They/them(or any)Fruity 🏳️‍🌈 (lesbian)FIC REQUEST ARE OPEN🪿

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Regina x Janis

Reader is Janis’ little sister

Reader comes out to them


Stupid With Love

Janis ‘Imi’ike x Regina George (+ ‘Imi’ike little sister)

Warnings: some coarse language, fluff

“You like her? Of course that’s okay! Why wouldn’t it be okay?”

Regina X Janis

Something’s been on your mind a lot lately, or rather, someone. You always hung out with your sister and her friends in the garage whenever they came over and you always had a blast. Those people were nice to you and hilarious. Especially Damian. He always made everyone laugh until their stomachs hurt. Well, lately, you felt yourself getting crazy butterflies around a certain someone in Janis’ group. The second you realised it, you started to shove those feelings way down.

‘No. No! You can’t like Cady. That’s crazy, y/n. Did you see what your sister had to go through with Mom and Dad to get to where she was?!’

“Hey.” You hear a voice. Janis’, actually. You didn’t respond though— your brain was a mess currently. Thinking about your crush. Seems to be all you were thinking about lately. It was summer, the seniors’ last one before they went off to college in the fall. Well, for you, it was the last one before you started your final year of high school.

“Hey!” Janis’ voice was heard again, this time clearer as you felt a playful smack to your knee, “What’s going on with you?” She chuckles over her words, sitting down next to you holding onto a bowl of popcorn.

“Nothing’s going on.”

“Yeah, sure.” Janis teased, “Nothing going on but you constantly look like you’ve got something on your mind. It’s summer, y/n. Not finals week. Relax.”

You scoff, laying down on the opposite side of the couch, your feet right by Janis as she sat next to you, watching the movie on her projector screen. “Excuse me, what was that? Did you just scoff at me, y/n?”

You sigh, turning your body so you could watch the movie properly.

“What’s up?” Her face falls, her tone now serious.

“Nothing. Just got some stuff on my mind.”

“Clearly.” Janis bites back a scoff, “Talk to me about it, whatever it is. I could help.”

“No, it’s stupid,”

“I doubt it, y/n.” Janis replies.

“What time’s Regina coming over?” You ignored her previous statement.

“Any minute now, and don’t ignore what I just said.” She huffs, “Is someone bullying you at school?”

You couldn’t help but laugh. Your sister was dating someone who used to be the school’s biggest bully. Thank God, used to be.

A couple minutes later, Regina was here. She let herself in, you were about to sit back up so Regina had a spot on the couch. But she stops you, so you relaxed again, watching Janis stand up so Regina could sit, then her getting pulled onto the blonde’s lap. Your mind drifts away again, entirely losing focus of the movie. Wishing that you had Cady with you, that you were the one sitting in her lap while you snuggled up against her. You wanted that, that kind of affection, that kind of intimacy. That kind of love. Sweet, innocent and tender. With each passing second, you grew increasingly annoyed at yourself and your inability to tell the people closest to you the truth, and that you were hoping they could help you. Initially, the latter didn’t even come to your mind. But roughly four months ago, Cady called it quits with Aaron. The whole school was talking about it. And perhaps, in that moment, it was your first realisation that you liked her. Because you were rejoicing the fact that they broke up instead of going up to her to check on her, see if she was okay. Aaron was a good guy and they ended things amicably. They were still friends, just like he still was a good friend to the rest of the gang. You only got to know them because Janis was your sister and they naturally just ‘adopted’ you into the group for hangouts. Otherwise, they’d be untouchable. Their group, would be at the top of the high school hierarchy, despite how strongly your sister didn’t care about it. Her friends were just her friends. She didn’t give a fuck about how others perceived her as long as she was happy with her life. No one else mattered to her other than those closest to her— that included the gang, and you. Your parents? Not so much. They were why Janis moved out into the garage in the first place. They even made her pay rent, so she worked a retail job at the mall during her free time. But Janis didn’t mind it. Being away from your parents’ roof, per se, allowed her to have peace and clarity in her life. Boundaries have been set. Well, the garage was also not connected to the house so it really became Janis’ own place.


While your focused on the movie again several minutes later, you hear them making out a little next to you. They did it so much that at this point, you weren’t even bothered by it and just tuned it out.

You didn’t hear a thing until someone poked your side and tickled you. You squirm, “Stop it. What do you want?”

They both squinted at you like you had three heads, you sulked, “Sorry.”

“We were just asking if you wanted pizza or Thai food for dinner.” Janis shrugged.

“Are you okay?” Regina asks.

You bit the inside of your cheek as the racing in your heart started up again. ‘Should I tell them or not?’

“Thai food.” You gave Janis your answer.

“Okay.” Janis nods, “I’ll go make the call.”

“So…” Regina started again once Janis was out of earshot, “What’s up? Something is definitely bothering you.”

“I don’t know.”

“You don’t know or you’re scared? Those are two very different things.” Regina says quietly.

“What’s going on?” Janis walks back in.

You looked between the pair, words at the top of your tongue. “I like Cady. And it feels…wrong. Scary. I— I’ve never felt this way before about a girl and I’m terrified. What should I do? I feel so stupid.”

“HEY.” Janis’ looked at you with wide eyes.

“No.” Regina continues next, “You’re not stupid.”

“Stupid with love, maybe.” Janis jokes, trying to make you laugh and lighten the mood, “You like her? Of course that’s okay! Why wouldn’t it be okay?” “

“Jokes aside, Cady’s totally single and available. Everyone’s coming by tomorrow for a movie night.” Regina looks up from her phone right when yours and Janis’ phone went off. “Horror movie. Gonna set everything up for you and Cady to get some cute ass moments.”

“Oh, I think you’re forgetting I’m gonna be staying up all night because of a horror movie.” You laughed.

“Exactly.” Regina smirked, “She will definitely do something, like put her arm around you or ask if you’re okay when you get scared.”

“Please don’t do spin the bottle.” You pleaded.

“Oh, no. No chance that happening at all. We’re not gonna even remote risk having history repeat itself.”

“Alright- dinner will be here in about thirty minutes. In the meantime, let’s just all relax and not think about anything that’ll stress us out.” Janis decided. You went to bed that night, initially relieved but then was hit with another worry. Your parents.

“Go to bed. Stop worrying.” You scolded yourself, well, luckily you were able to finally get some decent sleep that night. And you had pretty much a full day to get yourself ready for when Cady comes over that evening.


“Alright, pick out a movie.” Regina held up three DVDs from Janis’ sizeable collection. Almost immediately, came a unanimous decision— Satanic. Even the cover on the DVD case creeped you out. Janis and Regina shared a knowing look. You were so tempted to run out of the room and back inside the house, but stayed there because Cady was right next to you. You didn’t ask her to sit there, she just did.

“You want one?” Cady asks. You heard her voice but you were spaced out, not wanting to focus on the film— that was already starting. When you felt some tapping on your knee, you jumped startled, “Shit. Huh?”

“Do you want some?” Cady tilted the bag of Nerds gummy clusters toward you.

“Sure.” You chuckled, “Thanks.”

She smiles at you and you felt those damn butterflies again. Shoving those candies into your mouth to keep yourself from embarrassment. “Are you okay?” Cady asks quietly seeing that the film’s already started.

You exhaled heavily, grabbing a couch cushion to squeeze and distract yourself.

“y/n?” She asks again, brows furrowed together in concern.

“Not a fan of horror.” You told her in a mumble.

“Then why—”

You shook your head, “They decided they wanted to watch horror.”

“But they know, right? That you don’t like—”

“Oh, yeah.” You let out an exhale in slight amusement.

“And that you’re here?” Cady continued.

“Yeah.” You nod, “You know what? Screw this. Let’s go inside and eat some ice cream, I want my sleep tonight.”

“Ice cream?” Cady gasped softly, “Yeah, let’s.”

You and Cady quietly slipped away, entering the house and headed right for the kitchen. You took out two bowls and two spoons before opening the freezer door. “Cookies and cream or chocolate?”

“I love cookies and cream.” Cady says.

“Alright.” You took out the scoop and handed it to her so she could get her portion first before you did— you wanted the same flavour too.

“y/n?” Cady says while pushing the tub of ice cream over to you. You took the scoop and began to get your own share of the dessert, “Yeah?”

“There’s something I’ve been wanting to talk to you about.” Cady revealed.

You could swear your heart as good as stopped for a second. Taking a deep breath you asked calmly, “What is it?”

“I broke up with Aaron because I realised he maybe wasn’t as cute as I thought he was.” Cady began, “I uh, I actually thought you looked better than he did. I look at you and I feel more things than I do when he holds my hand or kiss me. It— well, honestly it’s like I’ve been using Aaron as a way to try and convince myself I liked guys. And, I’m sure I do, just like how I now know for sure I like girls too. So it’s just that he wasn’t the right one. But y/n, when I look at you, as crazy as it sounds. I can actually picture a future with you.”

You froze, eyes hopefully not widening so much that you looked absolutely nuts. “Wh- what are you— what are you saying?”

“I like you, and not just as a friend.” Cady confirms, “I want you to be my girlfriend.”

You let out a strained laugh, setting down your bowl when you felt your cheeks flushing. You looked down at your feet, avoiding Cady’s eyes for dear life.

“y/n.” Her voice remains calm and gentle, “Talk to me, please. Say something.”

“You do?” Your voice cracks, and you sniffle. “Shit, why am I crying? This is so embarrassing.”

Cady puts down her bowl too, “Look at me.” And you do, you look up again, your gaze meeting hers. “I’m sorry. I didn’t want to be cryi—”

She chuckles, grabbing you a kitchen towel— the one thing within reach that you could dry your tears with. As you dabbed your tears with the paper towel, you finally let the words slip. “I like you too. I just— I didn’t dare to say it. I didn’t know how to, I— and then you were with Aaron and when you guys broke up I felt like a shitty person because part of me was happy you were single because to me that meant I had a chance to confess—”

“You do have a chance with me.” She stops you, “I like you, y/n. I really do.”

“Okay.” You bit back a giggle, and you saw her lean in so you started to blush again.

“Fuck! Finally!” Janis squealed, grinning.

You and Cady whipped your heads around so quick, you nearly fell off the barstool. “Sorry.” Janis smiled sheepishly, “Didn’t mean to scare ya, sis. But oh my God! I’m so happy for you!”

“Janis!” Cady chided, “Kind of in the middle of something here.”

“Right, sorry!” Janis exclaimed, gesturing with her arms, “Continue.”

She went back out to the garage, quickly shutting the door behind herself, allowing Cady to make her move and kiss you. When her lips finally met yours, you were on cloud nine. Though unsure of what to do with this being your first kiss, your worries went away in seconds when she took the lead and deepens the connection for a little moment before breaking away.

Your cheeks were hot. When the sobriety hit, so did your nerves. “We should probably finish our ice cream.”

“Yeah.” She laughs, and ended up grinning the whole time she finished up the half-melted, soupy ice cream. You were the same way, happy. So happy that it went as well as it did.

And then a distant, “What?!” Was heard from the door that led to the garage. You both laughed, “Aaaand now they know too.”

“Greeeeat.” You chuckled nervously.

“We’re okay, they’re great. Don’t worry about, we’re in this together now.”

You flashed her an appreciative smile, “Yep. You and me. You and me…damn.”

Regina X Janis

🏷️ Tag list:

@ashecampos @auliisflower @cheesysoup-arlo @frogs00 @ludoesartnstuffs @pda128


🎤* is this thing on???

How was this one😭 kind felt like it got too draggy and boring at one point🤨

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More Posts from Cheesysoup-arlo

7 months ago


Running through my brain

Janis ‘Imi’ike x fem! reader (+older sister Regina)

Warnings: some coarse language, fluff, mention of a family member’s passing & divorce.

First date! Read part one here / part three

Running Through My Brain

(Pictures used are from Pinterest & Auli’i’s IG)

Running Through My Brain

“Remind me…is she picking you up or do I have to drop you off?” Regina asks, knowingly. Wanting to poke fun at you and see you get flustered at the thought of Janis.

“She’s picking me up, stop that.”

“Getting to see you so happy? Never stopping this.” Regina chuckles over her words.

“I’m nervous.”

“And that’s fine!” Regina assured, “As long as you don’t puke on her.”

You looked at her absolutely horrified at the possibility, it did happen once in first grade for an entirely different reason— but it happened, you’d puked in class due to nerves or stress, or both.


“Okay, okay. I’ll shut up.” Regina threw her hands up in mock surrender. “Just have fun today, okay. It’s pretty clear to me she feels the same way or is at least interested in getting to know you better. You have plenty of time.”

You exhaled a breath you didn’t even realise you’d been holding, “Guess so, thanks, Reg.”

At this moment, you got a text from Janis saying that she’d arrived so you gave Regina a quick hug goodbye and left the house. “Hi!” Janis exclaimed while you walked closer to her car.

“Hey.” You replied, smiling slightly while you opened the door and got into the front seat with her. The drive was silent for awhile, but Janis didn’t seem to mind that you weren’t talking. While she was comfortable with it, you felt that the lack of a conversation was tense.

“So…have you decided what we should have for lunch yet?” You decided to break the silence.

“Well, there’s this new Mexican place at the mall. Along the promenade…heard it’s pretty good. You wanna try?”

You knew which establishment she was referring to. You saw it two weeks ago when you were at the mall with Regina. There was a bit of a line, so you guys didn’t get to try it then since the hunger got the best of you both and you decided to go somewhere else without a wait time.

“Okay, though there was a bit of a line when I passed by that place two weeks ago. So hopefully the hype’s died down a bit.”

Janis nods, “We’ll go check it out, if the line’s still too long we’ll eat somewhere else.”

Running Through My Brain
Running Through My Brain

“Oh, you didn’t tell—”

Janis says, biting back a laugh, “Oh, no, I don’t have to tell him everything. He’s already annoying you now, imagine what it would be like if I had told him? He would probably have shown up just to see how things are going.”

You chuckled, “He’s um…very supportive.”

“More like annoying. I need some peace and quiet sometimes…the last thing I need while spending time with you is his excited yapping.” Janis continues.

You heart skipped a beat hearing her say those words, gripping tightly onto your fork, you ate another mouthful of the food while your eyes stayed focused on her as she spoke.

“As if I don’t have enough worries running through my brain thinking about how to talk to you without seeming like a weirdo.” She murmurs. You could barely hear any of what she’d just said.

“What was that?”

“Nothing.” She brushes it off, “Not important.”

“Oh.” You exhaled, reaching for your drink. “Okay.”

“So…where do you wanna go after this?” She asked, back to her previous excitement in tone.

“Uh, probably just walk around here for a bit?”

“Sounds good.” Janis shrugs, checking her phone that just buzzed in her hand, “Did…your sister just follow me on Instagram?”

You took a peek at the screen, “Oh, yeah. That’s her.”

“Why? Does she not trust me? I mean— of course, but come on!” She bursts into a bit of laughter at the end. You couldn’t help it but laugh as well, “I dunno. I never really know what she’s thinking anyway. She seems to keep all her problems to herself and still has to help me with mine.”

Janis sighs softly, “I uh, I heard about your mom and dad getting divorced. And I’m sorry, that’s got to be really difficult.”

Woah, now. The conversations took a very non-lighthearted turn. “Um…” You began, “It- it was. But now after some time, I’ve just became a very angry person honestly. They were both at fault, though to me, my Dad was worse. But our relationship with mom is still pretty bad. After our Dad left, she literally just left me under Regina’s care most of the time while she’s off somewhere to ‘clear her mind’.”

“I shouldn’t have talked about that, I’m so sorry.”

You shook your head, “I’m not sad, I’m just angry honestly. I don’t have a problem talking about it.”

Janis nodded solemnly, “Well, for me, my Mom died when I was in second grade. Along with my baby sister. She went to the hospital to have my sister and she just never came home. I couldn’t understand, but I knew she was gone and I was crying for like, days.”



“What are we doing? We came out to have a good time and now we’re making ourselves upset.” Janis breathes out heavily, you saw her gulp, looking up to fan the forming tears away.

‘Don’t cry, y/n.’

‘Don’t cry.’

‘Don’t cry. You can’t cry.’

Your memory of her Mom was so vague because of how young you were, and you and Regina were rarely at her place too. Janis always came over to yours. You felt bad for not being able to remember much, if at all. But more so because she was crying.

“I’m okay.” She looked at you, noticing how worried you looked. “y/n.” She chuckles, “I’m fine, I’ll always miss her and I’ll always get a little teary eyed, because she’s my Mom, but— I promise you, I’m okay.”

She reaches out to put her hand on yours, giving it a squeeze. “Look at me. I’m good, okay?”

“Okay.” You muttered, squeezing her hand back. She smiles, making you do the same thing.


Running Through My Brain

“You wanna go on the ferris wheel?” She asks.

“The—” You looked up, pointing at it.

“Yeah.” Janis nodded eagerly, “Come on, it’ll be fun. I’m right here with you, you’ll be fine.”

Heights. You had a fear of heights.

Yet, you pushed that aside and trusted that you would be okay as long as she was with you. And that you would keep your eyes anywhere but look outside. You really liked her that much, huh.

She breaks into a little smile when she caught you staring at her, but right now it was more of you being scared shitless about looking outside and possibly downwards. “Having fun there?” She teased.

“No.” You admitted, “Not really. I may have a fear of heights,”

“Damn.” She says, beside you, “And you chose to come on here instead of rejecting the idea?”

“I dunno, I’m stupid.” You stared at the floor. Then you feel her arm go around your waist, “Well…I don’t think you’re stupid. I think it was pretty sweet that you chose to face your fear. And so brave.”

You eased up a little bit feeling her touch. “You don’t have to lie to me, you know?”

“I’m not lying.” She says, earnest.

You only shrug, leaning onto her more now. “You’re okay. I won’t let anything happen to you. I don’t want your sister to kill me, you know?”

You giggled, resting your head on her shoulder as you recalled what happened so far today. She doesn’t move away, so you two stayed like that for a good part of the ride back down to the ground.

After the ferris wheel, you dragged her to go play a game. And though she was reluctant at first, she eventually gave in and just played the game so she could win you a prize. You told her it was fine after three failed rounds, but then she just got so determined to win you something that she said she didn’t want to leave until she had one of those stuffed animals in her hands.

“Janis, it’s okay! Let’s just go get something to eat.” You spoke over the commotion.

“Nope! You want something, you’re gonna get something.” She disagrees.

Twenty dollars later, Janis left satisfied, handing the plush over to you. “Now we can go grab a snack.”

“Alright then.” You say, impressed, “Thanks, Jan.”

“You’re welcome.” She grins, arm finding its way over your shoulders.

Does this mean anything? Should I tell her I like her? Is it too soon? Is she doing this because she feels the same way? Or is this just a friend thing?

Those thoughts came back to irritate you again, you shook your head as though to get rid of them while you walked towards a food stall with Janis. You two got deep fried oreos to share, then sat down at a bench to rest your feet. It was quite crowded, so you guys were lucky a group of people just finished their food and left the bench.

“Are you okay?” Janis asks, mouth filled with the snack, “Tired?”

“A little. But yeah, I’m alright.”

“Eh, we’ll get going after this. You want anything else?” She chuckles over her words. You could feel her still watching you closely.

You guys have been out almost all day.

“Hey. What’s on your bucket list?”

“Never really had one, to be honest. I mean, the only thing I’ve really been wanting to do was to go back home. Like— to Hawai’i. I haven’t been able to go back there, not because me and my Dad can’t afford it, fortunately. But because I cannot muster up enough courage to go back to where I lost— you know what? Never mind I don’t want to bring that up again and upset us both. I don’t want to end the night on such a heavy note.”

“You don’t have to say it. I get it, and I hope one day, you’ll be able to go back there and see your home again because I get how it feels to have a home and not be able to go home to it, not being to go home to it and have it feel like home, but something else so…painful.”

“You’re so sweet.” Janis smiles to herself, handing you a fork with a fried oreo on it. You took it from her silently. “What about you? What’s on your bucket list?”

“To visit all the Disney parks in the world? I don’t know, okay? It just sounds so trivial after what you told me.” You tried not to laugh at yourself.

“Hey, it’s your bucket list.” She points out, “Don’t feel bad about it.”

Tossing the takeout box into a trash can, Janis walks back to her car with. She unlocks the doors with her keys and you got in, buckling up and holding the slightly oversized Squishmallow on your lap. You nodded off for a part of the drive, and when she was just a few minutes away from your house, you woke up.

Again, you could feel eyes on you. So you turned your head and snuck a glance at her. She didn’t even look away, “Hey.”

You gave her a sleepy smile and nodded off again while hugging the toy in your lap. She laughs to herself, “Very comfy, aren’t you?”

“Yeah.” You mumbled.

Janis had to wake you up after pulling up to the front of your house. “Come on!” She tugs on your arm dramatically, “Your bed’s right upstairs~”

You woke up and sulked.

“Don’t act cute with me.” She pursed her lips together to hide the smile. “Come on, go up, go to bed.”

“Can you spend the night?” You asked without thinking twice.


“No, I don’t think Regina would like that.”

“I would like that.” You got out of the car.

“I’ll come by tomorrow?” She suggests.

You gave in, “Okay.”

“Okay.” She confirmed, engulfing you in a hug before you fully left the front yard. “Good night, silly.”

“Silly.” You giggled to yourself, hugging her back.

“Wow, you really need to get some sleep.” She mumbles, “Okay, sleep tight. I’ll see you tomorrow, y/n.”

“Bye, Jan.” You told her happily, turning around and walking up the porch, unlocking the front door.

“How was your date?” You hear Regina the second you stepped inside the house. Cady was beside her.

“Great.” You answered with no hesitation, too tired to even have a filter on your words. With that, you went right upstairs to your room to wash up and got dressed in pajamas for bed. Plopping face down onto the very comfortable Squishmallow, you were just about to go fall asleep once again when your phone went off.

Running Through My Brain

Janis decides to take the leap and make a little bit of a move, though now a little more anxious than she liked to be while awaiting a response from you.

Running Through My Brain
Running Through My Brain

She had expected you to be asleep already so when she saw the typing indicator pop up, her sleepiness went away immediately. You on the other hand, was feeling as calm as you could be. But absolutely bursting with excitement and joy. Perhaps you just needed to be sleepy enough to let your guard down and stop worrying. Chuckling to yourself, you typed a reply for her and sent it.

The typing indicator disappears from Janis’ screen and then, this pops up for her.

Running Through My Brain
Running Through My Brain

🏷️ Tag list:

@ashecampos @auliisflower @cheesysoup-arlo @frogs00 @ludoesartnstuffs @pda128


Part 2!!

(Peep the contact name changes😗)

7 months ago

Oooooo poor Regina but also bad bitch Janis 💕

Hey, could you write a Rejanis angst where Regina has problems with a teacher acting inappropriately but gets scared and doesn't tell anyone, over time Janis realizes that her girlfriend has become increasingly quiet and withdrawn and that her bad habits food is coming back but Regina refuses to tell her until the situation with the teacher goes beyond the limit and she runs to Janis asking for help?

(Maybe I identify more than I want:/)

Still scared of it all

Janis ‘Imi’ike x Regina George

Warnings: MDNI— mature themes. Sexual harassment & assault, anxiety, depression, eating disorders, coarse language. Reader discretion advised.

“15 and 16: I had to be strong. 21: I’m still scared of it all.” — Tattoos, Reneé Rapp

Hey, Could You Write A Rejanis Angst Where Regina Has Problems With A Teacher Acting Inappropriately

At 15: Regina’s father left. He left the house one night and never returned. When Regina found that out in the morning, a deep hatred for the man was ignited in the blonde. He hated that he just left after everything that he’s done— to hurt her, to hurt Kylie to hurt her mother. Drinking all day long, yelling at them for no reason, all three of them have gotten hurt by him physically and God Regina hoped he didn’t do anything worse to either her Mom or her sister.

At 16: A year later, he comes back. Tries to make things right. But after one beer bottle got flung at Kylie’s head— that she’d barely avoided, Regina swung on him, punching him over and over in the jaw. June had to pull her off. “Fuck off!” Regina gripped his collar, “How could you do that to your own daughter?! Don’t you dare lay a finger on either of them. I will hurt you. I’m not afraid of you.”

At 17: Junior girls were all at each other’s necks thanks to the Burn Book. That was eventually resolved, but all the students’ relationships were strained as a result and took so much effort to reconcile. As for Regina, she focused on reconciling with one person: Janis ‘Imi’ike. Her ex-best friend whom she lost due to her own doing. After that fateful kiss during spin the bottle came months of bullying, Janis was drove crazy. She also hated Regina, she hated her guts. The one person she trusted with her life betrayed her and became her biggest bully. Because of that, Janis became so bitter and angry at just about anything. She didn’t believe in what she used to, she no longer believed in happiness and love…the good things. It took Regina nearly 4 months to get Janis to even look her in the eye.

“Why? Why’d you do that to me? I don’t get it. You could’ve just left me alone.”

“I’m sorry, Janis. I’m sorry, I was scared, I had no idea what going on with me. My Dad was deadbeat drunk, he hit Kylie, he hit my mom, sometimes he hit me. I became angry, such an angry person that I took that anger out on just about anyone along the way. But they didn’t deserve it, especially not you. I shut you out because I was terrified of being hurt again. You were the one person I have actually cared about and I was scared I’d lose you because you’d leave me one day— that we’d drift and not be friends anymore. I couldn’t take the guessing game and pulled that crap during spin the bottle, and called you that fucking name. I hurt you, my best friend and I regret every single moment of it.” The blonde rambles.

Janis looked at her, trying to process all of it, feeling the air leave her lungs in shock. Her eyes must look insane right now.

“I’m sorry,” Regina croaked, “You don’t have to forgive me. I just needed you to know. You deserved to know why. I’m so sorry, Janis.”

At 18: Graduation night, Regina spots Janis sitting on the curb outside school. Alone. Taking the chance, she approaches her, sitting down next to her. “Hi. Whatcha doing?”

The brunette sighs. “Trying not to give in to the urge to drink. You? Why aren’t you with Gretchen or Karen or your Mom?”

“Why aren’t you with Damian?”

Janis chuckled wryly, “He’s on a date with his boyfriend. Anniversary. So, here I am— all alone.”

“You’re not alone.” Regina answered quietly, “You’ve got me.”

“I don’t need your pity.” Janis mutters.

“Janis, this is not pity. I want you back in my life, please? Let’s work on that.”

“Are you sure?” Janis asks, having a moment of calmness around her for the first time since several years ago, “Or is this a prank and you’re just waiting to make fun of me again? Because I can’t take another round of that. I might actually kill myself.”

“I’m serious. I swear.” Regina replies solemnly, sticking one leg out straight, “I said, I swear.”

“I heard you.” Janis glances at her.

“Do the leg thing.” Regina says, wiggling the foot she stuck out, “Remember? We used to bump our feet together to make a promise.”

Janis bit back a smile, doing as Regina said, then hooking their pinkies.

“Okay.” Regina exhales, “Let’s go do something fun to celebrate. We’re done with high school.”

Janis pondered for a second, “Okay.”

What’s she got to lose, right? She’s already hit rock bottom years ago at 12. Apparently her V Card. A tipsy confession led to way, way more that night with North Shore’s queen bee.

The next morning, they knew what happened last night. They weren’t drunk, just had a couple drinks in them. Which…led to a pretty difficult conversation about where they stood. What their relationship was right now. Difficult because they didn’t have any alcohol to help but lose some of the nerves, not because they didn’t want to talk. Because— they wanted to. It was just a lot to process and make clear.

Age 19, Winter: They were settling well into freshmen year of college, Regina and Janis have been coming up to a year of their relationship. With their anniversary approaching, Janis took Regina’s lack of talking to her and spending time with her was due to anniversary plans. But her guess was proven wrong when she saw Regina left a lecture on the verge of tears.

“G, what’s wrong?” Janis approached her quickly, gently holding onto her wrist.

Regina wriggles her hand out of her girlfriend’s grip, “Nothing, I’m fine, Janis. Just stressed. The lecturer kept calling on me to answer questions but I’m tired. Okay, I’m fucking tired.”

Taken aback by Regina snapping at her, though unintentionally, Janis retracts her hand. “I’m sorry. Talk to me when you’re ready okay?” Turning on her heel, she leaves the blonde, and made her way back to the dorm. Her backpack lands on her bed with a muffled thud, then Janis goes over to her wards to pick out a new outfit for after her shower.

A few hours later, Janis sat at her desk, working on a new drawing to sew over. Regina’s anniversary present. Just then, her phone buzzes on the wooden surface, pulling her out of her focus.

Hey, Could You Write A Rejanis Angst Where Regina Has Problems With A Teacher Acting Inappropriately

When Regina returned she seemed to be in a much better mood, like her usual self. Janis was relieved, giving her a hug from behind. “Where we headed?”

“What’re you feeling for dinner?” Regina returns the questions.

“I dunno.” Janis shrugs, breaking away from the embrace, “Tacos? We could go to No.1?”

“Oh, sure can.” Regina agrees, “I’m gonna get changed real quick then we can leave okay?”


Age 19, Spring: The weather in New York City started to get warm again, but Regina didn’t stop wearing sweatshirts, and hoodies. Janis picked up on it once the weather turned warm, working up the courage to talk to her while observing closely. Though to the brunette, this was a no-brainer. Regina’s struggled with this before, and now, it was back. But what Janis didn’t know…was why.

“Ms. George, I need to speak to you, please stay behind for a moment.”

“Sure, Mr. Graham.” Regina breathed out heavily, dreadfully turning towards his desk.

“Your grade. A B’s not good enough.”

“You said I had to get better than a C, which I now have.” Regina states. He steps forward, slyly snaking an arm around her waist, “You were a straight A student at your high school, we can’t have your grades slip, Ms. George.”

“Stop it.” Regina seethed, “You need to stop doing that.”

“Or what?” He asks, feigning innocence, “Whoops, my hand slipped. Sorry, Ms. George.”

The blonde purses her lips together, body tensing up when she feels his palm on her bottom. “Can I leave?”

“Do you want a B?”


His arm was snaked around her waist again, “Are you sure? That sure wouldn’t look nice on your transcript. We know what a perfectionist you are…” His hand reaches over and gripped her side while his arm still stayed around her. “What a beautiful figure.”

“Can I leave?”

The older guy huffs, “Fine. You know the drill, Regina. Like that.” He snaps his fingers, “And your next grade? Could be a failing one. Would definitely cost you your scholarship, darling.”


A week later, at the next class, the same thing happens. Regina got what he meant. He always got it, if she didn’t just take it, her grade would be a failing one. Then, she wouldn’t be able to finish her college education. She doesn’t want that, she’s worked extremely hard to get into this school. “Ms. George, great work on that last paper.”

“Thanks.” The blonde mumbles, practically one foot out the door.

“What’s the rush? It’s Friday. Stay.” He shoots her a look, she had to obey. She was terrified. He walks closer and close to her, eyes watching the hallways.

“Alright, w-what—”

Once the hallways outside were empty, he hand a firm grip on her shoulder then shoved her onto the desk, bent over. His free hand roamed down her bottom and squeezed the flesh. A quiet whimper falls from her mouth as her heart started to pound in her chest. Tears threatened to fall as he continued to feel her up. She felt disgusting, and helpless. Trying her hardest to get out of this mess but he was eerily strong— she also felt like she was frozen. Like she couldn’t move…paralysed. She tried to scream, but no sound loud enough came out. When his hand started to move to the space in between her legs. Sheer panic came over to her as she decided to play along, tickling his hand and causing him to loosen his grip. Regina twisted his hand making him scream, swiftly she fought him off in this brief moment of weakness and scurried out of the lecture hall.

“Bitch.” She hears.


“Regina! Right?”

Shit. Why now?

“Mr. Graham.” Regina sighs, annoyed, “Yes, it’s me. May I help you, sir?”

He looks at Janis, unsuccessfully hiding a perverted smile when he saw the brunette in a flattering cropped top that showed off her figure. “What’s your problem? Stop staring at me like that, you old man.”

“My apologies, I wasn’t.”

Janis wanted to punch him already, “Let’s go, baby.” With that, Janis immediately got them away from the guy. Hopefully he got the hint now. “Wouldn’t want to be late to our dinner reservation.”

That interaction rendered Regina sick to her stomach. Looking at the menu made her feel worse. She barely ate, which concerned Janis. “Regina.” Janis spoke quietly, “You have to eat dinner, please.” She noticed the look on the girl’s face.

“I don’t feel well.” Regina answers in a similar volume.

Janis wasn’t sure if it was purely because she felt unwell, or the fact that she’s been eating less and less lately, that made her feel unwell. “G, please just try and have something light, okay? We gotta eat. If you feel full, stop. I’m not gonna make you finish your plate.”

Regina nodded after a brief pause, decisively, “Okay. I’ll eat something.”


“Ms George, you know what to do, hun.”

She hated this, whatever this was. And her life. Why was she the one target?

It’s been like clockwork for the last seven months. Each time worse than the last, even though they were the same moves from him. He always had his hand lingering too long on hers or her shoulder in class, after class…he just groped her for his own pleasure. Every time, Regina would save herself moments before the worst case scenario.

Today was no expection.

Thankfully it was her last class of the day so she returns to her dorm where Janis was already sleeping. Napping, actually. Well.

Regina stripped her clothes off and took a long shower, desperately trying to scrub the lingering disgusting feeling from her skin. But, she feels her frustration build and build, so did her tears. Her lips quivering, tears eventually slipped down her cheeks as the water from the shower continually poured down onto her bare body. Regina sobs, muffling the noise with a hand over her mouth.

Drying herself off and getting dressed, she checks her reflection in the mirror, thank god her eyes weren’t too red. She could just lie and say that she got shampoo in her eyes. It’s definitely happened before.

“Hey, you’re back.” Janis got up, sleepily smiling then pressing a kiss to her cheek.

“Hi.” Regina frowns.

“How was your day?”

Terrible. ‘I should tell someone. I should tell…Janis’

“I- I need to tell you something.” Regina spat out, instantly flustered, or simply panicking already.

“You— you know the guy we saw on our way to dinner awhile ago?”

“Guy? Your lecturer?”

“Yeah.” Regina takes a deep breath, “I need your help. He— some months back my grade went down to a C, which was my fault because I didn’t really get the class and so that happened. But then he singled me out to talk to me after class and he said if I did ‘something’, I could get my grade back up to a B, or even an A. I thought he meant actual extra-credit assignments or projects. But— fuck!”

Her breathing began picking up its pace as she fiddled with her thumbs.

“Hey, hey. Regina, it’s okay. Take it easy, take your time. Breathe. In and out, honey. In and out.” Janis cajoled, “Breathe for me, huh? Okay?”

“He wanted me to let him touch me. Arm around my waist, squeezing my side, my shoulder, he groped my ass, and he almost used…his fingers on me. Many— many times. I tried fighting him off but I always felt so weak. It’s like I was frozen. I couldn’t move even though I wanted to turn around and punch him in the throat and kick his fucking dick!”

Regina wailed, breaking down in Janis’ arms as she rubbed her back, “I got you. I know exactly what to do. Okay? Trust me, babe.”

“Of course, I do. I trust you with my life, Janis.” Regina hiccups, “I didn’t know how to tell anyone— I— I’ve been feeling like shit, baby. He said— he said he liked my figure. So my brain thought, ‘hey, if you don’t eat that much, you’ll lose that ‘figure’ so he wouldn’t be so attracted to you and leave you alone’. But no, he kept doing it, he kept saying those things and said I looked better and better— like— what the fuck!”

“It’s okay. It’ll be okay.” Janis assured, “I promise you. I’ll stop all of that tomorrow.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Don’t. It’s not something you need to apologise for.” Janis stops her, “I have a morning class, yours are in the afternoon. I’ll go for my class in the morning and stick around in school, near where you are. I know which rooms you’ll be in so I will be right outside every class. Even just a little bit of noise, I’ll be right there.”


Today, Janis intentionally put on the same top Graham saw her in that one evening when she and Regina were on their way to dinner. “Doesn’t raise suspicion, this is subtle enough for me to get by the day unnoticed by anyone but him. Maybe you. I know you like this top.”

Regina allowed herself to chuckle, “Of course I do. I bought you this shirt.”

“That you did.” Janis grins, “This’ll look a little silly but I’ll have my phone on a lanyard around my neck, camera facing out. He can’t deny any of it if it’s caught on tape. It’s evidence, if not one believes us, we’ll still have the video. Which could come in handy since we will be reporting this to the police.”


“Pity you’re attached, you would’ve been so lucky to be spoilt by me…” He purrs, sending a sickening chill down Regina’s back.

“I have a girlfriend, mind you.” Regina snarled.

“Watch your tone.”

“Yeah, of course. You’re my teacher.” Regina smirked. The door opens a crack, Janis got clearer audio and some footage now. His hand started to go down to her bottom as usual, Janis definitely caught that on video. “Graham, like what you’re seeing?” Janis stepped inside, asking boldly. He looked like a deer caught in headlights. Hand still on Regina but his head whipped around. “Oh, you too?” He smirked, Janis tried not to puke right then and there.

“Is that what you think? That I put this shirt on for you? No my girlfriend, not because I like the shirt?”

“Why else would you wear such a small top than to show off that rack?” He laughed lowly, “You expect me to believe that you wore it thinking no one would look? At all? Look at her! And look at you!”

“You’re a fucking pig, Graham. Burn in hell.” Janis spat, furious, pulling Regina closer to herself quickly.


“That’s what you say. That’s what people will hear.” Janis shrugs, “Farewell, dickhead. They’re gonna get you.”

Hey, Could You Write A Rejanis Angst Where Regina Has Problems With A Teacher Acting Inappropriately

🏷️Tag list:

@ashecampos @auliisflower @cheesysoup-arlo @frogs00 @ludoesartnstuffs @pda128


Here it is, I hope it was okay. Take care of yourself anon! 🫂💗 thanks for your request, allowed me to challenge myself🥲

7 months ago


Regina(big sister of reader) connects the dots and realizes reader has a massive crush on Janis

Some fighting

Good ending 🫡


Janis ‘Imi’ike x fem! reader(+ older sister Regina)

Warnings: coarse language, reader & Regina quarrel a little

In which Regina steps up and becomes reader’s wingwoman when reader’s crush on a certain someone becomes annoying (in Regina’s terms)

Regina(big Sister Of Reader) Connects The Dots And Realizes Reader Has A Massive Crush On Janis
Regina(big Sister Of Reader) Connects The Dots And Realizes Reader Has A Massive Crush On Janis

After your Mom and Dad split up, you and your sister’s bond only grew stronger. Individually, you could still love your parents to an extend, and definitely appreciated them for what they’ve given you and Regina. But everything was still tumultuous so you and your sister have learnt over the years to stay away from them as much as possible. As a result, Regina pretty much paid for your food, new clothes and even your phone bill. Heck, she was the one who got you a proper working phone after a four-year old handed down device from your Mom had become absolutely just useless. You never asked for anything unless you needed it, but she would always get you a little something every now and then without telling you anything.

Regina was two years older than you, so when you first started high school, she was already in junior year. And that was the craziest year of all to you. Not just because of the Burn Book wrecking total havoc in her year but also the first time you’ve seen someone in a damn long time. You walked into school with Regina on one of your first morning of freshmen year, eyes curiously observing your surroundings. You had completely stopped in your tracks when your gaze fell on a familiar face. You couldn’t tell who it was, but definitely knew who it was.

Let’s put it this way…your brain couldn’t remember but your heart sure did. “Who are you looking at?” Regina noticed, closing her locker after getting out a book she needed.

“Is that— um, what’s her name? Wasn’t she your best friend?”

“Oh, that’s Janis. Yes, we were friends. Probably why you recognise her because she used to come over a lot and you would always cling onto her like a koala bear or something.”

“Are you still on that?” You grumbled, “I was four.”

“What did you want?”

“I don’t know. Reintroduce myself? I don’t know anyone here except you and Cady.”

“I could help with that.” Regina shrugs, “You…just go up to her and say hello.”

“Uh…no way, Regina.” You scoff, studying your schedule closely, “Where’s room 217?”

“I’ll take you there. Just go say hi.”

“Not doing that, just take me to the classroom.” You sigh.

“Whatever.” Regina smirked, “Let’s go then.”

Being in different years, the sisters obviously did not have any classes together. But, they did run into each other again at lunch since they had their break at the same time-slot. You had no one to sit with, so you just found a table in the corner and settled down to eat while Regina sat with her friends and Cady. “Hey.” You heard a voice walking up behind you. Your back stiffens as you sat up. Hold on…

You turned around and you saw her getting closer to you. “Wow, I thought I saw you earlier.” She says. “Haven’t seen you in forever. y/n, right?”

“Janis.” You chuckled, “Hi.”

“Mind if I join you?”

“Not at all, go ahead.” You shrug, trying to keep it cool.

She sits down opposite you, “So…how’s your first day so far?”

“Made a friend, we don’t have lunch together though. My two best friends from middle school got assigned to a different high school, so it kinda sucks a little to have to start all over.”

“Ah, just take it easy and let things happen on its own. Don’t stress yourself out over things that you can’t really control, you’ll meet the right people with time.”

You hummed, shrugging your shoulders as you stabbed the food with your fork and ate some of it.

“You know, I remember when you were probably like— 3 or 4. And you would always cling onto me while me and Regina played board games or cards or something.” Janis mentions.

“Oh, my God— you remember that too? Regina keeps bringing it up to make fun of me.” You sigh, but couldn’t help it and laughed a little anyway.

Janis grins, “I thought it was sweet that you trusted me that much.”

“Is that so?” You guffawed.

“Oh, very much so.” She nods, “I don’t have siblings so having you to dote on the way I did was great.”

Siblings. Well, what a weird feeling you were having in your heart right now. Staring at your tray, you twirled the spaghetti with your fork, avoiding her eyes.

Pushing that feeling aside, you soon continued to chat with Janis for the remainder of lunch, saying bye to her when the two of you went your separate ways to your respective classes.


After classes were all done for the day, you made your way to the parking lot to wait for your sister by her Jeep as discussed. You waited just a few minutes before she showed up with Cady. “Hi, y/n!” Cady waved at you cheerfully.

“Hey!” You smiled in return, getting into the car when the both of them did.

“How was your day?” Regina asked casually as she started to drive away from school grounds.

“It was okay, Janis talked to me at lunch, I made a friend in my art class.”

“Good— wait—” Regina nearly gasped but stopped herself, “She did?”

“Almost made a fucking fool of myself.”

“What? It couldn’t be that bad, you guys know each other.”

“The last time I saw her, I was 10. It’s been four years.” You glared at your sister, “You know what the first thing she brought up was? Exactly what you mentioned this morning.”

“Come on, bubs. It was cute.”

“Yes! Because I was four.” You groaned, “Did you remind her?”

“Hey, we’re not close like we used to be. Don’t overestimate either of us.”

“What…what are you guys talking about?” Cady asks, confused.

“She took forever trying to figure out who Janis was this morning. But that’s beside the point, what she’s referring to is, I told her how she used to always basically climb onto Janis and snuggle while I was trying to hang out with my best friend.”

“Oh, enough.”

“y/n, what’s the big —”

“You better watch it.” You warned.

“Ooh.” Regina glances at you with wide eyes, “Moody much. Cramps?”

“Shut up.” You huffed, crossing your arms as you looked outside while she drives.

You got home and just went straight to your room. Regina sighs, “I don’t even wanna know what’s going on.”

“She’s upset.” Cady pointed out, “She clearly didn’t want you to tell people that. You didn’t need to tell me.”

“It’s not a big deal, though. She always laughs at that and suddenly today she has a problem with it?”

“Well, things change?” Cady sat down, Regina does so as well.

“I only told you. I didn’t tell anyone else, so what I don’t get it why she’s so pissed off— oh my God.”

“What?” Cady asks, panicking a little inside.

“She said she almost made a fool of herself at lunch. Janis was with her.”


“Do you think she likes Janis?” Regina gasped, “Like actually, has feelings for her?”

“I mean, it’s a possible explanation as to why she had such a big reaction to something she usually couldn’t care less about.”

“Janis talked to her.” Regina continued, “Janis doesn’t just talk to somebody.”

“She talked to your sister. Someone she knows.” Cady says.

“Not after four years of being practically strangers.” Regina smirks.

“What on Earth are you planning, Regina?” Cady asked nervously.

“Do you think…it’s possible that Janis would go out on a date with y/n?”

“I mean…”

“I’m gonna go talk to y/n. One sec.”

That did not go well, you two ended up yelling at each other and that subject subsequently got dropped. You cried yourself to sleep that night, not because Regina yelled at you, but because you were afraid Regina was right. That she was right about you having a raging crush on Janis. This was what scared you, you didn’t want to admit it because it will make you act more awkward around her. It was as if when she said it, it became real to you. So you freaked out and yelled back at her. Regina screamed back at you, frustrated and you told her to leave you alone so she did.

Fast forward to present day, six months after your first day at North Shore. Things have been okay with you and Regina after like a week, but since then, every time you somehow spent time with Janis(and Damian), you became so hyper aware of your feelings for the girl. And how your cheeks seem to heat up when you saw her, how you could barely look her in the eye when she talked to you. How nervous you felt. It was ridiculous. You felt like a crazy person in her presence. Each school day felt terribly long, and you couldn’t wait to get home every day.

“Okay, y/n. Honestly, you’re being way too stressed out about this.” Regina declared. “Sit down.”

“Like you weren’t this way with Cady.” You shot back. “I remember it, okay?”

“Let me help you.” She continues, unfazed.

“How? You don’t like her, still.”

“Do you have her number?”

“Yes, why?” You eyed her suspiciously.

“I could text her for you. Ask her out?”

“Are you crazy?!” You shrieked.

“Maybe a little.” Regina laughs, amused. “But I can definitely help you out, okay? I get it, you feel insane trying to keep calm. But nothing works— I get that. It’s very frustrating, but once you take that first step, everything just falls into place.”

“You can’t be so sure, Regina.”

“What makes you think that?” She squinted at you.

“She said, and I quote ‘I don’t have siblings so having you to dote on the way I did was great.’ So, Regina…do you still think I have a chance?”

“Yes.” Regina said confidently.

“I can’t— okay? What if I just make an even bigger fool out of myself? What if she rejects me and just cuts me off?”

“Okay, first thing’s first. You need to take some deep breaths and calm the hell down because we didn’t even do anything about the situation yet.” Regina started. “Give me your phone.”

“Must I?”

“Do you want to get your girl or not, y/n?” She spoke through gritted teeth, holding out her hand for you to put your phone in it. You surrendered it to her, “Match my tone, please? That’s all I’m asking.”

“I’m not an amateur, relax, y/n.”

Regina(big Sister Of Reader) Connects The Dots And Realizes Reader Has A Massive Crush On Janis

“There. It’s done— didn’t even take her a minute to respond.” Regina smirks, “She asked you where you’d like to hang out.”

“Oka— what?!” You stared at her, stunned, “Really?”

“Yeah— look.” She handed your phone back to you.

“Where do you think—”

“Honey, that’s your choice.” Regina nudged.

You thought about it for a while then decided on just going to the mall. You two could grab a lunch then watch a movie, whatever works best for that day, you guessed.

“Oh, God.” You muttered, “What do I wear?!”

“Oh, you poor thing.” Regina teased, “You just wear whatever you like, be yourself. She’ll love it.”

“Yeah, yeah, thanks.”


Well, Friday night you stayed up late texting Janis. You weren’t even sure how it started but you guys were nearly three hours into the conversation.

Regina(big Sister Of Reader) Connects The Dots And Realizes Reader Has A Massive Crush On Janis
Regina(big Sister Of Reader) Connects The Dots And Realizes Reader Has A Massive Crush On Janis

You were this close to tossing your phone across the room after sending her your response with that emoji. But when she replied, your worries went away, and you get sucked back into the conversation quickly enough. Eventually, she tells you to go to bed.

Regina(big Sister Of Reader) Connects The Dots And Realizes Reader Has A Massive Crush On Janis
Regina(big Sister Of Reader) Connects The Dots And Realizes Reader Has A Massive Crush On Janis

Were you seeing things? Did she just send you a heart?! Nearly squealing, you rolled over, face down in your pillow to muffle the noise. Needless to say, you went to sleep the happiest you’ve felt, probably ever.

Oh, and…

Regina(big Sister Of Reader) Connects The Dots And Realizes Reader Has A Massive Crush On Janis

Regina(big Sister Of Reader) Connects The Dots And Realizes Reader Has A Massive Crush On Janis

🏷️ Tag list:

@ashecampos @auliisflower @cheesysoup-arlo @frogs00 @ludoesartnstuffs @pda128


Uh so…part 2?

(Yes I gave Janis a Hawaiian name)

7 months ago


hiiii <3

Can you do one where Janis has been having a lot or trouble in school, and her friends have always kind of jokingly called her dumb or stupid because she makes bad or irrational decisions and she gets overwhelmed and at a big group sleepover freaks out and regina has to calm her down in front of everyone.

Shut up, shut up

Janis ‘Imi’ike x Regina George

Warnings: coarse language, teasing/bullying, Janis gets angry, some crying, self-loathing, implied smut at the end

Janis has been trying to play nice. But her feelings have been hurt by those closest to her— over and over again. One night, she loses it in front of everyone, needing Regina to step in and defuse the situation.

“G, hey.” Janis walks up to Regina, backpack slung over one shoulder.

“Hey, you.” Regina’s flashes her a smile when she came up before her, pressing a kiss to her cheek. Janis barely reacted, causing her to ask if she was okay.

“My new homeroom teacher gave me detention for doing embroidery work in the classroom. It’s not like I wasn’t listening, y’know?”

“Ugh, I’m sorry, baby.” Regina puts an arm around her and they headed to their next class together.

“At least it’s only an hour. I’ll be right there at your place as soon as I get outta detention.”

“Mm, okay.” Regina hums, snaking an arm around her waist. “Want me to cook?”

Janis agrees with an eager nod, “That’d be nice.”

Entering the classroom with some time to spare, the couple sat down at their usual desks, Janis takes out her class materials before Regina followed suit. When their teach walked in, the students immediately quiet down. But still, the teacher standing in the front of the class seemed visibly unhappy. “Yes, ‘Imi’ike. I’m looking at you.”

Janis was startled, then confused. “Don’t look so confused, you’re not a freshman. You should know your clothing choice is against school code.”

“I…have been wearing the same kind of outfits all year. Why is it that it’s become a problem today?”

“It’s too short.” The teacher nearly seethed, “Say another word and I’m giving you an hour detention.”

Regina bites back a scoff, but the teacher saw it anyway. “What’s seems to be the problem, George?”

“Nothing, Mr. Moss.”

“‘Imi’ike, one hour. And cover up.”

Not wanting to escalate the situation and cause more trouble for herself, she stayed silent and dug through her backpack for her jacket, put it on and zipped it up.

Janis was starting to feel irritated again. Everything seemed to be going wrong already. And the day’s barely started. She was tense from the anger and frustration that was bubbling up within her— Regina could tell. That meant Janis would definitely need to let go of that emotion after school, some way somehow. Usually, Regina would help her out, cuddling, or much more. Other times, what Janis needed would be to scream, cry or both. Very rarely, Janis would immediately just punch something. Regina hated that last method the most because Janis would end up hurting herself, and that, hurt Regina.

When lunchtime rolled around, Janis got herself three hours of detention and a substitute teacher to hate her. Really, all Janis did was clarify the number of pages in the workbook they had to complete and the teacher immediately responded by yelling.

“Fuck, fuck. I hate today.” Janis mutters, sitting down at the usual bench with her friends. Regina was right next to her, “What happened?”

“What didn’t happen, G?”

“Oh, come on. Don’t be so dramatic, Janis. I’m sure it’s not that bad.” Karen remarked. Janis sucks in a deep breath, keeping her gaze focused on her Converse. She shrugs off Regina’s hand on her back and was fiddling with her thumbs, painfully hard. “Stop.” Gretchen interjects before Karen could continue, “Don’t say anything else. That’s not nice, Karen.”

“But she always—” Aaron added on, “You don’t have the best temper, Janis.”

Now, Regina wanted to slap him. Janis quickly grabbed her bag and ran to the bathroom, feeling like a knife’s been repeatedly slicing through her heart hearing each passing word.

“Janis.” Regina tried to hold her back by the wrist but she easily got free and went on her way.

“Very good, guys. Y’all are such children.” Damian scoffs, Regina leaves the table to go check on Janis.

“Just leave me alone, Regina.” Janis spoke through gritted teeth, hands clutching the sink countertop.

“No, I will not.”

“You need to eat.” Janis says softly.

“Oh, and you don’t?” Regina replied.

“Fuck, why?” Janis slams her fist to the counter, Regina internally cringes, “Jay, let’s go back to lunch. Ignore them, okay?”

“Really? They always do this, make little comments about me, about how I have shitty temper, always being like ‘oh, it’s just Janis being Janis.‘. They don’t see how hard I’ve been trying to change for the better, and how sometimes, the things I get into trouble for aren’t my fault.”


When the last bell rang, Janis snaps out of her trance. It felt like she blacked out after lunch and just got through the rest of her day— without any other punishments, fortunately. Regina waits for her right outside the classroom and they head to detention together. “Mom isn’t home for the week. You wanna come over after? I’ll wait for you to get out,”

“Sure.” Janis says, barely audible.

Janis didn’t say much of anything after that. Regina quickly bid her goodbye and went off to her car and waited. Well, she did drive off to the supermarket to get some ingredients to cook, and snacks. But the three hours went by fast enough. Janis got out of detention, obviously in a bad mood. She didn’t say anything and just rested her head on the window as she looked out of it. Regina doesn’t force her to talk, knowing what to do. Once they got to Regina’s room, Janis just yanked the jacket off and crashed into the bed to sleep. Regina didn’t want to stop her, because she clearly needed that. It was better than her punching a table and bruising her hand. She moves herself to lay right next to Janis, carefully wrapping an arm around her and planting a kiss to her shoulder. “I’m sorry.”

“Don’t say sorry. None of what happened today was your fault.”

“Clearly it has to be, even our friends are saying it like I don’t know it.”

“Janis.” Regina sighs softly, “Listen to me. It’s not on you, that’s on them. They’re just unfair, angry…sometimes, immature. Some teachers just take their own frustrations out on students and it sucks. But, don’t apologise for things that aren’t your fault, Janis. Please.”

“I can’t help it.” Janis exhales shakily. “They still think I’m like— unbreakable. I’m not, okay? I’m not. I’m fucking weak.”

“You are not weak, Janis. No.” Regina held her tighter, kissing her again, “You are not weak, Janis. You are the strongest person I’ve ever known, and that’s coming from someone who got hit by a bus.”

Janis’ body relaxed gradually as she listens to Regina speak, and her eyes also fluttered shut. She doesn’t say anything though, not because she didn’t know what to say. But because she was afraid of crying even harder.

“Just sleep, it’s okay. I’m here. Everything’s going to be alright, I got you.”

They both woke up again around dinner time and headed straight for the kitchen to prepare dinner. “Pasta?”

“Okay.” Janis agrees, leaning against the counter. “The gang’s coming over, right? That’s tonight— the sleepover?”

“Yeah. Do you want me to cancel?”

“No, it’s fine.” Janis shrugs, “As long as they shut up about me.”

“I’ll make sure of it.” Regina grins, smooching Janis on the cheek then all over her face, making her giggle.

The both of them cooked together, enjoying each other’s company and chatting about anything and everything under the sun. “Holy shit, this smells amazing.”

“Oh, thank you~” Regina bites back a grin, grabbing a plate to start portioning the food for themselves and the gang that were arriving any minute. “Never made this before.”

“Eh, well, you’re a good cook, G.” Janis smiled cheekily, grabbing a strand of noodle from the pot to try it. Regina shrieks, “Janis, oh my God!”

“My hands are clean!” Janis laughs, throwing her hands up in mock defeat. Just as Regina was about to say something back, the doorbell rang. “I’ll go get the door.” Janis says, walking away to the foyer. “Okay, thanks, baby.”

They say hi to her and Janis. Cady, Gretchen and Damian gave her a hug. First thing they did? They gathered around the dining table to have dinner as a group. Janis quietly went over to the fridge to pour herself a drink but her hand slipped and she dropped her mug when she felt a sudden squeezing pain on one side of her head.

“Oh, shit.” Someone gasped. Aaron, it was Aaron.

“Are you okay?” Janis heard Regina and Gretchen.

“Why so distracted, you dummy?” Aaron asks, it was clearly a joke. He always called her these nicknames and she didn’t mind, having a self-deprecating sense of humour. But lately, she just wasn’t having it. She’s had enough of these unkind nicknames and teasing. Regina rushed to her side to see if she cut her hand, “Don’t touch it. I’ll take care of it.”

“I’m fine, go back to dinner.”

“Janis, are you just trying to use the fact that you got detention to smash things?” Damian asked with a laugh. The rest of the gang chuckles.

“Shut up.” Janis mutters, clearly in some distress. She wasn’t even looking Regina in the eye now. “Shut up.” Janis repeated, “All of you shut the fuck up. I don’t need anyone else calling me dumb, stupid, insinuating that I’m violent and cannot control my emotions. Shut up!”

Janis swallowed her tears painfully, sliding down into a squat while her back rested against the counter. “I’m sorry.” Janis said quietly to Regina. “It’s okay, it’s just a mug. As long as you’re not injured, I couldn’t care less about a measly piece of ceramic.”

“I’m such a fuck up, I ruin everything.”

“Ja— baby, you’re not a fuck up. Okay? These people need to learn to get the hint and stop. I’m sure they wouldn’t like it too if they were in your shoes. I’m proud of you for speaking up, okay? Never ever say that about yourself again, that’s the last thing you’ll ever be. You are not a fuck up, Janis.”

“I don’t get it— you guys could tell she wasn’t happy about those damn nicknames and you all still continued? And you just had to laugh at Damian’s stupid ‘joke’? How would you feel if that’s all you heard about yourself from your friends?”

“I’m sorry, Janis. I’ll stop using those names, it was wrong, and I thought it was okay because you never stopped me and in fact laughed along. That doesn’t make it right, I should’ve paid better attention.”

“I’ll never call you dramatic again.” Karen swore, “I promise.”

Janis appreciated and acknowledged their apologies but ultimately decided she needed to spend more time alone to calm down. So, she excused herself and finished up her dinner by the pool. “Hey.” Regina came out to check on her a little later after she put on a movie on the TV for the gang. “I got you your drink.”

Janis turned around, taking the cup from Regina. “Thanks.”

Regina sat down on the low pool chair, groaning slightly as she did so due to the lingering discomfort in her back. “Do you feel better?”

“I guess.” Janis sniffed, picking at the food on her plate. “I don’t know, I think I’m just feeling weird because my mom and dad have been fighting a lot again lately and I just feel so…not like myself. And I — I fucking hate it. I hate that every little thing’s been pissing me off.”

“Babe, please…you’re a human being. Of course you’d feel emotions. Scared, worried, annoyed, sad. Whatever it is, you’d better feel them instead of bottling it all up.”

Janis cracked a smile, eating another forkful of the pasta.

“There’s that smile.” Regina coos, “Don’t you dare lose that smile of yours.”

Janis blushes, poorly hiding it. “You’re so cute.” Regina chuckles to herself, watching Janis getting flustered. “Though I must say…that too you wore at school today? So damn hot.”

“Oh, yeah?” Janis guffaws, setting her finished plate down, “Which am I then? Cute? Or hot?”

“Nice try, you’re both.” Regina turned to face her properly, patting her knee, “Let’s uh…take this up to my room?”

“Tempted.” Janis laughs quietly, “But what do you think we should do about the gang then?”

“Who cares?! They have plenty of stuff to do. Most of the gang’s kissing each other anyway.”

“Well, thank you so very much for putting that image into my head.” Janis snorted, shuddering in disgust.

Regina sighs, pushing herself up off the pool chair then extending her arm for Janis to grab her hand, “Let’s go, pretty girl.”


🏷️ Tag list:

@ashecampos @auliisflower @cheesysoup-arlo @frogs00 @ludoesartnstuffs @pda128


Enjoy this half-assed attempt. Took me all day but I’m still not entirely satisfied with how it turned out. Hope it’s still okay though🤡

7 months ago


No Place Like Home

Janis ‘Imi’ike x fem! reader

Warnings: some coarse language

In which reader and Janis make a big move…back home.

“Say that again? Damian stares at you and Janis with wide eyes. “Where?”

“They’re moving to Hawai’i. Were you even listening?” Regina scoffs.

“I heard them. But excuse my surprise!” Damian shot the blonde a look, huffing.

“That’s so exciting.” Gretchen chimed in.

“When are you guys leaving?” Cady asked.

“Next month. Maybe earlier.” Janis shrugs.

“How are you all so calm about this? Do y’all know how far away that is?!”

“I’m moving home. Something I’ve been wanting to do for many years now. And given that we’re fortunate to be making enough income to do so, I’m not going to regret it. Besides, me and y/n are married- what did you think I would do? Leave her here in Chicago?”

“Yeah, you’re right.” Damian quiets down swiftly, “I’m just a little shocked, that’s all. Sorry for my little outburst.”

“I get it. To be honest, it kinda scares me to leave everything behind.”

“I mean, you guys are coming back to visit, right?” Gretchen’s brows were knit together in concern, and slight panic.

“And technically we can go visit them.” Regina quips.

“Technically.” Janis says, “Okay, the islands get enough visitors as they are and if y’all are gonna be destroying the nature and disturbing the wildlife…”

“We won’t.” Cady promised.

“Yeah, not everyone’s rich like you are, Regina.” Damian laughs.

Anyway, a little while later, the gang was just gathered around the dining table with a bunch of snacks and a stack of Uno cards. The subject of you and Janis moving away for good wasn’t brought up again.

You visited Hawai’i twice with Janis, and both times, she was the happiest you’ve ever seen her. Okay, she was happiest whenever she was with you. But once she was home, it was a whole other level of glowing.


No Place Like Home
No Place Like Home
No Place Like Home
No Place Like Home
No Place Like Home
No Place Like Home
No Place Like Home
No Place Like Home
No Place Like Home
No Place Like Home


🏷️Tag list:

@ashecampos @auliisflower @cheesysoup-arlo @frogs00 @ludoesartnstuffs @pda128


I lost my motivation and mood for the initial idea of this ‘drabble’ so I turned it into a more social media themed?? fic😭 sorry—

(Pics used in post are from Pinterest + Auli’i’s IG + my own camera roll for slide 5)