chemyach - Chemya

Hi ! I'm Chemya ! She/her | French/Russian I mainly do CH art, and I don't ship countries, I just post here for fun. And sometimes might post with some historical facts.

89 posts



East Germany and Countryhumans: Common Fandom Tropes that Make no Sense (To Me)

Thanks @geisterland for inspiring me to make this. Now I have not done in depth research into East Germany, but I have done some research.

East Germany and West Germany are twins.

While I understand the reasoning behind this, the countries were created months apart (West Germany was created on 23 May 1949, and East Germany was created on 7 October 1949), and making them twins never really made much sense to me. This is obviously very headcanon-dependent, so to each their own, but I feel this is something people need to take into account when making an East Germany.

2. East Germany is the weaker one who needs to be "saved" by West Germany

While East Germany is a satellite state and did have significant Soviet influence in their government, that doesn't mean that they are inherently meek or whatever and that they are scared or abused or depressed. The idea that East Germany needs to be saved from their evil Soviet occupiers reads a lot like American propaganda. Not that I am saying that the Soviets were good and perfect and they only did good things for East Germany, but East Germany had it's own government fucking things up for them, including the debt that was a leading cause in why they wanted reunification. Completely ignoring East Germany's own government in favor of portraying them as some sort of colony or puppet state of the Soviet government makes no sense, especially considering that there are several instances in which the East German government and Soviet government disagreed on things.

3. East Germany was brainwashed by Soviet

Now I feel like this one kinda depends more on context and reasoning. Like, yes they were Satellite state, that does not mean they were completely controlled by Soviet. If you want to make them brainwashed into liking communism, then maybe focus more on the East German government, the actual authoritarian government that controlled East Germany. East Germany's history does not revolve around the USSR. While it, of course, played a significant role, you cannot boil every negative thing down to the USSR. Doing so ignores the actual East German government and what it did, as well as it's reasonings.

Maybe East Germany doesn't agree with everything their government does, but they convince them it's for the betterment of their people. Maybe East Germany didn't like the USSR because of all the war reparations they had to pay! Maybe East Germany does support communism, just doesn't like her government! You can spice it up! Add some variety! There is so much East German history that isn't just the USSR!

4. East Germany has depression because of the Berlin Wall and because they couldn't see West Germany

Guys. West and East Germany were both in the UN. They could talk there. Not to mention, Berlin wasn't the only place they could see each other. That doesn't make any sense.

East Germany also gets portrayed as depressed a lot because of the Berlin Wall, which was a hugely important part of their history, but I feels boils down too much of East Germany's history too just the Berlin Wall, but also seems like a cop-out for a depressed owo East Germany that West Germany and the West need to save. Am I saying that East Germany having depression is inherently bad? No. What I am saying is that it is not often done right and just seems lazy.

For example, my East Germany does have depression. But because her life doesn't revolve around West Germany and the Berlin Wall, that is not the reason for it. My East Germany has depression due to the fact that she feels like she is powerless to help her people, feeling like she can't do anything to stop bad things from happening to them, and due to the fact that her government can be very restrictive in how she is supposed to act or behave. Her depression is linked to actual problems within East Germany and how she processed those problems.

5. East Germany was not just a Soviet punching bag

seriously, just read the Wikipedia page, and you can see that. If you're going to give East Germany trauma, at least link it to actual events that were happening there.

6. East Germany isn't evil

Communism doesn't mean the countryhuman is evil. Authoritarian governments do not mean the personification is evil. East Germany is more compelling and interesting when based on her people and not her government (Or Soviet's government, since y'all seem pretty keen on ignoring the fact that East Germany had it's own government)

TLDR: East Germany's portrayal in the countryhumans fandom is lazy at best and just a caricature of anti-communist propaganda at worse. Or just evil. Please just open the Wikipedia for once I'm begging you.

I open this to more opinions and what you think on East Germany's portrayal! I am happy to discuss ideas

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6 months ago

I don't understand why proshippers exist.

I am in the Countryhumans fandom, so I know what I'm talking about.

I already wrote these ships that I hate in my pinned blog, but I REALLY hate Sovame, like stop shipping enemies together omfg

USSR and Weimar too I hate it

Rusger (Russia and Germany) Ew, why you guys are shipping them? Especially Russians themselves, I've seen them ship it like wtf ☠️

T.R and USSR doesn't need an explaination.

And R.E and Prussia/G.E just why...

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Also, Starker shippers, I'm watching you. You guys are disgusting.

PureCacao I hate this ship because of the fandom. At first I didn't mind it, I actually understood why people like it, and I would probably rate 6/10, but now, I'll rate it 0/10 you fans ruined it.

Also, I'm glad BillDipper isn't a popular ship anymore. Even when I was twelve, I knew it's wrong to ship a dorito with a child.

Sorry I just had to vent this out because I hate ships, they ruin the fandom, especially the disgusting ones.

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