her lectures that you weren’t in.
The second you set foot in the house, something just didn’t feel right. The feeling in your stomach got worse, then you heard the distant yelling that got louder and louder. A door gets slammed, someone comes running down the hallway, and when your father appeared before your eyes with a red face, fuming— along with a can of beer in hand, you stumbled backwards.
“Happy fucking birthday— I hope you’re happy we got into a fight because of you, deciding what to cook for—” He slurs, you clutched onto the strap of your backpack, turned around and ran out the front door.
“Hey!” You heard him yell and you sprinted away.
Thankfully, no one ran after you so you slowed down after a few minutes on your way to Janis’ place. Well, you did take a different route than usual, but it wasn’t like your family didn’t know where your best friend — that’s who they know Janis to be, you were never going to tell them you and Janis were in a relationship.
Hurriedly pressing on the doorbell, someone answers the door: Janis’ dad. He looked at you with wide eyes briefly, telling you to get inside the house. “Janis!” He yells, “y/n’s here.”
Janis walks into the living area from the kitchen, happy to see you but her face immediately fell, worried. “Dad, could you put it in the fridge for me, please?”
“No problem, ipo.” Her Dad answers knowingly. Janis quickly led you into her garage, taking your backpack from you.
“It’s okay, baby.” Janis says softly. You shook your head no, blinking furiously to keep the tears away. “Are you injured?” She asks, hoping for a no.
“I ran before he— before he did anything.” You hiccuped, taking in a quick breath. Janis cautiously wraps her arms around you, holding you close. “That’s good, baby. You’re safe here, okay? You’re safe here.” You burst into tears seconds later, unable to contain it any longer. Janis rubs your back, quietly holding you securely in her embrace as you let your tears go. “‘m sorry.” You babbled. “Baby…don’t ever apologise for that. You feel whatever you need to feel.” Her grip around you tightens for a moment, “I told you, you never have to hide it from me. Any of it.”
Let’s just say Janis was once in your position some years ago at 13. Except the roles of your parents and hers, were reversed.
Usually, you did a great fucking job at swallowing your tears but today, you just couldn’t do it— they kept seeping into her shirt, she keeps rubbing your back and whispering words of assurance into your ear. You hated that you had to feel this way on a supposedly happy occasion. You were so bloody hurt, you couldn’t take faking it today.
When your crying stops, Janis breaks away slowly from the hug when you did so. She holds your face in her hands, brushing the tears away with her thumbs. “I’m gonna need you to breathe, okay?” She coaxed, “Slow, deep breaths, y/n. Alright?”
You followed her instructions, evening out your breathing. “That’s my girl.” She smiles, “You’re okay, hm? I’m gonna go grab you a change of clothes, alright?”
You nodded, she allows herself to get up and go to her dresser. She hands you your favourite sweater of hers along with a pair of sweatpants. You changed into them without a word, she took your old clothes and tossed them into her laundry hamper. “Want me to do your hair?”
“No.” You muttered.
“Okay.” Janis presses a kiss to your temple.
“What were you making?” You sniffled.
“A cake.” She answered honestly.
“What?” You mumbled unclearly.
“It’s for you.” Janis smiles a little, “I’m celebrating you no matter what other people think. Who cares about them?”
A tiny smile tugs at your lips, Janis caresses your cheek and gives you another loving kiss on your lips. “Damian, Regina, Cady, Gretchen and Karen are coming over but I can call them to cancel if that’s what you want.” She informs you.
“That’s okay.” You decided.
“Okay, baby.”
“What time are they—”
“About an hour.” Janis said back.
You nodded, laying your head in her lap with a second thought. She happily let you, giving you a smile as she stroked your hair. “Do you want to watch a movie? Or Full House? I’ve got the DVDs.”
“No.” You swallowed harshly.
“Alright.” She replies, her fingers continuing the soothing gestures of combing through your hair. You dozed off for a bit, and when you woke up, you’ve made a decision. “Janis?” You said while opening your eyes back up. “Yeah?”
“I changed my mind.” You exhaled harshly, “Can it be just us?”
“Of course, baby.” She agrees, locating her phone to text your friends.
You fell asleep for some time, and when you woke up, you heard the creaking of the stairs in the garage: Janis was walking inside from the house. “You’re up.” Janis’ face lit up. You gave her a sleepy smile in response, still lazing on the couch. “You ready to get up?” She chuckles over her words. You shook your head, still looking at her. She couldn’t help it but still be smiling at you adoringly. It makes you blush.
“I’ll give you a few more minutes.” She plops down on the floor beside the couch, face to face with you. She cups your cheek and says, “Everything’s ready inside the house. It’s just us, I promise. The gang dropped off their gifts and went home.”
“Okay.” You replied, voice barely above a whisper.
“Head hurts?” She asks expectedly.
You groaned, taking a deep breath while you confirmed her guess with a nod. “Sit up, I’ll go get the pill and some water.” Janis says and helped you up. Before you could say anything, she disappeared. But, she came back pretty quickly. “Here you go, baby.”
You took it without a fuss, looking up at her face as she stood looking down at you. “Hi.” She grins, a finger under your chin. “Let’s go?”
“Mhm.” You took her hand and she pulls you up. Janis snakes an arm around your waist as you two entered the house. Janis’ Dad was placing a cake on the dining table— that was the first thing you saw. Then you looked everywhere, the living room was decorated. Subtly, but on theme. Something they both knew you liked and wanted.
“Hey, there’s the birthday girl.” He beams, pulling out a chair for you right in front of the wall with the birthday banner. “Sit right here.”
You complied, Janis took out something from her pocket— a plumeria hair-clip. She smoothly puts it on for you on the left side. You were a little startled by the sudden gesture but quickly composed yourself, only to get another shock when you saw the cake. “Oh, my God… Janis, this is adorable. You drew this?”
Your favourite Disney princess and her animal sidekick stared back at you, along with the words: ‘Dream big, princess’.
“Hey, what my girl wants, my girl gets.” She shrugs, phone in hand— already snapping photos of you, “So pretty.” You turned your head to hide the forming blush but they both saw it anyway. Her dad laughs at the interaction, “Janis, why don’t you sit down with her? Let me get a photo with the two of you together.”
“Great idea.” Janis gleefully got to your side. You got up from the chair and she sat down, pulling you onto her lap.
“Okay, 1, 2, 3. There we go.”
“Thanks, Dad.” Janis says, handing you a plastic knife, “We’re not gonna sing you happy birthday because I know you hate it, but cut the cake, baby.”
And you did, you cut the cake, glancing between the both of them while they looked at you excitedly. “Oh— wow.” You remarked, gasping when sprinkles fell out of the centre of the chocolate cake. Janis laughs, “I remember that you wanted something like this.”
Anyway, the three of you enjoyed some cake together after you handed the first slice to her Dad, then Janis herself, and lastly you got one for yourself. This was the smallest party you’ve ever had but the calmest you’ve felt. You’ve never felt this way before when celebrating your birthday and you didn’t want to have it any other way.
“Thank you for doing all of this for me.” You looked at them, stabbing the fork into the slice to get more.
“Oh, this is nothing, honey. I’m just happy to do it. A birthday’s always worth celebrating.” Her Dad gives you a smile. “Like I said, you’re like my second daughter.”
“Oh, absolutely.” Janis agreed, “You are his second daughter. You have a room here.”
“And you always will have a home here with us.” Her Dad reminds you, “You hear me?”
You nodded your head, giving them a tight-lipped smile. The rest of the evening went by quietly— after you had the cake, you opened up your presents then you went back into the garage with Janis after brushing your teeth. “Good night, girls.”
“G’night, Dad.”
“Good night.”
“I’m giving those earrings back to Regina— I know those cost a fortune.”
“Babe, she will not take them back.” Janis stifles a laugh.
“I honestly feel like she’s playing a prank on me with it.”
“The girl can afford it. If she gives you something like that, don’t even worry about it.” Janis says, pulling you by the hand onto the bed with her, “It looked really nice on you. You must admit, she knows her stuff when it comes to accessorising.”
“That is true— she keeps up with the trends. I do not give a shit.”
Janis guffaws, “You and me both, baby.”
“Did you get photos of the cake?” You asked, “It was the best cake I’ve ever gotten and I didn’t take any pictures.”
“Aw, I’m flattered, baby. It was nothing.”
“They looked exactly like the characters.” You said.
“Come here.” She held out her arms, hands gesturing for you to get into her lap, “I’m glad I could make you smile. Never lose that smile of yours, my love.”
“Thank you for turning this day around for me.”
Janis tilts your head to face hers, a finger underneath your chin, “Anything for you. I love you, y/n.” You feel the tears welling up in your eyes again, so you moved your face away from hers. “It’s okay.” She assured, “I do have one last thing for you.”
“What…?” You croaked, clearing your throat.
“I left it on my dresser. Can I go get it?”
“Okay…” You got off her lap with a little bit of a frown.
“I’ll just be a sec.”
She say down next to you holding onto a bracelet. “My Dad and I we got this for you. It’s a koa wood bracelet with a fluorite crystal. We thought it was fitting because koa means—”
You let out a quiet gasp, a tear falls from your eye, “Fighter, in Hawaiian.”
Janis nods, helping you to put it on, “And that’s you. You’ve been through a whole lot of what someone should never have to go through. Never once have you given up…and I am so proud of you for that. Keeping yourself safe, standing up for yourself. Being here.”
“I…” Your breath hitches, “I was going to say something, shit!”
For the lack of better words, you did what you thought was best: you gave her a big hug. “Thank you. This means— so much to me.” Janis hugs you even tighter, knowing you needed it, also rubbing your back as per usual.
“I love you so much, baby. So, so much.” She says while breaking away from the hug, foreheads leaning together. You weren’t sure what it was, but you crashed your lips onto hers. And no, it wasn’t just a sweet little peck. It quickly got heated. Janis detaches her lips from yours, “Baby. Are you sure?”
You hummed, nodding your head and eagerly reconnecting your lips.
“Okay.” She agrees, hand cupping your cheek as she kisses you passionately, slowly getting into position to straddle you.
Both of you end up on your sides, lips still connected several minutes later. Janis shifts herself, hands now on either side of you as she moves lower, leaving a trail of kisses along your jaw, then your neck. Then…your shirt was off. And she keeps going lower and lower, then moving back up to attack the sensitive spots on your neck that she knows, to draw out the noises of pleasure she loves to hear.
Your head tilts back, allowing her more ease in access to the area— nothing more than soft whines and whimpers fall from your lips, but Janis was a happy camper. Each gesture from her came with just the right amount of pressure, allowing the sensations to build up slowly. You were giddy with desire pretty easily because of this approach of hers tonight. When she hooks her finger through the hem of your underwear, your breath gets caught in your throat. Janis looks at you to ask silently, you could only nod but judging by the way your hand helped her out, that piece of fabric was slid off no more than a few seconds.
Janis slides down south further, now lying on her stomach, face to face with the juncture between your legs. You feel her thumb rubbing slow circles on that bundle of nerves, coaxing more and more of your arousal to leak out of you as she watches intently. You whined breathily, the attention causing your face to heat up. Her hand smoothly slides up your core and groped your breast. The most high-pitched noise of the night flies out of your mouth and you clamped it shut with your hand. Janis moves it out of the way, not breaking her flow. “Don’t be shy, baby. It’s alright. Just me and you here, y/n.”
It probably wasn’t her intention, but the way she talked to you made you throb. She notices, chuckling lowly as she ran a finger up your folds. “Oh, my God.” You muttered, she was thrilled to hear those words from you finally. Well, not just those words. But just the fact that you said something.
Her finger teases your entrance, you couldn’t take it anymore and told her to go for it, you whined as she pushes her middle finger into you easily. Her thumb works at the same time as her finger, it rubs your clit while her finger pumped in and out of you steadily. Before long, your hips lifted off the mattress, wanting more pressure and going in tandem with her movements. With a hand on your hip, Janis eases you back onto the soft mattress then her lips wrapped around the hood of your clit, starting to gently suck at it as you grew wetter beneath her. As if on reflex, you fingers tangled in her hair as you let out a laboured breath in an attempt to keep those needy noises from being heard.
With each flick of her tongue and push and you her finger, your sensitivity grew and so did your pleasure. “Fuck…” You panted, whining eventually, “Fuck— so good.”
You feel her smile against your cunt, tongue swirling around the pulsating nub in reply. Janis then presses her tongue flat against it, sending a shock through your body and you cried out. She chuckles, her breath fans against your heat causing you to squirm. Next, she hooked her finger up to tackle your g-spot. She successfully elicits a moan, so she kept doing it until you couldn’t control yourself and got noisy as hell under her ministrations.
As you start to feel the fluttering in your core, her finger leaves you, so did her mouth. You breathed heavily, the frustration bubbling within you. You squirmed, unhappy about it as her fingertips glided along your soaking wet cunt. Then came a light smack and you gasped, cursing under your breath and your grip in her hair tightens for a moment. You began clenching around nothing as she carries on caressing your cunt so casually.
“More please…” You begged, surprising yourself, “I— fuck!” Before you even finish complaining, two fingers get pushed into you, consistently finding your g-spot and stimulating it. “Fuck, I’m so close— I’m so close.” You cursed, the noises coming from your mouth without an end.
“Keep going, my love. Keep making those noises for me.” Janis coos, “Keep going…so pretty. You’re so fucking pretty, aren’t you sweet girl?”
Well, fuck. She’s made you cry— again. It was a completely different situation this time, but tears nonetheless. Like a needy little girl beneath her, you were getting pushed until you could no longer take it…on the brink of letting it all go.
“Shit, oh— my—” You babbled, ending with a shrill whine, pushing up against her face. Your fingers securely tangled in her hair, nails digging slightly into her scalp as the pleasure surged to its peak. “Fuck, fuck, fuck—” You mumbled through tears, Janis was still keeping at her pace and techniques. Your hand lets go of her hair, falling to your side as you rode through each wave of your high. Breathing heavy, chest heaving as you teared up a little from just how good it felt. “Oh, God!” You moaned, “Keep going. Keep going— keep— ah, shit—”
“As you wish, princess.” She smirks, continuing to lap up your slick. You were feeling a relentless swarm of butterflies at that nickname that’s taken a dirty, dirty turn. Janis was going slower and slower, more and more gentle too. She knew what it took to make you overstimulated and she didn’t want that— she wants it to just feel good for you. Maybe let you get a good night’s sleep afterwards, but definitely none of that ‘a little too much it’s making you back away from her’ nonsense going on.
Your second climax came unexpectedly, but she absolutely cleaned you off, allowing you to calm down pretty soon. She clambers back up to your side, brushing the hair out of your eyes, “Hi, baby.” Janis smooches you on the lips and stroked your cheek, “Hey, breathe…I’ve got you. Don’t want you getting an asthma attack tonight.”
You nodded, falling flat onto your back, doing as she told you to. Janis still laid on her side, fingertips tracing squiggles on your bare chest briefly before her palm lays flat in your chest feeling it go up and down with each breath you took, “That’s it...that’s it.”
You moved a little closer to her and she naturally just held you without even thinking about it. “Wanna sleep?”
You nodded, head nuzzled against her chest while you clung onto her. “I figured.” She chuckles, stroking your hair and pressing a soft kiss to the top of your head, “Good night, lovey. Sweet dreams, I love you.”
“…I love you more.” You said with a smile on your face that goes unnoticed by her, but she smiles too, “Happy fucking birthday indeed.”
She seems to get what you meant, more than happy that you turned that insult into something relatively…good. “Go to sleep, y/n.” She says with a laugh.
You mumbled incoherently and snuggled closer, allowing yourself to drift off to sleep in the safety of her embrace.
“Oh, I love you so much.”

🏷️ Tag list
@ashecampos @auliisflower @cheesysoup-arlo @frogs00 @ludoesartnstuffs @pda128
Okay, break’s over😁 I know I said I’ll post a Jos fic when I come back but well, I got this idea completed first🤐 jk, I needed to get my feelings out
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More Posts from Cheesysoup-arlo
Arlo! How are you, baby? You hydrating and eating?
Hiiiii I’m alright
I’ve been pretty hydrated and I’ve been eating kinda lol food is difficult especially during rehearsals
My body is so tired
But how are you hun 💞
Heyyy can I get some Regina Janis fluff
Grumpy Regina clingy Janis
Give me attention!
Summary: Janis and Regina just cuddle I don’t really know. Warning: fluff, swearing Pairings: Regina + Janis

“Will you chill for like one second?” Regina snapped, looking up from her phone, Janis had been running around like a crazy person, filled with energy. Trying to find something to do.
“Yeah, yeah, sorry.” She sat down next to Regina, peeking over her shoulder then getting right back up again.
“Do you have the zoomies or something?” Regina snapped again, losing her patience.
“Rude!” Janis snapped back, fidgeting with her hands.
Regina rolled her eyes and sighed, “Sorry, I’m in a mood.” Janis turned to look at her instantly, and left the room.
“Do you need water or a snack?” She yelled from the kitchen.
Regina couldn’t help the smile that formed on her face but she forced it away.
“I need you to sit your ass down, you’re stressing me out.”
Janis returned and put her chin on Regina’s shoulder pouting and looking at her with puppy-dog eyes, pouting rather dramatically. Regina pushed her face away with her full palm, but that didn’t stop Janis.
Janis sighed dramatically flopping down onto her lap. Placing the back of her hand on her forehead and groaning. When Regina chose to ignore her she sighed again, this time louder.
Regina put down the phone and crossed her arms, looking down at the brunette with a raised eyebrow.p, “What is it?”
“Give. Me. Attention.” She demanded, batting her eyes convincingly.
“No.” Regina smirked pushed her off gently, Janis let out an indignant squawk as she hit the floor with a soft thud.
“Rude!” Janis climb right back onto her, this time wrapping her legs around her waist and her arms draped around her neck.
“You’re impossible.” Regina sighed with small smile, and rubbed the back of her head.
“I’m adorable.” Janis muttered smugly. Playing with Regina’s hair. Regina pulled back to look at her face and that’s when she realized Janis was braiding a strand of her hair.
“Yeah, you are.” Regina kissed her nose, and Janis what her away, distracted with braiding her hair.
Regina didn’t approve of this audacity after her girlfriend had just begged for attention and dumped her off her lap again.
“Hey! I was doing something!” She pouted as she hit the floor again.
“That was the point.” She leaned over and tapped her nose.
“I’ll bite you.” Janis threatened, still just sitting on the floor.
“How sweet.” Regina replied sarcastically, enjoying this little game they were playing. She grabbed her phone once again, pretending to turn her attention back to it.
Janis stuck out her tongue, then crawled back onto the couch and gently bit her shoulder. Regina looked at her, amused.
“Brat.” Regina finally caved and wrapped her arm around her.
“Asshole.” Janis muttered snuggling into her side, and sticking her tongue out at her once more for good measures.
“Let’s watch a movie.” Janis suggested.
“Okay, fine.” She kissed her forehead and Janis kissed her nose in response.

Short lil Drabble like I said I would, enjoy!
Wooooo 💞💞💞
arlo, should we make a tag for us?
im thinking cheesywhoreee
or maybe even
Omg I like cheesywhoreee that’s cute
I love these silly gay people that don’t really exist
What are your Rejanis headcannons?
I got two request for this so I’ll write twice the headcanons
Rejanis Headcanons!
Competitive as shit. Will fight over who loves who more which everyone in their friend group finds sickeningly sweet and extremely annoying at the same time
Both big on PDA, Janis being affectionate in general and Regina being pretty much only affectionate with Regina.
Janis eyes her hair tips pink for Regina at one point as a surprise, she got lots of kisses for it (and maybe more)
Janis likes to show off to Regina whenever she can and Regina fine it extremely cute. It also boost Janis pride (something she cherishes)
Janis gets her way very quickly, bat those doe eyes of her and Regina will cave. (Regina will never admit that she has the biggest soft stop for the brunette)
Janis I’ll shamelessly use Regina as a pillow whenever she feelings like it. Regina will use her as a head rest, which annoys the shit out of Janis but she’s hot so it’s fine.
They listen to Sapphic music together and often end up making out. (By often I mean every single time)
Also Regina tops.
Janis likes to style Regina hair, Regina actually adores it.
Cady headcannons?
Cady headcanons!
Very refined food pallet but doesn’t know how to cook extremely well. She can mange though.
Blue favorite color. Softer blues, she finds them very eyes appealing.
Fidgets with her style frequently, but does prefer comfort of style. Literally everyone forces her to get rid of those shoes though.
Autistic. Ask me too and I will give you so many reasons.
Regina was definitely her bisexual awakening, whether they end up together… eh. Who knows? But girl was simping.
Janis had an influence on her music taste more than Gretchen did, but she loves listening to anything instrumental. Especially drums, she loves the drums.
Really is into mythology for some reason and will info dump that into conversation just like she does regarding animals and nature.
Can not do hair. She can curl and straighten it, or throw it in a pan but that is about it. Even after Janis gives her some tips.
Low key loves armory. She thinks guns are fascinating and likes anything technical. Probably could shoot off a rifle and shoot a bow and arrow.
Friend group mom, she is very caring of others. she mediates many fights and rarely gets in any herself (after the whole ordeal which is the movie.)